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1、浙江省届中考英语总复习教材知识梳理浙江省2020届中考英语总复习教材知识梳理占单词1、 SmelI V、有 的气味;闻;闻出n、气味2、 SOft adj. 软的;柔软的3、 SOUr adj、酸的;彳叟的4、 COOkie n、小甜饼;曲奇饼5、 IOVeIy adj.令人愉快的;可爱的6、 done adj.做完的7、try n、尝试;努力8、Pie n、馅饼;派9、SOUnd v、听起来;令人觉得10、SaIt n、盐;食盐11、jam n、果酱12、favourite n、最喜欢的人或事13、ear n、耳朵14、glassesn、用复数眼镜15、 jeans n、用复数牛仔裤16、n

2、ervous adj.情绪不安的;紧张的17、fair adj.(头发)金色的,浅褐色的18、Pretty adj.秀丽的;标致的19、PrOUd dj、感到自豪的;感到骄傲的20、Stranger n、陌生人21、message n、电子邮件;口信;信息22、hobby n、业余爱好23、mark n、分数24、ever adv、曾经;从来;在任何时候25、enter v、(使)参加;(使)报名26ZZZPetitiOn n、比赛;竞争27、 PriZe n、奖品;奖项28、 dream n、梦;梦想;梦寐以求的V、做梦;梦到;梦想29、 afford V、(有财力)买得起,付得起30、 i

3、nvite V、邀请31、 move v.搬家;改变的位置32、 Send v、派遣去;命令 去33、 Germanyn、德国34、 France n、法国35、 toWer n、塔36、 ancientadj.古老的;古代的37、 king n、国王;君王38、 queen n、 女王; 王后39、 Way n、方面;态度40、 mix v、相混合;融合41、 miss v、 惦念;怀念;想念42、 COUnt V、数;清点词汇拓展1、 SmelI n、& V、 闻;闻出smelledsmelt(过去式)smelled/Smelt (过去分词)2、 SOft adj、软的;柔软的fhard

4、(反义词)硬的一softly adv.柔软地3、 do v、做done adj做完的4、 SaIt n、 盐;食盐-*salty adj、 咸的5、 nervous adj.情绪不安的;紧张的一nerve n、神经6、 PrOUd adj、感到自豪的;感到骄傲的*pride n、自 豪;骄傲7ZZZpete V、 竞争-competitor n、 竞争者;对手 -competition n、比赛;竞争8、 dream v、做梦;梦到;梦想dreamed/dreamt (过去 式)-*dreamed/dreamt (过去分词)9、 invite v、 邀请-*invitation n、 邀请;请

5、帖10、 mix v、相混合;融合-mixture n、 混合物11、 Send v、派遣去;命令 去 sent (过去式)Sent(过去分词)12、 France n、 法国 French n、 法语一French adj、 法 国(人)的;法语的重占小、短语1、 have a try尝一尝;试试看2、 SWeet tooth对甜食的爱好3、 be PrOUd of为 而感到骄傲4、 sb、CEmt Wait某人等不及了5、 at SChOOI在学校;上学6、 first PriZe 等奖7、 Write about 编写;写作8、 make UP编写;创作9、 COUnt down倒数;倒

6、计时10、 a bit有点儿11、 hear from收到 的来信12、 in the right Way以正确的方式13、 be excited about对 感到兴奋14、 Shake hands With 跟 握手15、 enter a COmPetitiOn 参加比赛16、 Win a prize/some PriZeS 获奖17、 at the moment 此刻18、 be different from 不同于,与 不同19、 SO far到目前为止20、 have a WeStern meal 吃西餐续表重占八、句型1、 It tastes good、它尝起来很好吃。2、 YOU

7、 IOOk Very pretty.你看起来很漂亮。3、 It doesnt SmelI fresh、它闻起来不新鲜。4、 I feel nervous When I SPeak Chinese、当我讲中文的 时候,我感觉很紧张。5、 No, I havent不,我没得过。6、 That SOImdS wonderful, but I havent travelled much.那听起来很精彩,但我去的地方不多。7、 They have been to many interesting places他们去 过很多有趣的地方。8、 What a delicious SmelI!好香的味道啊!9、

8、 HOW do you feel about COming to China?你对来中国 感受如何?10、 BUt I Cant tell you how excited I am aboUt going to China!但是我没法表达对去中国的兴奋之情。11、 SO far they have Iearnt to SPeak German, French, ChineSe and Arabic.到目前为止,他们已经学会了德语、法 语、汉语和阿拉伯语。12、 ReCently, their fathers COmPany has asked him to go back to the US、

9、最近,他们父亲的公司让他回美国。重难词 句选析1、SmelI V、有 的气味;闻;闻出(教材P2)【点拨】(I)SmelI用作连系动词,意为“发出气味;闻起来”, 一般不用于被动语态和进行时态。但有时态变化,过去式是 smelt/SmelIed,过去分词是smelt/SmelIedO常见结构为:主 语+ smell +形容词或主语+ smell+of名词”。如:ThiS blue rose SmelIS Very sweet、这支蓝玫瑰闻起来很香。The Water SnleIt Of earth、水闻起来有泥土味。(2)SmelI还可用作 实义动词,意为“闻到,后可直接接宾语,也可以接复合宾

10、 语。如:I SmeIt SOmething burning、我闻到了东西烧焦的味 道。【拓展】相似用法还有feel (感觉,摸起来),taste (品尝,尝起来), SOUnd(听起来),look(看起来)这些动词。【即时训练】第(1)题根据汉语意思完成句子;第(2)题根据汉语提示补全 句子。(1)这瓶牛奶闻起来有点酸。The bottle Of 订kSmeIt a Iittle SOUr 、 (2)TheSe CIOtheS IOOkgood(好)emd SelI _WelI_(好)、2、afford v、(有财力) 买得起,付得起(教材Plo)【点拨】afford常与cm, could,

11、 be able to连用,意为“负担得起 (费用);经受得住(损失、后果);抽得出(时间)”。后面一般接 名词、代词或不定式,多用于否定句或疑问句中。如:We cmt afford a new house我们负担不起一个新房子o He COUldnt afford to IOSe his fortune entirely他经不起倾家荡产。【即时训练】用所给词的适当形式填空。They Cant afford一to_go_(go)abroad this summer 3、invite v、邀请(教材 PlO)【点拨】InVite作动词,意为“邀请”,常见用法有:(1) invitesb、to s

12、p、= ask sb、to sp、邀请某人到某地如:The headmaster invited the mayor to our school、校长邀请了 市 长来我校。(2) invite sb、to do sth、=ask sb、to do sth、 邀请某人做某事 如:She invited her friends to have dinner together.她邀请她的朋友共进晚餐。【拓展】invitation是invite的名词形式,作邀请”讲时,是不可 数名词;作“邀请书;请帖讲时,是可数名词。如:COme毗 the invitation、应邀前来。I received his

13、 invitation to attend his Wedding我收到了他的婚礼请柬。【即时训练】根据汉语意思完成句子。琳达邀请我们参观她叔叔的农场。 Linda _invites_ US _to_ViSit_ her UnCleS farm、 4、 be PrOUd Of为 感到骄傲(教材P4)【点拨】be PrOUd Of是形容词短语,意为“为 感到骄傲”。其中,PrOUd为形容词,意为“自豪的,骄傲的”。其同义短语为 take Pride ino 如j: We are PrOUd Of OUr COUntry、=We take Pride in OUr country.我们为祖国而骄傲

14、。【即时训练】用适当的介词填空。(I)We take Pride in OUr success、 (2)GOOd job, Charlie、 Im PrOUd Of_ you、 5、 make UP编写;写作(教材PIo)【点拨】在初中英语中,makeup常有以下含义:(1)编写;写作;编 造。如:He made UP an interesting story、他编写了一个有趣 的故事。Ile made UP SOme excuse aboUt his daughter being sick、他编造了一些借口,说他的女儿病倒了。(2)组成,构成。 女口: The three ParagraPh

15、S make UP a passage、这三个段落构 成 了一篇文章。(3)化妆。如:The actors have to make UP before they appear in front Of PeOPle On the Stage、演员 出现在台下观众面前时,必须先化妆。【即时训练】根据汉语意思完成句子。女生占学生人数的3096。G让ISmake UP 30% Of the number Of students、 6、 What does your mum IOOk like?你的妈妈长什么样子?(教材P7)【点拨】What dodoeslook like?用于询问某人的外貌特征。如

16、: Ile is tall and thin、他又高又瘦。【拓展】What belike?还可以用来询问某人的性格特点。如:She is friendly.她很友好。【即时训练】单项选择。(B ) 、A、 SheS kindB、 SheS tallC、 She IikeS SkatingD、 She IOOkS great7、 The first PriZe is Only the book CalIed Around the WOrld in80 days !只有环游世界80天这本书获得了 一 等奖!(教材PIO)【点拨】CalIed ArOUnd the WOrld in80 days为过

17、去分词短语作后置 定语,修饰名词book,相当于一个省略了 that is的定语从句。 女口: I read a book (which/that is)Written by MO Yan IaSt night.我昨晚读了一本莫言写的 书。【即时训练】根据汉语意思完成句子。你认识一位叫吉姆的人吗? Do you know a PerSOn _named_ Jim?8、 They have been to many interesting places. 他们去 过很多有趣的地方。(教材P12)【点拨】have/has been to表示已经去过某地(人已返回)。如:I have been to

18、 Shanghai、我已经去过上海了。【拓展】(1)have/has gone to表示已经去某地了(人在去某地的途 中或已到达某地)” o 如:My father has gone to Shanghai 我 父亲已经去上海了。(2)hevehas been in表示在某地待了多长 时间”。如:Jane has been in China for2 years简在中国已 经待了 2年了。【即时训练】用 have been to, have gone to 或 have been in 的适当形 式填空。(I)She hasgoneto_ the library. (2) Id IOVe to

19、, but I havebeen there tWiCe、 (3)My grandparents havebeen_in the COUntryside for nearly70 years.当堂练习检测I、根据句意及汉语提示写出正确的单词。1、 Can you Send a message_ (口 信)for me?2、 He is making SOme ChOCOlate COOkieS_(小甜饼)、3、My hobby(业余爱好)is PIaying basketbQl1、4、I WEInt to buy a car, but I Cant afford(买得起)it、5、Xian i

20、s an ancient(古老的)City With a IOng history. 6、 There is a talltower_(塔)On the hill、7、IIaVe you ever(曾经)been to America?8、The first _PriZe_(奖品)is the holiday in England. II、用方框中所给单词或词语 的适当形式填空。每词仅用一次。salt, send, have a try, pride, Strange1、 ItS dangerous for ChiIdren to talk With_Strangers、 2、 The fis

21、h is ready. YOU Canhaveatry_、 3、 My mother is a great mother、 Im_PrOUd_ Of her. 4、IliS mother Sent him to aboarding SChOOI yesterday、 5、 The SOUP tasted a bit_Salty_、Maybe you PUt too much Salt into it、III、(课文 改编)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形 式。每空限填一词。Mike and CIare IiVe in CairO in EgyPt because his f

22、ather has been1、 Sent(派遣)to WOrk there、 Their father, Peter, WOrkS for a bigcompany、 The COmPany has2、 _OffiCeS_(办公室;办事处)in many countries, and it has Sent Peter to WOrk in3、 Germany_(德国),FranCe and China before、Peter USUally StayS in a COUntry for about two years、 Then the COmPany4、 moves(迁移;调动)him

23、 again、 SO his family always goes With him、 They have ViSited many5、 _interesting_(有趣的)PIaCeS in EgyPt、 FOr example, they have Seen thePyranIid, and they have ViSited the6、 _ancient_(古老的)PalaCeS Of the kings and7、 _queens_(王后)、Mike and CIare have Iearnt aIittIe Arabic, and When they SPeak it, they O

24、ften8、 mix(混淆)it With German, French and ChineSe 9、ReCently(近来),their fathers COmPany has asked him to go back to the US、 Mike and CIare are10、_COUnting_(数)ClOWn the daysIV、语法填空。在文中空白处填入一个适当 的词,或用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。There WaS a man WhO had four sons、He WElnted his SOnS to learn not to judge (判断)things too

25、1_quickly_(quick)、 SO he Sent them to go and IOOk at a Pear tree that WaS far away in turn. The first SonWent in Winter, the SeCOnCl in spring, the thire! in SUIiImer, and the2、 _younegst(young)SOn in fall、 When they had all gone and COme back, he asked them to describe What they had Seen、 The first

26、 SOrI Said there WaS3、 nothing_ On the tree、 The SeCOnd SOn Said itWaS4、 _COVered(COVer)With green buds (花蕾)and full Of promise、 The third SOn Said it WaS filled With flowers that SmelIed SO SWeet and IOOkeCl SO beautifulThe IaSt SOn5、 CIiSagreeel_(agree)With all Of them, he Said it WaS full Of frui

27、t, Iife and harvest (收获)、 The man then explained to his SOnS that they Were all right, because they each had SeerI but One SeaSOn in the6、 _trees(tree)life、 He told them that they CannOt judge a treet Or a PerSOn, by Only One SeaSOnt they Can OnIy be judged at the end, When all the SeaSOns are up、 I

28、f you give UPWhen its Wintert you WilI miss the PrOmiSe Of your spring, the7、beauty(bea UtifUl)Of your summer, the harvest Of your fall. Dont Iet the Pain Of One SeaSOn destroy the joy Of all the rest、 巩固练习I、完形填空I USeCI to IiVe in my OWn room alone、 BUt One day it all ChangeCI WherI my brother Mike

29、asked to Share my 1_、At first, my Parents Said “no” to him, but at IaSt my mother agreedI CrieCl and asked my ParentS not to do this, _2 it Clidnt work、s SOon as Mike entered my room, it began to become 3、 TO my anger, he Often Ieft his UnWaShed ClOtheS and toyseverywhere!One evening, I WaS doing SO

30、me 4_ On myCOmPUter WhiIe Mike WaS IiStening to music、 _5 , IIeft my Seat to get SOme Water、 big SUrPriSe WaSWaiting for me Wherl I 6_、He WaS USing my COmPUter toPIay game I had forgOtten to SaVe the homework. Sadly, he had CIOSeCl my PrOgramme _7 SaVing IteSPeCiaIIy theInternet, TV and a PhOne netw

31、ork、 DUring the Winter breaks, however, I WaS27、thrown(扔)back to nearly medieval times(中世纪)ll in the Same day?I COnSicler myself IUCky to have had SUCh a Clifferent31、 _experience_(经历)、Learning to enjoy myself WithOUt32、 depending(依靠)On COmPUterS and Other electronic things developed my imagination、 I Ie

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