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1、索道合同中英文资料范本 本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载索道合同中英文 地点:_时间:_说明:本资料适用于约定双方经过谈判,协商而共同承认,共同遵守的责任与义务,仅供参考,文档可直接下载或修改,不需要的部分可直接删除,使用时请详细阅读内容灵山 索道合同Contract for LINGSHAN Project编号: 201209-01: 201209-01合同签字日期: 2013年 月Date: Sep, 2013买方: 四川省攀西灵山旅游投资开发有限公司Buyer: Sichuan Panxi Lingshan Tourism Investment And Develo

2、pment Co., Ltd.地址Address: 电话Tel: 传真Fax:卖方: POMAGALSKI公司Seller: POMAGALSKI地址Address: 109, rue Aristide Berges- CentrAlp- 38340 Voreppe- France电话Tel:+33 4 76 28 71 00 传真Fax:+33 4 76 28 71 91波马嘉仕其(北京)索道有限责任公司Poma (Beijing) Ropeway Co., Ltd.地址Address:电话Tel: 传真Fax:合同目录Contents of the Contract第一项 定义Clause

3、 1 Definitions第二项 合同范围Clause2 Scope of Contract第三项 原产地Clause 3 Country of Origin第四项 标准Clause 4 Standards第五项 使用合同文件和资料Clause 5 Use of Contract Documents and Information第六项 知识产权Clause 6 Intelligence Property第七项 设计及设计联络Clause 7 Design and Design Liaison第八项 合同价格Clause 8 TheContract Price第九项 生产商国别和制造厂商Cl

4、ause 9 Country of Origin and Manufacturers第十项 保险及在途风险Clause 10 Insurance and Risks on the Way of Transportation第十一项 包装Clause 11 Packing第十二项 装运标记Clause 12 Marking for Shipment第十三项 装运条件Clause 13 Terms of Delivery第十四项 装运通知Clause 14 Shipping Advice第十五项 伴随服务Clause 15 Incidental Services第十六项 备件和设计内吊厢Claus

5、e 16 Spare Parts and Gondolas in Design第十七项 检验和测试Clause 17 Inspections and Test第十八项 质量保证及履约保证Clause 18 Warranty and Performance Guarantee第十九项 付款条件及付款单据Clause 19 Terms of Payment and Documents第二十项 技术描述及文件Clause 20 Technical Description & Documents第二十一项 安装、调试、性能测试及验收Clause 21 Installation, Commissioni

6、ng, Performance Test and Acceptance第二十二项 索赔Clause 22 Claims第二十三项 变更要求Clause 23 Change Requests第二十四项 合同修改Clause 24 Contract Amendments第二十五项 转让Clause 25 Assignment第二十六项 违约责任Clause 26 Responsibilities of Breach第二十七项 误期赔偿费Clause 27 Liquidated Damages第二十八项 违约终止合同Clause 28 Termination for Default第二十九项 不可抗

7、力Clause 29 Force Majeure第三十项 因破产而终止合同Clause 30 Termination for Insolvency第三十一项 因买方的便利而终止合同Clause 31 Termination for Convenience第三十二项 争端的解决Clause 32 Resolution of Disputes第三十三项 合同语言Clause 33 Contract Language第三十四项 通知Clause 34 Notices第三十五项 税费Clause 35 Taxes and Duties第三十六项 银行手续费Clause 36 Banking Charg

8、es第三十七项 适用法律Clause 37 Applicable Laws第三十八项 合同生效及其它Clause 38 Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous第三十九项 附注Clause 39 Remarks1 定义1.1 本合同下列术语应解释为:1)“合同”系指买卖双方签署的合同中载明的买卖双方达成的协议,包括所有的附件、附录和上述文件所提到的构成合同的所有文件,但各方在协议中明确指明不作为各方实质性权利义务约定,而仅作为履行相关程序而订立的格式文件除外。2)“合同价”系指根据本合同规定卖方在正确地完全履行合同义务后买方应支付给卖方的价

9、格。3)“货物”系指卖方根据本合同规定须向买方提供的一切设备、机械和/或其它材料。4)“伴随文件”指依照中华人民共和国法律要求的本合同设备出厂时应当一并提供的文件和资料,包括安全技术规范要求的设计文件、产品质量合格证明、安装及使用维修说明、办理监督检验证明文件所需的其他文件。5)“伴随服务”系指根据本合同规定卖方承担与供货有关的辅助服务,如运输、保险以及其它的伴随服务,例如设计、安装技术指导、调试、提供技术支持、培训和合同中规定卖方应承担的其它义务。6)“合同条款”系指本合同条款。7)“买方”系指在合同条款中指明的购买货物和服务的单位,指四川省攀西灵山旅游投资开发有限公司 。8)“卖方”系指在

10、合同条款中指明的提供本合同项下货物和服务的公司或实体,POMAGALSKI公司(以下简称“波马法国”)、波马嘉仕其(北京)索道有限责任公司(以下简称“波马北京”)。9)“买方进口代理”系指为买卖双方此次设备进口提供买方进口代理服务的公司,指10)“项目现场”系指本合同项下货物安装、运行的现场,指中国四川冕宁县灵山景区索道的施工现场 。11)“交货现场”指中国四川冕宁县灵山景区索道下站 。12)“天”指日历天数。13)“验收证书”指由中国国家客运架空索道安全监督检验中心签署的证明,以表示按照合同条款及附件所规定的合同设备安装完成且性能测试顺利完成,合同设备批准投入使用的相关证明文件。1 DEFI

11、NITIONSIn this contract, the following terms shall be interpreted as indicated:“The Contract” means the agreement entered into between The Buyer and Seller, as recorded in the Contract signed by the parties, including all attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference

12、 therein, with the exception of those format documents as specified in the agreement not for substantial rights and obligation binding of the parties whereas for implementing relevant procedures only.“The Contract Price” means the price payable to The Seller by The Buyer under the Contract for the f

13、ull and proper performance of its contractual obligations.“The Goods” means all of the equipment, machinery, and/or other materials, which The Seller is required to supply to The Buyer under the Contract.“The Incidental Documents” means those documents and materials that shall be provided when the c

14、ontractual equipment leaves the factory in accordance with the laws of Peoples Republic of China, including the design document as required by the safety technical code, product quality qualification certificate, installation usage and maintenance instruction, and other document needed for supervisi

15、on inspection documentary evidence.“The Incidental Services” means those services ancillary to the supply of the Goods, such as transportation and insurance, and any other incidental services, such as design, installation supervision, commissioning, provision of technical assistance, training, and o

16、ther such obligation of The Seller covered under the Contract.TCC means the Terms and Conditions of this Contract.The Buyer means the organisation purchasing the Goods and Services under this Contract, Sichuan Panxi Lingshan Tourism Investment And Development Co., Ltd.The Seller means the firm or en

17、tity supplying the Goods and Services under this Contract, POMAGALSKI, (hereinafter referred to as POMA France) and Poma (Beijing) Ropeway Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as POMA Beijing).”The Import Agency of the Buyer” means the company providing import agency service for the buyer for the impo

18、rted equipment, that isThe Project Site means the location where the Goods are to be installed and operated, that is the ropeway project site in Lingshan Scenic Area, Mianning County, Sichuan Province, P.R.C.“The Delivery Site” means the bottom station of the ropeway in Lingshan Scenic Area, Miannin

19、g County, Sichuan Province, P.R.C.Day means calendar day.“ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE” means a certificate signed by the The State Safety Supervision and Inspection Center For Passenger Aerial Ropeways Of China stating that the performance test of CONTRACT EQUIPMENT has been completed successfully as spe

20、cified in the corresponding Appendix and in the Corresponding Articles of the CONTRACT. and the Contract Equipment is permitted into application.合同范围2.1 买方同意从卖方购买,卖方同意向买方提供合同设备:单线循环脱挂抱索器八人吊厢式索道一套(含配件和伴随文件),以及使合同设备在现场能按照本合同及其附件的规定顺利运行(设备安装中安装方责任导致的问题除外)的包括不限于该合同设备的设计、技术服务及技术培训、售后服务、质量保证等附属服务,本合同中统一称为

21、合同设备。2.2在初步设计的线路图(见附件 )请填写附件编号所约定的上下站点不变的情况下,最终线路图在不增加吊箱数量和改变索道中心线的情况下,卖方将对合同设备及备件清单的完整性及准确性负责,不因附件2、附件3、附件4、附件5(以下称为“建议清单”)缺项漏项而免除责任,或要求增加合同包干价款。在买方根据卖方提供的说明和手册(包括日志)恰当地安装、操作和维护了合同设备、配件的情况下,如发现某些部件缺失(买方原因导致的丢失除外),卖方将无偿地、及时地向买方提供缺失部件。若最终交货范围低于或少于建议清单的应当相应降低合同价款。若最终线路图需要增加吊箱数量和索道中心线改变的,按照“建议清单”中分项报价确

22、定。2.3 合同设备保质期内,因质量问题不能正常使用的设备和配件卖方有义务免费并及时的向买方提供,并按照要求提供售后服务。2.4根据买方要求,卖方有义务向买方提供合同设备保质期届满后的设备、备件和售后服务,双方届时将另签协议,但卖方保证给予中华人民共和国国内客户最优惠条件。2.5备件和设计内吊箱增补的卖方承诺:2.5.1增补的备件和吊箱,卖方应当按照合同质保要求为其承担质保义务;2.5.2在备件和吊箱停止生产的情况下,卖方应事先将要停止生产的计划通知买方,使买方有足够的时间采购所需的备件和吊箱;2.5.3在备件和吊箱停止生产后,如果买方要求,卖方应免费向买方提供备件的蓝图、图纸、规格和材质;2

23、.6卖方应当对买方指定的安装公司进行详细的技术交底,并指派技术人员在项目现场对设备安装进行技术指导。2. SCOPE OF CONTRACT2.1 The Buyer agrees to buy from The Seller and The Seller agrees to supply to The Buyer the contractual equipment: One Monocable Circulating Detachable Grips for 8 Seats Suspension Cable Ropeway (including accessories and Inciden

24、tal Documents), and the Incidental Service to make the contractual equipment run successfully (with exception of the problems caused by the installation party during the equipment installation) at site in accordance with this Contract and its Appendix, including but not limited to design, technical

25、service and technical training, after-sales services, quality warranty etc. All are referred to as contractual equipment in the Contract.2.2. Under conditions that the top and bottom stations specified in the Profile (see Appendix) in the preliminary design remain unchanged and that the number of go

26、ndolas remain un-added and the centreline of the ropeway unchanged in the final Profile, The Seller shall be responsible for the completeness and correctness of the contractual equipment and spare parts list. The Seller shall not be exempted from any liabilities due to the lack of items/missing of t

27、he Appendix 2, Appendix 3, Appendix 4 and Appendix 5 (hereinafter referred to as “suggestion list”, or shall The Seller require to increase the turn-key contract price. The Seller shall provide If it is found that certain parts listed in the corresponding Appendix are missing (with the exception of

28、the loss caused by the Buyers reason), the Seller shall supply the aforesaid parts to the Buyer free of charge in time, provided that the Buyer has installed, operated and maintained the contract equipment and the relevant parts properly and in accordance with the Sellers instructions and manuals (i

29、ncluding logs) for operation and maintenance. The contract price shall be decreased correspondingly if the final delivery scope is lower or less than the suggestion list.If the final profile needs to add gondolas or change the ropeway centreline, it will be determined in accordance with the itemized

30、 price in the suggestion list.2.3. The Seller shall, within the warranty period of the contract equipment, provide for free and in time to The Buyer the components and accessories which cannot be used normally due to quality defects, and provide after-sales service in accordance with requirements.2.

31、4 In accordance with the requirements of The Buyer, The Seller shall be under obligations to provide equipment, spare parts and after-sales service after the expiry of the warranty period of the contractual equipment. Both parties will sign another agreement then. The Seller shall promise to offer most favourable conditions for the clients in the Peoples Republic of China.2.5 The Sellers commitment on the increase of spare parts and gondolas in the design:2.5.1 The Seller shall undertake warranty obligations for the increased spare parts and gondolas in ac

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