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1、届人教版中考英语模块复习五人教版中考英语模块复习(五)七年级(下册)Unit 9Unit 12词汇梳理模块Unit 9 What does he look like? 1、 curlykl卷曲的2、 straight stret 直的3、 tall tl 高的4、 medium midm中等的5、 height hat身高;高度6、 of medium height中等身高7、 thinn 瘦的8、 heavy hev重的9、 build bld身材10、of medium build中等身材11、tonighttnat今夜12、littlelt()l 小的13、a little一点,少量14

2、、cinemasnm电影院15、glassesglsz 眼镜16、later let以后17、handsomehns()m 英俊的18、actorkt演员19、actressktrs女演员20、person ps()n人21、nose nz鼻子22、blonde blndadj.金黄色的23、mouth ma嘴24、roundrand圆形的25、face fes脸26、eye a眼睛27、singers(r)歌手28、artisttst 艺术家29、crimekram 犯罪活动30、criminalkrmn()l 犯罪31、put pt 放32、each it 每个,各自33、waywe方式,

3、路线34、describe dskrab 描述35、differentlydfrntl 不同的36、anothern另一,又一37、end end结尾,尽头38、in the end最后39、realril真正的40、jeans dinz牛仔裤41、Johnnydn约翰尼42、Dean din 迪安43、Tina tin蒂娜44、Jackson dksn杰克逊Unit 10 Id like some noodles 1、 noodle nud()l 面条2、 muttonmt()n羊肉3、 beefbif 牛肉4、 cabbagekbd 卷心菜;洋白菜5、 potato ptet土豆;马铃薯6

4、、 specialspe()l特色菜;特价品;特别的;特殊的7、 wouldwd; wd(表示意愿)愿意8、 would like愿意;喜欢9、 yet(常用于否定句或疑问句)还;仍然10、largeld大号的;大的11、orderd点菜;命令12、take ones order点菜13、size saz大小;尺码14、bowlbl碗15、one(large)bowl of一(大)碗16、tofutfu 豆腐17、meatmit(可食用的)肉18、dumpling dmpl饺子19、porridge prd粥;面糊20、onionnjn洋葱21、fishf鱼;鱼肉22、pancakepnkek

5、烙饼;薄饼23、world wld世界24、around rand the world世界各地25、answerns答案;回答26、differentdf()r()nt不同的27、cake kek 蛋糕28、candleknd()l 蜡烛29、ageed年龄30、make a wishw许愿31、blowbl吹32、blow out吹灭33、if如果34、willwl会35、the UK(等于the United Kingdom)英国35、candyknd 糖果37、lucky幸运的38、popular受欢迎的;普遍的39、get popular受欢迎;流行40、cut up切碎41、idea

6、ad想法;主意42、bring good lucklkto给带来好运Unit11 How was your school trip?1、 milk mlk挤奶2、 cowka n. 奶牛,母牛3、 milk a cow给奶牛挤奶4、 horsehs马5、 riderad a horse骑马6、 feed fid 喂养;饲养7、 feed chickenstkns 喂鸡8、 farmer fm 农民;农场主9、 quite kwat相当;安全10、quite a lot(of) 许多11、anythingen(常用于否定句或疑问句)任何东西;任何事物12、grow gr 种植;生长;发育13、f

7、arm fm 农场;务农;种田14、pick pk 采;摘15、excellent eks()l()nt 极好的;优秀的16、countryside kntrsad乡村;农村17、in the countryside在乡下;在农村18、yesterdayjestde; -d 昨天19、flower fla花20、worry wr 担心;担忧21、luckily lkl 幸运地;好运地22、sun sn 太阳23、museum mjuzm博物馆24、firefa火灾25、fire station ste()n 消防站26、paintingpent油画;绘画27、exciting ksat; ek

8、-使人兴奋的;令人激动的28、lovelylvl 可爱的29、expensivekspensv; ek-昂贵的30、cheaptip 廉价的;便宜的31、slow sl 缓慢的;迟缓的32、fastfst 快地(的)33、robotrbt 机器人34、guide gad 导游;向导35、giftgft礼物;赠品36、all in all总的说来37、everythingevr一切;所有事物38、interested nt()rstd 感兴趣的39、be interested in对感兴趣40、darkdk 黑暗的;昏暗的41、hear(heard)h 听到;听见42、Carolkr()l 卡罗

9、尔Unit12 What did you do last weekend?1、 camp kmp扎营2、 lake lek湖,湖泊3、 beach bit海滩,沙滩4、 badmintonbdmnt()n羽毛球运动5、 sheepip羊,绵羊6、 as z; z 作为,当做7、 naturalnt()r()ladj. 自然的8、 butterfly蝴蝶9、 tired tad疲倦的10、stay ste停留11、stay up late深夜不留12、away we离开13、run away跑开14、mouse mas 老鼠15、baby beb幼小的16、shoutat 呼叫,喊叫17、sho

10、ut at冲大声叫嚷18、woof wf(狗叫声)汪汪19、language lgwd语言20、flyfla飞21、kite kat风筝22、fly a kite放风筝23、highha高的(地)24、high school中学25、ago g以前26、India nd 印度27、tenttent 帐篷28、put up搭起,举起29、moon月亮30、surprisespraz惊奇,惊讶31、get a surpris吃惊32、snake snek蛇33、scaredsked惊慌的34、move muv移动35、shout to对大声喊叫36、startstt开始,着手37、jump dmp

11、 跳跃38、up and down上上下下39、wake wek 弄醒,醒40、intont; nt 到里面41、forest frst 森林42、ear 耳朵43、Lucy lusi 露西习题训练模块一:单项填空1.This room is too small.Id like to ask for .Sure.We have rooms available here.A.another B.the other D.it2.Lets go climbing Langshan Mountain this Saturday the weather is fine.Good idea!A

12、.though B.if C.unless D.after3.He me his name,but I cant remember it now.A.tells B.will tell C.told telling4.Danny go to the science museum with us today.Thats because he has to visit his grand-parents.A.neednt B.may not C.mustnt D.dont have to5.The students a lot of apples on the farm yesterda

13、y.They had a good time helping the villagers.A.pick B.picked C.picks D.are picking6.Why dont you buy the sweater?I dont have enough money to buy it because its too .A.nice B.expensive C.popular D.cheap7.Mount Huang is famous around the world.The tourists who have visited it say it is hard to its bea

14、uty in words.A.describe B.catch C.understand D.remember8.I can feel the wind blow on my face when I walk the B.along C.with D.about9.Oh,its time for Tom to go to school.Go to ,Jenny.OK,mom.A.wake up him B.wake him up C.put up him D.put him up10.Would you like to go swimming with us this S

15、unday?.It must be fun.A.Id love to B.No,thanks C.Thats right D.Im afraid not二.完形填空Zaydi lived in the desert.It never rained.One day Zaydi saw a beautiful rainbow(彩虹) in a book.He told his mother he wanted to see a real 11.She thought and thought.12 could she show Zaydi a rainbow?The next morning,she

16、 called Zaydi,“Come on.Were going to see a real rainbow.”Zaydi was so13.They walked into town and then took a bus.The bus drove for a long time and finally stopped at a small 14.Zaydi and his mother got off.They walked past the village and15 going.He saw green grass and flowers.Hed 16 seen so many b

17、eautiful things.He looked up into the sky.It was 17with clouds.“Look,Mama,clouds,” he said.“Will we see a rainbow soon,Mama?”“Yes,Zaydi.”It started to rain.“Oh.Rain feels good,Mama.It is making our hair and clothes all wet,” he laughed.“Soon it will stop 18 and youll see the rainbow,” his mother exp

18、lained.After a while the rain stopped.The sun came out.19 Zaydi cried out.“Look,Mama.I see a rainbow!It looks just 20 the one in my book.Its so beautiful,Mama!” His mother looked at the rainbow and smiled happily.11.A.desert B .rainbow D.grass12.A.Who B.What C.How D.Where13.A.excited B.ner

19、vous C.interested D.afraid14.A.mountain B.village C.factory D.street15.A.decided B.enjoyed C.finished D.kept16.A.ever B.never C.already D.even17.A.filled B.shared C.helped D.played18.A.snowing B.raining C.acting D.beating19.A.Recently B.Luckily C.Happily D.Suddenly20.A.with B.for D.about三.补全对

20、话A:Hey,Dan,I called you yesterday afternoon,but you werent at home.B:21.A:Really?What museum did you visit?B:Cup Noodles Museum.It was so much fun.22.A:I just stayed at home and drew pictures.B:23.A:Yeah.B:Well,why did you call me?A:24.B:Oh,no.Im not good at playing basketball.25.Tennis is my favori

21、te sport.A:I see.A.It sounds boring.B.What about you,Jack?C.I will join the tennis club.D.Lets join the ping-pong club.E.I watched a movie with my family.F.Oh,I went to a museum with my brother.G.I called to tell you to join the basketball club.四.阅读理解Name:AliceAge:fifteen years oldProfession:a middl

22、e school studentHobbies:swimming,traveling and readingPersonality:friendly,patient,helpful and energetic Dream:to be an English teacherNotes:1.After answering different questions correctly,she will achieve different family dreams.2.If she cant answer the questions,she can call her friends for help t

23、hree times.QuestionsFamily Dreams1-5the first:a bike for her little brother6-10the second:a camera for herself11-15the third:a trip to Yunnan with her parents and her brother16-20the fourth:to give her prize to the homeless26.What does Alice like doing?A.Swimming and skating.B.Skating and reading.C.

24、Swimming,traveling and reading.D.Singing,dancing and readings.27.How many people are there in Alices family?A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.28.If Alice fails to answer the eleventh question,what can she get?A.Just a bike. B.Just a camera.C.A bike and a camera. D.A trip to Yunnan.29.We can know that A

25、lice is a girl from her family dreams.A.lazy B.stupid C.quiet D.kind 五.词汇30.Be quiet!The patients (sleep).31.My father isnt tall or short.Hes of medium h.32.Look!The boys are k(踢) the ball around in the yard.33.Please follow the rules.Dont (触碰) the photos in the museum.34.Not only my parents but als

26、o I (be) good at running.35.Please find out some (不同) between the two pictures.36.Dont forget (turn) off the gas after cooking.37.A big (博物馆) will be built in Nanchong next year.38.It often rains (heavy) in this season every year.39.My grandparents are in poor (healthy).They should be taken good car

27、e of.六.任务型完形填空。come,fun,visit,hardly,yourself,not,fall off,advice,from,importantDear Molly,I just got your letter with the picture of you riding your bike.From the smile on your face,I can tell how much40 youre having.I still remember when you could 41 ride a tricycle (儿童三轮自行车).Youve 42 a long way!Now heres some43.Im sure youre a good rider.But you will 44 that bike now and then.So please get 45 a helmet (头盔).Wear it every time you ride.A helmet will help protect you 46 a head injury.Wearing a helmet when you ride a bike is as 47 as wearing your seatbelt w

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