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1、雪莉桑德伯格#160#160哈佛大学毕业典礼演讲雪莉·桑德伯格  哈佛大学2014毕业典礼演讲 哈佛大学2014毕业典礼演讲 title=雪莉桑德伯格 哈佛大学2014毕业典礼演讲这是我费了九牛二虎之力整理的,网上没有的,在这里和大家一起分享。Congratulations everyone, youmade it.祝贺所有人,你们做到了。And Idont mean to the end of college, I mean to class day, because ifmemory serves,some ofyour classmates had too

2、many scorpion bowls at the Kong last nightand are with us today.我指的不是大学毕业,而是成功出席今天的毕业典礼。如果我们记错,某些同学虽然昨晚在香港餐厅喝了太多蝎子碗调酒,但今天还是来了。 Given theweather, the one thing Harvard hasnt figured out how to control,some of your other classmates are at someplace warm with a hotcocoa, so you have many reasons to fee

3、l proud of yourself as yousit here today.由于天气,这种哈佛还没有弄清楚如何控制的现象,还有同学正在温暖的地方喝热可可饮料,所以,你们有很多为今天出席毕业日活动感到自豪的理由。 Congratulations to your parents.You have spent a lot ofmoney, so your child can say she went to a “small school” nearBoston. And thank you to the class of 2014 for inviting me to thepart of y

4、our celebration. It means a great to me. And looking atthe list of past speakers was a little daunting.I cant be as funnyas Amy Poehler, but Im gonna be funnier than MotherTeresa. 祝贺你们的家长,你们花了很多钱,让子女能够说自己是从波士顿附近的这所“小学校“毕业的。还要感谢2014届毕业生邀请我来到这次盛典。这对我价值巨大。看到过往演讲者的名单让人有些敬畏。我肯定没有艾米波乐那么搞笑,但我至少比特雷萨修女更幽默。 2

5、5 yearsago, a man named Dave I did not know at the time but who would oneday become my husband was sitting where you are sitting today.23years ago, I was sitting where you are sitting today. Dave and Iare back this weekend with our amazing son and daughter tocelebrate his reunion, and we both share

6、the same sentiment,Harvard has a good basketball team.25年前,一个我当时还不认识,但以后会成为我丈夫的男人戴夫,坐在你们现在坐的地方。23年前,我坐在你们现在坐的地方。戴夫和我这周末,带着可爱的子女回校。我们都怀有相同的感触:哈佛的篮球队太棒了! Standinghere in the yard brings memories flooding back for me.I arrivedhere from Miami in the fall of 1987, with big hopes and even biggerhear. I wa

7、s assigned to live in one of Harvards historic monumentsto great architecture, canady. My go-to outfit, and Im not makingthis up, was a jean skirt, white leg warmers and sneakers and aFlorida sweater, because my parents who were here with me then astheyre here with me now, told me everyone would thi

8、nk it wasawesome that I was from Florida. At least we didnt haveInstagram.站在校园中,回忆泉涌。19876年秋天,我从迈阿密来到这里,怀揣着伟大的梦想,还有更夸张的发型。我被分配到哈佛伟大建筑的一座历史丰碑,卡纳迪楼,我是说真的,我当时穿着牛仔裙,白色暖腿袜套,运动鞋,还有一件弗罗里达羊毛衫。因为当时我的父母告诉我,所有人都会人为来自弗罗里达的人很酷。至少,我们那时没有Instagram。 For me,Harvard was a series of firsts.My first winner coat, we nee

9、dntneed those in Miami.My first10page paper, they didnt assign those in my high school.My firstC, after which my proctor told me that she was on the admissionscommittee, and I got admitted to Harvard for my personality not myacademic potential.The first person I ever met from boardingschool. I thoug

10、ht that was our really troubled kids.The firstperson I ever met who shares the name with a whole building, or soI met when the first classmate I met was Sarah Widdlesworth, whobore no relation at all to the dorm, which would have been nice toknow with that very intimidating moment. But then I went o

11、n to meetothers, Francis Strauss, James wells, Jessica science center B. Myfirst love, my first heartbreak, the first time I realized that Ilove to learn, and the first and very last time I saw anyone readanything in Latin.对我而言,哈佛给了我很多第一次,包括我的第一件冬装,在迈阿密没人需要冬装。我的第一份10页论文,高中没人会布置这么长的作业,我第一次得C,这之后,我的学监

12、告诉我说,她在招生委员会,她招我进来不是因为我的学术潜能,而是因为我的品性。我在寄宿学校看到的第一个人,我就觉得这个人会是个大麻烦。我还碰到了第一个名字同整座建筑一样的人,这个人的名字叫做萨拉威格尔斯沃斯,她和那栋宿舍楼没有关系,当时我很震惊,知道她和宿舍楼没有关系后,我松了一口气。之后,我还碰到了其他人,弗朗西斯斯特劳斯,詹姆斯威尔斯,杰西卡科学中心B。我第一位爱人,第一位让我心碎的人,我第一次认识到自己热爱学习,第一次也是最后一次遇到有人在读拉丁文。 When I satin your seat all those years ago, I knew exactly where I was

13、headed, I had it all planned out, I was going to the world bank towork on global poverty. The I would go to law school. And I wouldspend my life working in a nonprofit or in a government. AtHarvards commencement tomorrow as your dean described, each schoolis gonna stand up and graduate together, the

14、 college, the lawschool, the med school and so on. At my graduation, my classcheered for the PHD students and then booed the business school.Business school seemed like such a sellout.18 monthslater, I applied to business school.我毕业那年,我想好了自己以后有什么计划,我要进世界银行,对抗全球贫穷,然后我要去法学院,然后我将在非营利机构或政府工作,你们院长也讲了,在明天

15、的哈佛毕业典礼上,每个学院都要起立并一同毕业,本科部吗、法学院、医学院等等。我毕业时,我们班为博士生欢呼,然后嘘了商学院,商学院似乎很不受欢迎。18个月后,我就申请了商学院。 It wasntwrong about what I would do decades after graduating.I had it wronga year and a half later. And even if I could have predicted I wouldone day work in the private sector, I never could have predictedFacebo

16、ok, because there was no internet, and Mark Zuckerberg was atelementary school, already wearing his hoody. Not locking into apath too early, give me an opportunity to go into a new and lifechanging field. And for those of you who think I owe everything togood luck, after Canaday I got Quaded.我对自己毕业后

17、的数十年规划其实并没错,计划只错在了一年后,就算我算到了自己会在私营企业工作,我肯定算不到自己会在脸谱,那时候没有互联网。那时候马克扎克伯格还在读小学,已经开始穿他的标志性帽衫了。没有太早锁死自己的道路,让我有机会进入改变生活的全新领域。有些人可能认为我运气好,我想说,卡纳迪楼后,我又被安排到了方院。 There isno straight path from your seat today to where you are going. Donttry to draw that line. You will not just get it wrong. You willmiss big op

18、portunities and I mean big ,like theinternet.从你们所坐的地方倒你们要去的地方是没有直路的,不要尝试画这样的直线,这不仅会出错,还会错失大机遇,我说的是大机遇,例如像互联网这样。 Careersare not ladders. Those days are long gone, but junglegyms. Dontjust move up and down. Dont just look up. Look backwards,sideways, around corners. Your career and your life will have

19、starts and stops and zigs and zags. Dont stress out about thewhite space, the path you can try, because there in lives both thesurprises and the opportunities. As you open yourself up topossibility, the most important thing I can tell you today is toopen yourself up to honesty, to telling the truth

20、to each other, tobe honesty to yourselves, and to be honest about the world we livein.职业不是梯子,那种时代一去不返了,职业更像是立体方格铁架,不要只上下移动,不要只往上看,还要往回看,往旁边看,看转角周围。你的职业和生活会有始终,会有曲折,不要对未来的道路太过忧虑,因为生活中充满了惊喜和机遇,你需要对各种可能性持开放态度。今天我要讲的最重要的一点就是,对诚实保持开放的态度。相互之间说老实话,对自己诚实,也对我们所生活的世界诚实。 If youwatched children, you will immedi

21、ately notice how honest theyare.My friend besty was pregnant and her son for the second child,son Sam was 5, he wanted to know where the baby was in her body. Soyes mommy, are the babies arms in your arms? And she said, no nosam, babys in my tummy, whole baby. Mom ,are the babys legs inyour legs? No

22、, sam, whole babys in my tummy. Then mommy, whatsgrowing in your butt?看看身边的孩子,你就知道他们有多诚实,我朋友贝琪怀孕后,她五岁的儿子山姆想知道宝宝在她身体里的什么地方。他问,妈妈,宝宝的胳膊在你的胳膊里吗?她说,不是,整个宝宝在我的肚子里。他又问,妈妈,宝宝的腿在你的腿里吗?她回答,不山姆,整个宝宝在我的肚子里。然后,山姆问道,那你的屁股里有什么? As adults,we are almost never dishonest and that can be a very good thing,When I was p

23、regnant with our first child, I asked my husband Daveif my butt was getting big. At first, he didnt answer but Ipressed. So he said, yea, a little.作为成年人,我们几乎一直很诚实,这是很难得的好事。我怀孕的时候,我问我丈夫我的屁股有没有变大,起初他说没有,但我不断施压,最后,他说,好吧,有一点。 For yearsmy sister-in-low said him what people will now say about you forthe r

24、est of your life when you do something done, and that guy wentto Harvard.我的小姑子一直说我丈夫,也是你们以后在生活中经常会听到有人说到的:“这家伙竟然是哈佛出来的。” Hearingthe truth at different times along the way would have helped me. Iwould not have admitted it easily when I sat where you sit. Butwhen I graduated, I was much more worried a

25、bout my love life thanmy career. I thought I only had a few years very limited time tofind one of the good guys, before he was to , or before they wereall taken, or I get too old. So I moved to DC, and met the guy, andI got married at the nearly decrepit age of 24. I married a wondera wonderful man,

26、 but I had no business making that kind ofcommitmer. I didnt know who I was or who I wanted to be. Mymarriage fell apart within a year, something that was reallyembarrassing and painful at the time, and it did not help that somany friends came up to me and said:”I never knew that, neverthought that

27、was going to work or I knew you werent right for eachother. Noone had managed to say anything like that to me before I marcheddown an aisle when it would have been far more useful.在人生旅途中,如果听到一些真话会对我很有帮助,我在你们这个年龄的时候,还没有领会到这一点。在我毕业的时候,我对爱情生活的关心大于事业,我认为自己没有什么时间了,必须赶紧找个好男人结婚,以免所有好男人都别人被抢走,或者我太老了。于是,我搬到哥

28、伦毕业特区,在我24岁的时候结婚了。那个男人很不错,但我俩似乎总是相处不好,我变得不知道自己是谁,也不知道未来在哪里。一年不到,我的婚姻以失败告终,当时我非常难堪,非常痛苦。很多朋友来安慰我,但毫无帮助,他们说,我就知道你们俩结婚行不通,我就知道你们俩不合适。没有人在我婚姻之前跟我说这些,事前告诉我这些肯定会更有用。 And as Ilived through these painful months of separation and divorce, boy,did I wish the had? And boy, did I wish I had asked them? At thesa

29、me time in my professional life, someone did speak up. My firstboss out of college was Lant Prichett, an economist who teaches atthe kennedy School who is here with us today, after I deferred tolaw school for the second time.Lant satdown and said I dont think you should go to law school at all, Idon

30、t think you want to go to law school. I think you shouldbecause you told your parents you would many years ago.He notedthat he had never once heard me talk about the law with anyinterest.我熬过了离婚后的这些痛苦时光,我多希望他们原来有给过我建议,我多希望我曾经问过他们。而在我的职业生涯中,确实有人毫无保留地说出了实话。本科后,我的第一任老板是兰特普利切特,肯尼迪学院授课的一位经济学家,他今天也在现场。我第二次

31、考虑法学院时,兰特跟我说,我不认为你应该去法学院,我也不认为你想去法学院。你认为自己应该去,大概只是你父母一直以来的要求。他注意到,我在谈话中从未表现出对法律的任何兴趣。 I know howhard it can be to be honest with each other, even your closestfriends, even when theyre about to make serious mistakes, but Ibet sitting here today, you know your closest friends strength,weeknesses, what cliff they might drive off, and I bet for the mostpart youve never told them, and they never asked. Ask them. Askthem for the truth because it will help you.And whenthe answer honestly, you know that thats what makes them realfriends.我知道 相互之间坦诚相见有多么难,哪怕最亲密的朋友,哪怕是在他们可能犯严重错误的时候,不过我敢打赌,在

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