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1、 (At lunch time) what would you like to have, sir? We have fried chicken, fish and beef.Zhang: Fish please. How about a drink, coke, orange juice or beer? Do you have tea? Sorry. We do not serve tea at lunch. Then, a coke, please. (To Mr. Bain, who is sitting next to Mr. Zhang) and you, sir?Bain: No

2、thing right now. Im feeling a bit airsick. Ill see if I can get you some tablets for airsickness. Just a moment, please. Thank you very much.2. Arrival at San Francisco Airport(After a flight of more than twenty hours, they landed at San Francisco Airport.)I.O: (At the immigration counter) Passport,

3、 please. Landing card, too. Here you are. whats the purpose of your journey? Were in transit. Actually, were going to Central America to execute a construction project. You see, all of us are in group. Most of us are engineers and technicians. My brother is an engineer, too. He builds bridges. How l

4、ong do you plan to stay here? Just two days. Everything seems to be OK. Please proceed to Customs next.* * * * * * * * C.O: (At the Customs Counter) Your declaration form, please. Here it is. Anything else to declare? I dont think so. What s in this bag? Just some personal belongings. OK. That s all

5、.3. Check-in at the Airport(After two days stopover in San Francisco, Mr. Bain and his fellow workers are going to take TACA Airline Flight No.375 to the destination. They are in the airport terminal and are looking for the check-in counter.) Excuse me, where is the check-in counter of TACA Airline,

6、 please?Clerk: Go down this corridor until the end. Turn left and you will see the signs on your right. You can not miss it. Thanks a lot.* * * * * * * A.C: (At the check-in counter) Good morning. Ticket and passport, please. Good morning. Were in group. Here are all the tickets and passports. How m

7、any people in the group? Fourteen in all. Any seat preference? Two window seats for Mr. Bain and me in the non-smoking section. Oh, my name is Zhang. This passport is mine. For the others, let me check.(Checking with his fellow workers) Theyd prefer any seat in the smoking section. How many pieces o

8、f baggage do you want to check? Two for each of us. By the way, whats the baggage allowance? Seventy pounds for each passenger, and the weight limit for each piece is forty-five pounds. Put these four big cartons and that suitcase on the scale then, one by one. I hope theyre not overweight.(After we

9、ighing all the things) No, youre OK. Now let me put on the baggage tags. Do you have to tear off the old baggage tags? (Humorously) Yes, if you dont want your baggage to come back.(The A.C laughs. Then Zhang laughs too.) Your boarding cards and passports. Thanks. Whats the boarding gate number? Gate

10、 seven. Have a good flight, gentlemen.WORDS AND EXPRESSIONSConstruction company 施工公司,建筑公司Award a contract 授予合同Hydroelectric project 水电项目Central America 中美洲Project manager 项目经理Site management 现场管理人员(总称),现场管理机构Direct flight 直达航班Available 可以得到的,可以利用的Destination 目的地Fried chicken 炸鸡Beef 牛肉Orange juice 橘子

11、汁Stewardess 航空小姐Airsick 晕机Passport 护照Tablet 药片In transit 过境Construction project 建筑项目,工程项目Customs 海关Declare 申报Belongings 所有物,物品Check-in 登记,报到Colleague 同事Airline 航空公司Stopover 中途停留,逗留Flight number 航班号 Airport terminal 机场候机大厅 Corridor 走廊,通道Sign 标牌,标记A.C=airline clerk 航空公司职员Preference 爱好,偏爱Baggage 行李Allo

12、wance 许可量,限量 Carton 纸板箱Suitcase 手提箱,衣箱Overweight 超重的Tag 标签Boarding card 登记牌Boarding gate 登机门San Francisco 圣弗兰西斯科,即 旧金山 NOTES TO THE TEXT1. direct flight: 直达航班 英语中还可以说 non-stop flight2. by the way: 取道,经由例如:They are going to Algeria by the way of Paris. (他们将取道巴黎去阿尔及利亚) The construction team returned t

13、o China by the way of Karachi. (施工队经由卡拉奇回到中国) 3. What would you like to have for lunch? 您午饭来点甚么? 请注意句中have 一词的用法,例如:have fish for dinner(晚饭吃鱼), have breakfast (吃早餐)。4.coke: 可口可乐 等于 Coca-Cola, 是口语用法。我们常见的饮料名称还有:Pepsi百事可乐, Sprite雪碧 , Fanta芬达5. And you? 您呢? 是口语用法,相当于 What about you? 或 How about you?。6.

14、 right now: 现在,立即 right 在这里起加重语气的作用,例如:right here(就在这儿), right there(就在那儿)。7. I.O=immigration officer 移民局官员8. C.O=customs officer 海关官员9. Landing card, too. : 把游客入境卡也给我。 这是一个省略句,相当于 “Show me the landing card, too.” 。“入境卡”有时英语也说 Enter card 或 incoming passenger card。10. You see, 意思是“你瞧,你听我说”, 是口语中常用的一种

15、表达法。11. Please proceed to Customs next. : 下面请去海关 proceed 的意思是 “ 接下来去做”,这句话还可以说, “Please go to the Customs next.” 或者 “ Please check with the Customs next,”12. declaration slip 海关申报单,也可以说 declaration form, customs statement.13. personal belongings: 个人随身物品,也可以说 personal effects14. check-in counter办理登记手

16、续的服务台,也可以说 check-in desk.15. You wont miss it.: 你不会找不到的。这是回答问路人时常说的一句话。16. Any seat preference? : 对座位有要求吗?这是一个省略句,全句为: Do you have any seat preference? Preference 意思是“偏爱”,“喜好”。17. window seat: 靠窗的座位,“考通道的座位”是 aisle seat.18. non-smoking section: 非吸烟区,也可以说 non-smoking area “吸烟区”就是 smoking section/area

17、。19. by the way 顺便问一下 这是口语中常用的一种表达法。20. baggage allowance 免费托运的行李限额 如果超过限额, 则超过的部分要付运费 (pay for excess baggage)。21. You are OK. : 在本文中的意思是“你的行李没有超重。”,相当于You are not overweight. 或者 You are not over the limit.22. baggage tag: 行李标签 也可以说 baggage claim tag ,上面填有托运人的姓名以及托运到的地点,所以当 Zhang 问 Airline Clerk 是否

18、取下上次的 baggage tag 时,那个 airline clerk 幽默的回答道, “Yes, if you dont want your baggage to come back”, 意思是说,如果不将上次的 baggage tag 取下来,行李还有可能回来的,因为上次的baggage tag 上面托运到的地点是San Francisco。23. boarding card 登记卡(牌),也可以说 boarding pass.24. Have a good flight. : 祝您飞行愉快。 “have a good” 是告别时向对方表示祝愿常用的一种表达法。 Have a good

19、weekend. (祝您周末愉快)。EXERCISES1. When the stewardess asks Mr. Bain what he would like to have for his lunch and drink, he answers, “Nothing right now. Im feeling a bit airsick.” (现在甚么都不要,我有点晕机。) “Im feeling (a bit).” is a very useful expressions, meaning “我感觉(有点).”Now you try answering the following qu

20、estions:1) A: Would you like some food?B: 就来杯饮料吧,我只是有点渴,并不饿。(Just a drink, please. Im feeling a bit thirsty, not hungry.)2) A: Shall we go out and play football? 对不起,我感觉有点累,不能和你一起去。 (Sorry, I cant go with you. I m feeling a bit tired.)3)A: Whats the matter with you? B: 我有点晕,请帮我一下好吗? (Im feeling a bi

21、t dizzy. Could you give me a hand?)2. When the immigration officer asks Zhang whats the purpose of their journey, Zhang answers, “We are in transit. We are going to Central America to execute a construction project.” (我们是过境,要去中美洲承建一建筑项目.) “to execute a project”: 执行一个项目,实施一个项目。 Whats the purpose of y

22、our stay in our country? 我们准备承建一水电项目。(Were going to execute a hydroelectric project.) What do you do here? 我们是工程师,正在建设一个高速公路项目。(We are engineers. We are executing an express highway project.)3) A: Whats your job? 我们正在建设一个桥梁项目。我的工作是为项目采购材料和设备。(Were now executing a bridge project. I buy materials and

23、equipment for it.)3. When Zhang wants to ask the way to the check-in counter, he says, “Excuse me, where is the check-in counter of TACA Airline, please?”(劳驾,请问塔卡航空公司办理登记手续的服务台在那儿?) Normally, when you ask somebody to help you, you start with “Excuse me,” (劳驾,对不起,打搅一下)。When you want to ask the way to

24、 a certain place, you can say, “wheres.?” , “How I can get to.?” or “Could you tell me the way to .?”Now you try asking the way: 劳驾,请问联合航空公司办理登机手续的柜台怎么走? (Excuse me, how can I get to the check-in counter of the United Airline, please? Just go ahead for about one hundred yards and youll see it. 打搅一下,

25、请问中国国际航空公司办理登机手续的服务台在哪儿? (Excuse me, wheres the check-in counter of Air China, please? Sorry, I dont know. Just check with the porter. 对不起,请问到机场怎么走? (Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the airport, please? Take the shuttle bus over there. It will take you right to the airport.背景与指南(BACKGROUND A

26、ND DIRECTIONS)我们知道,去国外承包工程,就需要我们派遣有关技术人员和管理人员到国外去,这就涉及到国际旅行(International Traveling)的问题,因而,作为从事国际工作的有关人员就需要学习一些旅途用语和了解一些飞行常识,以便顺利到达工程施工所在国。一般说来,一个项目的人员往往分批而行,由于人多事杂,大家要相互照应,注意带好自己的物品,尤其是护照(Passport)和机票 (Ticket) 。登机前,要到有关航空公司的机场服务台(Check-in counter) 凭机票和护照领取登记卡 (Boarding Card),并办理托运行李手续。注意,在行李标签上一定要填写清楚你的姓名和将行李托运到的地方,填写名字时,要注意英语的Given name 是“名” ,而Last Name/Family Name/Surname 则指的是“姓”,以免取行李时遇到麻烦。航空公司对免费托运的行李量有一定的限额(baggage allowance),一般为七十磅(约为三十二公斤),超重的部分要缴纳托运费

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