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高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea练习试题 新人教版选修7.docx

1、高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea练习试题 新人教版选修7Unit 3Under the sea【导语】捕鲸业是世界上古老的行业之一,它的历史发展和现状如何呢?The whaling industry is one of the oldest industries in existence.It has undergone vast changes since its beginning,primarily due to the creation of the International Whaling Commission. Commercial whaling still

2、continues throughout the world,but the whaling quotas are restricted by the commission,thereby helping conserve the whale populations.Whaling refers to hunting whales primarily for their oil,meat and bones.Whaling dates back to prehistoric times,most prevalent in Norway and Japan.The hunt became an

3、industry in the 1600s in the Arctic regions,mostly by the Dutch and British.American colonists started whaling in the 1700s.Nantucket whalers were the first to kill a sperm whale,and the discovery of spermaceti in the whales head made the sperm whale one of the most highly prized catches.Whaling shi

4、ps set out from New England into the Pacific for extremely long voyages to hunt down these whales.Whaling industry has been a part of a variety of countries industries.The following countries were the earliest pioneers in the whaling industry:England,France,Germany,Iceland,Japan,the Netherlands,Norw

5、ay and the American colonies (although they were not a country at the time)The following countries still practice whaling in some form or fashion:Canada,Greenland,the Grenadines,Iceland,Indonesia,Japan,the Netherlands,Norway,Russia and the United States.【词海拾贝】1vast adj.广阔的;巨大的2primarily adv.首先;最初3co

6、mmission n委员会4commercial adj.商业的5quota n配额6prevalent adj.盛行的7sperm whale 巨头鲸;抹香鲸【问题思考】1What helps conserve the whale populations?_答案:The whaling quotas.2What made the sperm whale one of the most highly prized catches?_答案:The discovery of spermaceti in the whales head.将单词与其正确释义连线1anecdote A锐利的;锋利的2ac

7、commodation B浅的;肤浅的;浅显的3yell C陡峭的4teamwork D生动的;鲜明的5flee E配合;协作6depth F纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的7conservation G住所;住宿8pure H狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的9vivid I大叫;呼喊10narrow J轶事,奇闻11sharp K逃避,逃跑12shallow L保存,保护13steep M深(度);深处答案:1J2G3I4E5K6M7L8F9D10H11A12B13C.根据所给汉语提示写出单词1_ adj.每年的n年刊;年鉴2_ vt.当场见到;目击n目击者;证人3_ prep.在对面adj.相对的;相反的4_

8、vi. & n暂停,中止5_ vt.拖;拉;扯6_ vt.催促;极力主张7_ vt.放弃;遗弃;抛弃8_ n目标;靶;受批评的对象9_ vi.思考vt.映射;反射10_ adj.意识到的;知道的11_ adj.好的;整齐的;匀称的12_ vt.恐吓vi.受惊吓答案:1.annual2.witness3.opposite4.pause5.drag6urge7.abandon8.target9.reflect10.aware11neat12.scare.根据英语释义写出单词1_:to occur every year2_:desire or encourage sb to do3_:someone

9、 who sees an event and reports what happened4_:pull sth along the ground5_:stop for a short period and then continue6_:leave the place,thing,or person for a long time7_:only a small distance from one side to the other8_:the line that marks the edge9_:very impressive or very difficult and perhaps rat

10、her frightening10_:money paid regularly to those not working any more11_:not mixed with anything答案:1.annual2.urge3.witness4.drag5.pause6.abandon7.narrow8.boundary9.awesome10pension11.pure.选用短语的适当形式填空yell out;help.out;sort out;hold.up;aim at hold on;reflect on;upside down;be aware of;be about to1Orga

11、nizing the school trip will be a lot of work,so I need some volunteers to _答案:help out2Dont squeeze his hand;it will make him _ in pain.答案:yell out3The boy _ the foreign stamps that he had collected.答案:was sorting out4They should have finished that job on Fridaywhats _ them _?答案:holdingup5I _ the tr

12、ee but hit the car by mistake.答案:was aiming at6I _ go to bed when I heard someone knock at the door.答案:was about to7We managed to _ until help arrived.答案:hold on8Be careful and dont turn the table _答案:upside down9The girl was left to _ the influences of her decision.答案:reflect on10The young men _ th

13、e danger of taking drugs.答案:are aware of.领会句子所用句型并译成汉语1It_was_a_time_when the killer whales,or “killers” as they were then called,helped the whalers catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration._答案:那个时期,虎鲸(当时被称为“杀手”)帮助捕鲸人在每年须鲸迁徙时捕捉须鲸。2We ran down to the shore in time to see_an_enormou

14、s animal opposite_us_throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down again._答案:我们及时赶到岸边,看到对面有一个庞大的动物猛力跃出水面,然后又坠落到水里。3This was the call that announced there was_about_to_be a whale hunt._答案:这是宣告捕鲸行动马上就要开始的呼声。4As we drew closer,I could see_a_whale_being_attacked by a pack of about six other ki

15、llers._答案:走近一看,原来是一头鲸受到一群约六头其他虎鲸的攻击。5Im sitting in the warm night air with_a_cold_drink in my hand and reflecting on the daya day of pure magic._答案:我坐在温暖的夜空下,手里拿着一瓶冷饮,回忆着当天的事情这纯粹是神奇的一天。6The water was quite shallow but where_the_reef_ended,there_was a steep drop to the sandy ocean floor._答案:海水是浅的,但是到

16、了珊瑚礁的尽头,就有一个陡坡,一直下降到满是沙子的海底。课文表层理解.根据课文内容判断正(T)误(F)1I was 18 when I began work in June 1902 at the whaling station.(F)2Using a telescope we could see that something was happening.(T)3The body wont float up to the surface for around 12 hours.(F)4The sea was calm that day and it was easy to handle the

17、 boat.(F)5I saw James being firmly held up in the water by Old Tom.(T).根据课文内容回答问题1What happened to James after he was washed off the boat?_答案:He was held up in the water by Old Tom and rescued.2Why did George beat the water with his oar?_答案:To call back Old Tom to lead the way.3Why did the men start

18、 turning the boat around to go home after the whale died?_答案:Because they knew the dead whale wouldnt float up to the surface for around 24 hours.4Why did the killers throw themselves on top of the whales blowhole?_答案:To stop it breathing.5Whats the text mainly about?_答案:The killer whales can help t

19、he whalers catch whales.阅读P20P21 Reading部分,完成下列表格Killers doingWhalers reactionBefore the huntThrew itself out of water,1._ again,swam by the boat,2._ us to the hunt.One whaler 3._. George ran ahead.Clancy raced after him.They 4._ into the boat and 5._ the bay.During the huntThrew themselves to stop

20、the whale6._,stopped it 7._ or fleeing out to sea.8._ the harpoon at the whale,let it go to hit the spot.After the huntThe body was 9._ down.Started 10._ around to go home. They had amazing relationship.答案:1.crashed down2.led3.yelled out4.jumped5.headed out into6.breathing7.diving8.Aimed9dragged10.t

21、urning the boat课文深层理解根据课文内容选择最佳选项1Who first shouted that the killer was coming?AThe writer. BJames.CGeorge. DOld Tom.答案:C2Which of the following is TRUE?AThe killers sometimes harmed the whalers.BOld Tom was 70 years old.COld Tom never did favour for the whalers.DOld Tom and his friends were helpful

22、 to the whalers.答案:D3Why did the killers throw themselves on top of the whales blowhole?ATo protect the whale.BTo help the whale run away.CTo stop the whale breathing.DTo tell other killers to come closer.答案:C4What happened to James?AHe suddenly caught a big fish.BHe suddenly fell into the sea.CHe h

23、elped the injured Old Tom.DA whale attacked him and he died.答案:B5Whats the main idea of this passage?AAbout a big fish which helped the fishermen.BAbout great whales which helped the whalers.CAbout the whalers who were surviving on the sea.DAbout the whale station where the whalers could catch the w


25、的原因,叙事应客观、准确、简洁。最后提出的解决方法应切实可行。在表达自己的不满时,语言要把握分寸,不失风度。【典型句式】(1)I venture to write a letter to you about.恕我冒昧,我写信是想告诉你(2)One annoying aspect of your service is.你们服务中不尽人意的地方是(3)I am writing this letter to tell you how disappointed I have been with the aftersale service at your shop.我写信是想告诉贵店,我对你们的售后服务

26、非常失望。(4)I would like to draw your attention to the problem.我希望引起贵方对问题的注意。(5)I am writing to inform you that I find.unsatisfactory./I am dissatisfied with your.我写信是为了告诉你我非常不满意(6)I trust you will take my complaints seriously and.相信贵方会认真对待我的投诉,并且(7)I hope you will give due attention to this matter.希望贵方

27、能对此事给予足够重视。(8)I would be very grateful if you could look into the matter as soon as possible.And I am looking forward to an early reply.如果贵方能尽快调查此事,我将万分感激。望早日做出答复。(9)I am not blaming anyone,but.我不是指责某个人,但是(10)I am sure this is a rare problem.我相信这类问题不会经常发生。假设你是李华,上个星期天去市图书馆看书时发现了一些问题。请根据下列提示,用英语给馆长写一封100词左右的信,反映情况。1新书太少。2书架上的书比较混乱。3管理员工作时彼此闲聊;读者无法安心看书。4阅览室的一盏灯坏了,桌椅有些也被损坏。注意:1.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。2信的开

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