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1、吸血鬼日记第四季第四集台词Mystic Falls. I was born here.This is my home.- And mine. - And mine.For centuries, supernatural creatures have lived among us.They were vampires, werewolves, doppelgangers.- witches. - And even hybrids.Then theres Elena. Shes one of us now.Youre a vampire now.You just have to learn the

2、 right way to be one.And Im gonna teach you.Now theres a hunter in town, determined to kill us all.Theres more to you than meets the eye, isnt there?And only I know his secret.Youre one of the five.So what is all this?Some personal items that I snakedfrom the vampire hunters RV.May he rest in peace.

3、Im searching for a supernatural handbook.You know for a fact he was supernatural?Definitely wasnt natural.The guy magically appears just as someoneblows up the entire founders council,covered in a tattoo that only Jeremy Gilbert,of all people in the world, seems to be able to see.Klaus mentioned som

4、ething about him being one of the five.And then he kamikazes himself with explosives.- Seem natural to you? - Whats the five?Thats what Im hoping is in the first chapter of the handbook.Liz Forbes, my favorite sheriff.What?Thats.concerning.Keep me posted.What, youre not going to tell me?I cant tell

5、you. Its private. Were in a fight.Youre in a fight, Im not in a fight.Im over it. Ive been over it.Youre not still mad at me about Elena?You let her feed on you. Im always going to be mad at you.But were not in a fight.Very well, then.They didnt find any remains at the explosion site.So Connors stil

6、l out there.Apparently so.Im going to need you to get on this today.I have to take Elena to college.Im sorry, you have to do what, exactly?Im teaching her how to feed.She needs to learn snatch, eat, erase now more than ever.Were not in a fight, remember?I know its crazy, but I almost killed Matt las

7、t night.Damon had to rip me off of himand then compel him to forget.Call it doppelganger curse or whatever,but I cant drink animal blood.I cant drink from a blood bag.I can only drink from the vein.A little slow. Almost got you.Thats why were not using the wood onesfor hunter defense class.What abou

8、t Caroline?Shes a genius at self control.Shes too good.She doesnt understand how hard it is.And you, well, I know what being aroundtoo much blood does to you, so.I cant put you through that.So I guess that leaves Damon, huh?Dont be jealous. You know I wish it could be you.Fine. You wish it could be

9、me.Were crashing Bonnies trip to Whitmore college.The professor that took over her grams classes? He invited her.Listen to me.Youre the one whos getting me through this.No matter who teaches me how to feed.OK.Just be careful, ok?The blood, the feed.Its easy to get caught up in it.I will.I promise.Wh

10、ats that?The key to your new truck.Its parked outside, paid for, insured, everything but a big red bow.If thats your idea of an apology.You should probably give it to Elena.Shes the one you killed.Youre trying too hard.Last I heard, you were leaving town-forever.Well, I was.But then I thought to mys

11、elf, how can I when my sister,clearly so desperate for love and affection,is left here.bribing the help.What do you want, Nik?I thought I was dead to you.Things change, Rebekah.Ive stumbled upon something I think might be of interest to you.Doubt that.No? Well, what if I told youthe brotherhood of t

12、he five still existed?What?You see?And like that, bygones.Come on, love. Work to do.We dont have anything to do.There is no We.I dont care about the five,and I dont care about you.As you wish.Are you sure that youre ok with this?If I could spell you out of wanting blood, I would.But I cant, so bette

13、r you doing this nowthan at freshman orientation.Something tells me that college isnt in my future anymore.Oh, stop with the pity party.If I can go to college, you can go to college.You? Went to college?Sure. Plenty of times.I always had a thing for sorority girls.Youre disgusting.I know.When I say

14、the word Witch,what pops into your head?Halloween costume?Villain of a fairy tale?Maybe an ex-girlfriend? Well, whatever image it is,its probably not Tanielle Soso.Is that him?Yeah.- Hes kind of. - Hot.Im an admittedly crappy photographer.Now, in reality,or in this reality, at least,witches have app

15、eared across every culture in history.Theyre the architects of the supernatural.Responsible for everything that goes bump in the night,from ghosts to vampiresto doppelgangers.What is this guy, witchipedia?Shh, shut up.Now, if youre a skeptic, youd call that a coincidence.But if youre a true believer

16、.You know what, there really isnt such thing.What if Im. a ripper?- Youre not a ripper. - What if I am?Well, then, pick someone and well find out.Stoner guys are no good to grab. Theyre too paranoid and you dont want the extra buzz.Now, she is fun-sized.But too alert. Geeky girls are inherently susp

17、icious of anyone whos nice to them.What you want is the little blonde, pretty girl.Self absorbed, easily flattered.You just have to separate her from the packand make your move.Am I interrupting you guys?Or is it maybe the other way around?Sorry.I was just saying how much I love witches.Yeah, you an

18、d me both, brother.All right, listen, we should probably talk aboutthe readings that none of you did.Looks like Ill have to beef up the hybrid security detail.I was going to take him,but I figured you went throughsuch trouble to truss him upin your red room of pain.Its from the inquisition.I thought

19、 it was a nice touch.Whatd you get out of him?Not enough.Hes mum about the council fireand hes not saying anything about this greater evilwere all supposed to be shivering over.What brings you snooping?Well, I cant say it in front of him.As Im sure youve figured out,our friend here cant be compelled

20、.Youre full of mysteries, arent you?I told you, I dont know anything.Thankfully, I know plenty.Shall we?So whats with the home invasion?Damon said you knew something about this guy.I should have figured you were up to somethingwhen you healed Elena from the werewolf poisonwithout asking for anything

21、 in return.I was feeling benevolent.Youre never benevolent.Who is this guy? Whats the five?So many questions.Its a good thing I have nothing to do today.Except get answers out of you.Fine.You might actually be useful in persuading my sister to cooperate.The brotherhood of the fivewas a group of high

22、ly skilled vampire hunters.We crossed paths with them in the twelfth century.Italy. My siblings and I had followed the Normans as they conquered the south.Feeding, turning people as we went.These demons live among you.Passing as human.But with the bloodshed came exposure.So witness with your own eye

23、s.Hes putting on quite the show.Hes nothing.I could eat him for sport.Still, you should heed the warning.Between you here and Kol in the east,you have not been discreet.Stories of the original vampires are spreading.I welcome such infamy.If youre worried about discretion,perhaps you should wrangle o

24、ur sister.So these huntershave been around for 900 years?Apparently.Well, our friend in the other roomis the first Ive seen since then.Kind of makes you wonder what theyve been up to all these years.And Rebekah had a thing with one of them?She didnt just have a thing.She fell in love with him.He tol

25、d her all his secrets.which I will gladly share with you.Provided you do one thing for me.And whats that?Get Rebekah over here.Shes being stubborn.And hateful. I need to make peace with her.I want her to give me some very important information about the hunter, which she wont do unless she believes

26、weve made up.And.Whats in it for me?Just get her here and Ill tell you.And Stefan.Trust me when I say this-that hunter in thereholds the answer to all your prayers.April.- Can I get you some more water? - Im good.Im not just sitting here alone like the loser new girl. Im with my friend. She just.Sor

27、ry. Family drama.You two are friends?Is it so hard to believe I would have one?Yeah. It is.And Im keeping the truck.Off limits! I have dibs.You wont remember any of this.Klaus wants me to fake peace with youso youll talk about the five.Yeah, I bet. Dont help him.Hell just betray you. Its what he doe

28、s.All right, forget him. Help me instead.Why? You hate me more than he does.Because Im going to figure out what hes up to.And plus I can give you the one thing that he wont.- And whats that? - A clean slate.Im not saying that Im willing to forgive you for what you did to Elena,but Im willing to set

29、it aside and start over.Why would you do that? Because youre obviously not leaving town any time soon,and Im just looking for a way we can all get along.Plus, you cant be too happy wandering around schoolwith no friends.What if I dont care what you or anyone else thinks?Im pretty sure that you care

30、what,Matt over there thinks.So maybe I can talk to him about a clean slate, too.Shes young and healthy, shell heal up like a charm.Just keep your eye on the ball.Its not a game, Damon.Fine, its not a game,Its a high-stakes dangerous maneuver.Now, just go. Just like we practiced.Thats all you have to do.Hey! Youre in my anthro class, right?Uh, yeah. I guess so.I, uh, totally spacedand forgot to get the reading list. Do you have it?Sure. Let me check.This isnt going to hurt. Please dont scream.Whos that?Its my little sister.Get

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