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1、 the northeastern statesB.on the north central states the western statesD.on the northwest coast2 .Today people _ can get fresh vegetables and fruits. the north central every part of the USA the cold parts of the the southwest part of the USA3. From this passag

2、e we know that the climate of the United States always very warm in widely differentD.changes very little between summer and winter(B)CCTV NewsJune 2,2016,ThursdayBEIJINGThe Chinese military(军方) sent a specialist medical team to Mali on Thursday to join Chinese peacekeeper

3、s there and help deal with casualties(伤亡者)from a Tuesday terrorist(恐怖分子)attack,On Thursday the Defense Ministry confirmed(证实)that a soldier Shen Liangliang,29,was killed in the attack,and another five soldiers were hurtChina DailyJune 4,2016,SaturdayA team of refugees (难民)will compete for the first

4、time at this summers Olympics in RioIn the past,athleteswho did not represent(代表)a country were not allowed to compete“The team will likely number between five and ten athletes,”the committee said in a statement,“it will be treated at the Olympic Games like all the other teamsWe want to send a messa

5、ge of hope to all the refugees of the world”China DailyJune 6,2016,MondayNANNINGFloodshave caused three deaths in South Chinas GuangxiMore than ten cities and counties in Guangxi were hit by floods in the last three daysAbout 592 people were disappeared,and 27,800 people were affected,it saidDirect

6、economic loss(经济损失)totaled 28 million Yuan(about $426 million)4When did the terrorist attack happen in Mali?AOn June 2,2016BOn June 4,2016COn May 31,2016DOn June 6,20165What is special at this summers Olympics in Rio?AAthletes who represent a country are allowed to compete at this summers OlympicsB.

7、 Ateam of refugees can compete at this summers Olympics in RioCA refugee can represent his or her own country to compete in Rio OlympicsDThis piece of news sends all the athletes a message of hope6How many people died in Guangxi during the floods in the last three days?A3B592C27,800D287According to

8、the news above,which of the following is TRUE?AThese three pieces of news are reported by China DailyBMany people were affected in Guangxi because of the earthquakeCThere may be over 10 members in a team of refugees at this summers OlympicsDThe government of China is trying to cure the casualties in

9、 Malis terrorist attack(C)One afternoon I toured an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting. I was looking forward to a quiet view of the art works. A young couple ahead of me chatted nonstop between themselves. I watched them a moment and decided the wife was doing all

10、the talk. I admired the husbands patience for her continuous talk. Distracted(心烦意乱的) by their noise, I moved on .I met with them several times as I moved through the different rooms of art. Each time I heard her constant words, I moved away quickly.I was standing at the counter(收银台) of the museum gi

11、ft shop when the couple came near to the exit. Before they left, the man reached into his pocket and pulled out a white object. He extended it into a long stick and then carefully went into the coatroom to get his wifes jacket.“Hes a brave man.” The clerk at the counter said, “Most of us would give

12、up if we were blinded at such a young age. But he made a promise that his life wouldnt change. So, as before, he and his wife come in whenever theres a new art show.”“But what does he get out of the art?” I asked, “He cant see.”“Cant see? Youre wrong. He sees a lot. More than you or I do.” The clerk

13、 said, “His wife describes each painting so he can see it in his head.”I learned something about patience, courage and love that day. I saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without sight and the courage of a husband who would not allow blindness to change his life. And I

14、 saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away hand in hand.8. The young couple was at an art museum _.A. to show their love B. to enjoy paintings C. to discuss paintings D. to describe paintings9. “I moved away quickly.” in Paragraph 3 shows that the writer _.A. was in the ho

15、pe of visiting more rooms B. wasin a hurry to buy some giftsC. was tired of the nonstop talking D.wasnot interested in the art show10. After hearing what the clerk had said about the couple, the writer was _.A. encouraged B. excited C. touched D. annoyed11. The passage is mainly about _.A. the impor

16、tance of art B. good manners in publicC. patience of a husband D. love between a couple(D)“Tipping”(给小费)is always a difficult business.You do not want to give too much or too little,or tip the wrong person. In Britain and America,people usually tip waiters in restaurants,porters,taxi drivers and hai

17、rdressers.They do not tip people in offices,cinemas,garages or airports.Do you invite your friend to the restaurant?Then you pay the bill.Does your friend invite you?Your friend pays.If there are men and women in the party,the men usually pay. These days,men and women are equal in many ways.If you w

18、ork in Britain or America,your boss could be a man or a woman.There are increasing numbers of women in important positions in politics,law,medicine and in the business world.But it is still polite for men to open doors for women and to ask them to go first.And it is polite for men to stand up when t

19、hey are introduced to women.12 .In this passage,the writer tells us _.A.not to give any tip to othersB.only to give tip to womenC.only to give tip in give tip to the right person13 .If you have had a meal with your friend in a restaurant, should pay the billB.your friend shoul

20、d pay the billC.the person who invites the other person should pay the should ask your friend to pay the bill14 .Today in Britain and America _. A.women are completely equal to men hold all the important positions in politics C.women hold all the important positions in business D.wom

21、en have changed their conditions in many ways15 .It is impolite for a man to _. a door for a woman and to go first himself B.stand beside a womanC.let a woman go first D.stand up when he is introduced to a woman二、口语表达(每小题2分,共10分)。根据对话内容,从方框中的七个选项中选出五项能填入空白处的最佳选项。A. Hi, where are you from? E.

22、Why not have a good talk with her?B. Hello, whos calling?F. You shouldnt argue with your mom.C. You should learn from them. G. Whats your problem?D. Dear listeners, who can give him some suggestions?Becky: Welcome back to “The Problem Line”. Okay, its time for another call. 16 David: Hello! This is

23、David. Hi, David. Welcome to “The Problem Line”. 17 Well, Im having problems with my mom. When we talk about something, we always argue. 18 Its impolite. I know, but she plans everything for me. I cant even decide what to wear on weekends. Thats too bad. 19 I tried, but she never listened. She think

24、s I should listen to her because Im her child. Well, thats a difficult problem. 20 Linda: Hello, Im Linda. I think David should ask his teacher for help. Perhaps his mother will listen to his teacher. OK. Ill have a try. Thank you!三、完形填空(每小题1.5分,共30分)Once the King of India fell ill and sent for a do

25、ctor.The doctor came,examined him and said,“You will be(21) again in a few days if you take a bulls(公牛)milk.” The King was(22)because he had never heard of a bull that gave milk.“How is it(23)?”he asked. “Order Gulbo to get it for you,”answered the doctor.“He can do anything.”Gulbo was a person with

26、 great knowledge and was(24)to the doctor.So the doctor thought this would be a way of making him(25).When the King told Gulbo what the doctor said and(26)him to get a bulls milk,Gulbo(27) understood what the doctor was trying to do. When he got home.He sat thinking how to get out of the difficulty.

27、His daughter,seeing him worried,asked what was the(28).On hearing what the King had asked for,she said,“Dont(29)father.I will help you.”The next day she took some old clothes , went to the bank of the river near the palace,and chose a place(30)the Kings bedroom window.In the middle of the night,when everyone was in bed,she started to(31)her washing.She made so much noise(32)the King could not sleep.The King got very angry and sent a guard to(33)what was the matter.The soldier found the girl,and led her to the King.“Why do you(34)your clothes here at night?”said the Ki

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