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1、备考中考英语形容词副词考点梳理中考形容词、副词考点梳理形容词、副词是中考常考考点,考查范围广泛,学生容易混淆词性,不知如何运用;同时在日常的口语交际及写作中,也经常会用到形容词和副词,使语言更具体,更生动。由于其运用广泛,功能性强,故我们需要从源头入手,循序渐进,掌握规律,用心归纳,真正理解并学会运用。一:研读例题,初步感知 请完成下列典型例题,并试着总结中考英语形容词和副词常考的特点。【中考例题】(安徽) Its p_ (礼貌的) to offer seats to the old on the bus.(绥化) The cakes taste _, and they sell _. I w

2、ill buy some. A. good; well B. well; well C. well; good D. good; good(东营) Overseas experience may help make our life _ (good). So why not try to study abroad?(黄石) Its not so _ as yesterday. So there are _ people walking in Tuan Chengshan Park today. A. cold; fewer B. warm; more C. cold; more D. warm

3、; most(益阳) As a student, we should study hard.Yes, _ we study, _ results well get. A. the hard; the good B. the harder; the best C. the harder; the better D. the hard; the better(汕尾) Shu-how Lin is now one of _ basketball players in NBA. A. popular B. less popular C. more popular D. the most popular

4、(衡阳) There are many beautiful flowers in the world, but in parents eyes, their children are the _ of all. A. as beautiful as B. more beautiful C. most beautiful D. beautiful(福州) It rained so _ (heavy) that many streets were covered with water.(连云港) Lucy had a traffic accident on her way home. _ (幸运地

5、), she was not hurt, just got scared.(宿迁) Sandy can sing as _ (good) as Wendy.完成上面的自测题,你会发现中考真题中形容词和副词的考点一般为:形容词和副词的基本用法、比较级和最高级,以及与时间相关的副词、频度副词、程度副词和方式副词等。另外,形容词和副词的词义辨析也是考查的重点。下面就让我们一起去寻找破解形容词与副词常考考点的解题方法吧。二:形容词的用法1. 形容词作表语形容词常用在be动词和连系动词(become、get、sound、look、taste、turn、stay、remain、go等)后面作表语。例题中,

6、学生容易误以为taste“品尝”是实义动词,所以其后应该跟副词,所以误选答案为B,而正确答案是A。在备考过程中,我们应对一些具有双重意义的词(即既是实义动词,又是连系动词)熟记于心。【中考例题】 1. (济宁) Have you heard the song Stay Here Forever? Yes, it sounds _. A. well B. loudly C. sweet D. beautifully 2. (泰安) Is your headache getting _? No, its getting worse. A. better B. bad C. less D. well

7、 2. 形容词作宾语补足语有些动词后面可接名词或代词作宾语,再接形容词作宾语补足语,用于补充说明宾语的状态、特征等。在例题中后半句“so why not try to study abroad?”说明,海外经历可以使我们的生活更好,所以答案应为形容词good的比较级better。【中考例题】 3. (白银) Some of the tired students keep their eyes _ in breaks. A. opened B. close C. closed D. open 4. (自贡) Tom, dont throw the rubbish on the floor. We

8、 should keep the classroom _. Oh, sorry, Miss Yang. A. clean B. quiet C. dirty D. quietly 3. 形容词的同级比较 形容词的比较级是中考的重点内容,其比较等级有三个:同级、比较级和最高级。同级比较中常见的结构为“as as”,其否定结构为“not as / so as”。例题中,根据生活经验,可将题目意思理解为“今天没有昨天冷。所以公园里散步的人比昨天更多”,仔细观察选项可将第一种解释排除,故应理解为第二种含义。前一句为同级比较,应该用as cold as“和一样冷”;后一句为差级比较,应该用many的比较

9、级more。所以C项为正确答案。【中考例题】 5. (毕节) Jeff is making faces. He looks as _ (滑稽可笑的) as Mr. Beans. 6. (泰安) How are you getting along with your English study? Much better. I dont feel it was as _ as before. A. interesting B. much C. difficult D. easy 4. 形容词的差级比较 中考试题中对差级比较的考查频率较高,但是只要我们掌握了差级比较的判别方法及基本结构,答题就变得容

10、易多了。差级比较通常有标志词than的出现,或者题目中有两方面的比较暗示。 关于比较级的句型,要牢记的有:修饰比较级的词:much、a lot、a little、far、even、any等;“比较级+ and +比较级”意为“越来越”;“the +比较级,the +比较级”意为“越,越”;“the +比较级+ of the / us / them two”意为“两者之中较的一个”。 【中考例题】 7. (重庆A) He has _ arms now and is able to pick the table up with one hand. A. weakest B. weaker C. s

11、trongest D. stronger 8. (兰州) The weather is becoming _. A. hotter and hotter B. more hot and more hot C. hoter and hoter D. more and more hot 9. (宜昌) Are you worried about the coming exam? No, I think the more _ you are, _ mistakes youll make. A. careful; the less B. carefully; the less C. carefully

12、; the fewer D. careful; the fewer 5. 形容词的最高级 形容词的最高级有许多标志词,如“one of”或“in / of +”等,我们应重点理解其比较范围,特别是要在具体情境中进行比较。由于很多信息是隐蔽的,这就需要我们仔细琢磨。【中考例题】 10. (益阳) Li Na is one of _ tennis players in the world. A. most famous B. the most famous C. more famous D. the more famous 11. (滁州) Its one of the _ things in t

13、he world to stay with friends. I agree with you. It always makes us comfortable. A. happiest B. worst C. busiest D. hardest 12. (烟台) Does God Theatre have _ (comfortable) seats of the five in your city? 13. (扬州) How do you like the piece of music Water by Tan Dun? Wonderful! Its the _ one Ive ever l

14、istened to. A. better B. best C. worse D. bad 14. (聊城) I think Spiderman is _ cartoon Ive ever seen. A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting 6. -ing形容词和ed形容词的区别 -ing形容词表示物的性质和状态,意为“令人的”,主语一般是物;-ed形容词表示人的感受,意为“感到的”,主语一般是人。例如:He is _ to hear the news. 他听到那个消息感到很吃

15、惊。/ The news is _. 那个消息令人吃惊。类似这样的词汇有很多,常见的如下: exciting / excited embarrassing / embarrassed tiring / tired amazing / amazed confusing / confused puzzling / puzzled boring / bored interesting / interested relaxing / relaxed moving / moved frightening / frightened pleasing / pleased disappointing / di

16、sappointed satisfying / satisfied touching / touched【中考例题】 15. (泰州) What _ news! The Chinese Womens Badminton Team won the Uber Cup (尤伯杯) again! Really? Thats great. A. interesting B. interested C. exciting D. excited 7. 形容词的其他用法【中考例题】 16. (无锡) Nanjing isnt so large _ Shanghai, however, its the seco

17、nd _ city in East China. A. like; largest B. as; largest C. like; large D. as; large 17. (凉山) I have _ to tell you. Maybe you will be _ in it. A. interesting something; interested B. interesting something; interesting C. something interesting; interested D. something interesting; interesting三:副词的用法

18、1. 副词修饰动词【中考例题】 18. (德州) We will have to set off _ to avoid the heavy traffic tomorrow morning. A. early B. quietly C. slowly D. politely 19. (武威) How is your old friend Katie? Oh, shes moved to another city. So Ive _ ever seen her since then. A. clearly B. simply C. nearly D. hardly 2. 副词修饰句子 【中考例题

19、】 20. (德州) The basketball match was really fantastic, _ when Shu-How Lin scored in the last second. A. probably B. especially C. exactly D. mostly 21. (温州) I fell off the bike on my way to school. _, I wasnt hurt. A. Luckily B. Suddenly C. Politely D. Recently 3. 副词的同级比较【中考例题】 22. (南充) Some Chinese

20、singers sing English songs just as _ as native speakers do. A. good B. better C. well D. best 23. (盐城) As time goes, grandma cant see as _ (清楚) as she used to. 4. 副词的比较级【中考例题】 24. (成都) Lin Dan won the badminton game again. Yes. I think no one can do _ than him. A. well B. better C. best D. good 25.

21、(青岛) In the piano contest, my brother didnt play well and I did _. A. very well B. much better C. very good D. even worse 26. (温州) After practicing for several months, I can swim much _ now. A. slower B. slowest C. faster D. fastest 5. 副词的最高级【中考例题】 27. (广州) Emma looked after her pet dog _ of all her

22、 friends. A. careful B. more careful C. more carefully D. the most carefully四:形容词与副词易混淆的知识点 英语中有一些形似副词的形容词(如lonely、friendly、lively、lovely、silly等)看起来像是以-ly结尾的副词,其实其词性为形容词。 通常可以通过在形容词后加上后缀-ly构成副词。但也有许多特殊情况:有些词既可以作形容词,又可以作副词,如fast、pretty、well、deep、hard、high等;有些形容词加上-ly之后和原来的形容词意思相近,但也有一些意思相差很远;有一些形容词本身

23、可以充当副词,还可以再加上后缀-ly构成派生副词。对于这些特殊情况,我们应注意避免混淆。【中考例题】 28. (柳州) The girl can run very fast. (同义词替换) A. quickly B. slowly C. quietly D. slow 29. (重庆B) I could _ hear what you said just now. Could you please say that again? A. sometimes B. always C. hardly D. clearly 30. (宝鸡) After his wife died, the old

24、man lived in the town _, but he didnt feel _. A. lonely; lonely B. lonely; alone C. alone; lonely D. alone; alone近年河北省中考形容词、副词真题 1. () Mum, Im very _ for your love. A. thankful B. careful C. useful D. helpful 2. () The movie covers all of the Chinese history. It is _ worth seeing again. A. mainly B.

25、 really C. possibly D. hardly 3. () How _ Cindy grows! Shes almost as tall as her mother now. A. cute B. strong C. fast D. straight 4. () Water is the cheapest drink. And its also _. A. healthier B. healthiest C. the healthier D. the healthiest 5. () Im sorry Im late. I should get here 10 minutes _.

26、 A. early B. earlier C. the earlier D. the earliest 6. () We can hardly believe that you learn to dance so _. A. quick B. quickly C. useful D. usefully 7. () You are doing great! Ive never had _ answer before. A. better B. best C. a better D. the best 8. () Some animals can even see things _ in the

27、dark. A. bad B. badly C. clear D. clearly 9. (2011) Of all the subjects, chemistry seems to be _ for me. A. difficult B. too difficult C. more difficult D. the most difficult 10. (邯郸一模) Look, your clothes are wet through. It must be raining _. A. loudly B. hardly C. heavily D. clearly 11. (邯郸一模) Loo

28、k! Our hometown is _ now than it used to be. A. quite beautiful B. the most beautiful C. very beautiful D. much more beautiful 12. (邯郸二模) Lucys handwriting is _ in our class. We must learn from her. A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. most beautiful D. the most beautiful 13. () I am writing to tell yo

29、u that I arrived home _ (safe). 14. () We should always speak _ (polite) to our parents. 15. () It is a _ (sun) day. Lets go outside and play. 16. () The father was _ (pride) of his sons efforts at school. 17. (2011) Mrs. Chan told us to write as _ (care) as we could. 18. (邯郸一模) I like to swim, _ (especial) in the sea. 19. (邯郸二模) The film was so boring that he felt

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