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1、天津河西区届高三一模英语天津市河西区2019届高三第一次模拟英语试卷第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)1.Ive come to say goodbye. Im flying home on Sunday afternoon.Well, A. will your parents meet you at the airport?B. help yourself.C. have a safe trip and remember me to your parents.D. Im longing to see you.2. After years of hard work ,he has a

2、t last achieved his lifelong of launching a newspaper, which is very popular with teenagers.A.ambitionB.appetiteC.motivationD.privilege3.I have great news for you. You have been accepted as member of our club.A.a;aB.a;theC.the;theD./;a4. Your classmates dislike Tom, because he is really a stupid boy

3、.He is stupid. He is pretty smart.A. much tooB. more thanC. far fromD. less than5. Good morning, sir. Can I help you?Id like a barbecue together with a cup of orange juice. How much do you ?A. payB. offerC. owe D. charge6. Did you tell Jack that youd already got a job?Oh, no. I forgot. I him now.A.

4、am going to callB. will callC. callD. am calling7.Because of climate change, the ice that polar bears depend on for survival .A.are slowly slowly disappearingC.are slowly disappearedD.have slowly disappeared8.On flight would be delayed, we made other arrangements.A.being informedB.i

5、nformedC.informingD.having informed9.My goodness. How lucky we are! If there had been places for us on that aero-plane, we _dead now.A.will be B.would be C.would have beenD.had been10. Are you all right?_.A.I think soB.Thats OKC.Take it easyD.Its very kind of you11.How to create enough jobs for the

6、laid-off workers is a(n)_problem for which there is no simple solution.A.delicateB.internalC.emergencyD.complex12.Jenny is one of these women who always_the latest fashion.A.put up withB.keep up withC.come up withD.get on with13._in mind as well as in body, the child needs more than medical care.A.S

7、ickB.Be sickC.Because sickD.For sick14.“The Internet will ensure that the children of the future are not going to know_nationalism is,” an expert MIT declared.A.howB.thatC.whatD.as15.Animals suffered at the hands of Man_they were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural land to provide food

8、for more whichB.for that第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A handsome, middle aged man walked quietly into the cafe and sat down. Befor he 16 ,he couldnt help but 17 a group of younger men at the table next to him. It was 18 that they we

9、re making fun of something about him and it wasnt until he remembered he was 19 a small pink ribbon-on the lapel(翻领) of his suit that he became aware of what the 20 was all about.The man paid 21 attention to all this, but the whisper and laughter began go get to him. He looked one of the 22 men stra

10、ight into the eye, placed his hand beneath the 23 and asked, “This?” With that the young men all began to laugh out loud. The man he had 24 said, “Hey, sorry man, but we were just commenting on how 25 your little pink ribbon looks against your blue jacket!” The middle-aged man 26 invited the joker t

11、o come over to his table, and politely seated him. 27 as he was, the young guy had to, not really sure why. In a 28 voice, the middle-aged man said, “I wear this ribbon to bring 29 about breast cancer. I wear it in my mothers 30 .” “Oh, sorry. She died of breast canner?”“No, she didnt. Shes alive an

12、d 31 . But her breasts nourished me as a baby, and were a soft 32 place for my 33 when I was scared or 34 as a little boy. Im very grateful 35 my mothers breasts, and her health.”16.A.ordered B.sponsored C.realized D.left17.A.notice C.glance D.catch18.A.common B.strange C.natural D.obvious19.

13、A.showing B.wearing C.hanging C.joke D.story21.A.a lot B.much C.many D.no22.A.happy B.rude C.dishonest D.selfish23.A.ribbon B.lapel C.jacket D.suit24.A.interrupted B.spoken to C.scolded D.questioned25.A.ugly B.small C.big D.pretty26.A.quickly B.calmly C.cleverly D.carefully27

14、.A.Unfortunate B.Uncertain C.Unfair D.Uncomfortable28.A.high C.soft D.loud29.A.awareness B.promotion C.changes B.honour C.request D.sense31.A.suffering B.wealthy C.lucky D.well32.A.hiding B.healing C.resting D.sleeping33.A.hand B.arm C.head D.mind34.A.hungry B.lonely

15、ud D.nervous35.A.with D.for第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2.5分,满分50分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AIts a Christmas tradition thats more than half a century old. And it happened completely by accident.It started in 1955, when a local Sears store in Colorado Springs, Colorado printed an ad, which included

16、a spedial phone mumber kids could call to know where Santas sleigh was at any given moment. Unfortunately, someone made a mistake in printing the phone mumber and kids were calling the wrong line.A Colonel(上校) named Henry Shoup began answering his phong at what would become NORAD, the North American

17、 Aerospace Defence Command. At first, he thought it was a simple error of one caller.But as the phone ketp ringing and tiny voices kept asking about Santa, Shoup realized he couldnt disappoint them. So he told the staff to issue updates to any one asking about the location of Santa.The wrong turned

18、into a custom of the holiday and kept growing in popularity, and NORAD finally decided to make it permanent.Its become a holiday favourite ever since, adapting to whatever new technology has come along since. In the early days, it was a phone line. Then in the 60s, NORAD put out a special series of

19、“reports” that was played on hundreds of radio stations across North America, broadcasting the Jolly Old Elfs exact position on Christmas Eve.Think of it as kind of an early GPS without the computer gear.Finally ,came the Internet and NORAD has now transferred its annual watch onto the Web, with a s

20、ite devoted to keeping tabs on the most famous journey in the worldwhat you might call the real amazing race, an around-the-world mission that has to be finished within 24hours.This years entry allows kids to track Santa in 3Dusing Google Earth and play games at the North Pole using the Kids Countdo

21、wn Section, and it even offers Santa Cams which are only operational on the night before Christmas.36.Why did children keep calling Henry Shoup?A.Because they wanted to play a joke on him.B. Because they wanted to amuse him.C.Because he knew where Santa exactly was.D.Because they wanted to know wher

22、e Santas sleigh was.37.What did Colonel Henry Shoup do when more and more children kept calling?A.He became annoyed and decided to tell them the truth.B.He became excited and jioned them in searching Santa.C.He thought quickly and took it seriously to satisfy their needs.D.He laughed at them and too

23、k no notice of their calls.38.What does “Jolly Old Elf” in Paragraph 6 most probably refer to?A.Santa Claus.B.Colonel Henry Shoup.C.NOARD.D.The staff in Henry Shoups charge.39.According to the passage, how did people learn about the Jolly Old Elfs exact position in the 1960s?A.By calling a special p

24、hone mumber.B.By listening to a special series of reports over the radio.C.With the help of a kind of early GPS.D.By scanning the spedial column in the newspaper.40.The passage mainly tells us old favorite holiday that develops along with new technologyB.50-year-old tracking Santa tradition th

25、at started by accidentC.a real amazing race, an around-the-world mission within 24 hoursD.a Colonel and the North American Aerospace Defence CommandBWelcome to Financial Aid Need Estimator! This free service can help you plan more effectively to meet college costs. The Financial Aid Need Estimator a

26、llows you to figure out your family costs at specific intitutions by taking you through two steps.Step 1:during the first step, the Financial Aid Need Estimator will help you estimate how much you and your family will be expected to pay. Step 2:Using the second step, you may estimate the costs of at

27、tending specific institution. Your results will show your results will show your eligibility(合格) for financial aid based on both your expected family costs and the costs of attending the institution you selected. By selecting another institution, you may repeat these calculations for as many institu

28、tions as you wish without entering your personal information.The Financial Aid Need Estimator does not ask you to identify yourself and will not keep your personal information.Because international students are not eligible for federal need-based financial aid program results from the Financial Aid

29、Need Estimator will apply only to students who are the U citizens.41.The result of calculation you get from the Financial Aid Need Estimator will you get the financial aid B.provide database for official you meet your college your eligibility for financial aid42.The

30、 Financial Aid Need Estimator is reliable because is controlled by uses the same formula as the governments official can make sure of its provides good services free of charge43.Who will be most interested in the passage?A.The Us students who want to app

31、ly for financial aid.B.The international students who have financial difficulty.C.The US students who want to go to college.D.The international students who want further study.44. The Financial Aid Need Estimator may mainly consider .A.the college you want to go toB.the accuracy of the information you costs and college costsD.the application for financial aid45.The purpose of writing this passage is probably to .A.tell the possible ways to get financial aid B.tell who will the eligible for financial aid C.introduce the financial Aid

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