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1、s the relationship(关系) between Bob and Peter?A. Friends. B. Brothers. C. Classmates(同学)。14. What does Bob think of music?A. Fun. B. Boring. C. Relaxing.15. Whats Peters favorite subject?A Geography. B. Music. C. English. .笔试部分单项选择1.Look! There is_ UFO in the sky.A. a B. an C. the D. /【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意

2、:看!天空中有一个不明飞行物。考查冠词。A. a一个,不定冠词,表示类别,用于辅音音素开头的单词之前;B. an一个,不定冠词,表示类别,用于元音音素开头的单词之前;C. the定冠词,表示特指;D. / 不填。句中UFO不明飞行物,表示类别,并且UFO/ju:efu/的第一个音素是/j/,辅音音素,故选A。【点睛】英语冠词分两类:定冠词the;不定冠词a, an。定冠词the表示特指,不定冠词a ,an表示类别,元音音素开头的单词之前用an,辅音音素开头的单词之前用a。2.Hi, Tom. Is this white eraser yours?No. _ is green.A. His B.

3、 Yours C. Mine D. Hers【答案】C嗨,汤姆。这个白色的橡皮是你的吗?不是,我的是绿色的。考查名词性物主代词。A. His他的;B. Yours你/你们的;C. Mine我的;D. Hers她的。根据句意可知,故选C。3.How much _ that pair of shoes?A. be B. am C. is D. are那双鞋多少钱?考查be动词。A. be系动词,是、有、存在,动词原形;B. am 主语为第一人称单数形式;C. is主语为第三人称单数形式;D. are主语为复数形式或第二人称。句中主语“that pair of shoes那双鞋”中心词为pair,是

4、第三人称单数形式,故选C。【点睛】英语中提问价格的句型除了用How much is/are? 以外,还可以用Whats the price of? 来表达。例如,上面的句子还可以替换成Whats the price of that pair of shoes?4.We can buy the skirt _ a very good price in this shop.A. at B. in C. on D. for我们可以在这个商店以很不错的价格买这件裙子。考查介词。A. at 以(某种价格、速度等);B. in在里面;C. on在上面;D. for为了。at a very good pri

5、ce,固定用法,以很好的价格。故选A。5.Lis room is not_. His books are everywhere on his bed, on the sofa and under the chair.A. fun B. big C. tidy D. old李的房间不整洁。他的书到处都是-床上、沙发上和椅子下。考查形容词。A. fun有趣的;B. big大的;C. tidy整洁的;D. old旧的。根据后句His books are everywhere on his bed, on the sofa and under the chair. 他的书到处都是床上、沙发上和椅子下可

6、知,前句应是“李的房间不整洁”,故选C。6.Lucy is my classmate,_ she is twelve too.A. because B. but C. so D. and【答案】DLucy是我的同学,她也12岁了。考查连词。A. because因为,表示原因;B. but但是,表示转折;C. so因此,表示结果;D. and和、又,表示顺承。根据前后两句之间的关系使顺承关系,故选D。7.She has vegetables for supper, she doesnt want _ fat.A. to be B. is C. be D. has她晚饭吃蔬菜,她不想变胖。考查wa

7、nt to do的用法。A. to be动词不定式;B. is动词be的单三式;C. be动词原形;D. has动词have的单三式。“想干某事”want to do,fat形容词,需要用系动词be来构成动词不定式,故选A。8.Playing soccer _ great for us.A. looks B. sounds C. look D. sound踢足球对我们来说看起来很好。考查连系动词。A. looks看起来,单三式;B. sounds听起来,单三式;C. look看起来,动词原形;D. sound听起来,动词原形。句子主语Playing soccer踢足球,是动名词短语,做主语时谓

8、语动词用单数形式,故选A。9.We all like the red _ on Chinese New Year.A. number B. color C. fruit D. meal【答案】B在中国的新年我们都喜欢红色。考查名词。A. number数字;B. color颜色;C. fruit水果;D. meal餐。根据中国的习俗及句中the red可知,故选B。10.- Thank you very much.-_.A. Youre right B. No, thanksC. Youre welcome D. Yes, please非常感谢。不客气。考查交际用语。re right你是正确的;

9、B. No, thanks不,谢谢;re welcome不客气;D. Yes, please是的,请吧。根据人际交往的习俗,当别人对你说“谢谢”时,处于礼貌,你一定要说“不客气,不用谢”,故选C。情景对话从方框中所给的七个选项中,选出五个适当的选项,补全对话Jenny:_11_ Mike: Yes, I am very busy. I have 8 classes on Friday._12_ I like math very much and I think math is difficult but useful_13_ Mrs Wang._14_ At 11:40._15_ My fav

10、orite subject is history.A. Are you busy on Friday?B. Who is your math teacher?C. What about your favorite subject?D. What is your favorite subject?E. Why do you like math?F. What time does your math class finish?G. How are you today?【答案】11. A 12. D 13. B 14. F 15. C文章大意:短文通过对话形式谈论了最喜欢的科目以及数学老师和数学课结

11、束时间。【11题详解】根据回答Yes, I am very busy. I have 8 classes on Friday.是的,我很忙。星期五我上八节课可知。问句应是“星期五你忙吗”这样的一般疑问句,故答案为A。【12题详解】根据答语I like math very much and I think math is difficult but useful.我非常喜欢数学可知,上句应是问“你最喜欢的科目是什么”这样的特殊疑问句,故答案为D。【13题详解】根据上文和答语Mrs Wang.王夫人可知,上句是问“你们的数学老师是谁”。故答案为B。【14题详解】根据答语At 11:40.在11:4

12、0可知,上句应是what time的特殊疑问句,故答案为F。【15题详解】根据答语My favorite subject is history.我最喜欢的科目是历史可知,上句应是“你最喜欢的科目是什么”,结合上文语境,此处应是“你最喜欢的科目呢”故答案为C。完形填空 Li Hong is a middle school student. She goes to school at 7:30 a. m. She has lunch _16_,but she has_17_ and dinner at home. The time_18_lunch is from 12:00 a. m. to 1

13、:00 p. m. Li Hong and her_19_, Lucy, have lunch in the school dining hall(餐厅).The food there is_20_. They like the food. Lucy often has some chicken and a hamburger, but Li Hong_21_.She likes to have vegetables and fruit salad. They have _22_ classes a day, four in the morning and three in the after

14、noon. Li Hong likes English and Lucy likes_23_. In the evening, Li Hong_24_dinner with her parents. They have some vegetables,_25_and meat(肉) for dinner.16. A. at home B. in the shop C. at school D. in her room17. A. vegetables B. breakfast C. lunch D. food18. A. in B. to C. for D. with19. A. mother

15、 B. grandmother C. aunt D. friend20. A. much B. great C. difficult D. fast21. A. doesnt B. does C. isnt D. is22. A. three B. four C. five D. seven23. A. chicken B. food C. Chinese D. salad24. A. likes B. watches C. has D. calls25. A. balls B. rooms C. books D. fruit【答案】16. C 17. B 18. C 19. D 20. B

16、21. A 22. D 23. C 24. C 25. D【分析】短文主要叙述了Li Hong和Lucy的一日三餐情况。【16题详解】句意:她在学校吃午饭。at home在家;in the shop在商店;at school在学校;in her room在她的房间里。根据下文Li Hong and her_4_, Lucy, have lunch in the school dining hall(餐厅).李红和她的朋友Lucy在学校餐厅吃午饭可知,故答案为C。【17题详解】但是她在家吃早饭和晚饭。vegetables蔬菜;breakfast早饭;lunch午饭;food食物。承接上句She

17、has lunch _1_,可知,故答案为B。【18题详解】午饭时间是从上午12:00到下午1:00。in在里面;to到;for为了;with和一起。the time一般不和in、with搭配,故排除A、D;the time for,for后接名词,表示“是的时间”;the time to,to 后接动词,表示“是干时间”;空后词lunch是名词,故答案为C。【19题详解】李红和她的朋友Lucy在学校餐厅吃午饭。mother妈妈;grandmother奶奶;aunt婶婶;friend朋友。They have _7_ classes a day, four in the morning and

18、three in the afternoon.他们一天上七节课,上午四节下午三节可知他们都是学生,故答案为D。【20题详解】那的食物很好。much多;great很好;difficult困难的;fast快的。根据下文They like the food.他们喜欢食物可知,那儿的食物很好。【21题详解】Lucy经常吃鸡肉和汉堡,但是李红不是。doesnt不是;does是;isnis是。根据句意和句中but提示可知,空处的句子是和上句意义相反的句子,上句是肯定句,空处的句子应是否定句,故排除B、D;后句中的谓语应是行为动词has,所以变否定句要用doesnt来完成,故答案为A。【22题详解】他们一天

19、上七节课,上午四节下午三节。three 三;four四;five五;seven七。根据后半句four in the morning and three in the afternoon. 上午四节下午三节可知,故答案为D。【23题详解】李红喜欢英语,Lucy喜欢汉语。chicken鸡肉;food食物;Chinese汉语; salad沙拉。根据and连接的并列句和English的提示,空处的词应是和English一类的词,所以只有Chinese和English是一类词,故答案为C。【24题详解】晚上李红和她的父母一起吃晚饭。likes喜欢;watches观看;has吃;calls称呼。根据宾语d


21、下文在意思上和结构上都有这样或那样的必然联系。第四步复查核对,决定取舍。全部题目做完以后,要仔细考查核对。填完空后,重读全文,这在解题过程中也是很重要的。阅读理解Hello! Im Betty. This is a photo of my room. Can you see the books? Yes. They are in the bookcase, These are my notebooks and pencil box. They are on the desk. Where are my pencils? They are in the pencil box. Thats my

22、bed. What is that on it? Its a white jacket. Whats this on the sofa?s my hat. Its purple. There are two photos on the wall(墙). This is a photo of my family. Look! These are my parents. Those are my grandparents. And this is me. That is a photo of my dog. Whats her name? Her name is Lucky. Oh, where

23、is Lucky? She is not on the sofa. She is not under my desk. Aha! Shes under the chair.26 A is on my bed.A. jacket B. sweater C. T-shirt D. hat27. What color is my hat?A. Red. B. Green. C. Black. D. Purple.28. people are in the photo of my family.A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six29. Where is my dog?A.

24、On the sofa. B. Under the sofa. C. Under my desk. D. Under the chair.30. The passage(文章) is about .A. Bettys family B. Bettys room C. Bettys parents D. Bettys books【答案】26. A 27. D 28. C 29. D 30. B短文主要叙述了Betty的房间照片中,房间里东西的布置。【26题详解】细节理解题。根据文中Thats a white jacket.那是我的床。床上那是什么?它是一件白色的夹克可知,故答案为A。【27题详解

25、】根据文中Its purple.它是我的帽子,它是紫色的可知,故答案为D。【28题详解】根据文中These are my parents. Those are my grandparents. And this is me.这是我父母,那时我祖父母。这是我可知,共有五人,故答案为C。【29题详解】根据文中Oh, where is Lucky?s under the chair.可知,狗在椅子下面,故答案为D。【30题详解】主旨大意题。根据文章大意“短文主要叙述了Betty的房间照片中,房间里东西的布置”可知,这段话是关于Betty的房间,故答案为B。BI am George. Mary, Al

26、an, Jenny and John are my good friends. Next week is Johns birthday. He asks us to go to his birthday party. We want to buy some gifts for John.John likes baseball. He has six baseballs and three baseball bats. But he doesnt have a baseball hat. I know he likes red. I want to buy a red baseball hat

27、for John.For fruit, John likes bananas and apples, but he doesnt like pears. So Jenny and Mary want to buy a birthday cake with some bananas and apples on it.“What do you want to buy, Alan?” we ask. “Well, he is always late for school,” Alan says,“so I want to buy a watch for john!”31. friends want to go t

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