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本文(安徽省安庆市十六校学年七年级英语上学期期中联考试题 人教新目标版.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

安徽省安庆市十六校学年七年级英语上学期期中联考试题 人教新目标版.docx

1、安徽省安庆市十六校学年七年级英语上学期期中联考试题 人教新目标版安庆市20132014学年度第一学期期中十六校联考七年级英语试题(闭卷)第一部分 听力(共五大题,满分30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的那一项,每小题读两遍。(每小题1分,共计5分)。( )1. A. gameB. sameC. name ( )2. A. HBB. BBCC. CD( )3. A. mapB. jacketC. T-shirt ( )4. A. whatsB. color C. table( )5.A. first nameB. last nameC. family二、情景反应,根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的应答

2、语,每小题读两遍。(每小题1分,共计5分)。( )6.A.Good eveningB. Good morningC. Good afternoon( )7. A.Its OK B. Im Bob.C. Im fine, thanks.( )8.A.Its my book.B. He is my father. C. No, it isnt.( )9. A. Its a pen.B. Its red. C. Thanks( )10.A. Its green. B. Yes, it is. C. On the table.三、短对话理解,你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,请在每小题所给的A,

3、B,C三个选项中选出最佳答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)11. What does Jack have ?A. pensB. erasersC. a pair of glasses12. Where is the key?A. Under the chair.B. In the desk.C. on the table.13. Whats Mikes telephone number ?A. Its 520-1314.B. Its 320-1314. C. Its 220-1314.14. What color is Bills model plane ?A. Red.B. Yellow.C.

4、Blue.15. Who is Marys cousin ?A. Tom.B. Tim.C. Jim.四 长对话理解。( 共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听下面一段对话,回答第16至17两个小题。16. What is this ?A. Its a photo.B. Its a book.C. Its a pencil.17. Who is Tom ?A. Jacks uncle.B. Jacks cousin.C. Jacks brother.听下面一段对话,回答第18至20三个小题。18. Whats

5、 Alices fathers name ?A. Mark.B. Bill.C. Lisa.19. Who is Bill ?A. Alices cousin.B. Alices Uncle.C. Alices Brother.20. Alices aunt is _. A. JennyB. LisaC. Mary.五信息转换。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。Janes 21How Its nice. Things What My schoolbagAn English book and a(n) 22 notebo

6、ok are in it.My pencil boxA blue pen, a yellow 23 and a green 24 are in it.My dictionaryI 25 it this morning.第二部分 英语知识运用(共三大题,满分55分)一、选择填空:从A、B、C、D三个选项中选出一个最佳选项完成句子。(共20小题;每小题l分,满分20分)( )26.下列四组字母中含有相同因素的是_.A. k and V B.C and JC. L and XD.I and S( )27.Here is _ ID card. Is _ ID card yours ?A. a, aB.

7、an.anC.a,the,the( )28.- Whats that in English ? - _ desk.A. Its aB. ItsC. Thats D Its a( )29. -Mom, this is my friend, Nick. -_.A. Thank youB. OKC. Glad to meet you.D. How are you?( )30.-This is your eraser. Here you are. -Thank you , Mr. Zhang. -_-A. Thank you ,too.B. Thats all right.C. All ri

8、ght.D. Ok.( )31. -How are your parents, Jim ? -_A. They are at home.B. They are old.C. Very well, thanks.D. The are teachers.( )32. Please call me _ 366-7725. A. forB. onC. atD. with( )33. Here _a photo of my sisters.A. have . B. amC. areD. is( )34. -Thank you for _ me. -Youre welcome. A. help . B.

9、callC. calling D. to call( )35.- Is this _pencil?-No, it isnt. Its_.A. her, hersB. his , hisC. his , hersD. hers , his( )36_ are good friends.A.I and heB.I and himC.I and his D. He and I( )37.This is my book.What about that book?A. Its my brothersB.My brotherC. TomD. Its my brother.( )38. What color

10、 _ these _?A. are, rulerB. are, rulers C. is, rulerD. is, rulers( )39. -What color is that quilt? -_A. Its a yellow.B. Its a red quilt.C. Its red.D. Thats a yellow quilt.( )40. Im Jack Smith. Jack is my _ name and Smith is my _ name.A. first, last B. last, firstC. first, firstD. last, last( )41 This

11、 is her telephone number. You can _ her.A. callB. spell C. look D. meet( )42._ , Tom. Is this your pencil? Yes, thanks.A. Good morningB. Excuse meC. SorryD. Hello( )43.That man is Bob Brown, so we can call( 叫 )him_.A. BrownB. Mr. BrownC. Mr. BobD. Mrs. Brown( )44. -Your English is very good. -_. A.

12、Thank youB. Yes, it isC. Not good, thanksD. No, not good( )45. Your father is your cousins_.A. brotherB. auntC. uncleD. son二、完形填空。(共20分,每小题1.5分) 阅读短文,从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( A ) Hello, everyone! Do you know 46 ? My name 47 Cindy Brown. Cindy is my 48 name and Brown is my family name. I am a

13、49 . I am nine years old. My 50 is 667-1298. There are (有) 51 people in my family - my parents, my brother and I. We all like fruit and vegetables. They are 52 food. We often 53 them for lunch and dinner. I like books, 54 I dont like ball games. My brother, Peter Brown, likes ball games but he 55 bo

14、oks. We both (两个都) love our parents and our family.( ) 46A. meB.I ) ) 48A.lastB.familyC.oneD.first( ) 49A.boyB.girlC.daughterD.cousin( ) 50A.bookcaseB.watchC.answerD.telephone number( ) 51A.threeB. fourC.fiveD.six( ) 52A.bad B. fun C.goodD.interesting( ) 53A.playB.have

15、 ) ) 55A.likesdont likeC.likeD.doesnt like ( B )I have a good friend. 56 name is Peter. We study in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. We are in the same (同一个) class. He sits in front 57 me. His favourite lesson is Music. He 58 many CDs. He likes 59 music very muc

16、h. He likes playing football, too. After school we often play football in the 60 . He is very helpful. We often help each 61 .Peter is not a Chinese. He is from 62 . He comes to Beijing 63 his family. His father is a doctor and his mother is a nurse. They work from Monday 64 Friday. At weekends, his

17、 mother likes shopping and his father likes fishing. Sometimes they go to the park. They all like Chinese food. They 65 very happy.( ) 56. A. He B. His C. She D. Her( ) 57. A. on B. at C. to D. of( ) 58. A. have B. has C. there is D. there are( ) 59. A. listen B. listen to C. listening D. listening

18、to( ) 60. A. classroom B. library C. playground D. bookshop( ) 61. A. one B. other C. others D. some( ) 62. A. England B. Chinese C. English D. American( ) 63. A. from B. on C. with D. for( ) 64. A. in B. to C. with D. of( ) 65. A. be B. am C. is D. are三.补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的

19、最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A. How do you do?B. Welcome to Beijing.CAre you from England?D. Whats your name?E. Im from Canada.F. Nice to meet you.A: Excuse me, are you Sam?B: Yes, I am. 66 A: My name is Bob. B: 67 A: Nice to meet you, too. 68 B: No, Im not. 69 Where are you from?A: Im from Shanghai. 70 B: Than

20、k you.第三部分 阅读理解(共三大题,满分30分)四阅读理解(30分)AThese are Cara and Ben. They are twins(双胞胎). They are twelve. This is their bedroom. Its a nice room. There are two beds in the room. The yellow bed is Caras and that green one is Bens. The twins have one desk and two chairs. The chairs look the same. Caras swea

21、ter is on his bed. Bens coat is on his chair. Their clock, books and pencil-cases are on the desk. Their school bags are behind the chairs.( )71. Cara and Ben are _. A. brother and sister B. brothers C. sisters D. friends( )72. Cara and Ben have _. A. two chairs and one desk B. two desks and one cha

22、ir C. two chairs and two desks D. one desk and one chair( ) 73. Caras _ is yellow and Bens _ is green. A. chair; bed B. sweater; sweater C. bed; chair D. bed; bed( ) 74. Caras sweater is _. A. on his bed B. on Bens bed C. on the chair D. on the desk( ) 75. Which is right? A. Their class is very nice

23、. B. Their two beds look the same.C. Their school bags are under the chairs. D. They live in the same room. BCindy:Your red notebook is in the lost and found case. Mike Mike MikeFound:BackpackIs this your backpack?Its black and white.My name is Tony Green.Phone # 236-0731.Lost:My school ID card.Its

24、number is 2007712.My name is Mary Brown.Please call 695-6385. ( )76、Marys school ID card number is_A. 236-0731B. 695-6385C .2007712D.2007722( )77.、The backpack is_A greenB and ( )78、Tonys _is 236-0731.Aphone numberB E-mail addressC.telephoneD. Phone ( )79、Tonys last name is

25、 _A BrownBGreenCMikeDTony ( )80.Cindys _ is in the lost and found case.A school ID cardB backpackC .notebookD.phoneCIm JohnMy father is a factory managerHe comes from AmericaMy mother is a teacherShes EnglishShe can speak some ChineseShe is an English teacher at schoo1Im a student in my mothers scho

26、o1At school I can play with my Chinese friendsWe can play football,basketball and table tennisMy mother can play the piano and tennisShe can also (也)sing well( )81Johns father is .Ain a schoolBin a factoryC. in a hotelD. in a hospital ( )82Johns mother is from .AAmericaBChinaCEnglandDJapan ( )83John

27、 can .AsingBplay the pianoCplay tennisDplay table tennis ( )84Johns mother can . Aplay football and sing Bplay basketball and the piano Cplay tennis and table tennis Dplay the piano and sing( )85 can speak some Chinese AJohnBJohns motherCJohns fatherDJohns friends第四部分 写(共三大题,满分35分)一句型转换(10分,一空一分)86. Is this your box ?(改

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