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1、学术演讲稿学术演讲稿篇一:学术学风演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导、老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好,我是 ,今天我演讲的主题是众所周知,学风是一所学校的灵魂,是学校生存与发展 的根本支柱。求是崇尚科学、追求真理,求新求索 创新、探索规律,这是我们中南林亘古不变的校训,需要每 个中南林人铭记在心。倡导良好的学风,我们大学生是直接 营造者,也是最大受益者。学风是学生思想作风在学习上的 具体体现,是学生在学习方面所展示的精神、态度、风格、 方法和习惯等要素的综合体现。学风是一种氛围,是一种追 求。它犹如宁静的蓝天,庄严而凝重;它仿佛飘逸的白云, 清雅而透彻。良好的学风可以鼓舞斗志,培养创新的时代精 神;良好的学

2、风可以磨练品质,培养诚信友爱的道德风尚, 良好的学风是一个学校培养学生思想观念和价值取向的根 本所在。大学,是我们现在拥有的美好天堂。然而,在这个安逸 的象牙塔里,本该放飞理想的我们,却有些迷失了方向,多 了些放松和浮躁,少了些勤奋刻苦。作为学校的一员,你的 一举一动不仅体现着自己的修养素质,更深刻地影响着学校 这个大家庭的整体学风。从当前我校学生整体来看,学风的主流是勤奋上进、刻 苦认真的。大部分同学有着远大的抱负,积极进取。但是, 学风不正的问题仍然存在 : 学习态度不端正,没有良好的学 习和生活习惯,上课迟到、早退,甚至旷课。不认真听讲,不做笔记,抄袭 作业。上课玩手机,交头接耳,影响正

3、常的教学秩序。还有 的同学贪图玩乐 , 追求享受,处事以自我为中心,沉缅于谈 情说爱、上聊天、游戏。这种缺乏勤奋精神,奉行享乐主义 的行为,可以说是白白浪费了青春时光 , 严重影响了学风建 设。学风问题不可小视,学风建设任重而道远。同学们,建 设良好学风需要我们大家持之以恒的努力。从现在做起,从 小事做起,让我们共同努力,让优良学风吹进书声朗朗的课 堂里,让文明之花盛开在校园的每一个角落,为我们人生目 标的实现而厚积薄发!篇二:英语学术演讲稿Good morning everyone. Welcome to my presentation.My name is My major is mech

4、anical engineering. The research direction of my team is the robot, so I lltalk something about applications of the teleoperator robot in our life with two examples. The main contents of my speech are the medical robot and the cooking robot.First of all, we should know what teleoperator robot is. Te

5、leoperatorrobots are mainly used for various operations of non-industrial production, for example, the medical robot, the cooking robot and the cleaning robot. Let s first see the medical robot. The main characteristics of the medical robot is remote control. The remote control lets people stride ac

6、ross the space-time barrier. It means that the doctor and the patient can be in different places, as is shown in the pictures. The patient is in Strasbourg while the surgeon is in New York. The display screenprovides surgery scene to the surgeon. By operating the main operation terminal and inputtin

7、g commands, doctors can control the robot to have surgery.Robots can also serve our daily life. Most of us may already know that the robot cooks in the university cafeteria of Beijing Jiaotong University. Weall think that it s very interesting. These pictures show us the process of the robot cooking

8、. First, the chef puts raw materials into the robot, then choses the dish to cook in the display screen. Next, the robot starts tocook. In the cooking process, the chef follows the robot s voice prompts to add spices. Just three minutes later, the robot pours the cooked dish into the prepared basin.

9、 The robot cooking not only takes less time but also uses less gas. It can save fifty percent of gas.As the above examples allude, teleoperator robots provide service for mankind and make our life more convenient. Meanwhile they save us a lot of time and sources of energy. I believe in the future te

10、leoperator robots will be more widely used and provide better service to our life. That s all. Thank you.篇三:国际学术论文演讲稿Good morning everybody!Its my honor to speak here,and I am very glad to share my topic with you. Then today Id like to talk something about Public engagement with carbon and climate c

11、hange: To what extent is the public carbon capable As we know, the phenomenon of climate change for society seems clear: much evidence shows a significant human contribution in causing climate change, and the impacts will increase. In order to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, there is an urgen

12、t need to understand and enable societal engagement inmitigation.Yet recent research indicates that this involvement is currently limited: although awareness of climate change is widespread, understanding and behavioral engagement are far lower. Proposals for mitigative personal carbon budgets imply

13、 a need for public understanding of the causes and consequences of carbon emissions, as well as the ability to reduce emissions. However, little has been done to consider the situated meanings of carbon and energy in everyday life and decisions.Now, let s go to the first part. The structure of the p

14、aper. It includes five parts. The first is background. Nest is climate change , carbon capability , the third is developing carbon capability ,fourth is exploring the carbon capability , the last one is conclusion.Ok, let me introduce the background at first. Some findings from a UK survey of public

15、 engagement with climate change and carbon capability, focusing on both individual and institutional dimensions. These findings highlight the diverse public understandings about carbon , encompassing technical, social, and moral discourses; and provide further evidence for the environmental value-ac

16、tion gap in relation to adoption of low-carbon lifestyles. Implications of these findings for promoting public engagement with climate change and carbon capability are discussed. But what is the climate change Climate change is an issue which poses major challenges to communicators and educators. It

17、 is a risk in familiar natural processes such as temperature change and weather fluctuations, and has low highlighting as a risk issue because it cannot be directly experienced. Since people are accustomed to considerable weather and temperature variation ona daily and seasonal basis they underestim

18、ate the effects of a predicted rise in global temperatures of a few degrees The World Meteorological Organization uses consecutive periods of weather over a period of30 years to calculate a climate average: and thus-unlike an individual weather event - climate is not directly observable. Confidence

19、in projections of climate change impacts decreases with scale withregional, and especially local, impacts often poorly described, meaning the risks posed by climate change to individuals are ill-defined. Furthermore, reliance on second-hand information about the reality and severity of the risk of c

20、limate change means the risk is defined and interpreted by both the information source and message recipient. Uncertainty about climate change can be exaggerated by the media, which tends to emphasize the scientific and political controversy surrounding the issue.Facing the global warming, we must d

21、o our best to decrease the emission of carbon .Everyone have the duty. But what is the carbon capability Let me to introduce it.There is some convergence of findings from the work around public engagement with climate change and the work on learning about climate change and carbon. In particular, th

22、ese two literatures demonstrate that both individual and institutional dimensions of engagement are vital to understanding (barriers to) adoption of low-carbon lifestyles. Furthermore, they highlight the need to understand the situated meanings associated with carbon; that is, how individuals transl

23、ate and apply knowledge about carbon and climate change to their daily lives (for example through processes of objectification and anchoring).Sey fang have proposed the concept of carboncapability to capture the contextual meanings associated with carbon and the individual ability and motivation to

24、reduce emissions. Carbon capability is defined as: The ability to make informed judgments and to take effective decisions regarding the use and management of carbon, through both individual behavior change and collective action We identify three core dimensions of carbon capability:(1)decision-makin

25、g (knowledge, skills, motivations and judgments),(2)individual behavior or practices (, energy conservation), and(3)broader engagement with systems of provision and governance(, lobbying, voting, protesting, and creating alternative social infrastructures of provision).Carbon capability is not defin

26、ed in a narrow individualistic sense of solely knowledge, skills and motivations (although these are important components) rather, the concept of carbon capability implies an understanding of the limits of individual action and where these encounter wider societal institutions and infrastructure, an

27、d so prompt the need for collective action and other governance solutions. The notion also suggests an appreciation that much consumption (and hence carbon emissions) is inconspicuous, habitual and routine, rather than the result of conscious decision making.What about the carbon capability of the p

28、ublic, we have made a survey from the three dimensions.First, Awareness and knowledge about climate change and carbonThe recognition of climate changeConsistent with previous research, we find that awareness of climate change is very high. Less than 1% has not heard of climate change at all; and the

29、 largest proportion (56%) says they know a fair amount about it. A further 10%say they know a lot , and 29%know just a little .Furthermore, most people (%) agree with the statement climate change is caused by both naturalprocesses and human activity .Participants evidentlyrecognize the main causes o

30、f climate change, including emissions from deforestation, industry, transport and (more generally) fossil fuel use (Fig. 2). However, misperceptions exist in respect of the relative contribution of different activities or processes in causing climate change. An important misperception occurs in the

31、lack of recognition of the contribution of meat eating/production contributing to greenhouse gas emissions .The recognition of carbonMoving from climate change in general to more specific knowledge around carbon , we find levels of awareness and engagement decrease .In order to prompt links between

32、carbon and climate change, the survey asked When you hear statements such asCC ? ? carbon emissions are increasing or the company is aiming to become carbon-neutral what do you understand by the word carbon (ppt) Second ,Individual behaviors or practicesWe asked whether respondents had taken actions to reduce their emissions. The results show domestic energy conservation is relatively common, but changing travel and shopping habits are less popular (see Table 2 for frequent actions.Third , Engag

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