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1、初中英语中考复习语法知识专项练习选择题27012800题初中英语中考复习语法知识专项练习(选择题)2701-2800题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1-Remember this, children. _ you work, _successful you will be.-We know, Mr. Li.AThe more hardly; the more BThe more hard; the moreCThe harder; the more DThe hardest; the most2Wheres our math teacher?I dont know. _ he is

2、 in the library.AMay BMaybe CMay be DMaybe is3She told the visitor_ walk quietly and_ wake the baby up.Ato; to Bnot to; not to Cnot to; to Dto; not to4Jane has _ from school for 2 years. When she _ the happy time, she always misses her teachers and classmates.Agraduated; think back to Bbeen away; th

3、inks back toCbeen away; thinks about Dgraduated; thinks of5I dont like English its difficult.Awhy Bbut Cand Dbecause6I know your brother. _ name is Tom.AHer BYour CMy DHis7Ill finish the job , how long it takes .Aunless Buntil Cno matter Deven though8The teacher asks us _ to school on time.Ato go Bg

4、o Cgoing Dgoes9They seldom watch TV on school nights, _?Awill they Barent they Cdo they Ddidnt they10It is possible for me _ one hour finishing the job.You are right.Aspend Bto spend Cspending Dspent112018年上海长宁二模His health condition got so bad recently that he decided to go on_diet right nowAa Ban C

5、the D/122018年上海静安二模The weather in Shanghai is changeable this spring. It seems much _to catch a cold.Aeasy Beasier Ceasiest Dmore easily13All the people there cant speak English,so _can understand him.Asomebody Bsomething Cnothing Dnobody14_ carefully, Michael! Theres a school ahead.ADrive BTo drive

6、CDrove DDriving15Tom and Jim _ a sports collection.Ahas Bhave Cis Dare162018年上海长宁二模You will see a lot of ancient buildings there_you go to that famous small town.Abecause Bthough Cif Dsince17The mother _ until her son _ back.Awill leave, comes Bwont leave, will comeCwill leave, will come Dwont leave

7、, comes18She draws_in her class.Athe third most wonderfully Bthe third wonderfullyCthe third most wonderful Dthe third wonderful19_cars make _pollution.Its a serious problem.AMore;more BFewer;less CFewer;fewer ore;less20-Jack, could you tell me _?-Sure. In the post office on Green Road.Awhere you bo

8、ught the stamps Bwhere did you buy the stampsCwhen you bought the stamps Dwhen did you buy the stamps21(题文)It rained hard this morning. How did you go to work?I was _ to meet Mr. Miller near my home. He gave me a ride.Aenough lucky Blucky enoughCenough clever Dclever enough22The teacher says we _rea

9、d _ comic books.Amustnt, much too Bcant, much tooCmay not, too many Dshouldnt, too many23Which country has the_ population in the world?China.Amany Bmost Clargest Dlarge24I _ this school for two years.Ahave been in Bhave gone to Chave been to Dhave gone in25If there no buying and selling of animals,

10、 there no killing in nature.Ais; will be Bwill be; will beCis; is Dwill be; is26 Last summer holiday, I didnt go anywhere. How boring! . But Im going somewhere for a holiday this summer.ANeither I did BNeither did I CSo did I DSo I did27Christianity has become a worldwide religion since it about two

11、 thousand years ago.Ahas begin Bbegins Cbegan Dbegin28It is dangerous for you _ football in the street.Aplay Bplaying Cto playing Dto play292018年上海青浦二模After being rebuilt, the open-air museum became _attractive than before.Amany Bmore Cmuch Dmost30Is _ you borrowed from the library?Athis book Bthis

12、the bookCthis book which Dthis book that31His grandpa _ for two yearsAwas died Bhas been dead Cwas dead Dhas died32I want _ you.Ahelp Bto help Chelping33Toms mother said to him, “I hope you _ what I _ you to buy.”Adidnt forget; told Bnot to forget; have toldCwont forget; have told Dhavent forgotten;

13、 will tell34We can see _ “o”and _ “u”in the word“you”.Aa;a Ban;an Ca;an Dan;a35_ I am in trouble, my classmates will help me out. ABefore BWheneverCAlthough DWhether36Mike, you must stop _ video games immediately. Its bad for your eyes.Aplay Bto play Cplaying Dplayed37Which do you prefer, juice or t

14、ea?_ is OK. I dont care.AAll BNeither CEither38I was busy I didnt go to bed until 11 oclock yesterday.Atoo;to Benough;to Cso;that Dsuch;that39Jane often _ TV on Sundays, but now she _an English book.Awatches; reads Bwatches; is reading Cwatching; is reading40Did you find the missing couple in the mo

15、untain yesterday?No, but we to get in touch with them ever since.Ahave tried Bhave been tryingChad tried Dhad been trying41 I watched the NBA game last night. _ amazing game it was!AWhat an BHow an CWhat42一Have you watched the documentary about SIP?一Yes, its great. It shows .Awhat has the government

16、 built in open spacesBhow peoples living conditions have been improvedCif SIP is a wonderful place to live or notDwhen was the high-speed railway in use43I want to learn a second foreign language English.Aexcept Bbeside Cbesides Dexcept for44Jason, you _ cross the street until the traffic lights tur

17、n green.Aneednt BmustntCmay not Dcouldnt45In our city there _ a number of cars and the number of them _ growing larger and larger.Aare; is Bhave; is Cis; are Dare; are46There isnt air _ water on the moon.Aand Bbut Cor Dso47He was so busy preparing for the high school entrance exam that .Ahe had enou

18、gh time to watch football matches every dayBhe was free enough to go shopping onlineChe had no time to do sports every day48-Who milked a cow on the farm?-Jack Awas Bdid Cis Dhad49-Whats _ _matter with you?-I have _ _ toothache.Aa;the Bthe;aC/;the Dthe;/50Get up early, _ you _ late for school.Aand,

19、will be Bor, will be Cor , are Dso, are51He likes some _ noodles _.Amutton, carrot Bmutton, with carrotsCmuttons, with cabbage Dmuttons, cabbages52Mary is serious about her study.She wont go to bed _ she finishes all her homework.Aif Bbecause Cwhen Duntil53The headmaster warns us _ the school rules,

20、 or well be punished.Adont break Bto break Cnot to break Dbreaking54Are these two maps _?Yes. There are some _ between them.Adifferent; different Bdifferent; differencesCdifferences; different Ddifferences; differences55The bird is singing _a tree.Aon Bto Cin56In order to protect the environment, al

21、l the countries should work _with each other.Aclose Bclosely Cnear Dnearly57Do you know the equation E = mc2 , _ is a great achievement in physics?Awhich Bthat Cin which Dwhat58Mr Right had to sell the house even though it was _ his own wishesAbelowBoverCaboveDagainst59What it is to go swimming in w

22、eather!Aa great fun; so fine Bgreat fun; such fineCa great fun; such a fine Dgreat fun; so fine a602018年上海静安二模I think both of the detective books are interesting. You can choose _ of them.Aeither Bneither Call Dnone61If something_ you, you may ask her for help.Aworries Bhappens Cworry Dworried62New

23、China was set up in 1949.Every Chinese knows her 70th birthday is _October 1, 2019.Ain Bat Con Dby63Thanks to the robots, the human reporters do not have to spend a lot of time _ boring numbers and information.Aprocessing Bto processCprocessed Dprocess64Liu Jia usually goes to school without breakfa

24、st, he is really pale .Ato eat Beats Ceating Deats65I prefer movies and actors can make me laugh.So do I. I think you will fall in love with the movie Crazy Alien.Awho Bwhich Cwhat Dthat662018年上海虹口二模We are often told that _ is more important than health.Asomething Banything Cnothing Deverything67My

25、book is _ yours.Aso interesting asBas more interesting asCnot so interesting asDnot as interesting than682018年上海长宁二模 Learning to do some teamwork with_is important in our daily life.Aanother Bthe other Cothers Dthe others69Today is Fathers Day, Im thinking about .Awhat present I gave my father Bif I

26、 planned a party for my fatherChow I can give my father a surprise Dwhere will my father and I have a big meal70What _ children! Yes, all of the parents were _ because of them.Aexcited; exciting Bexciting; excited Cexcited; excited Dexciting; exciting71By the time I got to the cinema, the movie for

27、nearly half an hour.Ahas begun Bhas been on Chad begun Dhad been on72These children really enjoy_.Amaking new something Bto make something newCto make something new Dmaking something new73You must not get off the bus before it _, or you may get hurt.Astops Bwill stop Chas stopped Dstopped74The offic

28、e phones are dirty and they _ next weekAwill clean Bwill be cleanedCare cleaning Dare cleaned75He became a famous writer when he was _.Ain his fifty Bat the age of fifty years old Cin his fifties Din the fifties76Did Mrs. Smith call you yesterday?Yes. I was about _ for dinner when the telephone rang.Agoing out Bto going out Cto go out Dgo out77Could you tell me when he _ back?Sure. He will come back as soon as he _ the classroom.Acame, finishes cleaning Bcomes, will finish to cleanCwould come,

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