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1、学年天津市耀华中学高二上学期期中考试英语试题解析版天津市耀华中学2019-2020学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题本试卷分为第卷 (选择题) 和第卷 (非选择题) 两部分, 共100分, 考试时间90分钟。祝各位同学考试顺利!第I卷(共72分)第一部分:听力(共两节, 共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)第一节(共5小题, 每小题1分, 满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What will the man do?A. E

2、at out. B. Visit friends. C. Watch TV.2. What is Bart concerned about?A. Finishing the report on time.B. Meeting the chairman of the board.C. Convincing Judith to help him.3. What is the womans problem?A. She is exhausted. B. She is near-sighted. C. She cant go straight home.4. What does the man sug

3、gest the woman do?A. Live near her office. B. Drive to work. C. Change a job.5. Which sport does the man want to participate in?A. Golf. B. Football. C. Swimming.第二节(共10小题, 每小题1分, 满分10分)听下面几段材料。每段材料后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段材料前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段材料读两遍。听下面

4、一段材料, 回答第6至8题。6. How did the mans parents react towards his hobby?A. Supportive. B. Opposed. C. Indifferent.7.Why did the man transfer to another school?A. He couldnt get on well with his classmates.B. He was really poor at his schoolwork.C. Some teachers got annoyed about his hobby.8. What did the

5、man do at the new school?A. He learned professional techniques from the headmaster.B. He started his own skateboarding class.C. He paid full attention to his grades.听下面一段材料, 回答第9至11题。9. What does the man intend to do?A. Work in a nursing home. B. Be a part-time tutor. C. Be a volunteer.10. When will

6、 the man be free to do the job?A. In the mornings. B. In the afternoons. C. In the evenings.11. What does the man think of the job?A. It is a way to achieve his goals.B. It is a way to choose his career.C. It is a way to gain working experience.听下面一段材料, 回答第12至15题。12. Whats the problem with the train

7、?A. It is broken. B. It is delayed. C. It is changed.13. What should the passengers for London do?A. Board the train before 10:15 am. B. Board the train before 10:55 am.C. Board the train at Platform 314. What might have happened to Mr. Green?A. He found a computer. B. He lost a computer. C. He hand

8、ed in a computer.15. Where is the announcement probably heard?A. In a station. B. On a train. C. In a manager office.第二部分:英语知识运用(共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)第一节:单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1.Could you please cut the price a little?Er _ you buy more than ten.A. even if B. so long as C. though D. as soon as2.The lunch

9、 period will be _ from 30 minutes to an hour from now on.A. expanded B. extended C. spread D. added3.What made them concerned was that the disease was spreading more _ than expected.A. obviously B. steadily C. anxiously D. rapidly4.I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sunday

10、s.Thats _ I dont agree. You should have a more active life.A. how B. when C. where D. what5.While you are traveling abroad, attention should be paid to _ you _.A. preventing; from being fined B. prevent; from finingC. prevent; from being fined D. preventing; from fining6.Since the present situation

11、is very complex, I think it will take me some time to _ its reality.A. come across B. figure out C. look through D. put off7.Unfortunately, when we dropped in, Mr Smith _ for Indonesia to rescue the injured people there, so he could spare little time for a few words.A. has just left B. just left C.

12、had just left D. was just leaving8.The son asks his dad why the chameleon(变色龙) can _ the color of its background.A take on B. take up C. take in D. take over9.The country has sent up three manned spacecraft, the most recent _ at the end of last March.A. has been launched B. being launched C. having

13、been launched D. to be launched10.What about my career prospects? Is my work contract _?I think so. If were satisfied with you, you can become our permanent worker.A. qualified B. distinctive C. renewable D. promising第二节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)Dear Laura,I just heard you tell an old story of gift

14、giving and unselfish love in your program. You doubted whether such unselfish love would happen in todays world. Well, Im here to give you_11_.I wanted to do something very _12_ for my fifteen-year-old son, who has always been the perfect child. He _13_ all summer to earn enough money to buy a used

15、motorcycle. Then, he spent hours and hours on it _14_ it looked almost new. I was so _15_ of him that I bought him the shiniest helmet (头盔) and a riding outfit (装备).I could _16_ wait for him to open up his gift. In fact, I barely slept the night before. Upon awakening, I went to the kitchen to _17_

16、the coffee, tea, and morning goodies. In the living room was a beautiful keyboard with a _18_: “To my wonderful mother, all my love, your son.”I was so_19_. It had been a long-standing joke in our family that I wanted a piano so that I could_20_lessons. “Learn to play the piano, and Ill get you one.

17、” was my husbands _21_.I stood there shocked, crying a river, asking myself how my son could _22_ this expensive gift.Of course, the _23_ awoke, and my son was thrilled (激动的) with my reaction. Many kisses were _24_, and I immediately wanted him to _25_ my gift.As he saw the helmet and outfit, the lo

18、ok on his face was not _26_ what I was expecting. Then I _27_ that he had sold the motorcycle to get me the keyboard.Of course I was the proudest mother _28_ on that day, and my feet never hit the ground for a month.So I wanted you to know, that kind of love still _29_ and lives even in the ever-cha

19、nging world of me, me, me!I thought youd love to _30_ this story.Yours,HilaryP.S. The next day, my husband and I bought him a new “used” already shiny motorcycle.11. A. hope B. advice C. support D. courage12. A. polite B. similar C. special D. private13. A. played B. studied C. traveled D. worked14.

20、 A. after B. before C. unless D. until15. A. sure B. fond C. proud D. confident16. A. perhaps B. really C. almost D. hardly17. A. prepare B. cook C. set D. serve18. A. note B. notice C. word D. sign19. A. disturbed B. confused C. astonished D. inspired20. A. give B. take C. draw D. teach21. A. reaso

21、n B. request C. comment D. response22. A. present B. afford C. find D. order23. A. neighbor B. building C. room D. house24. A. exchanged B. experienced C. expected D. exhibited25. A. tear B. open C. check D. receive26. A. purely B. basically C. obviously D. exactly27 A. realized B. remembered C. ima

22、gined D. supposed28. A. only B. still C. ever D. even29. A. works B. exists C. matters D. counts30. A. send B. publish C. share D. write第二部分:阅读理解(共18小题,每小题1.5分,满分27分)AMEMORANDUM (备忘录)To: All members of the sales departmentFrom: Annette DerringerRe: Year-end partyDate: November 26-This is just a quic

23、k note to let you all know the arrangements for next months year-end party. As you know, the party will be held at the Green Vale Country Club, which we have reserved between 7:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. on the evening of December 21st. Ive received replies from almost all of you confirming attendance,

24、but if you havent let me know yet, please do so in the next day or two. Tickets for all employees have been covered by the company.The Green Vale manager has asked me to explain one or two things to those of you who have not been there before. Basically, there is sufficient parking space for only 10

25、0 vehicles, so they would like to ask those of you planning to drive, try to car-pool as much as possible. Also, the number of lockers available is small, so guests should try to keep belongings to a minimum.Thanks in advance,AnnetteTo: Annette Derringer aderringerFrom: Kyle BerwickDate: Nov 28Subje

26、ct: Year-end party-Annette,This is to let you know that I will be able to attend the year-end party at the Green Vale Country Club on the 21st although I dont think I will be able to arrive before 8:30. I was wondering if it would also be possible to bring a couple of guests. I know it is a bit of a

27、 last minute request, but my brother and his wife are planning to visit us at that time, and I know theyd love to see the Green Vale. If it is not a problem, then can you let me know how much I should pay for their tickets? Also, assuming this is OK, I was planning to drive down in a single car, to

28、reduce the need for parking and also to allow us to keep our belongings in the car.I have a couple of days off before the party, but Ill be in my office until the 17th, so could you get back to me before then? Thanks a lot,Kyle31. Whats the main purpose of the memorandum?A. To explain the arrangemen

29、t for an event.B. To encourage people to travel by car.C. To ask for help arranging a party.D. To thank people for attending the party.32. Why does Kyle Berwick write to Annette Derringer? Because he wants to _.A. ask the price of movie tickets B. explain why he cannot come to the partyC. request di

30、rections to a hotel D. ask if he may bring guests to the party33. Which of Kyles points is NOT mentioned in the memo?A. Payment for extra guests. B. Storage of personal items.C. Parking restrictions D. Timing for the evening.34. What can we infer from the passage?A. The manager of the Green Vale doesnt hope they go there by car.B. Annette takes charge of the arrangement of year-end party.C. They can take as many belongings as they can with them when going to the Green V

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