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1、浪漫祝福语英文浪漫祝福语英文导读: 1、如果你需要我爱你亿万年,我会陪你到天荒地老!对不起,我爱你!If you need me to love you for billions of years, I will accompany you to heaven and earth. Sorry, I love you!2、想你,是甜蜜和心痛,是甘心情愿的等待,只恨不能时时刻刻在一起!Miss you, is sweet and heartache, is willing to wait, only hate can not always be together!3、对你视而不见,对你眷眷爱恋,

2、对你长长思念,对你,只为了偷偷爱你。Turn a blind eye to you, love you, and miss you long enough to love you secretly.4、如果你开始想念我,记住了,不是我自己要走的,是你自己松手的。If you begin to miss me, remember, it is not my own to go, you let go of yourself.5、喜欢你的笑容,喜欢静静的看著你,我的忧愁像云一般一下子就飞去了。I like your smile, I like to look at you quietly. My

3、worries are flying away like clouds.6、你知道吗?我那爱的幼芽,在战战兢兢萌发,带着清香,羞涩地开花。You know what? My love bud sprout with fear and shyness and shyness blossoms.7、我将对你的感情,化作暖暖的阳光;期待洒落的光明能温暖你的心房。I will turn your affection into a warm sunshine, and expect the light to warm your heart.8、耳朵只能听得你的声音;记忆的是有关你的事;心中塞满了你的名字

4、。Ears can only hear your voice; memories are about you; your heart is full of your name.9、给你发完短信息,浑身感觉甜蜜蜜。放下鼠标想心事,今天就说我爱你!Sending you short messages will make you feel sweet. Drop your mouse and think of your worries. Today, I say I love you!10、亲一口,然后说:我盖章了,你以后就是我的人了,我会对你负责的。Kiss one, and then say,

5、I stamp, you are my man later, I will be responsible for you.11、允许我在你心里建一座美丽的小屋,千万别理会别人说是违章建筑。Allow me to build a beautiful cottage in your heart, never mind others say it is illegal.12、牵你手,跟着我走!风再大又怎样?你有了我,再也不会迷失方向!Hold your hand, follow me! What if the wind is bigger? If you have me, you will neve

6、r lose your way.13、告诉我一个地址,让我到你心里;给我一个密码,让我打开你的心门。Tell me an address, let me in your heart, give me a password, let me open your heart door.14、我觉得一定有很多人暗恋我,因为这么多年了,也没有人跟我表白。I think there must be many people who secretly love me, because for so many years, no one has told me.15、有些人,一辈子都不会在一起,但是有种感觉却可

7、以放在心理守一辈子。Some people will never be together for a lifetime, but there is a feeling that can be kept in mind for a lifetime.16、自古多情空余恨,由来好梦最易醒。春蚕做茧必自缚,剪破情天远俗尘。From ancient times, love and hate are the most easy to wake up. Spring silkworms must be bound to make cocoons.17、多遥远,多想念,多纠结,多无法描写,疼痛和疯癫,你都看

8、不见。How far away, how much you miss, how entangled, how hard to describe, pain and madness, you cant see.18、如果生命可以重来,许多事我都会重新选择,唯有你,是我永恒的不变。If life can be repeated, many things will be changed again.19、我将用我一生的柔情,开启你尘封的记忆。愿你心随所想,事成所望。I will use the tender feelings of my life to open your dust laden me

9、mories. May your heart follow your wishes and accomplish everything you want.20、日或者不日,你都是我爱的人。一点关系都没有。我不靠日女人活着。Day or day, you are the one I love. It doesnt matter at all. I do not live by Japanese women.21、此生唯愿,一抬头就能看到你的笑容,那好比冬日里的暖阳,一照倾城。Only wish you can see your smile. Its like the warm sunshine

10、in winter.22、天涯海角惆怅渡,牛郎织女隔天河。佛祖座前长顿首,只求共度一百年。The ends of the earth are melancholy crossing, the Cowherd and the weaver girl are separated by the Tianhe river. Before the Buddhas throne, it was only one hundred years.23、独上江楼思渺然,月光如水水如天。同来望月人何处?风景依稀似去年。Alone on the river, Lou is faint. Moonlight is li

11、ke water and water. Where is the same moon? The landscape looks like last year.24、夜难眠,想君何时还;夜孤寂,想君何处立;夜漫长,想君欲断肠。When the night is hard to sleep, when do you want to be back?25、恋爱是租一个人的心,婚姻是拴一个人的心,爱情是吞一个人的心。Love is to rent a persons heart, marriage is to tie a persons heart, love is to swallow a pers

12、ons heart.26、虽然不知道你的心情,但可以知道的是,夜晚的我,总在想着你的笑容。Though I dont know your mood, you can know that I always think of your smile at night.27、我的每一下心跳想你一次,直到我生命停止,心不再跳动!我爱你!My heart beats at you once, until my life stops, and my heart no longer beat. I love you!28、爱他是错,是痛,可是爱他的回忆我想要,再来一次,我还选择爱上他。Love him is

13、wrong, it is pain, but love his memories I want, again, I also choose to fall in love with him.29、爱不需要理由,但生活需要理由,生活让我离开你,爱就让它深埋心底!Love does not need reason, but life needs reason, life lets me leave you, love lets it bury its heart deeply!30、愿得一人心,白首不相离。希望结识善良,有爱心,不花心的男仕。Catch ones heart, never be a

14、part. I hope to meet a good hearted, caring man who doesnt want to spend his time.31、在充满思念的季节里,满怀真挚的祝福,愿为你带来无限的喜悦与温馨。In the season of yearning, with sincere blessing, we are willing to bring you boundless joy and warmth.32、喜欢你很久了,等你也很久了,现在我要离开你,比很久很久还要久。Ive been waiting for you for a long time. Now

15、Im leaving you for a long time.33、今天晚上很无聊,给你发个短消息;看了要是你生气,请把手机扔出去!Its boring tonight. Ill send you a short message. If you are angry, please throw your cell phone out!34、认识你我很好运,想念你我很快乐,爱上你我很幸福。我别无所求。I am very lucky to know you. I am very happy to miss you. I am very happy to be in love with you. I

16、have nothing else to ask for.35、你是世界,世界是你。我愿意用自己的心,好好的陪着你,爱着你。You are the world, the world is you. I would like to use your heart, good company with you, love you.36、淋过雨的气氛,疲劳了的甘愿答应,我记忆里的童话已经缓缓的溶解。The atmosphere of the rain, tired and willing, the fairy tales in my memory have been slowly dissolved.

17、37、曾经床上很好却不能白头偕老,不是一辈子的人就不要说一辈子话。Once a good bed but can not grow old together, not a lifetime of people do not say a lifetime of words.38、生命有期限,爱情无期限,如果选期限,把握有期限,爱个无期限!Life has a deadline, love has no deadline. If you choose the deadline, grasp the deadline, love has no deadline.39、在乎我的人,我会加倍在乎。不在乎

18、我的人,你凭什么让我继续在乎。Those who care about me will care more. Do not care about my people, why do you let me continue to care.40、每一次使用都得到极大的满足,我要永远使用它,除非你再给我一把。Every use has been greatly satisfied. I will always use it unless you give me another one.41、我用生命等候,等候实现两个人的童话,懂我的,请珍惜这段美丽的缘。I wait with my life, w

19、aiting to realize the fairy tale of two people, understand me, please cherish this beautiful edge.42、如果哪一天,我超越光速回到过去,我会在你生下那一刻开始呵护你。If one day, I go back to the past beyond the speed of light, I will care for you at the moment you are born.43、那一刻百感交集,那一刻相对无语,那一刻泪流满面,那一刻今生铭记。At that moment, there was

20、 a feeling that there was no language at that moment.44、一座城市再喧闹,没你,便是空城。一个角落再陌生,有你,便是个家。A city is noisy again, without you, it is empty city. A strange corner, with you, is a home.45、幸好我们总保有一点对于永远的奢望,不至于错过下一次爱情来的时候。Luckily, we always have a little bit of hope for eternal love, so we wont miss the ne

21、xt love.46、我告诉你:第一是我爱你,第二还是我爱你,第三仍是我爱你,我爱你。I tell you: the first is I love you, second or I love you, third is still I love you, I love you.47、所有的欺骗也好假象也好,归根结底,其实只是生活方式的选择而已。All deception or illusion, in the final analysis, is actually a choice of lifestyle.48、你是我最初的选择,也是我最后的选择,更是我今生永恒不变的选择!You are my first choice, my last choice, and the eternal choice of my life.49、打开卡片,梦从里面走来,黄昏牵来你的眼睛,太阳又扔去我的思念。Open the card, dream comes from it, dusk brings your eyes, and the sun throws away my thoughts.

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