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1、学年浙江省金华市江南中学高一下学期期中考试英语试题2017-2018学年练习卷高一英语试题参考答案听力答案1-201-5 ABABC 610 BAABA 1115 BCBCC 1620 BBABA21-23: DDA 24-26: CAD 37-30: DACC31-35:EGBCA36-55:CABDC DCABA CBADB 57. Faced 58. tired 59. efforts 60. which 61. Herself 62. heard 63. with 64. what 65. immediately 66. It is obvious that to

2、 apologize to the teacher for being late is useless.67. Out of curiosity, I consult her about how she keeps so slim and energetic.68. It is Ms. Chen,my English teacher,who always offers me help when Im in trouble.69. There exists no possibility that computers can take the place of human beings.70. A

3、s far as I know, he has a gift for music as a child.应用文写作:Dear Alice, Hope everything goes well with you. Do you still stay up very late every night? Im writing to share my ideas on how you can live a healthy life. First of all, I think its a good idea to eat more fruits instead of snacks. Also, you

4、 need to get rid of the habit of drinking cola only. Why not drink more water? If you spend less time on your smart phone, you can have more time to get together with friends. Whats more, dont you think doing sports often can make you look well-built and feel energetic at the same time? All in all, a healthy life style makes us healthy, wealthy and wise in the future. Hopefully you can follow my advice and make a change from now on. Yours sincerely, Li Hua

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