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1、 加班时间:3月5日9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. 总加班时间:不超过8小时 加班原因:公司最近需要招聘各类员工。人力资源部一周前登了招聘广告,并已收到很多求职信(application letter)。为了协助各部门安排面试,本人需要在周日加班一天,了解应聘人员情况,并安排面试。 Overtime Request Form Request Date: _ Employees Name: Department: Date of Overtime: March 5 Overtime needed: from _ to 5: Total Overtime: not to exceed _ Ho

2、urs Reasons for Overtime Required: 注:最后部分请写成段落。答案:范文 March 1st Li Jianxin Human Resources March 5, 2017 from 9:00a.m. to 5: not to exceed 8 Hours Our company has recently planned to recruit some employees of different departments. Human Resources Department posed a job advertisement one week ago, an

3、d received many application letters. So, I need to work extra hours in this Sunday, get to know candidates personal information, and assist other departments to arrange the whole interviews.解析 本题要求写一篇加班申请表。要求写各类申请表是较为常考的题型。申请表(书)是个人、单位、集体向组织、领导提出请求,要求批准或帮助解决问题的应用文体。申请表要求语言简洁明了、通俗易懂,开门见山地点明主题,注重突出重要事

4、项。一般需要填写申请时间、申请人、申请的具体事项(包括时间、地点、理由等)。 本题的难点在于一些词汇的表达,如:recruit(招聘;招募)、pose a job advertisement(登招聘广告)、candidate(候选人;应试者)、arrange interviews(安排面试);表示“加班”的表达有work overtime、work extra hours等。2. 企业产品介绍和推销 假设你是一家手提包公司的经理,写信向客户White先生介绍公司产品、争取订单。 内容: 1向对方提供一份产品目录; 2本公司产品以高质量著称,并得到广泛承认; 3对方下一份试订单之后,就会对产品的

5、质量有信心; 4交易条款非常慷慨,欢迎对方早日下单。 Words for reference: catalogue目录 handbag手提包 high quality高质量 acknowledge承认 trial order试订单 generous terms慷慨的条款 Dear Mr. White, We are pleased to send you with this letter a copy of our catalogue for handbags. The high quality of our products is well known and universally ack

6、nowledged, and we are confident that a trial order will convince you that the goods we are offering are excellent. We are offering you goods of the highest quality on unusually generous terms, and welcome your earliest orders. Yours faithfully, Wendy 3. 货物续订 假设你是一家进口公司的业务员,写信向一家鞋子出口公司的业务员Mike续订一批鞋子。

7、 1收到了对方的货物(鞋子),觉得质量令人满意: 2希望续订3000双; 3请对方尽快发货。 shipment装载的货物 repeat order续订 Dear Mike, We have received the shipment of your shoes, and we are pleased to inform you that we find your goods satisfactory. We wish to place with you a repeat order for 3,000 pairs. Please arrange early shipment of this o

8、rder if possible. We are in urgent need of your goods. We are looking forward to your reply. Mark 4. 建立商务联系 假设你是伦敦一家进口公司的经理,写信给一个出口商Brown先生,要求建立商业联系。 1你是从伦敦商业咨询处那里获得对方的地址的; 2希望建立商务联系; 3你的公司和当地所有主要轻工业品经销商都有良好联系; 4如果对方发货给你好价钱,你能卖出很多货物; 5请对方提供所出口的产品的信息。 Commercial Counselor商业咨询处 business relation商务联系 d

9、ealer经销商 light industrial轻工业的 competitive有竞争力的 Dear Mr. Brown We have obtained your address from the Commercial Counselor in London, and are now writing to you for the establishing of business relations. We are very well connected with all the major dealers here of light industrial products, and fee

10、l sure we can sell large quantities of goods if we get your offers at competitive prices. Please let us have all necessary information regarding your products for export. Sincerely yours, Lily 5. 询价 假设你是销售部经理,写信询问对方产品信息和价格。 1在电视上看到对方的产品广告,对男女自行车及童车感兴趣; 2希望对方寄来一份产品目录和价格表: 3我司是广州最大的经销商,在10个地区设有分公司; 4如

11、果贵司的自行车质量令人满意、价格合理,我司将大量订货。 Words for reference: price list价格表 satisfactory令人满意的 Dear Sirs, We have seen the advertisement of your bicycles on TV, and we are very interested in your machines for both men and women, and also for children. Would you please send us a copy of your catalog and current pr

12、ice list for bicycles? We are the leading bicycle dealers in Guangzhou, and have branches in ten neighboring districts. If the quality of your machines is satisfactory and the price is reasonable, we will place regular orders for fairly large numbers. We look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely,

13、Wang Gang 6. 预订火车票 假设你是公司的后勤人员,写信预订火车票。 1数量:5张火车票; 2日期:7月20日星期天; 3时间:下午5:00; 4要求:非吸烟车厢,从合肥到杭州; 5随函附:250元的支票,一个贴好邮票、写好地址的信封。 non-smoking非吸烟 compartment车厢 enclose随附 Gentlemen, I shall be obliged if you will reserve me 5 tickets in a non-smoking compartment train from Hefei to Hangzhou at 5:00p.m. on S

14、unday, July 20. Im enclosing herewith a check for 250yuan for the tickets, and a stamped addressed envelope. Ann 7. 请求更换保险代理 假设你是车主,写信给保险公司的经理Anderson先生,请求更换代理。 1自己是AA保险公司约5年的保险客户; 2希望把现在的三藩市代理Ann White换成离自己的家(洛杉矶)比较近的代理: 3请对方寄来需要填写的表格; 4自己的车是:2000 Ford station wagon,保险号:#256-66-52。 policyholder保险客户

15、 agent代理 San Francisco三藩市 Los Angeles洛杉矶 Dear Mr. Anderson, I have been an AA Insurance Company policyholder for about five years, and would like to change from my present agent (Ann White in San Francisco) to an agent closer to my home (Los Angeles). Please send me the necessary forms to make this transfer for my car (2000 Ford station wagon, Policy #256-66-52). Yours truly, Mike

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