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1、基于单片机的双路温度测控系统设计前言温度测控在工业领域具有广泛的应用。随着传感器技术、微电子技术、单片机技术的不断发展,为智能温度测控系统测控功能的完善,测控精度的提高和抗干扰能力的增强等提供了条件。由于单片机具有集成度高、功能强、体积小、抗干扰能力等优与一般cpu的优点。因此,在要求高控制精度和较低成本的测控条件系统中,往往采用单片机作为数字控制取代模拟控制器. 而作为“感觉器官”传感器用各种各样信息的感知获取和检测,并将其转换为工作系统能进行处理的信息。目前,传感器正沿着分立式集成化智能化单片机系统网络化的方向迅速发展,自能传感器系统是在智能传感器的基础上发展而来的。显而易见,传感器在现代

2、科学技术领域中占有极其重要的地位。采用传感器技术的非电量电测方法,就是目前最广泛的测量技术。随着科学技术的发展,现在也出现了光通量等作为可测量的传感器。本设计正对温度控制设计了以单片机为主机的主动控制系统,系统的结构图由单片机52为主机,A/D转换器,两个测温点路,控制电机正反转,电源电路,键盘和显示电路。温度测控系统是一个闭环控制系统,用温度传感器将监测到的温度A/D转化后送入计算机中。本设计在指导老师吴文涛、王璇、冯智磊的指导和相关文件的综合而完成的。摘要 在现代工业印花技术中,单片机温度测控是核心设计一个基于单片机的双路温度测控系统设计。其能够采集探头和工作台上两路信号,范围分别是030

3、0和099精度为正负1,这两路温度信号通过放大器输入单片机,单片机结合由键盘输入的设定值输出控制电机正反转命令、并用LED实时显示所测得的两路温度值。关键词:单片机、温度测控系统、工业印花技术AbstractIn the modern industrial printing technology, SCM is the core temperature controlling design a based on single chip microcomputer temperature measurement and control system of double road design.

4、The probe and the collection to two channels signal, Range is 0 300 respectively and 0 99 precision of plus or minus 1, the two road temperature signal through the amplifier single-chip microcomputer, SCM by combining input keyboard input value output control motor positive &negative command, and LE

5、D real-time display measured way two temperature. Keywords: SCM, temperature measurement and control systems, industrial printing technology单回路温度控制器 一个单回路温度控制器是一种手段,需要从一个传感器的信号,把它比作一个设定点信号,并调整输出到加热设备维护,尽可能接近,与测量温度和设定温度平衡。这里的关键词是“尽可能接近”。有许多用于实现这种控制方法的几个类型。我们将试图简单介绍一下最常见的。开关控制该应用程序的正确的温度控制器选择取决于应用程序所需



8、。在控制点的差异和实际设定值被称为“下垂”。图(B)积分或“复位行动如果“下垂”的控制时间比例形式不能耐受的过程中,控制整体功能必须加入。整体功能“自动复位”控制器发现使用数学算法来计算下垂数额,然后调整输出到“复位”设定值的控制效果。这通常是通过自动转换带的比例稍微弥补下垂。自动复位内采取行动只能比例带的地方。应自动复位比例带外应用,其结果将是一个极端的设定值超调状态。消除了比例带被称为“反重置饱和”自动复位外过程是典型的控制,包括自动复位或“整合”功能的标准功能。在许多控件没有提供“自动”复位。此功能是通过手工完成的电位变化调整,手动比例带。 (图14A及14B条)衍生金融工具(自动速率)


10、 (图14C的)控制系统调节开关控制:优化一个开关控制系统通常由一个简单的手动调整完成。这种调整,基本上通过调整控制点的控制开启和关闭开关滞后。比例(P),比例加积分(PI)和比例加积分加微分(PID)。是有对P,PI和PID控制适当调整的几种方法。大多数方法需要大量的试验和错误以及大量具有很大的耐心赋予技师!下面是其中的方法之一。第一步是调整比例带。如果控制器包含积分和微分的调整,调整到零之前,他们调整比例带。调整比例带选择的响应速度(有时称为增益)成比例控制器需要实现该系统的稳定性。比例带,必须更广泛地较系统的正常振荡的学历,但不要太宽,以抑制系统的响应。开始时为比例带最窄的设置。如果有振



13、这种情况,减少利率调整过程,直到达到设定值。可能仍有轻微的超调,但是这是一个取舍的情况。自动调谐 - 调整控制参数是不好玩!谢天谢地,现代技术和“自动调谐的发明”。今天的控制器制造商大多提供单回路的自动参数调整选项,它消除了手动调谐的温度控制器不少苦工。有几种方法的自动调整。大多数的系统上运行的控制器,即“看”,从开始时的初始启动上升周期的时间进程到达设定值。然后从第一个周期的响应特性学习它调整到最佳调谐自己在第一循环创造了历史的参数。自动调谐功能继续“学习”,直到随后的周期,并重新调整的PID达到最佳设置参数。由于并非所有制造商的自动调节控制器的功能相同,最好咨询,然后再尝试第一次使用自动调

14、谐功能的使用说明书。Single Loop Temperature ControllersA single loop temperature controller is an instrument that takes the signal from a sensor, compares it to a setpoint signal, and adjusts the output to the heating device to maintain, as close as possible, equilibrium between the measured temperature and t

15、he setpoint temperature. The key phrase here is as close as possible. There are several types of control methods used to accomplish this. We will attempt to briefly explain the most common.On-Off Control Selection of the right temperature controller for the application depends on the degree of contr

16、ol required by the application. The simplest of applications may only require what is called On-Off control. On-Off control operates much in the same manner as the thermostat on our home heating systems. In other words, the output of the controller is either 100% on or 100% off. The sensitivity of t

17、he On-Off control (sometimes called hysteresis or dead-band) is designed into the control action between the points at which the control output switches from off to on. This designed in hysteresis prevents the output from switching from off to on too rapidly. If the hysteresis is set too narrow, rap

18、id switching will occur and often result in what is known as output chattering. This chattering can result in poor lifetime of output relays and heating components. Therefore, the hysteresis should be set so that there is sufficient time delay between the on and off modes of the outputs. Due to the

19、hysteresis needed in the output of the on-off controller, there will always be a certain undershoot and overshoot in the control action. The amount of under shoot and overshoot is dependent upon the characteristics of the entire thermal system of a particular application. (Figure 13A.)Time Proportio

20、ningProcesses requiring a little more precise control than On-Off control usually require what is called Time Proportioning. A time proportioning control operates much the same way as an on-off control while the process temperature is outside of what is called the proportional band. The proportional

21、 band is that area around the setpoint in which time proportioning control takes places. When the process temperature enters the proportional band (approaching setpoint) the cycle time between time on and time off begins to vary. At the low end of the proportional band, the on time is much greater t

22、han the off time. As the process gets closer to the setpoint, the on time decreases and the off time increases. This changes the effective power to the heating load and causes a throttling back in the speed at which the temperature of the process is increased. This action continues until a stabiliza

23、tion takes place somewhere below the setpoint. At this point, control is achieved. The difference in the control point and the actual setpoint is called droop. (Figure 13B.)As long as there is no change in the process load, this condition will remain constant.Integral or Reset ActionIf the droop in

24、the time proportioning form of control cannot be tolerated in the process, the Integral function of control must be added. The integral function found in automatic reset controllers uses a mathematical algorithm to calculate the amount of droop and then adjusts the output to reset the control result

25、 to setpoint. This is usually done by automatically shifting the proportion band slightly to compensate for the droop.Automatic reset action can only take place within the proportional band. Should automatic reset be applied outside the proportional band, the result would be a condition of extreme o

26、vershoot of the setpoint. The process of eliminating the automatic reset outside of the proportional band is called anti-reset windup and is typically a standard feature of controls that include the automatic reset or integrating function. On many controls that do not offer automatic reset. This fun

27、ction is accomplished manually by a potentiometer adjustment that manually shifts the proportional band. (Figure 14A and 14B)Derivative (Automatic Rate)Temperature overshoot is when the process, during its cycling, exceeds setpoint. Overshoot can be small and insignificant or large enough to cause m

28、ajor problems with the process. In all the types of control discussed so far, overshoot occurs. Overshoot can be damaging in many processes and therefore must be avoided.The derivative function (also called automatic rate) can be used in control systems to prevent overshoot. The derivative function

29、anticipates how quickly the setpoint will be reached. It does this by measuring the rate of change of process temperature and then by forcing the control into a proportioning action at a faster rate thereby slowing down the rate of process temperature change. This action allows the process temperatu

30、re to glide into the setpoint and thereby prevent a large degree of overshoot on start-up and when system changes such as large load changes or the opening of a furnace door, etc. takes place.Typically, the most precise of process control applications will require a control that has proportional, au

31、tomatic reset, and automatic rate functions. This type of control is know as PID (Proportional, Integral, Derivative). (Figure 14C)Control System TuningOn-Off Control:Tuning an On-Off control system is usually accomplished by one simple manual adjustment. This adjustment basically controls the switc

32、hing hysteresis by adjusting the points at which the control turns on and turns off.Proportional (P), Proportional plus Integral (PI), and Proportional plus Integral plus Derivative (PID).There are several methods for the proper tuning of P, PI, and PID controls. Most methods require a considerable amount of trial and error as well as a technician endowed with a lot of patience! The following is one of those methods.The first step is the tuning of the proportional band. If the controller contains Integral an

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