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1、人教版教材1600词汇版人教版教材补充词汇(与2018年中考考纲对照)* 划线单词为课本完全没有学过,其他单词课本没有学过该中文意思。“非黑”指教材中的非黑体单词。about adv. 到处,四处 prep. 在各处;四处e.g. Lets look about for help. 让我们四处寻求帮助Lets plant trees about the house. 我们在房子周围种树吧。ache vi.&n. 痛,疼痛 e.g. I ache all over. 我浑身疼痛。He has an ache in the back. 他的背痛。act n. 法令,条例 v. 行动,做事e.g.

2、An Act forbidding the killing of rare animals was passed yesterday. 禁止捕杀珍稀动物的法令昨天通过了。Think before you act! 三思而后行!advertisement n. 广告 C (缩写 ad)e.g. The wall was covered with advertisements. 墙上贴满了广告。afford vt. 抽得出(时间);提供e.g. I am too busy to afford an hour for lunch. 我忙得抽不出一小时吃午饭。Soccer is a sport aff

3、ording good exercise. 足球是一项使人获得良好锻炼的运动。against prep. 反对e.g. We won our match against that team. 我们在比赛中赢了那个队。No one is against this bill. 没有人反对这个议案。age n.时代e.g. the Stone Age 石器时代 the computer age 计算机时代 the Ice Age 冰川纪agreement n. 协定e.g. The agreement was signed during a meeting at the UN. 这个协定是在联合国的

4、一次会议上签订的。airline n. 航空公司e.g. international airline国际航线; 国际航空公司alone adj. 单独的,孤独的e.g. He was alone in the house. 他独自一人在家里。along adv. 向前,和在一起,一同e.g. Pass the note along. 请将条子传过去。A bill came along with the package. 清单与包裹一并到达。among prep. 在(三个以上)之间e.g. Shenyang is among the largest industrial cities in C

5、hina. 沈阳是中国最大工业城市之一。answer n.&v. 回信e.g. Have you had an answer to your letter?你的信是否有了回信?area n. 面积e.g. Australia is large in area, but small in population. 澳大利亚面积辽阔,但人口很少。article n. 东西,冠词e.g. The woman first bought a few small articles. 这个妇女先买了些小商品as adv.&conj. 因为 prep. 作为e.g. As you are tired, you

6、had better rest. (既然)你累了, 最好休息一下。He worked as a teacher. 他当教师。Asian adj. 亚洲的,亚洲人的 n. 亚洲人e.g. The map shows 48 Asian countries with their capitals. 这幅地图显示了48个国家及其首都。ask vt. 邀请e.g. Id like to ask them to dinner. 我想请他们吃饭。available adj. 有用的,有效的 e.g. These tickets are available for one month. 这些票有效期一个月。a

7、wake (awoke, awoken) v. 唤醒, 醒来e.g. Her voice awoke the sleeping child. 她的声音惊醒了睡着的小孩。I awoke from a deep sleep. 我从沉睡中醒来。awkward adj. 尴尬的;难对付的,棘手的;不方便的;笨拙的e.g. Amy made an awkward gesture with her hands. 艾米笨拙地做了个手势。 It was small, but very awkward to carry. 它虽然小,但不便携带。 He asked a lot of awkward questio

8、ns at the meeting. 他在会议上提了很多令人尴尬的问题。back adj. 后面的 n. 背后,后部;背bank n. 堤岸e.g. He jumped into the river and swam to the opposite bank. 他跳下河游到了对岸。beat v. 跳动,打赢 n.(音乐)节拍e.g. We couldnt beat them in last Sundays basketball game. 上周日的篮球赛上,我们战胜不了他们。My heart beat quickly before the exam. 考试前我的心跳得厉害。bee n. 蜜蜂

9、behavior n. 行为,举止e.g. Everyone praises the childrens good behavior. 每个人都赞扬孩子们的好行为。besides prep. 除以外(还有)e.g. We have no other dictionaries besides these. 除了这些辞典外, 我们没有别的辞典了。bill n. 账单,法案,议案;钞票,纸币e.g. a 10-dollar bill 一张10美元的钞票If you dont pay the bill, the telephone company may disconnect your telepho

10、ne.如果你不付电话费,电话公司就会切断你的电话线路。blow v. 刮风e.g. The winds blow across the sea, pushing little waves into bigger and bigger ones.风吹过海面,把小的波浪推向前进,变成越来越大的波浪。board n. 委员会;(政府的)部 v. 寄宿 (学过boarding school)e.g. The board of the directors agreed to give Mr White the job. 董事会同意聘用怀特先生。boat v. 划船e.g. They were fond

11、of boating. 他们喜欢划船。book v. 预订,订(房间、车票)e.g. The hotel is fully booked up. 旅馆房间已经全部给人预定了。breath n. 气息,呼吸e.g. How long can you hold your breath under water? 在水下你能屏住气多长时间?breathe vi. 呼吸(非黑)e.g. The doctor told him to breathe in deeply and then breathe out. 医生叫他先深深吸一口气,然后再呼气。bright adj. 聪明的e.g. a bright

12、child 一个聪慧的孩子 a bright idea 一个聪明的见解build vt. 建筑,造e.g. He built a model ship out of wood. 他用木头造了个模型船。burn v. 使晒黑e.g. He burnt his face in the sun. 他晒黑了脸。business n. 工作,职业,职责,事业e.g. Its a teachers business to make children learn. 使学生学习是老师的责任。by prep. 靠近,在旁,在时间,不迟于e.g. She was standing by the window an

13、d watching the children play. 她站在窗户旁边看着小孩玩耍。Hell be here by 4 oclock tomorrow. 他最迟明天四点就到这儿。can n. 罐e.g. Food in cans is called canned food. 装在罐头里的食品叫罐头食品。Canadian adj. 加拿大的;加拿大人的 n. 加拿大人cancer n. 癌e.g. Cancer is a common cause of death in modern society. 癌症是现代社会常见的死亡原因。cap n. (瓶子的)盖;(钢笔等的)笔套capital

14、n. 省会;大写;资本e.g. Write your name in capitals. 用大写字母写你的名字。Austin is the state capital of Texas. 奥斯丁是得克萨斯州州府。Companies are having difficulty in raising capital. 各家公司现在很难筹集到资金。card n. 纸牌,名片e.g. Lets play cards. 咱们打牌吧。(用复数形式)catch v. 染上(疾病)e.g. Youll catch a cold if you dont put a sweater on. 你不穿上毛衣会感冒的。

15、cause n. 原因,起因change n. 零钱,找头 v. 兑换e.g. I gave him one yuan, and he gave me 20 cents change. 我给了他一块钱,他找了我两毛钱的零钱。Where can I change my Hong Kong dollars for US dollars? 我在哪儿可以把港币兑换成美钞?challenge (非黑)n. 挑战;艰巨的任务 v. 向挑战;反对e.g. She challenged me to a race. 她要和我比赛赛跑。Editing this paper is the biggest chall

16、enge I have faced in my life.编辑这份报纸是我平生面临的最大挑战。church n. 教堂,教会e.g. Many people go to church on Sunday, but others dont. 星期天,许多人去教堂做礼拜,但有的人不去。clear adj. 清晰的,明亮的,清楚的e.g. clear water清澈的水;bright, clear colors鲜亮的色彩It was clear that he wanted to be alone. 很清楚,他想一个人待着。close v. 关,关闭e.g. The government close

17、d the road for repairs. 政府封闭公路进行维修。When does the shop close? 店铺几点关门?cloud n. 阴影e.g. under the cloud of night 夜色朦胧中coach n. 马车,长途车coat n. 涂层,表皮,皮毛e.g. The dog has a thick coat of hair. 这狗毛厚。He gave the wall a coat of white paint. 他把墙壁涂上一层白漆。colour v. 给着色,涂色e.g. Olivia is coloring the picture in her b

18、ook. 奥莉维亚在给书上的画涂颜色。company n. 公司complete adj. 完成的,完全的 (学过completely)e.g. He is a complete stranger to me. 对我来说,他完全是个陌生人。When will the work be complete? 这项工作何时完成?confident adj. 确信的;自信的e.g. In time he became more confident and relaxed.经过一段时间以后,他变得比较自信和放松了。Mr. Ryan is confident of the success of his ne

19、w company. 瑞安先生坚信他的新公司会成功。cooker n. 炊具copy n. 抄本,副本,一本 v. 拷贝e.g. Please send a copy of this letter to Mr Grey. 请把这信的副本送给格雷先生。a copy of the Shantou Daily 一份汕头日报He was punished for copying during the examination.他因考试时抄袭而被罚。country n. 乡下e.g. There are many differences between living in a big city and l

20、iving in the country.生活在大城市与生活在乡村有许多不同之处。cross n. 十字形的东西e.g. the Red Cross (Society) 红十字会 Jesus died on the cross. 耶稣死在十字架上。daily adv. 每天 n. 日报e.g. He wrote to her almost daily. 他几乎每天给她写信。dark n. 黑暗,暗处,日暮 adj. 深色的e.g. Some small children are afraid of the dark. 有些小孩怕黑。We could not see in the dark. 在

21、黑暗中我们看不见(东西)。Be sure to come back home before dark. 天黑之前务必要回家。date n. 约会depend vi. 取决于e.g. Happiness doesnt depend on who you are or what you have;it depends on what you think.幸福不在于你是谁或拥有什么,而是取决于你的心态。develop v. 冲洗(照片)e.g. He is developing a photograph in the darkroom. 他正在暗房里冲洗照片。difference n. 不同dire

22、ct vt. 指挥,指导,监督,管理,指挥,导演e.g. It is known to all that ones thinking directs ones actions. 众所周知,思想指导行动。The policeman directed the crowd to move back for safety.为了安全那个警察命令人群往后退。dish n. 盘装菜,盘形物e.g. The main dish is fish and potato chips. 主菜是鱼和薯条。disturb vt. 扰乱,打扰e.g. Please dont disturb me while Im work

23、ing. 当我工作时,请不要打扰我。downstairs adv. 在楼下,到楼下e.g. He went downstairs to answer the front door. 他下楼去开前门。dozen n. 十二个,一打e.g. - Eggs are sold by the dozen here. I want two dozen, please. “这里的鸡蛋是按打卖的。”“我要两打。”drop n. 滴 v. 投递,放弃e.g. A few drops of rain landed on the roof. 几滴雨水落在了屋顶上。She has dropped drinking a

24、nd is getting better and better. 她戒了酒,身体越来越好。drug n. 药,药物,毒品e.g. He does not smoke or take drugs. 他既不抽烟也不吸毒。 painkilling drugs 止痛药dry v. 使干,弄干,擦干e.g. She dried her hair in the sun. 她在太阳底下把头发晒干。end v. 结束,终止e.g. The party did not end until midnight. 晚会到半夜才结束。effect n. 效果;作用;影响e.g. The changes will hav

25、e little effect on our daily lives. 这些变化不会给我们的日常生活带来什么影响。exam n. 检查,审查e.g. an eye exam 眼部检查excuse n. 借口,辩解e.g. Stop making excuses for being late! 别再为迟到找藉口了!fast adj. 紧密的 adv. 紧密地e.g. The little girl held fast to her mothers hand. 小女孩紧紧地抓住妈妈的手。fat n. 脂肪e.g. Fruits and vegetables can help you burn fa

26、t. 水果蔬菜有助于燃烧脂肪。fight v. & n. 争论e.g. He and his wife are always fighting about who will look after the children.他与他妻子总是在为由谁来照看孩子而吵架。flat n. 一套房间,公寓Cfly n. 苍蝇(flies), vi. 飘动 vt. 空运e.g. They flew supplies to the area which was hit by a snow storm. 他们给暴风雪地区空运物资。foreigner n. 外国人e.g. More foreigners are w

27、orking in Japan than ever before. 在日本工作的外国人比以往任何时候都多。form n. 表格e.g. Please fill in the form. 请填写这张表格。garden v. 从事园艺e.g. Gardening is good for your health. 园艺对健康有益。gesture n. 姿势,手势e.g. He made an angry gesture when he heard the news. 听到这个消息,他做了个生气的手势。goose (geese) n. 鹅grandson n. (外)孙子granny n. 老奶奶,祖

28、母,外婆greeting n. 祝贺,问候 (学过greet)e.g. Inside was a greeting card, with a picture of Snoopy. 里面有张贺卡,上面画着史努比。 handwriting n. 书法e.g. Some students think handwriting is not important any more because of computers.有些学生以为因为有了计算机,书写不再重要。head n. 才智,首脑,源头,标题e.g. Peter said he had a poor head for mathematics. 彼

29、得说自己没有数学头脑。Frank is now the head of a very large business company. 弗兰克现在是一家很大的商业公司的老板。heaven n. 天,天堂hold v. 举行,进行e.g. They are going to hold a yard sale this Saturday. 本周六他们会举行旧货售卖会。honour n. 荣誉,敬意 vt. 尊敬,给以荣誉 (非黑)e.g. I have cooked a special dish in honor of our visitors. 我做了一道特殊的菜向我们的来客表示敬意。He was

30、 honored for his courage in battle. 他因在战斗中的英勇表现而受到尊敬。hot dog n. 热狗hurt vt. 伤人感情e.g. Youll hurt her feelings if you forget her birthday. 如果你忘了她的生日,那会伤她感情的。ice n. 冰immediately adv. 立即e.g. If there is something wrong with the recorder, we will change it for you immediately.要是录音机有问题,我们会马上为您更换。ink n. 墨水,

31、 油墨,(章鱼的)墨液 U v. 涂墨水于;签署e.g. His hands were covered with ink from the newspaper. 他手上沾满了报纸的油墨。Ritter took his left hand and inked the fingertips. 里特伸出左手,将指尖蘸上了墨水。insist vi. 坚持,坚持认为e.g. They insisted that she should be invited. 他们坚持要邀请她。interest n. 利息e.g. He lent me the money at 5% interest. 他以百分之五的利息借给我这笔钱。introduction n. 介绍, 引进e.g. He encouraged the introduction of new medical treatments. 他鼓励采用新的医疗方法。Japan n. 日本(小学)last v. 持续e.g. The meeting only laste

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