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本文(胡锦涛在中非合作论坛北京峰会开幕式上的讲话.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、胡锦涛在中非合作论坛北京峰会开幕式上的讲话胡锦涛在中非合作论坛北京峰会开幕式上的讲话 胡锦涛在中非合作论坛北京峰会开幕式上的讲话 (二六年十一月四日,北京)中华人民共和国主席胡锦涛 尊敬的梅莱斯总理, 尊敬的各位同事、各位嘉宾, 女士们,先生们,朋友们: 今天是值得历史记住的日子。我们中非领导人本着友谊、和平、合作、发展的宗旨,相聚北京,共叙友情,共商推动中非关系发展、促进发展中国家团结合作的大计。首先,我谨代表中国政府和中国人民,并以我个人的名义,对各位同事和嘉宾前来出席会议,表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!我还要通过在座的非洲各国领导人,向兄弟的非洲人民转达中国人民的亲切问候和良好祝愿! 二年

2、十月,中非共同倡议成立了中非合作论坛。这是中非深化传统友谊、加强友好合作的重大举措。年来,论坛先后在北京和亚的斯亚贝巴成功举办了两届部长级会议,已成为中国同非洲国家开展集体对话、交流治国理政经验、增进相互信任、进行务实合作的重要平台和有效机制。 各位同事、各位朋友! 今年正值新中国同非洲国家开启外交关系五十周年。中国与非洲虽然远隔重洋,但中非人民友谊源远流长、历久弥坚。在漫漫历史长河中,中非人民自强不息、坚忍不拔,创造了各具特色、绚烂多彩的古代文明。近代以来,中非人民不甘奴役、顽强抗争,谱写了追求自由解放、捍卫人类尊严的光辉篇章,创造了国家建设、民族振兴的辉煌历史。中国和非洲的发展进步,为推进

3、人类文明进步事业作出了重大贡献。 年来,中非人民紧密团结,中非友好不断深化。中非各领域交流合作全面发展,取得了丰硕成果。中非在国际事务中相互信任、协调配合,共同维护发展中国家的正当权益。 中国始终坚定支持非洲民族解放和国家建设,从培训技术人员到培训各类人才,从援建坦赞铁路到援建各项工程,从派遣医疗队员到派遣维和官兵,都体现了中国人民对非洲人民的情谊。中国人民不会忘记非洲朋友当年全力支持中华人民共和国恢复在联合国的合法席位,不会忘记非洲国家和人民真诚希望中国完成和平统一大业、热切盼望中国实现现代化建设的宏伟目标。 今天,中非友好已深深扎根在双方人民心中。中非友好之所以能够经受住历史岁月和国际风云

4、变幻的考验,关键是我们在发展相互关系中始终坚持真诚友好、平等相待、相互支持、共同发展的正确原则。 真诚友好,是中非友谊不断加强的坚实基础。我们双方都珍视中非传统友谊,诚心诚意致力于中非友好事业。 平等相待,是中非互信日益增进的重要保证。我们双方都尊重对方自主选择的发展道路,高度重视对方的关切,认真学习对方的发展经验。 相互支持,是中非合作长盛不衰的不竭动力。我们双方都衷心希望并真心支持对方发展进步,积极开展全方位合作。 共同发展,是中非人民孜孜以求的共同目标。我们双方都坚持互利互惠的友好合作,让发展成果惠及双方人民。 各位同事、各位朋友! 当前,国际形势正在发生深刻而复杂的变化。和平、发展、合

5、作是当今时代的主旋律。世界多极化和经济全球化的趋势深入发展,科技进步日新月异,区域合作方兴未艾,各国相互依存不断加深,这些都为世界各国带来了难得的发展机遇。同时,全球发展不均衡,南北差距拉大,传统安全威胁和非传统安全威胁相互交织,影响世界和平与发展的不稳定不确定因素增多,广大发展中国家实现可持续发展面临着严峻挑战。 中国是最大的发展中国家,非洲是发展中国家最集中的大陆,中国和非洲的人口占世界人口三分之一以上。没有中国和非洲的和平与发展,就没有世界的和平与发展。 在新形势下,中非共同利益在扩大,相互需求在增加。建立中非新型战略伙伴关系是中非合作的内在需要,也是促进世界和平与发展的必然要求。中非关

6、系不断发展,不仅有利于中国和非洲的发展进步,而且有利于促进发展中国家的团结合作,有利于推动建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序。为进一步发展中非新型战略伙伴关系,中国愿同非洲国家在以下领域加强合作。 第一,深化平等互信的政治关系。保持高层互访和交往势头,建立定期高层政治对话机制,开展战略对话,增强政治互信,加深传统友谊,实现团结共进。 第二,拓展互利共赢的经济合作。发挥各自优势,密切经贸联系,拓宽合作领域,支持双方企业合作,提升人力资源开发合作水平,积极探索新的合作方式,共享发展成果。 第三,扩大相互借鉴的文化交流。加强人文对话,增进双方人民特别是青年一代的相互了解和友谊,加强教育、科技、文化、卫

7、生、体育、旅游等领域的交流合作,为中非合作提供精神动力和文化支持。 第四,推动均衡和谐的全球发展。加强南南合作,推动南北对话,呼吁发达国家切实兑现市场准入、增加援助、减免债务等承诺,落实千年发展目标,促进经济全球化朝着有利于实现各国共同繁荣的方向发展。 第五,加强相互支持的国际合作。维护联合国宪章的宗旨和原则,尊重世界多样性,促进国际关系民主化,倡导互信互利的国际安全合作,加强磋商和协调,照顾彼此关切,共同应对各类全球性安全威胁和挑战。 各位同事、各位朋友! 中国珍视中非友谊,始终把加强同非洲国家的团结合作作为中国外交政策的重要组成部分。中国将一如既往地支持非洲实施非洲发展新伙伴计划,支持非洲

8、国家为加强联合自强、谋求地区和平稳定、实现经济振兴、提高国际地位所作的积极努力。 为推动中非新型战略伙伴关系发展,促进中非在更大范围、更广领域、更高层次上的合作,中国政府将采取以下个方面的政策措施。 (一)扩大对非洲援助规模,到二九年使中国对非洲国家的援助规模比二六年增加倍。 (二)今后年内向非洲国家提供亿美元的优惠贷款和亿美元的优惠出口买方信贷。 (三)为鼓励和支持中国企业到非洲投资,设立中非发展基金,基金总额逐步达到亿美元。 (四)为支持非洲国家联合自强和一体化进程,援助建设非洲联盟会议中心。 (五)免除同中国有外交关系的所有非洲重债穷国和最不发达国家截至二五年底到期的政府无息贷款债务。

9、(六)进一步向非洲开放市场,把同中国有外交关系的非洲最不发达国家输华商品零关税待遇受惠商品由个税目扩大到多个。 (七)今后年内在非洲国家建立至个境外经济贸易合作区。 (八)今后年内为非洲培训培养名各类人才;向非洲派遣名高级农业技术专家;在非洲建立个有特色的农业技术示范中心;为非洲援助所医院,并提供亿元人民币无偿援款帮助非洲防治疟疾,用于提供青蒿素药品及设立个抗疟中心;向非洲派遣名青年志愿者;为非洲援助所农村学校;在二九年之前,向非洲留学生提供中国政府奖学金名额由目前的每年人次增加到人次。 各位同事、各位朋友! 中国和非洲都是人类文明的发祥地,都是充满希望的热土。共同的命运、共同的目标把我们紧紧

10、团结在一起。中国永远是非洲的好朋友、好伙伴、好兄弟。 让我们携手并肩、昂首阔步,为实现中非发展,为造福中非人民,为推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界而共同努力! 谢谢大家。 Your Excellency Prime Minister Meles Zenawi,Distinguished colleagues and guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,Our meeting today will go down in history. We, leaders of China and African countries, in a common

11、 pursuit of friendship, peace, cooperation and development, are gathered in Beijing today to renew friendship, discuss ways of growing China-Africa relations and promote unity and cooperation among developing countries. On behalf of the Chinese Government and people and in my own name, I wish to ext

12、end a very warm welcome to you and deep appreciation to you for attending the Summit. I also want to extend, through the African leaders present today, the cordial greetings and best wishes of the Chinese people to the brotherly African people.The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation was jointly set up

13、 by China and Africa in October 2000, a major initiative taken to promote traditional China-Africa friendship and cooperation. In the six years since then, two ministerial conferences have been held, first in Beijing and then in Addis Ababa. Today, the Forum serves as an important platform and effec

14、tive mechanism for conducting collective dialogue, exchanging experience in governance and enhancing mutual trust and cooperation in practical terms between China and African countries.Full text of President Hus speech at China-Africa summit Saturday, November 4, 2006 Dear colleagues and frie

15、nds,This year marks the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of diplomatic ties between New China and African countries. Though vast oceans keep China and Africa far apart, the friendship between our peoples has a long history and, having been tested by times, is strong and vigorous. In the long cou

16、rse of history, the Chinese and African peoples, with an unyielding and tenacious spirit, created splendid and distinctive ancient civilizations. In the modern era, our peoples launched unremitting and heroic struggle against subjugation, and have written a glorious chapter in the course of pursuing

17、 freedom and liberation, upholding human dignity, and striving for economic development and national rejuvenation. The progress and development of China and Africa are a major contribution to the advancement of human civilization.During the past five decades, the Chinese and African peoples have for

18、ged close unity, and our friendship has flourished. China-Africa exchanges and cooperation have grown in all fields and yielded fruitful results. In international affairs, China and Africa enjoy trust and cooperate closely to uphold the legitimate rights and interests of the developing world.In all

19、these years, China has firmly supported Africa in winning liberation and pursuing development. China has trained technical personnel and other professionals in various fields for Africa. It has built the Tanzara Railway and other infrastructural projects and sent medical teams and peacekeepers to Af

20、rica. All this testifies to the friendship cherished by the Chinese people towards the African people. We in China will not forget Africas full support for restoring the lawful rights of the Peoples Republic of China in the United Nations. Nor will we forget the sincere and ardent wish of African co

21、untries and people for China to realize complete and peaceful reunification and achieve the goal of building a modern nation.Today, China-Africa friendship is deeply rooted in the hearts of our two peoples, and our friendship has endured the test of time and changes in the world. This is because we

22、have never strayed from the principle of enhancing friendship, treating each other as equals, extending mutual support and promoting common development in building our ties. Friendship provides a solid foundation for reinforcing China- Africa friendly ties. We both value our traditional friendship a

23、nd are committed to enhancing it. Treating each other as equals is crucial for ensuring mutual trust. We both respect the development path independently embarked upon by the other side. We both are serious in addressing each others concerns and are eager to benefit from each others practice in devel

24、opment. Mutual support is the driving force behind the ever growing China-Africa cooperation. We both wish to see progress in the development endeavor of the other side and sincerely support such endeavor. And we are engaged in comprehensive cooperation. Common development is the shared aspiration o

25、f the Chinese and African peoples. We are committed to pursuing mutually beneficial cooperation to bring the benefits of development to our peoples.Dear colleagues and friends,The world today is undergoing profound and complex changes. But peace, development and cooperation remain the calling of the

26、 times. There is a growing trend towards multipolarity and economic globalization. Science and technology are making daily advance, regional cooperation is deepening and there is increasing interdependence among nations. All this has created rare development opportunities for the international commu

27、nity. On the other hand, imbalance in global development, widening gap between North and South, the combination of traditional and non-traditional security threats as well as increasing factors of instability and uncertainty standing in the way of peace and development all pose a daunting challenge

28、to developing countries in their pursuit of sustainable development.China is the largest developing country, and Africa is home to the largest number of developing countries. Our combined population accounts for over a third of the world total. Without peace and development in China and Africa, ther

29、e will be no global peace and development.In this new era, China and Africa share increasing common interests and have a growing mutual need. The forging of a new type of China-Africa strategic partnership is determined by the dynamics of China-Africa cooperation, and it represents our wish to promo

30、te global peace and development. Building strong ties between China and Africa will not only promote development of each side, but also help cement unity and cooperation among developing countries and contribute to establishing a just and equitable new international political and economic order. To

31、enhance this new type of strategic partnership, China will strengthen cooperation with Africa in the following fields: Full text of President Hus speech at China-Africa summit Saturday, November 4, 2006 First, deepen political relation of equality and mutual trust. We will maintain high-level

32、 contacts and mutual visits, establish a regular high-level political dialogue mechanism and conduct strategic dialogue to enhance mutual political trust and traditional friendship and achieve common progress through unity.Second, broaden win-win economic cooperation. We will give full play to our respective strength, enhance economic and trade ties, broaden areas of cooperation, support cooperation between our business communities, up

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