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1、珍惜时间英语演讲稿 珍惜时间英语演讲稿 珍惜时间英语演讲稿 演讲稿一: 珍惜时间英语演讲稿 Goodmorning,everybody! Inthisworld,thereisonethingthatisveryfairtoeverybody,whetheryouareamaleorfemale,youngorold,richorpoor.Doesanybodyknowwhatitiscalled? Right.Itistime.Thetopic 忆 Iamgoingtop 坯 resenttoyou 蹋todayiscall 守 edTreasure 窘 EveryMinute 赢 . To

2、reali 箔 zethevalueo 诣 fONEYEAR,as 篙 kastudentwh 俄ofailedagra 扬 de. Toreal 因 izethevalue 帧 ofONEMONTH, 泽 askamotherw 壳hogavebirth 说 toaprematur 赢 ebaby. Tor 仙 ealizetheva 斗 lueofONEWEE 誓 K,asktheedi 预torofaweekl 嗣 ynewspaper. 粤 Torealize 词 thevalueofO 迟 NEHOUR,askt 巩 heloverswho 型arewaitingt 邦 omeet.

3、 Tor 谗 ealizetheva 宿 lueofONEMIN 撮 UTE,askaper 曳sonwhomisse 堑 dthetrain. 涛 Torealizet 衍 hevalueofON 望 ESECOND,ask 富 apersonwhoj 瑶ustavoideda 植 naccident. 暂 Torealizet 无 hevalueofON 渝 EMILLISECON 拌 D,asktheper 霓sonwhowonas 等 ilvermedali 穴 ntheOlympic 者 s. Treasur 昌 eeverymomen 茄 tthatyouhav 耻 e!Andtr

4、easu 逞reitmorebec 汀 auseyoushar 脖 editwithsom 没eonespecial 义 ,specialeno 妮 ughtospendy 都 ourtimewith 刺 . Andremem 压 berthattime 绚 waitsfornoo 沾 ne.Yesterda 醋yishistory. 姨 Tomorrowisa 蝇 mystery.Tod 取 ayisagift.T 熟hatswhyit 满 scalledthep 穴 resent!The 盈 clockisrunn 恤ing.Makethe 蒋 mostoftoday 锗 . Goodlu

5、ck,e 糊 verybody! 演讲 惺 稿二: 珍惜时间英语演讲 蹲 稿 mybrothe 矫 r-in-lawope 硷 nedthebotto 豁 mdrawerofmy 抹sistersbure 埔 auandlifted 铡 outatissue- 盗 wrappedpack 涪age.this,he 胸 said,isnota 汐 slip.thisis 泽 lingerie.he 芝discardedth 副 etissueandh 污 andedmethes 蔬 lip. itwas 稠 exquisite,s 饶 ilk,handmad 囱 eandtrimmed 奠wit

6、hacobweb 俏 oflace.thep 羊 ricetagwith 拯 anastronomi 侄calfigureon 湿 itwasstilla 犯 ttached. j 周 anboughtthi 纷 sthefirstti 找 mewewentton 逛 ewyork,atle 赴ast8or9year 绦 sago.shenev 逊 烃 ewassavingi 接tforaspecia 蛛 loccasion. 姓 well,igues 肿 sthisistheo 喻 ccasion. h 藉 etookthesli 升 pfrommeandp 裔 ut

7、itonthebe 涕 d,withtheot 腮herclothesw 报 eweretaking 诛 tothemortic 栖 ian.hishand 记slingeredon 渺 thesoftmate 银 rialforamom 粗 ent,thenhes 焊lammedthedr 刹 awershutand 冀 turnedtome, 弄 donteversav 倾eanythingfo 翌 raspecialoc 娄 casion.ever 炉 ydayyoureal 已iveisaspeci 茅 aloccasion. 奖 iremember 巧 edthoseword 邑 s

8、throughthe 抛 funeralandt 饥hedaysthatf 械 ollowedwhen 颜 ihelpedhima 咬 ndmynieceat 舟tendtoallth 娱 esadchorest 蝶 hatfollowan 咋 unexpectedd 瞎eath.ithoug 这 htaboutthem 元 ontheplaner 页 eturningtoc 柱aliforniafr 疯 omthemidwes 态 terntownwhe 辗 remysisters 痰familylives 醚 .ithoughtab 蔼 outalltheth 撼 ingsthatshe

9、歧hadntseenor 猖 heardordone 哭 .ithoughtab 只 outthething 女sthatshehad 华 donewithout 睫 realizingth 弓 attheyweres 徽pecial. im 云 stillthinki 乐 ngabouthisw 衰 ords,andthe 肩yvechangedt 蹄 heweedsinth 钠 egarden.ims 要 pendingmore 峦timewithmyf 欣 amilyandfri 迂 endsandless 脊 timeincommi 虹tteemeeting 切 s.wheneverp

10、 御 ossible,lif 臭 eshouldbeap 贮atternofexp 压 eriencetosa 扼 vour,notend 泰 ure.imtryin 中gtorecogniz 玻 ethesemomen 芥 tnowandcher 害 ishthem. i 瞪 mnotsavinga 致 nything;weu 躯 seourgoodch 冕 inaandcryst 鸣alforeverys 北 pecial.even 肖 tsuchaslosi 格 ngapound,ge 咳ttingthesin 浓 kunstopped, 授 thefirstcam 鸯 elliablo

11、sso 圆 miwearmygo 砌 odblazertot 驴 hemarketifi 殃 feellikeit. 毅mytheoryisi 邢 filookprosp 哦 erous,icans 烷 hellout$28. 钮49foronesma 熄 llbagofgroc 菜 erieswithou 吟 稼notsavingmy 翁 goodperfume 秀 forspecialp 裕 arties;cler 山ksinhardwar 屹 estoresandt 暇 ellersinban 赤 kshavenoses 帧thatfunctio 娟 naswel

12、lasmy 话 partygoingf 嚼 riends. so 蜀 medayandone 兆 ofthesedays 低 arelosingth 对eirgriponmy 近 vocabulary. 院 ifitsworths 原 eeingorhear 姑ingordoing, 凳 iwanttoseea 印 ndhearanddo 搭 itnow.imnot 寨surewhatmys 担 isterwouldv 蓄 edonehadshe 峨 knowthatshe 申wouldntbehe 燕 reforthetom 耙 orrowweallt 帧 akeforgrant 藩 ed.

13、 ithink 助 shewouldhav 结 ecalledfami 革 lymembersan 筏dafewclosef 归 riends.shem 蜜 ighthavecal 靳 ledafewform 陨erfriendsto 绷 apologize,a 森 ndmendfence 甄 sforpastsqu 域abbles.ilik 汰 etothinkshe 许 wouldhavego 瓦 neoutforach 坞inesedinner 畅 ,herfavorit 袖 efood.imgue 尝 ssing.illne 兽verknow. i 套 tsthoselitt 公 le

14、thingslef 哀 tundonethat 厢 wouldmakeme 罐angryifikne 福 wthatmyhour 疥 swerelimite 徐 d.angrybeca 意useiputoffs 吟 eeinggoodfr 陨 iendswhomiw 甭 asgoingtoge 领tintouchwit 磐 频 grybecausei 秀 hadntwritte 谜ncertainlet 哥 tersthatiin 视 tendedtowri 驮 teoneofthes 谰edays.angry 船 andsorrytha 爆 tididnttell 脏

15、 myhusbandan 裳ddaughterof 涨 tenenoughho 拍 wmuchitruly 摸 lovethem. 陕 imtryingver 蛀 yhardnottop 朴 utoff,holdb 哪 ack,orsavea 应nythingthat 长 wouldaddlau 盎 ghterandlus 懒 tertoourliv 限es.andevery 鞠 morningwhen 削 iopenmyeyes 慨 ,itellmysel 观fthateveryd 枷 ay,everymin 诌 ute,everybr 绝 eathtruly,i 洪s.agiftfr 庞

16、omgod. 演讲稿三: 滁 珍惜时间英语演讲稿 啼 Hello,ladie 潞 sandgentlem 挤 en!Itismyho 痹 nortosharem 反ytopicwithy 侄 ouhere.Andm 汐 ytopicisTim 隙eIsValuable 满 .?Timeflie 徐 s.Thearticl 诌 econgcongof 掩ZhuZiqingal 炮 sotellsusti 碴 meisrare.We 毕allknowthat 熏 :Timeislife 磋 ,athomeweha 鹅 veparentsad 马visement,at 化 schoolwehav 遗

17、 eteachersad 驭 visement.Bu 诽twhotreasur 姚 estimeaslif 仟 e? Nowlet 燕 senjoyastor 韧 y:Onedayayo 哥 ungmanvisit 妖edgreateduc 案 atorBanjiem 纫 ing.WhenBan 匹 jiemingopen 榨edthedoor,t 碗 otheyoungma 窒 nsgreatsur 溯 prise.:hish 滞ousewasvery 粥 dirty.Ims 绕 orry,Itsto 震 odirty.Wait 因aminuteplea 牧 se.Banjiemi 源 ng

18、saidandcl 盯 osedthedoor 之 . Oneminut 粱 elater,Banj 骏 iemingopene 姻 dthedooraga 肾inandsaid:c 意 omeinplease 郝 .Thistimewh 或 attheyoungm 戌ansawwasacl 怔 eanandclear 陇 sittingroom 甥 . OK,Youm 锌 aygonow.Ban 弘 jiemingsaid 盼 ,ButI,Ihav 巩 ntremittoy 献 ou.Theyoun 授 gmanasked. 采 Isntitenou 浆gh?Lookinga 虚 tther

19、oom,B 裳 anjiemingsa 醒 id.Youhave 明beenherefor 特 oneminute. 滚 Oneminute? 献 Oneminute,O 瞄hIknow.Yout 膊 ellmeatruth 臣 :Wecandoman 扇 ythingsinam 愚inute.They 瓶 oungmanleft 销 withsatisfa 烩 ction. The 斋 storyisshor 姐 tbutmeaning 镰 ful.Justlik 掳ethestorysa 毗 ys: onemin 沉 uteisntlon 倡 g.Butourlif 必 eismadeof

20、su 裁chminutes.I 酿 nfactonlytr 姬 easuretime, 蓉 willyousucc 型eed,onlytre 姐 asuretime,w 瑞 illyoureali 盎zeyourideal 滞 .Onlytreasu 崭 retimewilly 洱 ouachievewh 锯atyouwant. 桂 Weshouldma 滚 kegooduseof 交 timetostudy 姐 hardortodos 选omethingmea 照 ningfulfory 润 ourself.So, 铱 weshouldpla 奈nthetimetos 芒 tudyandre

21、la 疡 x,especiall 瞎 yatwehavemo 蹈refreetimea 烩 thome,sotha 铁 twecanuseth 丘 attimetodoa 辅lotofthings 谓 . However, 鲤 howcanwepla 厘 nthetime?Th 的 erearediffe 捷rentwaysfor 荷 differentex 勾 ample,someb 析 odyliketost 丈udyinthemor 宙 ning,andrel 重 axinthethec 绽 ontrary,som 稍ebodyliketo 晕 relaxinthem 扁 orning,

22、ands 蘸 tudyintheev 檀enthinktheb 幼 esttimetost 胆 udyisinthew 晓 aysfordiffe 偶rentallthew 瞩 ayshaveonet 肺 hingincommo 共 n. Thatist 塌 heneedforpr 酋 acticalacti 埃 on.Ifyouwan 包ttochangead 病 ifficultsit 秧 uation,ifyo 写 uwanttochan 港geyourself, 矗 ifyouwantto 借 makegooduse 葱 oftimetostu 瘁dy,youmustp 痢 utint

23、onot,y 旅 ourplanwill 虑 benotmeanin 晦 gful. Sode 孝 arfiends,pl 吟 easetreasur 苯 eeveryminut 榨esofyourlif 恨 e.Onlyliket 虫 hiswillyouh 恍 aveanexcell 果entfuture.T 荷 hankyouvery 纤 much. 演讲稿四: 珍 肘 惜时间英语演讲稿 T 摘 ime,wasastr 窑 angething,i 料 tmakesallsi 锐 cknessandde 挽ath.Whenthe 跌 reissomethi 牟 ngbornoftim 镀

24、e,fromthatm 玄omentthebeg 寡 inningoftim 塞 ehaspassed. 杏 Howtowedo?W 周ecanonlysei 湛 zetheopport 派 unitytoseiz 耪 elife,todot 律hemastersof 苏 theirowndes 潘 tiny. Ihav 果 ethoughtabo 茹 utaproblem, 彩 whatistime? 太Ithinkthatt 排 imeisofthem 搬 indinlifewh 轿entherunway 历 ,anditisres 砒 ponsiblefor 豫 thecompleti

25、煽onofamissio 菲 nofasubdivi 驴 sion. Cann 大 otrecoverth 忠 epast,thepa 糖 stisagoodti 咬meregardles 成 s,orpainful 踌 andhavetost 辨 ayinourmemo 淡ry,ourexper 勉 iencehasenr 证 ichedandmat 鄙 uredourthin 播king.Occasi 谊 onally,them 瞩 emories,can 盾 regulateour 襟emotions,pu 噪 rifyourhear 抨 ts.Hasbeenr 排 eallyobses

26、s 叫edwitholdth 赠 ingsisnotde 觅 sirablebeca 哼 useitismore 蔬importantno 骨 w. IreadaS 铡 ovietwriter 集 Nicholas?Al 伸 ec?Ostrovsk 脱ysbookHow 瘤 toMakeSteel 挺 ,Iwasmoved 贾 tothissecti 隘onofthearti 媚 clesothatim 碾 pressedme: 唯 Lifebelongs 车tothepeople 塞 onlyonce.on 险 eslifeshou 蟹 ldbespentth 瑶isway:whenh 躁

27、elookback,h 枫 edoesnotreg 错 rettheyears 触wasted,notb 侦 ecauseofthe 悲 shame.Thus, 找 indeath,hew 臀illbeableto 腿 say:Iownaw 肌 holelifeand 遗 energiesare 咕dedicatedto 蛹 theworldsm 掣 ostmagnific 蛤 entcause-th 选ecauseofhum 剪 anityandthe 疚 struggleofl 蚌 iberation. 仪Yesahlifeti 靛 meweremorev 捎 aluableit,e 趾

28、speciallyth 姜ejuvenileti 懊 me.Fromnowo 岛 n,Ihavetoch 弛 erish. Iv 剔 eheardsucha 肥 story:Thepr 洱 essureinthe 歇rubbleandst 逆 onesfollowi 链 ngagrass,it 初 isalongingf 颧orthesuntor 睁 eachitthewi 敲 llofHealth, 知 nomatterhow 鹤heavystones 镰 above,betwe 疥 entherocksa 穿 ndstonesHow 彝tonarrowthe 桑 gap,italway 罢

29、 stwistsandt 争 urns,thetou 支ghandupthro 骗 ughtothegro 玄 und.Itsroot 袱 tothesoilun 奔derthelongs 祭 hootstotheg 裤 rounditstan 粟 ds,thisisan 趾irresistibl 塘 eforceoflif 倡 e,toprevent 朽 itsstoneswe 撮rethrowntot 涂 he.Xiaocaoh 啤 uavitalitys 垢 ogreatthatp 化eoplecannot 正 helpbutsigh 硬 . Yesah,li 腾 fewillbelik

30、 充 ethis,liket 乍 hegrass,nom 曝atterwhatci 竖 rcumstances 弓 ,aremakingp 卵 rogresswill 喊neverbow,th 贾 eonlywayofl 盂 ifeisthebes 腥 t,themostme 烁aningful.Ti 匈 meisofthees 袖 sence,timei 拓 sgoneforeve 蔚r,andwemust 儒 treasurethi 算 sgoodtime,s 移 tudyhard,gr 妮owup,theeff 担 ectivenesso 蒋 fthemotherl 膳 and.Itis

31、als 态otheso-call 谬 edoneinchb 毫 yoneinchgol 谁 dtime,gold- 译inchinchtim 阁 e.Letuscher 亚 ishthetimew 内 ithit! 演讲稿五: 衍 珍惜时间英语演讲稿 桅 Aproverbsay 掌 s,Timeismo 讳 ney.Butinm 暇 yopinion,ti 泻meisevenmor 抑 epreciousth 姓 anmoney.Why 盖 ?Becausewhe 医nmoneyisspe 氰 nt,wecanear 蓖 nitback.How 仇 ever,whenti 碰meisgone,

32、it 晰 willneverre 云 turn.Thisis 速 thereasonwh 奉ywemustvalu 脆 eby Itgoe 氓 swithoutsay 樱 ingthatthet 宜 imeforourst 泞udyandworki 焊 sunusuallyl 史 imited.Henc 罩 e,evenanhou 烈risextremel 乘 yprecious.W 望 eshouldmake 脓 fulluseofou 鸣rtimetodous 臻 efulthings. 真 Asastudent, 怎 Imustmakeef 型fortstoenga 播 geinmyst

33、udy 窒 soastoserve 茵 ournationan 撤dpeopleinth 校 efuture.But 坍 itisapityth 枯 atthere.are 毡alotofpeopl 挚 ewhodonotkn 卡 owtheimport 颐 anceoftime. 姥Theydonotre 让 alizethatwa 棚 stingtimeis 将 equaltowast 炸ingapartoft 恐 heirvaluabl 九 ebyII63com 玩 Inaword,w 喜 eshouldform 剖 thegoodhabi 油 tofsavingti 涌me.Donotput 毗 offwhatcanb 葬 edonetodayt 扬illtomorrow 愤 .Lazinesswi 警 llnotonlybr 燕

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