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1、,Chapter 6 Telephoning Etiquette,Telephoning basicsHow to make a teleconferenceHow to leave a voice mail,Key points,Telephoning basics,Before you call-Make notes on key points.-Check the time.(Different time zones)-Telephone numberThe international prefix+the international code of a country+city/are

2、a codes+the local numbere.g.00 233 0302 772541(China Ghana)011 86 0511 88791944(U.S.China),Telephoning basics,On the phone-Use their surnames on the first contact.-Keep your greeting brief.-Make sure your voice is pleasant.-Use courteous and respectful language.-Focus your attention on the other per

3、son.,Telephoning basics,Examples of expressions:Answering the phone-Hello?(informal)-Thank you for calling IT Department.Jody speaking.How can I help you?-Marketing Department.Introducing yourself-Hey Michelle.Its Teresa speaking.(informal)-Hello,this is Julie Madison calling.-Hi,its Gerry from the

4、sales department.-This is she.-Speaking.,Telephoning basics,Examples of expressions:Asking to speak with someone-Is Fred in?(informal)-Is Jackson there,please?(informal)-Can I talk to Millen?-May I speak with Mr.Green,please?-Would the doctor be in/available?,Telephoning basics,Examples of expressio

5、ns:Making special requests-Could you please repeat that?-Would you mind speaking up a little please?-Can you speak a little slower please?My English isnt very good.-Can you call me back?I think I have a bad connection.-Can you please hold for a minute?I have another call.,Telephoning basics,Examples

6、 of expressions:Finishing a conversation-Well,I guess I better get going.Talk to you soon.-Thanks for calling.Bye for now.-I have to let you go now.-I have another call coming through.I better run.-Im afraid thats my other line.-Ill talk to you again soon.Bye.,Telephoning basics,Deal with interrupti

7、on,Ask permission and explain why;come back within 2 minutes,The original caller should redial.,1.The receiver is supposed to redial.2.The secretary should call to explain and apologize if the receiver doesnt redial within 15 minutes.,Telephoning basics,Cell phone-Never make outgoing calls in a plac

8、e or manner that will cause annoyance or embarrassment to others.-Always remember that you are likely to e overheard.-Use message taking and paging services to back up your system when it is switched off.-Always turn off cell phones at meetings,in theatre,and when dining.(vibrate mode)(excuse yourse

9、lf),Telephoning basics,Switchboards-If kept waiting for more than 5 rings,you should be greeted by an apology.-If your call is not answered after ten rings,hang up and call later.-It is good practice for the operator to say to the caller,“Sorry to keep you waiting”every 20 seconds or so during the c

10、onnection.,Telephoning basics,Expressions for operators:Connecting someone-Just a sec.Ill get him.(informal)-Hang on one second.(informal)-Please hold and Ill put you through to his office.-One moment please.-All of our operators are busy at this time.Please hold for the next available person.,Telep

11、honing basics,Secretaries-tactful and considerate,Patiently explain and offer to take a message.Dont make a promise the boss will call back.,Offer to take a message for him/her.Avoid giving away information about the bosss activities to an outsider.,Ask him/her to fax or e-mail thequestions to you,a

12、nd then talk onthe phone.,Telephoning basics,Expressions for secretariesTaking a message for someone-Sams not in.Whos this?(informal)-Im sorry,Lisas not here at the moment.Can I ask whos calling?-Im afraid hes stepped out.Would you like to leave a message?-Hes on lunch right now.Whos calling please?

13、-Hes busy right now.Can you call again later?-Ill let him know you called.-Ill make sure she gets the message.,Telephoning basics,Expressions for secretariesConfirming information-Okay,Ive got it all down.-Let me repeat that just to make sure.-Did you say 555 Charles St.?-You said your name was John

14、,right?-Ill make sure he gets the message.,Teleconferencing,Procedure:Use the handset(not the squawk box)Tell the caller who is with you e.g.“Ive got George Watson from sales and Desmond Ellis from distribution with me.Id like to bring them into our discussion on the conference phone if thats OK wit

15、h you”3.When the caller confirms he/she has no objection,each participant should say“Hello”or“Good morning”to confirm his presence.,Teleconferencing,Procedure:4.At the end of the conference,the leader summarizes the discussion,closes the conference and thanks the participants.5.A written outline sho

16、uld be e-mailed or faxed to participants within three days of the call.6.Use handset to close the call.,Teleconferencing,Basic rules:Dont interrupt,keep on the subject,and avoid negative comment of others.Enunciate clearly and smile often.Everyone must call in on time,as prearranged.,Voice Mail Mess

17、aging,A voice mail greeting-brief and informativeYour nameThe name of your organization/departmentThe day of the week What key(s)callers can press on their telephone for immediate assistance5.When callers can expect a return call6.The name and extension of a colleague who can provide assistance,Voic

18、e Mail Messaging,Examples:Daily Hello,you have reached the office of Marketing Department.I am interviewing today,Monday,May 2nd,and will not be able to get back to you until after 5 pm.If you require assistance in the meantime please call 4427565.Thank you.Examples:Weekly Hello,this is Tom Smith.Fo

19、r the week of May 12 I will not be available on Monday morning to Thursday afternoon,but should be in my office the remainder of the week.If you require assistance during my absence please call 4427565.Thank you.,Voice Mail Messaging,Examples:Extended absence Hi!Tom Jones,ABC Company.Im sorry Im not

20、 available as Im overseas until October 30.If you have any business which requires my immediate attention please call 4427565.If you have a fax machine available please send me a fax and I will attend to it as soon as I return.Thanks for your consideration.Examples:Diversion on busy to secretaries m

21、ailboxes Hello,this is Lisa Jones of Ad Department.Im on another call at the moment but please dont hang up until you leave your name and your telephone number and I will call you back in 30 minutes.Thank you.,Voice Mail Messaging,Examples:Diversion on busy to secretaries mailboxes Hello,this is Lis

22、a Jones of Ad Department.Im on another call at the moment but please dont hang up until you leave your name and your telephone number and I will call you back in 30 minutes.Thank you.,Voice Mail Messaging,Leaving a messageThink through what you are going to say before you place the call.State your n

23、ame first.State your right number right after your name.Consider leaving your e-mail in addition to your phone number.Repeat your phone number twice.State the purpose of your call.Find some common ground.8.Be brief.9.Leave a specific request.,Group Work,Mrs.Teresa Woods has a bit of a sore tooth and

24、 she needs to make an appointment with her dentist.She picks up the phone and calls Dr.Carters office and is told by the answering machine that it is closed at the moment.Task 1 Please give a voice mail greeting that she hears.Task 2 On the next day,Teresa calls again and makes an appointment.Work with your partner to make a phone dialogue for Teresa and the receptionist.,

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