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仁爱版学年九年级英语上册unit 3 单元检测卷附答案.docx

1、仁爱版学年九年级英语上册unit 3 单元检测卷附答案仁爱版九年级上册unit 3 检测卷一、单项选择(每题1分,共15分)1. English is also used the main business language.A. with B. for C. to D. as2. A teacher from the USA will come to our school. Oh, well have a good chance to practice English.A. speaking B. speak C. to speak D. speaks3. There are many di

2、fferences between American English and British English in spelling and pronunciation, especially in _ English.A. written B. oral C. official D. business4. We to start at once, or we will miss the train. A. tell B. have told C. are told D. told 5. _, I must try my best to study English.A. On purpose

3、B. From now on C. After all D.As soon as6.These model cars _ in China in 2013.A. are made B. were made C. make D. made7. Please take your baby and him on the bed quietly.A. lay B. to putC. push D. laying8. What a nice classroom!It _ every cleaning B. has cleaned C. must clean cleaned9.

4、 They left for the northwest of China gold.A. dug B. to digC. digging D. digs10. When _ your school _?A. did, built B. was, builtC. is, built D. was, building11. My room _ tomorrow.A. is cleaned B. be cleaned C. will be cleaned D. is cleaning12. _ trees usually _ in April?A. Have, planted B. Are, pl

5、antedC. have, been planted D. Do, planted13. Beijing Opera sounds beautiful. So it is, and it by people from throughout the world.A. is enjoyable B. is enjoyed C. are enjoyed D. enjoys14. Hi, Jane, tell you a piece of good news. I _ America tomorrow.Wow, have a good trip!A. will leave to B. leaves f

6、or leaving for D. going leaving for15. Doctor, it seems _ you like to work with animals.Yes, I think animals should _ as our friends.A. that;regard B. that;be regardedC. what;regard D. what;be regarded二、完形填空(每空1分,共10分)I had a wonderful time with ray exchange program(交流活动中心) in France. Its much

7、1 than I thought. I felt a little nervous before I reached France, but there wasnt any reason to be so. My host 2 is really nice.They managed various ways to make me 3 at home. Every day I 4 practicing 5 French, I wouldnt believe how 6 progress I 7 in French! Although I still make some mistakes, I c

8、an think something in French without 8 everything into Chinese like I used to. My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at dinner table. All the things are really different 9 the way they are at home. You are not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread. Another thing is that 10 i

9、s very rude to say “Im full now.” you should say “It is delicious. instead.( ) 1. A. good B. better C. best D. the best( ) 2. A. school B. home C. house D. family( ) 3. A. feeling B. to feel C. felt D. feel( ) 4. A. keep B. got to C. stick to D. went on( ) 5. A. writing B. written C. oral D. orally(

10、 ) 6. A. much B. many C. greet D. great( ) 7. A. got B. took C. achieved D. had( ) 8. A. say B. speak C. translating D. telling( ) 9. A. with B. for C. of D. from( ) 10. A. it B. that C. this D. its三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)AStudents in many countries are learning English. Some of these students are small ch

11、ildren. Others are teenagers . Many are adults. Some learn at school, others by themselves. A few learn English by learning the language over the radio, on TV, or in film. One must work hard to learn another language.Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer this quest

12、ion. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects required for study. They study their own language and maths and English. Some people learn it because it is useful for their work. Many people learn English for their work. Many people learn English for their higher

13、 studies, because at college or university some of their books are in English. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.( )1.People learn English school B.over the radio C.on TV D.not all in the same way( )2.Different kinds of people want to lear

14、n English _.A.together with other subjects B.for different reasonsC.for their work D.for higher studies at colleges( )3.From this passage we know that _.A.we can learn English easilyB.English is very difficult to learnC.English is learned by most people in the worldD.English is a useful language but

15、 one must work hard to learn( )4.Which of the following is right? _.A.We dont need to learn any foreign languagesB.We can do well in all our work without EnglishC.English is the most important subject in schoolsD.We should learn English because we need to face the world( )5.Why do many boys and girl

16、s study English?A.Because at college or university some of their books are in English.B.Because it is useful for their work.C.Because it is one of their subjects required for study at school.D.Because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.BEnglish is very important to us in the modern

17、 world. Many people want to learn it well. Here are some things that I want to say about learning English.You need two things to learn English wellpassion and good learning methods(方法), and passion is the more important one. Why? Because passion makes you want to learn English; the learning methods

18、only tell you how to do it better and faster.If you love learning English, youll do it regularly and spend more time on it. Learning English will be easier for you. Itll be easy for you to remember new words and grammar. For example, some people like history and know everything about World War . If

19、you told a “normal person” to memorize(记忆) all these facts, they would never do it. We know you may not love learning English. And even if you love it, you wont do it sometimes. This is how human psychology(心理学) workssometimes were very lazy and tired, so we dont want to do anything though we like i

20、t very much.When you dont feel like learning English, you can do the following things: First, imagine that you can talk to native speakers just like you talk in your native language. Imagine other people speak English as well as you do. Imagine the possibility of writing e-mail to people from all ov

21、er the world.Second, remember theres a lot that you dont know. Youre good, but your English probably isnt good enough. Maybe you cant understand English-language TV programs, read books in English, talk to English native speakers easily, or write letters without mistakes, etc.Lastly, use English whe

22、never you can. This is very, very important. The more you use English, the more youll want to learn it. Because English is so popular, you can use it everywhere. You can watch American cartoons, you can sing English songs, and you can read interesting books written in English.6.The underlined word “

23、passion” means “ ” in Chinese.A. 态度 B. 热情 C. 步骤 D. 情感7.The missing part in the third paragraph can be “ ”.A. The brain cant memorize everythingB. Youll find it hard to learn EnglishC. Thats because the brain can easily remember information on a subject that you likeD. Everyone likes to learn what th

24、ey like most8.What can you do if you dont feel like learning English?A. To put down books. B. To read interesting books written in English.C. To imagine that you can write to many people in the world in English.D. To give it up.9.Which is NOT RIGHT according to the passage?A. Use English whenever yo

25、u can.B. The more you use English, the more youll want to learn it.C. Methods are more important than passion.D. Not everyone loves learning English all the time.10.Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Learning English is the most important thing.B. What you should do when you learn English.C. Engl

26、ish in the modern world.D. Some advice on how to learn English.四、词汇运用(每空1分,共10分)1. Blue Cat is enjoyed by _(thousand) of children in China. 2. My father gives me a present in the box, I cant wait _ (open) it. 3. The birth of a baby panda in the zoo was _ (wide) reported.4. Try _ (ones) best and work

27、 harder, you can succeed. 5. China is becoming a _ (power) country. 6. Please read a_; I cant hear you.7. Yuan Longping was h_ with the name “Father of Hybrid Rice”.8. She is s_ to her mother in many ways.9. You should take your c_ to do what you are afraid of.10. She copied the phone number into he

28、r address n_ .五、按要求完成句子(每题2分,共20分)1. Do you sweep the floor every day? (改为被动语态) _2. Did people in the old days grow tea?(改为被动语态)_3. We have learned Lesson 60. (改为被动语态)_4.中国什么地方生产盐?_5. 这些树可以被种在道路的两边。_6. He is giving a lot of presents by his uncle sometimes. (改为主动语态)His uncle _ a lot of presents _ him

29、 sometimes. 7. This kind of mobile phone is made in China. (对画线部分提问)_ this kind of mobile phone _?8. 美国的IT业处于世界领先地位。American IT in the world.9. 流行音乐很受年轻人欢迎。Pop music young people.10. 中国的制造业取得了长足进步。China in manufacturing industry.六、书面表达(15分)假如你是王平,请根据下面的内容提示给你加拿大的笔友Bob写一封电子邮件,向他介绍一下你是如何学习英语的以及你在学习中的困

30、惑,请求他给你提出建议。词数:70以上。邮件的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。内容提示:(1)你不敢和同学们一起学英语,也害怕在课堂上讲英语,总是在晚上自己学习;(2)费了很大的劲,却记不住单词;(3)经常听录音,但听不懂。Dear Bob,I write to you to ask for some good advice on learning English 参考答案:一、单选1-5DABCB 6-10BADBB 11-15CBBCB二、完型1-5BDDCC 6-10DCCDA三、阅读1-5DBDDC 6-10BDBCD四、词汇1. thousands 2. to open 3. widely 4. your 5. powerful 6. aloud 7. honored 8. similar 9. courage 10. notebook五、完成句子1. Is the floor swept(by you

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