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1、中考英语单词分类复习策略32010年中考英语单词分类复习策略32010骞翠腑鑰冭嫳璇 崟璇嶅垎绫诲 涔犵瓥鐣?涓夈?浠瘝锟斤拷 銆銆 (涓) 鐭瘑姒傝 銆銆 鑻辫 涓 唬璇嶅彲浠垎涓轰汉绉颁唬璇嶃佺墿涓讳唬璇嶃佸弽韬 唬璇嶃佹寚绀轰唬璇嶃佺枒闂 唬璇嶃佷笉瀹氫唬璇嶃傦拷銉堥鎷硷拷璇嶄富瑕佹湁涓绘牸鍜屽 鏍间箣鍒 傝 鐪嬩笅琛?銆銆 浜虹 鎴?浣?浠?濂?瀹?鎴戜滑 浣犱滑 浠栦滑 銆銆 涓绘牸 i you he she it we you they 銆銆 瀹炬牸 me you him her it us you them 銆銆 鐗富浠瘝鍒嗗舰瀹硅瘝鎬墿涓讳唬璇嶅拰鍚嶈瘝鎬墿涓讳唬璇嶄袱绉嶃傝

2、鐪嬩笅琛 拷锟?銆銆 浜虹 鎴戠殑 浣犵殑 浠栫殑 濂圭殑 瀹冪殑 鎴戜滑鐨?浣犱滑鐨?浠栦滑鐨?銆銆 褰 璇嶆?my your his her its ours your they 銆銆 鍚嶈瘝鎬?mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 銆銆 鍙嶈韩浠瘝鍙 涓嬭 銆銆 浜虹 鎴?浣?浠?濂?瀹?鎴戜滑 浣犱滑 浠栦滑 銆銆 鍙嶈韩浠瘝 myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourself themselves 銆銆 鎸囩浠瘝涓昏 鏈塼his, that, these, those 銆銆

3、鐤戦棶浠瘝鏈?who, whom whose, what, which, 銆銆 杩樻湁鐤戦棶鍓 瘝when, how, where, why銆?銆銆 涓嶅畾浠瘝鍦垵涓 鏈 腑涓昏 鏈塻ome, any, many, much, each, neither, other, another, all, both, one, none, either鈥?銆銆 (浜? 姝 杈瀽 銆銆 璇痌Toms mother is taller than my. 銆銆 姝 Toms mother is taller than mine. 銆銆 鏋怾褰 璇嶆墿涓讳唬璇嶅彲浠綔瀹氳 ,涔熷氨鏄 瀹冨彲浠綔褰 璇?濡?m

4、y book,鑰岃繖鍙瘽鐨勬剰鎬濇槸:姹 鐨勫 濡堟瘮鎴戠殑濡堝 楂樸傛瘮杈冪殑瀵硅薄鏄痬y mother,涔熷氨鏄痬ine銆?銆銆 璇痌We have a lot of homework to do today. So we need two or three hours to finish them. 銆銆 姝 We have a lot of homework to do today. So we need two or three hours to finish it. 銆銆 鏋怾鍦簲鐢唬璇嶆椂,瑕佹敞鎰忎汉绉?鏍间笌鏁扮殑涓鑷存傝繖閲宨t鎵浠浛鐨勬槸涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇峢omework,

5、鎵浠簲鐢t銆?銆銆 璇痌He and you should go to the library to return the books. 銆銆 姝 You and he should go to the library to return the books. 銆銆 鏋怾杩欎富瑕佹槸鑻辫 涔犳儻涓婄殑鐢硶銆傚綋涓釜浠笂鐨勪汉绉颁唬璇嶅苟鍒楁椂鍏舵帓鍒楅搴忎竴鑸 负you, he, she, I,鑰屽 鏁版椂涓簑e, you, they:濡傜敺濂冲苟鍒楁椂,搴斿厛鐢峰悗濂?濡?He and she 鈥 鏋滃湪琛涓嶅鎰忔?鎵挎媴璐换鏃?鍗曟暟鏃剁敤,I, he, she, you, 澶嶆暟鏃剁敤T

6、hey, you, we, 濡?Tom and I are good friends. 銆銆 You, he and I must go to play the game for our team this afternoon. 銆銆 We, you and they have been there before. 銆銆 I, he and you have to pay for it. 銆銆 璇痌He or his brother is doing their homework. 銆銆 姝 He or his brother is doing his homework. 銆銆 鏋怾鐢眅ith

7、er鈥 r, neither鈥 or, or 杩炴帴涓釜涓昏 鏃?濡傛灉涓富璇 槸鍗曟暟鏃?鐢崟鏁颁唬璇?濡備袱涓昏 鏄 鏁版椂,鐢 鏁颁唬璇?濡?Either teachers or students want to do their best to help the old man.濡傛槸涓鍗曚竴澶嶄袱鍚嶈瘝鏃?涓鑸 皢鍗曟暟鍚嶈瘝鏀惧湪鍓?澶嶆暟鍚嶈瘝鏀惧湪鍚?瑕佺敤澶嶆暟浠瘝,濡?The teacher or his students will clean their classroom together. 銆銆 璇痌His brother is taller than him. 銆銆

8、 姝 His brother is taller than he. 銆銆 鏋怾than鏄 繛璇?鍏跺悗搴旇 涓虹渷鐣彞,than he is.鎵浠 娉剰鍖哄垎鍏朵富鏍间笌瀹炬牸鐨勭敤娉曘?銆銆 I like you as much as she. 銆銆 姝 I like you as much as her. 銆銆 鏋怾as鈥 s 鍏跺悗涔熷簲鐪嬩綔鏄 渷鐣彞銆傚簲涓篴s I like her.鎵浠簲鐢 鏍笺傝岀 涓鍙簲璇戜负鎴戝儚濂归偅鏍峰枩娆 綘銆備袱鍙 娉曢兘鏄 鐨勪絾鍚 箟涓嶅悓銆?銆銆 璇痌Myself did it yesterday. 銆銆 姝 I myself did it y

9、esterday. 銆銆 姝 I did it myself yesterday. 銆銆 鏋怾鍙嶈韩浠瘝涓嶅彲浣滀富璇?浣嗗彲浠敤浣滀富璇 殑鍚屼綅璇 傦拷锟?銆銆 璇痌Take care of ourselves. 銆銆 姝 Take care of yourselves .(yourself) 銆銆 鏋怾绁堝 鍙殑涓昏 搴旂湅浣滅 浜屼汉绉皔ou. 銆銆 璇痌Please bring your daughter with yourself. 銆銆 姝 Please bring your daughter with you. 銆銆 鏋怾鍙嶈韩浠瘝涓嶈兘浣滀粙璇嶅 璇?闄潪鏄 敱涓嶅強鐗姩璇嶄

10、笌浠嬭瘝缁勬垚鐨勫姩璇嶇煭璇?濡? The old woman spoke to herself. 銆銆 璇痌Make yourself home. 銆銆 姝 Make yourself at home. 銆銆 鏋怾杩欐槸鑻辫 涓 殑涔犳儻鐢硶,鎰忎负鍍忓湪瀹堕噷涓鏍?銆傝繖鏍风殑鐢硶杩樻湁:锟斤拷 銆銆 enjoy oneself 鐜緱寮蹇僲ake yourself at home 鍍忓湪瀹朵腑涓鏍?銆銆 help yourself to something 鑷 繁鎷挎煇鐗ost oneself 杩疯矾 銆銆 seat oneself 灏卞潗dress oneself 绌胯。 銆銆 璇痌-

11、Whos this speaking.- Thats Mary. 銆銆 姝 - Whos that speaking.- This is Mary. 銆銆 鏋怾鍦數璇濈敤璇 腑,this鎸囪 璇濅汉鑷 繁,鑰宼hat鎸囧 鏂广?銆銆 璇痌The days in summer are longer than this in winter. 銆銆 姝 The days in summer are longer than those in winter. 銆銆 鏋怾鍦瘮杈冨彞涓 線寰涓轰簡閬垮厤閲嶅 ,鍙 互鐢hat鎴杢hose鍙栦唬鍓嶉潰鎻愬埌鐨勪簨鐗?濡傛槸鍗曟暟鏃剁敤that,澶嶆暟鏃剁敤th

12、ose,濡?The weather in Beijing is hotter than that in Chang Chun. 銆銆 璇痌It is so a good book that everyone likes to read. 銆銆 姝 It is such a good book that everyone likes to read. 銆銆 姝 It is so good a book that everyone likes to read. 銆銆 鏋怾鍦彲鏁板悕璇嶅崟鏁版椂鍙 敤so+褰 璇?涓嶅畾鍐犺瘝+鍚嶈瘝+that浠庡彞,涔熷彲鐢uch+涓嶅畾鍐犺瘝+褰 璇?that浠

13、庡彞銆傚湪涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇嶆垨鍙 暟鍚嶈瘝澶嶆暟鏃?鍙 敤such, 濡?It is such good weather that I want to go swimming. They are such good books that I want to buy them all.鍦any, much, few, little杩?涓 瘝鍓嶄粎鑳界敤so,濡? She has so much money that she can buy everything she wants.鑰屽湪so涓巘hat涔嬮棿浠呭瓨褰 璇嶆椂,鍒欎笉鑳界敤such,濡?She is so sweet that eve

14、ryone likes her. 銆銆 璇痌I want to buy a same dictionary as yours. 銆銆 姝 I want to buy the same dictionary as yours. 銆銆 鏋怾same涓庡畾鍐犺瘝the鏄 浐瀹氭惌閰嶄笉鍙 洿鏀广傝繖鏍风殑鐢硶杩樻湁all the same(浠嶇劧)銆?銆銆 璇痌- I hope she might pass the exam.- I dont hope so. 銆銆 姝 - I hope she might pass the exam.- I hope not. 銆銆 鏋怾鍦綔鑲 畾鍥炵瓟鏃?I t

15、hink so. I hope so. I believe so.浣嗕綔鍚畾鍥炵瓟鏃朵负:I dont think so. I hope/believe not. 銆銆 璇痌- He studied very hard this term.- So she did. 銆銆 姝 - He studied very hard this term.- So did she. 銆銆 璇痌- English is difficult to learn.- So is it. 銆銆 姝 - English is difficult to learn.- So it is. 銆銆 鏋怾鍦 璇濅腑濡傛灉鏌愪竴

16、鍔綔鍚屾椂閫傜敤浜庝袱涓 富璇?杩欐椂鍦瓟璇 腑瑕佺敤缂啓涓旇 鐢掕 鍙傚 绗 竴缁勫彞,鍗硈tudied hard鏃傜敤浜巋e,涔熼傜敤浜巗he.浣嗙瓟璇 粎浠呮槸瀵瑰墠鍙殑閲嶅 ,鍗充粎浠呮槸绗 竴鍙殑缂啓鏃跺垯涓嶈 鐢掕 鍙傚 绗 簩缁勫彞瀛愪负:鑻辫 闅惧 銆傜瓟璇 负:鏄 殑,闅惧 銆傝繖鏃剁缉鍐欑殑绛旇 涓嶈 鐢掕 鍙?銆銆 璇痌Everyone should do ones best. 銆銆 姝 Everyone should do his best. 銆銆 鏋怾one浣滀唬璇嶆椂,瀹冪殑澶嶆暟褰紡鏄痮nes,鎵鏈夋牸褰紡鏄痮nes,鍙嶈韩浠瘝涓簅neself.濡傛灉璁睴ne s

17、hould do ones best.鍒欐槸瀵瑰彞銆傚 鏋渙ne涓庡埆鐨勮瘝缁勬垚鍏朵粬璇?濡? someone, anyone, everyone鎴杘nly one 鍒欒 鐢is/her,鏉綔鍏舵墍鏈夋牸褰紡銆?銆銆 璇痌- Who won the game?- None. 銆銆 姝 - Who won the game?- No one. 銆銆 鏋怾鐢眞ho鎻愰棶鐨勫彞瀛愮殑鍚畾鍥炵瓟涓 殑绠鐣 娉曟槸no one,鑰岀敱How many鎻愰棶鐨勫彞瀛愮殑鍚畾鍥炵瓟涓 殑绠鐣 鏄疦one.濡?How many books are there? None. 銆銆 璇痌There are ma

18、ny trees on either sides of the street. 銆銆 姝 There are many trees on either side of the street. 銆銆 姝 There are many trees on both sides of the street. 銆銆 鏋怾either浣滀唬璇嶆椂鐢变袱涓 惈鎰?鍏朵竴鏄 袱鑰呬腑闅忎究鍝 竴涓?濡?You can take either.鍏朵簩鏄 袱鑰呬腑鐨勬瘡涓涓 備絾瑕佹敞鎰忕殑鏄痚ither鍚庤 鍔犲崟鏁板悕璇?濡傛灉浣滀富璇 垯璋撹 鍔瘝涔熻 鐢崟鏁板舰寮忋?銆銆 璇痌Either you or

19、I are right. 銆銆 姝 Either you or I am right. 銆銆 鏋怾鍦ither鈥 r,鎴杗either鈥 or杩炴帴涓釜涓昏 鏃?鍏惰皳璇 姩璇嶈 涓庡拰鍏剁浉杩戠殑閭釜涓昏 鐩搁厤銆?銆銆 璇痌I have three sisters. Neither of them is a doctor. 銆銆 姝 I have three sisters. None of them is a doctor. 銆銆 鏋怾neither鐢簬涓呬腑鏃犱竴鏄?鑰宯one鍒欑敤浜庡 浜庝袱鑰呬腑鐨勪汉鎴栦簨鐗棤涓鏄 ?銆銆 璇痌He doesnt like Beijing ope

20、ra. I dont like too. 銆銆 姝 He doesnt like Beijing opera, I dont like either. 銆銆 鏋怾either浣滀负涔?璁叉椂,瑕佺敤浜庡惁瀹氬彞涓?鑰宼oo鍒欑敤浜庤偗瀹氬彞涓 ?銆銆 璇痌We like both this little boy. 銆銆 姝 We both like this little boy. 銆銆 鏋怾both浣滃悓浣嶈 鏃?瀹冨湪鍙腑鐨勪綅缃 湁:鍦e鍔瘝涔嬪悗,濡?We are both students.鍦疄鎰忓姩璇嶄箣鍓?濡?The parents both want to go to the

21、cinema.鐢簬绗 竴鍔姩璇嶄箣鍚?濡?We have both read these English novels.浣跨敤鏃惰 娉剰浠笅鍙瓙鐨勫疄闄呭惈鎰?Both of us are not right.搴旇瘧涓?鎴戜滑淇笉閮藉 銆侼either of us is right.鎵嶅簲璇戜负:鎴戜咯閮戒笉瀵广傚張濡?I cant give you both of the books.鎰忎负:涓湰涔垜涓嶈兘鍏粰浣?鑰孖 cant give you either of the books.鎵嶄负:涓湰涔垜鍏笉鑳界粰浣犮?銆銆 璇痌We each has a ticket for the con

22、cert. 銆銆 姝 We each have a ticket for the concert. 銆銆 鏋怾each浣滃彞瀛愪富璇 椂鍏惰皳璇 姩璇嶈 鐢崟鏁板舰寮?濡?Each of us wants to learn English well,浣唀ach浣滃悓浣嶈 鏃?鍒欏簲浠師鍚嶈瘝鐨勬暟涓哄噯銆?銆銆 璇痌Every of us has to pass the exam. 銆銆 姝 Each of us has to pass the exam. 銆銆 鏋怾every鍙 彲浣滃舰瀹硅瘝,涓嶅彲浣滀唬璇?鑰宔ach鏃彲浣滃舰瀹硅瘝,鍙堝彲浣滀唬璇?鍦綔褰 璇嶆椂each渚噸寮鸿皟涓 綋

23、,鑰宔very 鍒欎晶閲嶄簬鍏綋銆?銆銆 璇痌Everyone of us should do housework two hours a day. 銆銆 姝 Every one of us should do housework two hours a day. 銆銆 鏋怾everyone涓嶅彲涓巓f缁撴瀯鐩歌繛鎺娇鐢?鑰宔very one鍒欏彲浠繖鏍风敤銆?銆銆 璇痌I should read English everyday. 銆銆 姝 I should read English every day. 銆銆 鏋怾瑕佹敞鎰忕殑鏄痚very day鏄?姣忓,鑰宔veryday鍒欐槸褰 璇嶄负

24、鏃父鐨?銆傚 :everyday English鏃父鑻辫 ,everyday life鏃父鐢熸椿銆?銆銆 璇痌There are trees on every sides of the street. 銆銆 姝 There are trees on each side of the street. 銆銆 鏋怾every鐢簬涓夎呮垨涓夎呬互涓婄殑姣忎竴涓?鑰宔ach鐢簬浜岃呮垨浜岃呬互涓婄殑姣忎竴涓 傚洜涓鸿 閬撳彧鏈変袱渚?鎵浠彧鑳界敤each鑰屼笉鑳界敤every. 銆銆 璇痌All my parents are engineers. 銆銆 姝 Both my parents are eng

25、ineers. 銆銆 鏋怾all鐢簬涓夎呮垨涓夎呬互涓婄殑鍏儴,鑰宐oth 鍒欑敤浜庝袱鑰呯殑鍏儴銆?銆銆 璇痌All of students might make some mistakes. 銆銆 姝 All of the students might make some mistakes. 銆銆 姝 All students might make some mistakes. 銆銆 鏋怾闈炵壒鎸囩殑鍚嶈瘝鍓嶅彲鐢ll浣嗕笉鍙 敤all of缁撴瀯,涔熷氨鏄 all of缁撴瀯鍚庨潰鐨勫悕璇嶅墠涓瀹氳 鏈夊畾鍐犺瘝銆傚叾浠栦笌all鏈夊叧鐨勪範鎯 敤娉曡繕鏈? 銆銆 all the yea

26、r round, all week, all day, all winter 銆銆 璇痌The all village was flooded. 銆銆 姝 All the village was flooded. 銆銆 鏋怾all浣滀慨楗拌 鏃惰 鐢湪鎵鏈変慨楗拌瘝涔嬪墠銆?銆銆 璇痌The post office is on other side of the street. 銆銆 姝 The post office is on the other side of the street. 銆銆 鏋怾鍗曟暟鍙 暟鍚嶈瘝濡傚湪娉涙寚鏌愪竴涓 椂鐢nother,鑰岀壒鎸囨椂鍒欒 鐢he other

27、,鍥犺 閬撳彧鏈変袱杈?鑰屼笉鍦繖杈瑰繀瀹氭槸鍦彟涓杈?鎵浠 鐢壒鎸囥傝 鍙傝冧笅琛殑鐢硶浠究浜庤 蹇嗐?銆銆 鍗曟暟 澶嶆暟 銆銆 娉涙寚 another褰 璇?浣滃畾璇?浣滃悕璇?銆銆 another浠瘝 other others 銆銆 鐗规寚 the other褰 璇?銆銆 the other浠瘝 銆銆 the other the others 銆銆 璇痌There are ten students here Where are the others students? 銆銆 姝 There are ten students here.Where are the others? 銆銆 姝

28、 There are ten students here Where are the other students? 銆銆 鏋怾the others=the other students. 銆銆 璇痌The old man has two sons. One is a teacher, another is a doctor. 銆銆 姝 The old man has two sons. One is a teacher, the other is a doctor. 銆銆 鏋怾another鐢簬娉涙寚,濡?Is it far from here to the station?Im sorry

29、. I have no idea. One may say it is quite near; another may say it is far from here.浣嗗湪鐗规寚鏃跺垯瑕佺敤the other.瀹冨彲浠敤浣滃畾璇?the other one,涔熷彲浠敤浣滀唬璇峵he other,浣唗he other鐢綔浠瘝鏃跺畠鐨勫惈鎰忎竴瀹氭槸鍗曟暟銆傚 鏋滄寚涓夎呮垨鑰呬笁鑰呬互涓婄殑鎯呭喌鏃?鍒欒 鐢ne鈥 nother鈥 he other.鎴栬卭ne鈥 second鈥 he third鈥?銆銆 璇痌Some people like sports. The others like re

30、ading. 銆銆 姝 Some people like sports. Others like reading. 銆銆 鏋怾鍦硾鎸囩殑澶嶆暟鍚嶈瘝鍓嶇敤some鈥 thers鈥 thers鈥潵琛鏌愪簺浜衡煇浜涗汉鈥煇浜涗汉鈥?銆銆 璇痌Please remember to water the flowers each other day. 銆銆 姝 Please remember to water the flowers every other day. 銆銆 鏋怾every other day涓烘瘡闅斾竴澶傛槸涔犳儻鐢硶,涓嶈 闅忔剰鏀瑰姩銆傚張濡?on the other hand鍙竴鏂归潰銆?銆銆 璇痌Many know him, but few likes him. 銆銆 姝 Many know him, but few like him. 銆銆 鏋怾few鐢簬鍙 暟鍚嶈瘝,鎰忎负鍑犱箮娌湁,浣唂ew浣滀富璇 椂璋撹 鍔瘝鍒欒 鐢 鏁板舰寮?鑰宎 few涓烘湁涓浜涖?銆銆 璇痌You have few friends, havent you? 銆銆 姝 You have few friends, have you? 銆銆 鏋怾little涓巉ew鐢簬鍙腑鏃?鍧囪 鎸夊惁瀹氬彞鐪嬪緟銆?銆銆 璇痌Much of what you s

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