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1、牛津版八年级英语下Unit1复习教案牛津版八年级英语下Unit 1复习教案第一课时预习部分需要掌握的词汇四会 past present light rail tram since actually block marry dentist stall tumble closing land safely open a bit lonely complete incomplete unhealthy unkind lucky unlucky unpleasant impolite project service return already ever just yet own over on on

2、es own feeling fresh recent tower board check三会peak tram ferry interview although recently title environment transport development convenient describe benefit重点与难点1. notany more/longer =no more/longerWe saw her no more.= We didnt see her any more.After the accident, he could walk no more.= After the

3、 accident, he couldnt walk any more.2. ago/ beforebefore和ago后面都可以接表示一段时间的名词短语,before还可以单独使用; before 通常用来表示过去或将来的某个时间点之前,通常与过去完成时或过去将来时连用,而ago的时间点是现在或说话的当时,通常与一般过去时连用。Eg: I have never been to the Great Wall before. They moved to France two years ago. He was thinner than he had been 2 years before.3.

4、over 在期间, 在过程中Over the last 50 years, our city has changed a lot.Will you be home over the summer holiday?4. used to do sth.过去常做某事be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事be used to do sth. 被用来做某事eg: He used to go fishing on Sundays.They are used to getting up late.A pen is used to write.5. get married( to sb.)(与

5、某人)结婚, 是非延续性动词My parents got married in married (to sb.) Are you married?My parents have been married for 16 years.marry v. He is going to marry a girl from his hometown.Her mother wants to marry her to a rich man.6. pleasant/ pleasedpleasant 令人愉快的, 常形容事物;pleased 感到高兴的, 常用来形容人。The trip is pl

6、easant and we are all pleased.7. turn into =change intoThe water has changed into ice.The farm will turn the wetlands into fields.8. take off 脱下;起飞You had better take off your coat. Its warm here.When the plane takes off, the noise is terrible.9. lonely/alonelonely 孤独的,寂寞的,带有感情色彩;alone 单独的/地,相当于by o

7、neself/ on ones ownMy grandpa lives alone , but he never feels lonely.10. although=though 虽然,注意不能与but同时用。Although he hurried, he was late for the meeting.= He hurried, but he was late for the meeting.Although he is old, he still jogs every day.= He is old , but he still jogs every day.11. be in serv

8、ice/use 被使用The library was in service three weeks ago.How long has the airport been in service?12. until直到/ not until直到才He waits for his father until 10 oclock.They didnt go out until the rain stopped.Dont get off the bus until it stops.13. a bit =a little一点I feel a bit / a little hungry.后接名词时:a bit

9、 of +n. a little+n.not a bit = not at all 一点也不not a little= very 非常,很试比较:I didnt feel afraid a bit. I didnt feel afraid a little.课堂巩固一选择题1. Mr Smith has taught in the school _ he came here in 1997.A. when B. since C. before D. after2. The park is between the station and the school. Dont _ it.A. miss

10、 B. drop C. lose D. fail3. They didnt _ until they bought a new house.A. be married B. get married C. marry to D. marrying4. Its very _ to play _Chinese chess with them.A. pleasure , a B. pleased, the C. pleasant, / D. necessary, an5. -Has your father ever _ to Paris?-Yes, he _ there last year.A. go

11、ne, go B. been, gone C. been, went D. bone, went6. Daniel has been in China_.A. since a month B. for a month C. for a month ago D. in a month7. Now _ people have known the importance of the environment.A. more many B. much more C. more much D. many more8. Mr Smith isnt in the office now. Can I leave

12、 a _ to him?A. news B. message C. information D. word二、完形填空12345678910Many people like traveling for their holiday. They go to 1 , seaside or forests. Some people like 2 , so they like to visit some old interesting places. In many countries, the travel agency can help you 3 your holiday. You can tel

13、l the travel agency what kind of 4 you like, how much 5 you want to spend, and the travel agency will give you a lot of information about where to go, how 6 there, where to stay, and what kind of activities you can do there. 7 the holidays is 8 “Package” holiday. 9 is, you just pay the money, and th

14、e travel agency will plan 10 for you, the ticket for the train or plane, the hotel, the activities, and so on.( )1. A. schools B. shops C. hills D. the Great Wall( )2. A. history B. music C. country D. city( )3. A. to plan B. planned C. plans D. planning( )4.A. weather B. holiday C. train D. city( )

15、5. A. water B. day C. time D. money( )6. A. get B. to get C. getting D. got( )7. A. Both B. All C. One of D. Every one of( )8. A. call B. calling C. calls D. called( )9. A. That B. What C. How D. This( )10.A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something第二课时预习部分一、词组翻译事实上结婚搬到另一个街区噪音污染安全降落感到有点孤独变得更难旧

16、机场的关闭变成一个花园被使用二、根据汉语意思,用词的适当形式填空。1. They have _(去) to the shopping centre already.2. Lucy is now _(采访) Mr Wu.3. His father hasnt come back _(还).4. Fast food is a kind of _(不健康) food5. _(事实上), no one likes his drawing at all.6. He moved out of the city after he got _(结婚).7. The dogs death made her fe

17、el a bit _(孤独).8. Traveling by train is more _(方便).课堂巩固三、改写句子1. We have already visited Hong Kong.(改为一般疑问句)2. Our teacher has worked in our school since 1998.(对划线部分提问)3. Mary has been to the USA a few times.( 对划线部分提问)4. I havent eaten anything for two hours.(改为同义句)5. I havent eaten anything _.6. Alt

18、hough he was ill, he went to the museum with us.(用but改写)7. My uncle bought a camera two months ago.(用现在完成时改写)四、写出下列词的反义词1. possible2. pleasant3. honest4. correct5. polite6. necessary7. happy8. complete第三课时预习部分Grammar 现在完成时现在完成时用来表示之前已发生或完成的动作或状态,但它的影响现在还存在;也可表示持续到现在的动作或状态。其构成: have (has) +过去分词。规则变化的

19、过去分词与过去式的变化一样,在动词词尾加ed; 不规则变化的过去分词见不规则动词表,需要同学记忆。现以see the film为例将现在完成时的肯定句, 否定句和疑问句列表如下:肯定句:I/You/We/They have seen the film. He/She /It has seen the film.否定句:I/You/We/They have not/ havent seen the film. He/ She/It has not/hasnt seen the film.疑问句:Have I/you/they seen the film? Yes, you/ we/I/they

20、have. No, you/ we/I/they havent. Has he/she/it seen the film? Yes, he/ she/ it has. No, he/ she/ it hasnt. 现在完成时中常用的一些表达:already: 已经,常用于肯定句中,放在句中或句末。 用于疑问句常表示惊讶疑惑。yet 已经, 还, 常用于疑问句和否定句中,放在句末。ever 曾经,常用于疑问句中,放在句中。never 从不,表示否定,放在句中。just刚刚,常用于肯定句中,放在句中。since 自从以来, 后面接时间点或从句。for 后面接一段时间。例:I have finish

21、ed my homework already.My cousin hasnt returned the library book yet.They have just given the food to the poor boy.Have you ever spoken to a foreigner? No, never.I have known him since ten years ago/ for ten years.My sister has lived in Canada since she was born.现在完成时中应注意的几个问题1. have been to 和have g

22、one to的区别 have been to 强调“去过”,现已不在那里,如:He has been to the USA three times.他到美国去过三次。(过去“到美国”,现在已“不在美国”)have gone to主要强调的是“去了”,现在人不在说话的现场,如:-Wheres your mother? -你妈妈在哪?-She has gone to the hospital. -她去医院了。2. have been to 和have been in的区别 have been to强调人“已回到原地”,后面可接表示“次数”的状语。eg. She has been to Shangh

23、ai only once.-How many times has he been there?-Hes been there many times.have been in表示某人“已在某地停留一段时间,现仍在那里”,其后常带表示一段时间的状语。eg. They have been at the bus stop for half an hour.他们在车站呆了半小时。(现在仍然在车站)We have been in Xian for two weeks.我们在西安呆了两个多星期。(现仍在西安)How long have they been in China?他们在中国呆了多长时间了?(仍在中

24、国)3. 现在完成时与一般过去时的区别 现在完成时表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响和结果,强调的是现在的情况,所以它不能和表示过去的时间状语连用。而一般过去时只表示过去的动作或状态,和现在不发生关系,它可以和表示过去的时间状语连用。eg. I have done my home work. 我做完作业了。I did my homework yesterday evening.我昨天晚上做了作业。(只说明昨天做了,而不涉及现在情况)4. 瞬间动词在现在完成时中的使用 A. 瞬间动词可以用于现在完成时,如: He has fallen asleep.他已入睡。 B. 瞬间动词原则上不能和表示

25、一段时间的状语连用,但在否定句中可以使用。 如: She hasnt had a letter yet.她仍然没收到信。She has bought the car for a year. 上句应改为:She has had the car for a year.或It is one year since she bought the car.这辆车她买了一年了。常见的瞬间动词有:come, arrive, get to, get up, reach, leave, go, die, become, open, finish, join, buy, borrow, lend , begin,

26、start等。如果句中有表示一段时间的状语, 需将瞬间动词改为延续性动词,现归类如下:borrow- keep buy- have die- be dead come/ go/ arrive - be in leave- be away from open- be open begin- be on get up- be up join- be in/ be a member ofag: The film has begun. It has been on for half an hour. The factory opened three years ago.= The factory ha

27、s been open for three years.Tom has left home. he has been away from home for two hours.课堂巩固1. Oh, Mrs. King, your necklace looks nice. Is it new? No, I _ it for two years. A. had B. have had C. bought D. have bought 2. His grandfather _ for over two years. A. has died B. has been dead C. has dead D

28、. died 3.Uncle Li can speak English very well because he _ England for 5 years. A. has gone to B. has been to C. has come to D. has been in4. Where is Mr. Zhang? He _ London.A. has been to B. has been C. has gone D. has gone to5. _ to the United States? No, never, but I went to Canada a few years ag

29、o.A. Have you been B. Have you gone C. Did you go D. Will you go 6. I havent seen you _ last Friday. A. for B. since C. from D. on 7. John, you _ the computer game for two hours. Its bad for your eyes. Stop, please! OK, Mum. A. played B. have played C. were playing D. play 8.I wont go to the concert

30、 because I _ my ticket. A. lost B. dont lose C. have lost D. will lost 第四课时预习部分一、写出下列动词的过去分词come leave buy get keep begin draw give hear make put see swim take write drive go do 课堂巩固二、用动词的适当形式填空1. I _(never meet) her before.2. _ you _ (take) the medicine yet?Yes, I _(take) it an hour ago.3. _ Wei Fang _(come) yet? Yes, she _(come) already. When _ she _(come) ? She _( come) just now.4. How many times _ you _(

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