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2、的不同认识。第二部分以充分的例证分析并总结了修辞手段在广告语言中的应用。第三部分说明英语广告修辞研究的重要性,帮助广告从业者了解广告英语中修辞手法的特点,并付诸实践,制作出优秀的英文广告,使世界了解我们的产品,使我们的产品跻身国际市场。关键词:广告英语;特点;修辞方式 ContentsIntroduction Chapter 1 General Review of Advertisement1.1 The Definition of Advertising1.2 The Objectives of Advertising1.3 The Classification of Advertising

3、1.4 The Psychological Review of Advertisement1.5 The Sociological Review of AdvertisementChapter 2 Lexical Rhetorical Devices in English Advertisements2.1 Simile2.2 Metaphor2.3 Personification2.4 Pun2.5 Contrast2.6 Antithesis2.7 HyperboleChapter 3The Function and Importance of Rhetoric in Advertisin

4、g English3.1 The Function of Rhetoric 3.2 The Importance of RhetoricConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgementsIntroductionWith the intense globalization in the new century, advertising plays an increasingly significant role in the world economy. As an essential component of a commercial market and the f

5、ree enterprise system, advertising is going deep into various parts of our lives, advertising becomes something that influences everyone living and working in a society. As we know, the ultimate goal of the advertisement is to persuade people to take action to buy. If the advertiser wants his advert

6、isements to achieve the persuasive effect, he has to devise a creative and different language to impress people. To solve this problem, I do this research that the rhetorical devices are applied in the designing of the advertisement. In this thesis I will analyze and summarize the application of rhe

7、torical devices in advertising English. I wish people could realize the importance of rhetoric in advertising. The main sources are from the illustrations in magazines, journals and other printed press. They are: The Rhetoric of Our Times; American English Rhetoric; The Discourse of Advertising; Ess

8、entials of Advertising; The language of advertising. Chapter1. General Review of Advertisement1.1 The Definition of Advertising In English, the word “advertise” has its origin in “advertere” in Latin, meaning “to inform somebody of something”, “to bring into notice”, or “to draw attention to somethi

9、ng”, etc. Abert Lasker, father of modern advertising, said that advertising was “salesmanship in print” (赵静, 1992). This definition was given a long time before the advent of radio and television. In the past, the nature and scope of advertising were considerably different from those days. The defin

10、ition indicates that the ultimate objective of advertising is to sell. Obviously, it is not an all-round definition, for it can not cover all advertisements. Definitions of advertising are many and varied. It is action of calling something to peoples attention especially by a paid announcement. Adve

11、rtising contains messages designed to make known what we have to sell and what we have to buy (J.S. Chandan, 1990). American Marketing Association (AMT)(赵静, 1992) defines advertising as non-personal communication of information usually paid for and persuasive in nature about products, services, or i

12、deas by identified sponsors through the various media. Although advertising can be defined in many different ways, the essential points concerning its definition may be summarized as follows: Advertising is a kind of intensive communication of information usually highly paid for and strongly persuas

13、ive by nature. Advertising contains messages or pieces of information about marketable products and services, or ideas, norms and values. Advertising messages are designed particularly, ingeniously and meticulously, which are made known through various media to the general public or to particular gr

14、oups of people, with a view to promoting the sales of the goods and services concerned, or to spreading ideas, norms and values. Contemporary advertising is so commonly ubiquitous and so widely influential that is considered to be part of modern life. If the definitions of advertising are too vague

15、and abstract to comprehend, a few words about its functions will probably help to clarify this crucial term. Broadly speaking, advertisements have at least one of two functions: informing or persuading, though overlap may often take place in one single piece. An advertisement of this type supplies b

16、asic, factual information and sometimes shows a photo or an illustration of the product /service to give the target audience a better view about the advertised product. The persuasive function is not only limited to attracting the potential customers into buying a certain commodity, but also includi

17、ng the selling of services, ideas, norms and values.1.1 The Objectives of Advertising Before a new product is introduced, prospective customers are totally unaware. The first objective of any advertising is to create awareness-to acquaint some portion of the unaware people with the company, food, se

18、rvice, or brand. The next task is to develop comprehension-to communicate enough information some percentage of the aware group recognize the products purpose, image or position, and perhaps some of its features. Next advertising needs to communicate enough information to develop conviction-to persu

19、ade a certain number of people to believe in the products value. Of those who become convinced, some can be moved to desire the product. Finally, after accomplishing all the proceeding steps, some percentage of those who desire the product will take action-request additional information, send in a c

20、oupon, visit a store, or buy it. Advertising is complex because so many diverse advertisers try to reach so many different types of audiences. Trough reading materials and studying works on advertising, I would like to list classifications of advertising as follows:By target audiencesConsumer advert

21、isingBusiness advertisingBy geographic areaLocal (retail) advertisingRegional advertisingNational advertisingInternational advertisingBy mediumPrint advertisingBroadcast (electronic) advertisingOut-of-home advertisingDirect-mail advertisingBy PurposeProduct advertisingNon-product (corporate institut

22、ional) advertisingCommercial advertisingNon-commercial advertisingAction advertisingAwareness advertising As we know, the role of the message in advertising is not only to inform, but to persuade. However, what is the process in which the advertisement works?The answer to such a question mainly lies

23、 in the discipline of psychology. Association of National Advertising in the U.S simplifies the goals to be achieved in advertising as ACCA (Awareness, Comprehension, Conviction and Action), which can more or less reveal the psychological process an advertisement reader may experiences. A further mo

24、del is the well-known AICDA, which are mentioned before. From the above models, we can draw several psychological implications in advertising.First, for any advertisement, one indispensable criterion of real success is whether it is absorbing at the first sight, then leaving a good impression upon t

25、he readers by making them become actively aware of the advertised product. Every successful advertisement should have a “hook”. Second, providing something new or unexpected is the best “hook” an advertisement has. Normally speaking, people read what interests them and ignore what does not. A good a

26、dvertisement often contains a new or unexpected message which can be related to the consumers psychological screen and world knowledge. Moreover, the consumer should know the words in advertisements and the style of advertising communication should be agreeable to the consumers taste.As a social phenomenon, advertising has its own characteristics. From the economic point of view adverting brings markets, products and consumers by linking the needs of buyers with th

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