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1、研究智能气体检测系统外文翻译研究智能气体检测系统外文翻译研究智能气体检测系统文摘 根据统计数据,中国近年来,煤气泄漏时有发生,对人身安全造成很大威胁,因此气体检测和监控系统是需要作为一个安全装置在家庭应用。在本文中,智能气体检测系统的设计。该检测仪采用单片机AT89S52为控制核心,采用催化燃烧式气体传感器元件MC112作为气体传感器(CH4)检测。该系统的主要功能如下:浓度的实时监测CH4和显示的浓度值;发射声光报警信号,如果CH4浓度值超过报警值通过键盘面板输入;串行通信口发送数据地面以上主机。软件调试和硬件仿真上述系统也实现在同一时间。关键词:数据采集,传感器,串行通信,单片机。在本文中


3、这些参左叶面积,同时实时数据的传输,通过RS-485总线主机地面上的。3气体检测系统的硬件系统设计主要包括主控单元系统的硬件结构,传感器和信号放大电路,A/D转换模块,声光报警电路,键盘显示模块,串口通信模块。3.1主控单元具有集成度高,体积小,价格低,单片机已广泛应用于工业过程中广泛应用包括控制,数据采集,机电一体化,智能仪表,家用电器和网络技术,以及显著提高的程度技术和自动化。考虑在芯片选择两个因素,一是抗干扰的能力,提高单片机应用系统的干扰,图2. 系统运行界面图所以单片机必须有较高的外界干扰;二是单片机的性能价格比。考虑到上述因素,我们采用了Atmel公司的AT89S52作为主控单元,

4、和主控电路的最终方案包括AT89S52单片机,定时器和复位电路 8,9 。如图3所示。图3. 主控制单元3.2传感器和信号放大电路3.2.1传感器的选择在气体检测系统设计的一个关键问题是如何选择的气体传感器。常见的气体传感器的半导体金属氧化物如氧化锡,锌coxide,钛氧化物和铝氧化物。遇到的问题与这些传感器缺乏灵活性,可怜响应时间和在升高的温度下操作 10 。甲烷检测新方法基于红外技术是近年来提出的,但它仍然是在进步和很多工作之前应该可以应用于解决实际工程问题 11 。本系统采用催化燃烧式气敏元件MC112开发海星集团来测量气体(CH4)的浓度。图4显示了外面观和MC112内部电路,表1列出

5、了主要技术参数MC112。MC112气体检测器利用催化燃烧原理的两个臂;桥是由测量与补偿元件对。当它被暴露可燃气体,测量元件电阻增大,输出通过测量电桥电压参数,参数的电压成正比的气体浓度值。补偿元件的工作温度补偿和参考。对MC112主要功能包括可重复性好,工作稳定,可靠,线性输出电压,和快速的反应。煤矿安全规程表示,如果甲烷气体浓度超过1%,安全系统应警报,如果瓦斯浓度超过2%,所有的人都必须立刻疏散。自检测低浓度甲烷MC112范围为0% - 2%。图4. 外观3.2.2信号放大电路要放大微弱电信号的检测采用MC112(1%气体浓度波动将导致16MV电压变化)。采用扭矩传感器系统广告公司开发的

6、高性能的仪表放大器。它有优点:(1)单电源和12V输出(2)易于修改信号增益虽然外部电阻器,它将作为无外部单位增益电阻和信号增益可达1000与一个外部电阻;(3)低功耗消耗,大规模的操作电压,线性度好,热稳定性好,高可靠性。信号放大器电路原理图如图5所示。图5. 信号放大电路3.3的A / D转换器模块如图6所示,该模块由多路CD4051,采样保持器lf389,A / D转换器AD574A 12 和并行I/O芯片8255A作为核心的一部分,AD574A是一个12位的逐次逼近A/D转换器芯片三的状态缓冲区,其转换时间约为25S. AD574A能够直接连接到单片没有额外的接口逻辑电路,内置高精度的

7、参考功率电源和时钟电路,无需外部时钟源AD574A能够正常运行参考电源。图6. A/D转换器模块3.4其他模块3.4.1数字显示模块传统的液晶显示模块是不适合在这个系统中由于工作环境主要是在黑暗的矿井隧道深。LED软灯应选择。它是在煤矿的特点为不利的情况下适用防潮,卓越的温度特性和长距离的视觉效果。在本系统,采用6位LED动态显示CH4气体浓度值,与段端口和位端口与PA口和PB端口连接8155(1)分别。3.4.2键盘输入模块在键盘输入模块,我们安排了13个键,包括10个数字键和“数据收集”键,“进入”键,“复位”键。采用相反的方向连接的方法,PB口和8155 PC端口(2)连接到键盘的行和列

8、电路电路分别。3.4.3串行通信和声光报警单元串行通信模块,信号控制器发送到主机计算机上通过RS-485,和MAX485是用于转换电压。RS-485是多点双向半双工通信基于单平衡线电路具有高噪声抑制链接,传输速率高,传输距离长、宽共模范围,其最大传输率达到10Mbps,电缆的最大距离达到1200 13,14 。P21和P10 AT89S52将声光报警单元控制时甲烷气体浓度的检测值超过设定值。4控制系统软件设计软件控制系统包括系统初始化的主要功能,阈值设定,甲烷气体浓度数据采集和显示,串行通信等。为了实现上述功能,我们开发了串行程序采用51系列单片机汇编程序语言包括主程序,键盘扫描程序,A/D转

9、换程序,报警程序,串口通讯程序,数据显示程序,系统报警诊断程序,双字节乘法程序,三字节二进制程序看狗程序。该系统是由许多模块,由于有限的空间,我们介绍主程序。主程序初始化单片机寄存器,I / O端口,然后扫描键盘看数据采集键被按下,如果没有,继续扫描键盘按键直到数据收集。当收集键被按下,默认的阈值1显示面板上,如果用户想复位阈值价值,只是按调整值设置一个新值,然后按回车键完成这一步。当按下Enter键,系统开始数据采集的运行和A / D转换,然后将转换后的数据为二进制格式调用一个子程序的双字节乘法。我们需要三个存储单元存储这些数据是因为他们24位二进制数据格式。接下来,系统会将这些二进制格式的


11、的12位A / D转换器,工作环境温度范围从20+ 70。这仍然系统具有可靠性高,操作方便,性能价格比高。在本文中,总规划软件和气体检测系统的硬件设计提出了利用Proteus,测试硬件电路,采用KEIL测试组装语言源程序,仿真试验结果表明该系统具有较高的精度,快速响应是可行的。工具书类1李,永航:对经济增长和煤炭消费的关系分析。经济论坛报458,52,53(2009)2罗,Z.:中国西部煤炭资源的优化利用。中国矿业杂志10(1),39(2001)363玉,高炉:煤矿瓦斯灾害防治及利用手册。中国煤工业出版社(2005)4周,J.M.:1.25特大瓦斯爆炸在耿村煤矿的原因和预防措施。煤矿安全32(


13、等:基于红外技术的甲烷检测系统。安全在煤矿39(11),66(2008)63外文原文Research of Intelligent Gas Detecting SystemAbstract. According to statistic data of China in recent years,Gas leakage occurs, Pose a great threat to the personal safety. So the gas detectionAnd monitoring system is required as a safety device applied in the

14、 family. In this paper, an intelligent gas detecting system is designed. This detection instrument adopts SCM AT89S52 as its control hardcore and uses catalytic combustion type gas sensor element MC112 as the sensor for gas (CH4) detecting.The main functions of this system are as follows: monitoring

15、 the real-time concentrationof CH4 and displaying the concentration value; emitting sound andlight alarm signals if the CH4 concentration value is beyond the alarm valueinputted by keyboard panel; using serial communication port to transmit data tothe host computer above ground. The software debuggi

16、ng and hardware simulatingof the system above are also implemented at the same time.Keywords: Data collection, Sensor, Serial communication, SCM.detecting system in this paper adopts single-chip microcomputer as control computer;the overall schematic diagram of system is shown in Figure 1. The reaso

17、n for selectingsingle-chip microcomputer as a control core is that it possesses advantages of smallsize, high reliability, low price which made it very suitable to be used in industries ofintelligent instrument and real time control .The operating interface of system is shown in Figure 2. Number at

18、upper right cornershows the default or user-defined gas concentration value, number at upper left cornershows detected gas concentration value. One alarm lamp is equipped. All functions arecontrolled by keys arranged on the control panel, including POWER key, RESET key,DATA COLLECTION key. Other key

19、s including ten number keys, ADJUST VALUEkey and ENTER key are used to change threshold values.Basic operating procedures are as follows: Firstly press POWER key, the system initialized. Press DATA COLLECTION key, LED at upper right corner displays the thresholdvalue 1.00; User can customized thresh

20、old value by press ADJUST VALUE key and tennumber keys, then press ENTER to confirm the change. System starts to detect gas concentration and display these parameters on upperleft LED area, at meantime transmit real-time data by RS-485 to host computerabove ground.3 Hardware System Design of Gas Det

21、ection SystemThe Hardware architecture of system mainly including main control unit, sensors andsignal amplifier circuit, A/D converter module, sound-light alarming circuit, keyboardand display module, serial-communication module.3.1 Main Control UnitFeatured by high integration level, small size an

22、d low prices, Single chip microcomputerhas been widely used in a broad range of industrial applications including processcontrolling, data collection, electromechanical integration, intelligent instrument,household appliances and network technology, and significantly improved the degreeof technology

23、 and automation.Two factors are taken into account here in chip selecting, first one is anti-interferenceability, increase the interferences in SCM application systems, so the SCM must have highresistance to outside interference; second one is the performance-price ratio of the SCM.Considering the a

24、forementioned factors, we adopted the AT89S52 developed by ATMELas main control unit, and the final scheme of main control circuit consists ofAT89S52, timer and reset circuit 8,9. As shown in figure Sensor SelectionA crucial issue in gas detecting system design is how to select gas sensors.

25、Common gassensors are metal oxide semiconductor such as tin oxide, zin coxide, titanium oxide andaluminum oxide. Problems encountered with these sensors are lack of flexibility, poor response times and operated at elevated temperature 10. A new method of ch4 detecting based on infrared techniques wa

26、s presented in recent years, but it is still in progress and much work should be done before it can be applied to solve the practice problems 11.This system adopted catalytic combustion type gas sensor MC112 developed by SUNSTAR group to measure the gas (ch4) concentration. Figure 4 shows the outsid

27、e view and internal circuit of MC112, table 1 lists the main technology parameters of MC112. MC112 gas detector exploits catalytic combustion principle; the two-arm bridge is comprised of measure and compensate components pairs. When it is exposed to combustible gases, measure components resistance

28、RS increased and transmit output voltage parameter through measuring bridge, the voltage parameter is directly proportional to the gas concentration value. The compensate component works as temperature compensation and reference. Main features of MC112 include good repeatability, work stably, reliab

29、ility, linear output voltage, and quick response. The mine safety rules stated that if methane gas concentration exceeds 1%, safety system should make an alert, if gas concentration exceeds 2%, all people must evacuate immediately. Since the detecting range of MC112 for low concentration methane is

30、0%-2%.Fig. 4. Outside view 3.2.2 Signal Amplifier CircuitIt is necessary to amplify the weak electrical signal detected by MC112 (1% gas concentration fluctuation will result in 16mv voltage change). The system adopted AD623 developed by AD Company as the high performance instrumentation amplifier.

31、It has many merits: (1) output with 3-12v single supply (2) easy to modifysignal gain though an external resistor, it will be act as a unit gain without external resistor and signal gain can reach to 1000 with an external resistor; (3)low power consumption, large-scale operation voltage, good linear

32、ity, good thermal stability andhigh reliability. The schematic diagram of signal amplifier circuit is shown in figure 5.3.3 A/D Converter ModuleAs shown in Figure 6, this module consists of multiplexer CD4051, sampling holder LF389, A/D converter AD574A12 and parallel I/O chip 8255A. As a core part, AD574A is a 12-bit successive-approximation A/D converter chip with three-state buffer, its conversion time is about 25s. AD574A c

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