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1、初二英语下练习题期末模拟试卷 总分 120一、单项选择(每小题1分,共35分)1. My cousins hobby is _, because it makes him _.A. reading; relaxed B. reading; relaxing C. to read; relax D. read; relaxing2. _ others is a good way to start ones friendship.A. Laughing at B. Smiling to C. Smile at D. Smiling at3. We enjoy _ the explorer talk

2、 about his wonderful _ of rocks. A. listen to; collect B. listening to; collectionC. listen to; collection D. listening to; collecting4. Good luck _ the coming exam. Thank you.A. to B. for C. along D. with5. In 2010, I will try to do better in study, because I dont want my parents _ me. A. to worry

3、about B. worry about C. to worry D. to worried about6. The teacher was very angry _Tim_his being late. A.with;about B.about;for C.with;at D.for;about7. Look! The boys are trying to climb_the tree to pick some apples. A. with B. off C. of D. up8. Come a little earlier next time,_youll miss the best p

4、art of TV play. A. and B.but C. or D. Till9. She asked me_. A. what was the matter B. what the matter was C. what is the matter D. what the matter is10. Your parents told you_too much sweet before going to bed. A. to eat B. ate C. not to eat D. to not eat11. Excuse me, would you please tell me _ buy

5、 a digital camera? A. what to B. where to C. what I can D. where can I 12. She cant go swimming with you today. She has a lot of work_. A. doing B. to do C. do D. Does13. Where is Tom? I heard him with our English teacher when I passed the teachers office. A. talks B. talked C. talking D. to talk 14

6、. The lesson is easy because there are _ new words in it. A. few B. little C. a few D. a little 15. Tom told us about the exciting news he knew all about it. A. as well B. as if C. as usual D. as for16. Will he_ come next month? I dont think so. A. be able B. can C. be able to D. is able to17. _ doe

7、snt matter _ you come or not. A. That; whether B. It; whether C. That; if D. It; if 18. It _ that the worker didnt eat anything. A. seems B seemed C seeming D seem19. Unluckily, the dog bit the poor boy _ his left hand. A. in B. on C. to D. At20. She asked me_ we should have a party there. A. if B.

8、that C. where D. /21. I hope to be _ director like Ang Lee one day. What about you, Jim? Being _ artist is my dream. A. a; a B. an; a C. a; an D. an; an 22. Im sure that you can improve your Chinese _ practising more. A. by B. With C. of D. in 23. Do you know the song Gangnam Style? Of course. It _

9、interesting. A. tastes B. smells C. feels D. sounds 24. My sister likes the _ of the cake. It is a heart. A. value B. weight C. smell D. shape 25. Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize, and we felt excited and _. A. nervous B. proud C. patient D. lonely 26. I hear that Han Hans new book has _. Lets go to buy o

10、ne. A. filled out B. looked out C. come out D. pointed out 27. I want to buy _ for my mothers fortieth birthday. How about a pair of sunglasses? A. special anything B. something special C. nothing special D. special something 28. Chiang Mai (清迈) has become one of _ tourist places for Chinese since t

11、he film Lost in Thailand was on. A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D. the hottest29. Look, my dad bought a new iPad as my birthday gift. I dont think we need such an expensive gift though our parents can _ it. A. afford B. allow C. refuse D. expect30. If you must go, _ wait until the bus stops. A. at last

12、 B. at once C. at the end D. at least 31. Linda hurt her legs badly in the accident, so she could _ stand up. A. really B. probably C. especially D. hardly 32. How long have you lived in the new flat? _ 2010. A. In B. After C. Since D. Before33. It was such a funny show that we couldnt help _ again

13、and again. A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. laughed 34. Work hard, _ youll make much great progress soon. A. or B. if C. but D. and 35. Ill go to the museum this afternoon, so I cant go swimming with you. _. A. Its my pleasure B. Youre welcome C. Thats a pity D. Dont mention it 二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

14、 Life is not easy, so Id like to say, “When anything happens, believe in yourself.” When I was a young boy, I was too 1 to talk to anyone. My classmates often laughed at me. I was sad but could do 2 . Later, something happened, and it changed my life. It was an English speech(比赛) competition. My mot

15、her asked me to take part in it. What a terrible idea! It meant I had to speak 3 all the teachers and students of my school! “Come on, boy. Believe in yourself. You are sure to 4 .” Then mother and I talked about many different topics(话题). At last I 5 the topic “Believe in yourself”. I tried my best

16、 to remember all the speech and practiced it over 100 6 . With my mothers great love, I did 7 in the contest. I could hardly believe my 8 when the news came that I had won the first place. I heard the cheers from the teachers and students. Those classmates who once looked down on me, now all said “C

17、ongratulations!” to me. My mother hugged (拥抱) me and cried 9 . Since then, everything has 10 for me. When I do anything, I try to tell myself to be sure and I will find myself. This is true not only for a person but also for a country. ( ) 1. A. shy B. sad C. excited D. happy ( ) 2. A. something B.

18、nothing C. anything D. everything ( ) 3. A. after B. with C. before D. among ( ) 4. A. win B. lose C. beat D. pass ( ) 5. A. reached B. brought C. chose D. thought ( ) 6. A. times B. words C. sentences D. topics ( ) 7. A. quietly B. well C. slowly D. fast ( ) 8. A. hands B. arms C. ears D. eyes ( )

19、9. A. sadly B. warmly C. badly D. excitedly ( ) 10. A. changed B. asked C. gone D. come三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)A Mr. and Mrs. Clarke were going to America for their holidays. They had a dog called Billy. They liked him very much. But they couldnt take him to America with them. So they found a place to lea

20、ve him while they were away. At the end of their holidays they got back to England very late at night so they didnt go to get Billy. The next morning Mr. Clarke got into his car and drove happily to get Billy. When he got home with the dog he said to his wife, “Dear, I dont think Billy has enjoyed h

21、is days at that place. He made lots of noise all the way home. I guess he must want to tell me something!” Mrs. Clarke looked at the dog carefully and answered, “ You are quite right, dear, but he wasnt trying to tell you he hadnt enjoyed his day at that place. He was trying to tell you that you had

22、 brought the wrong dog home. That isnt our Billy.” 1. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke were going to America_. A. to meet their friends B. to see their family C. to spend their holiday D. to work2. Mr. Clarke drove to get Billy back_. A. as soon as they came back B. late at night C. the next morning D. the next

23、afternoon3. Mr. Clarke thought that Billy _ at that place. A. had a good time. B. didnt have a good time C. liked to made noise D. didnt know him4. Mrs. Clarke found that _. A. her husband was quite right. B. the dog was Billy C. her husband had brought the wrong dog home. D. the dog was happy5. Whi

24、ch of the following is RIGHT? A. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke loved Billy very much. B. Billy really enjoyed himself while they were away. C. Mr. Clarke brought their own dog home. D. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke took their dog to America.BModern life is impossible without traveling. The fastest way of traveling is b

25、y plane. With a modern airline you can travel in one day to places that it took a month or more to get to a hundred years ago. Traveling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. You can see the countries you are traveling through. Modern trains have comfortable seats and dinning-

26、cars. They make even the longest journey enjoyable. Some people prefer to travel by sea when possible. There are large lines and riverboats. You can visit many other countries and different parts of your country on them. Ships are not so fast as trains or planes, but traveling by sea is a very pleas

27、ant way to spend a holiday. Many people like to travel by car. You can make your own timetable. You can travel three or four hundred miles or fifty or one hundred miles a day, just as you like. You can stop wherever you wish. Where there is something interesting to see, at a good traveling by car is

28、 popular for pleasure trip. And also many people usually take a train or a plane when they are traveling on business.6.From the passage, we know the fastest way of traveling is_. A. by train B. by sea C. by plane D. by car 7.If we travel by car,we can_. A. make the longest journey enjoyable B. trave

29、l to a very far place in several minutes C. make our own timetable D. travel only fifty or one hundred miles a day 8.The underlined word “They” in the passage refers to_. A. modern train in the country B. comfortable seats and dinning-cars C. the travels on the modern trains D. the slower ways of tr

30、aveling 9.When people travel on business, they usually take_. A. a plane or a car B. a car or a boat C. a boat or a train D. a train or a plane 10.How many ways of traveling are mentioned in the passage? A. Four B. Three C. Two D. SixCA man went to buy a piece of meat. As he didnt know how to cook meat, he asked the butcher (屠夫) to tell him the way of cooking it. The butcher told him how to cook it, “But I cant remember your words,” the man said. “Will you please write them down for me?” The butcher was kind enough to write them down for him. The man went home happily with t

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