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最新高考英语模拟试题 精品.docx

1、最新高考英语模拟试题 精品高 三 英 语 模 拟 试 题命题:淄博四中高三英语备课组 2018-11-16本试题分第卷和第卷两部分,满分150分,考试用时120分钟。考试结束后请将第卷答题卡和第卷答题纸一并交回。第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. He was given _ four-year contract with _ annual salary of $100,000.A. a ; an B. a ; the C. the ; / D

2、. / ; an22. Many people were buried _ in the ruins when the terrible earthquake happened. A. lively B. alive C. live D. living23. To our great joy, the English speech contest has certainly _ the students realize the importance of practising listening and speaking every day. A. failed to make B. trie

3、d to make C. managed in making D. succeeded in making24. We cant always _ the traditions handed down to us from the past , for some may not be suitable nowadays. A. observe B. possess C. realise D. challenge25. - Its a lovely day , isnt it? -Yes. I love _ when the weather is like this. Why dont we s

4、it outside and have our lunch? A. this B. that C. it D. one26. It is said that the female thief they caught was fined five times _ that she should have paid. A. as more money as B. the amount of money C. much money than D. as much money than27. Joe, studying abroad, was _ to see his friend off at th

5、e airport. A. a little more than sad B. sad more than a little C. more than a little sad D. a little more sad than28. _ I feel homesick, I look at the stars from my window or go out to breathe the fresh air. A. In no time B. Some time C. Each time D. At no time29. - Have you ever visited the Opera H

6、ouse? - Yes. When I was in Sydney, I _ it twice. A. have visited B. visited C. had visited D. would visit30. When we worked in the same office, we _ often have coffee together. A. might B. should C. cound D. would31. The oral interpretation, according to Ella Leung, a judge in the competition, is de

7、signed to test the degree _ an interpreter has been “exposed” to English. A. to that B. with which C. with whom D. to which32. They started off late and got to the airport with minutes to _. A. spare B. catch C. leave D. make33. Anyone with half an eye on the unemployment figures knew that claims ab

8、out economic recovery _ just around the corner were untrue. A. would be B. to be C. taking D. being34. On the eve of Tuesdays election, the top two mayoral candidates _their bitter arguments to try to reassure voters about a more pressing worry: the economy. A. put forward B. put out C. put aside D.

9、 put across35. - He should have been warned of the danger. - _, but he wouldnt listen to me. A. So should he B. So was he C. So he was D. So he should第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Horror gripped the heart of the World War I soldier, as he

10、saw his life-long friend fall in battle. 36 in a trench with continuous gunfire whizzing 37 his head, the soldier asked his lieutenant(中尉) 38 he might go out into the No Mans Land between the trenches to bring his 39 comrade back. You can go, said the lieutenant, but I dont think it will be worth it

11、. Your friend is 40 dead and you may 41 your own life away. The lieutenants words didnt 42 , and the soldier went anyway. Miraculously he managed to 43 his friend, hoist him onto his shoulder, and bring him back to their companys trench. 44 the two of them tumbled in together to the bottom of the tr

12、ench, the officer 45 the wounded soldier, then looked kindly at his friend. I told you it wouldnt be worth it, he said. Your friend is dead, and you are mortally 46 . It was worth it, 47 , sir, the soldier said. How do you mean, worth it? 48 the lieutenant. Your friend is dead! Yes sir, the private

13、answered. But it was worth it because when I got to him, he was still 49 , and I had the 50 of hearing him say, Jim, I knew youd come. Many a time in life, whether a thing is worth doing or not really depends on 51 you look at it. 52 all your courage and do something your heart tells you to do so th

14、at you may not regret not doing it 53 in life. May each and everyone of you be 54 with the 55 of true friends. 36. A Fallen B Caught C Cut D Got37. A over B on C in D at38. A unless B as C if D and39. A falling B fallen C to fall D felt40 A maybe B possible C probable D probably41. A leave B put C t

15、hrow D keep42. A influence B effect C matter D affect43. A reach B get C look D arrive44. A For B Then C Because D As45. A examined B checked C tested D looked46. A injured B hurt C harmed D wounded47. A though B although C as D but48. A meant B reacted C repeated D responded49. A alive B lively C l

16、iving D live50. A feeling B satisfaction C impression D sense51. A how B what C where D when52. A Bring up B Put up C Take up D Get up53. A late B later C latest D lately54. A filled B bored C blessed D crowded55. A stay B feeling C living D company第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、

17、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AOnce upon a time a very strong woodcutter ask for a job in a timber merchant, and he got it. The paid was really good and so were the work conditions. For that reason, the woodcutter was determined to do his best. His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area where he

18、 was supposed to work. The first day, the woodcutter brought 18 trees. Congratulations, the boss said. Go on that way! Very motivated for the bosss words, the woodcutter tried harder the next day, but he only could bring 15 trees. The third day he tried even harder, but he only could bring 10 trees.

19、Day after day he was bringing less and less trees. I must be losing my strength, the woodcutter thought. He went to the boss and apologized, saying that he could not understand what was going on. When was the last time you sharpened your axe? the boss asked. Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe.

20、 I have been very busy trying to cut trees. Our lives are like that. We sometimes get so busy that we dont take time to sharpen the axe. In todays world, it seems that everyone is busier than ever, but not happier than ever. Why is that? Could it be that we have forgotten how to stay sharp? There is

21、 nothing wrong with activity and hard work. But we all need time to relax, to think and meditate, to learn and grow. If we dont take time to sharpen the axe, we will become dull and lose our effectiveness. So start from today, think about the ways by which you could do your job more effectively and

22、add a lot of value to it. 56.What would be the best title for the passage?A. A Busy Woodcutter B. A Wise Boss C. A Sharp Axe D. Keep On Sharpening Your Axe 57.Which of the following statements is true?A. We dont need activity and hard-work all the time.B. We can achieve our aim on condition that we

23、make every effort.C. We are busy, but we should not neglect the truly important things in life, like taking time to sharpen you axe.D. Sharpening the axe is a waste of time.58. Why couldt the woodcutter cut as many trees as the first day?A. Because the woodcutter didnt work hard.B. Because the woodc

24、utter lost his strength on the first day.C. Because the boss didnt congratulate him as the first day. D. Because he didnt sharpen his axe in time.59. From the passage we can see that the woodcutter is_A. Foolish and passive B. Positive but lazinessC. Hard-working but ignorance D. Optimisticbut stubb

25、ornness 60. Whats the purpose of the passage?A. To tell us that we should learn to enjoy our life and dont need to be very busy.B. To tell us that we couldnt rely on the same axe.C. To tell us that we should constantly sharpen our “axe” by thinking about what we have done in order to achieve success

26、.D. To tell us that sometimes the axe is more important than hard-working. BId like to write about the pachinko addiction. Nowadays, some people in Japan are suffering from this addiction. It has become a social problem; some accidents have happened because people have this addiction.First, Im going

27、 to explain about pachinko. It is a kind of Japanese gambling. There are a lot of machines (a kind of pinball machine) in pachinko parlors. People sit down in front of these machines and buy small silver-colored balls. Twenty balls cost about 100 Yen. Now if 100 Yen is exchanged into American money,

28、 it must be about 90 cents. Although some people think it isnt expensive, the balls are gone rapidly, and it is easy to use 20 balls in 30 seconds.The pachinko players move small handles which are under the right side of the machine. There are some grooves in the machine, and if the ball enters in t

29、hese grooves, players can increase their number of balls. But it is difficult to enter the grooves, so many people get nothing even though they spend a lot of money. But, a few people know the technique, so they can live by playing pachinko instead of working. These people are a kind of professional

30、.The person who has an addiction to pachinko goes to a pachinko shop compulsively. If they dont go there, they are irritated and angry, and some people become violent in their family, or some do nothing. They dont work or anything. Some peoples hands tremble, and some people cry and shout.Nowadays n

31、ot only men have from this addiction but also women; therefore, it affects children because some housewives are addicted. Every year, there are some accidents. For instance, one housewife who was addicted left her baby in the car to play pachinko in hot summer and forgot the time. When she noticed the time and went back to the car, it was too late because her baby had already died.It is a dangerous addiction because some people lose all of their possessions, get divorced, or even kill their children. They cant live in the society. Also,

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