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1、艺术英语I课程教学大纲艺术英语I课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:16312204课程名称:艺术英语I英文名称:English for Art I课程类别:通识必修课 学 时:64学分:4适用对象:舞美音体专业本科学生考核方式:考试先修课程:高中英语二、课程简介本课程属于通识必修课,是高校基础教育的一个重要组成部分,是提高学生综合素质的重要途径之一。艺术英语I以语言应用技能为先,融语言知识、学习策略和跨文化交际为一体,以外语教学理论为指导,并集合多种教学模式和教学手段的完整的教学体系。艺术英语I适用于舞美音体本科一年级学生。艺术英语I的课堂以基于计算机/网络听说课程和基于课堂教学的综合课程

2、,包括读,写译的教学模式为基础。听说课程2节,每两周一次课;综合课程6节,两周完成一个单元。课程的其他内容采取学生课后自学为主,教师网络指导为辅的学习模式。 艺术英语I课程旨在培养舞美音体艺术专业的本科一年级学生的听说读写译的英语应用能力,包括词汇(2000个),句法结构和语篇结构,学生能理解教材中的阅读材料和难度相当于艺术英语课本的报刊,杂志,能够达到每分钟25个单词的阅读速度,学生能够用简单的,正确逻辑思维进行英语写作,能在词典的帮助下翻译英语复杂句。通过听说课程的学习,学生能够领会标准的英语录音的句子,情景对话和英语发音,要求掌握英文句子听写介绍简单的英语句,能运用简单英语进行讨论和对话

3、。 艺术英语I课程是培养艺术专业本科一年级学生听说读写译综合运用英语进行信息交流的能力,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。 艺术英语I课程的教学评估包括形成性评估和终结性评估。English for Art I is an obligatory general course for the non-English-major undergraduate art students of Guangdong University of Finance and Economics. It

4、is an integrated part of the teaching plan for the non-English undergraduate art major in the university and a course designed to improve the general humanity quality of the students. The classroom teaching of Course of English for Art I mainly includes computer-based listening and speaking course a

5、nd classroom-based integrated course of reading, writing and translation. The former occupies 2 periods every other week, while the latter takes 2 periods for every two weeks. The rest of the contents in textbooks are to be self-studied after class with teachers coaching them on-line.English for Art

6、 I aims to develop students abilities to learn corresponding language and pragmatic skills including Vocabulary (2000 words).syntactic structures as well as textual structures, to understand the reading materials as well as English newspapers and magazines with the similar degree of difficulty to th

7、ose passages in the textbooks at a speed of 25 words per minute, be able to write simple English sentences with correct grammar and proper logic, and to translate English sentences with multiple clauses into Chinese and vice versa, with the help with dictionaries. Through listening and speaking, stu

8、dents should be able to understand standard recorded English sentences, dialogues and speeches pronounced, take dictations on simple English sentences, introduce themselves in English, and take part in discussions or make dialogues using simple English.English for Art I also aims to develop students

9、 ability to use English in an all-round way so that in their future work and social interactions they will be able to exchange information effectively through both spoken and written channels, and at the same time they will be able to enhance their ability to study independently and improve their cu

10、ltural quality so as to meet the needs of Chinas social development and international exchanges. The evaluation of English for Art I consists of both formative assessment and summative assessment.三、课程性质与教学目的艺术英语I级课程是为广东财经大学非英语专业的艺术类专业本科一年级学生开设的一门语言技能基础课程,是广东财经大学非英语专业教学计划的一个有机组成部分,是一门提高艺术专业学生综合人文素养的重


12、运用英语交流信息,打下扎实的语言基础,掌握良好的语言学习方法,提高文化素养,培养持续的自学能力,适应社会的需求和发展。艺术英语I级课程目标是能听懂发音清晰,节奏缓慢,语音标准的录音句子,熟悉话题的录音短文,能够听懂用简单英语进行的课堂讨论,能借助视频和字幕听懂电影对白的主要意思。能用简单的英语口头描述人物,个人经历,朋友交往,生活学习场景,日常事物,个人喜好,能在课堂讨论中用英语发表自己的简单见解,能读懂和艺术英语II级相当难度的英文报刊和杂志。能用简单连贯的英语书面表达熟悉题材的内容,能写出故事连贯的记叙文 (50 词左右)。能多渠道获取英语信息,能体会视听材料和书面材料中的跨文化信息。学会

13、辨析中西方艺术文化对比,培养中华民族自信,加强爱国主义教育,树立正确世界观和价值观。四、教学内容及要求精读部分Unit 1 (一)目的与要求Students are expected to 1. understand the main idea of text A and B, learn to know about the mental states and issues of the freshmen on campus;2. master the key worlds and expressions and sentences patterns (the negative sentenc

14、es, sentence of real condition, and sentence of question);3. grasp the different pronunciation of short voweliand long vowel i:;4. appreciate the profound influence of Chinese cultures and deep thoughts of Confucius(二)教学内容1. 主要内容1) Text A Your first night at school.2) Warm-up Activities ( Matching a

15、nd Conversation)3) Text A 4)Background information (SAT,NCAA)5) language Points 6) Suggested Questions7) Additional Materials 8)After class reading : Text B Never too old to live up your dreams?2. 基本概念和知识点1) Key words (dormitory, gymnasium, library, classroom building, canteen, lecture hall)2) Langu

16、age Pointsa. Survive: (Idont think I could survive another year as a teacher; its just too stressful.)b. Its a little weird, isnt it? (反义疑问句强调句子的前半句)c. Social: (The social we attended last night was very successful.)d. The first week is going to be a whirlwind, but take advantage of the energy while

17、 you have it.(这是一个并列复合句,前一个分句用了一个隐喻,后一个分句是个祈使句。)e. lifelong (Hes got a lifelong fascination with the sea)3) Questions answeringIs it easy to enter college?How do you feel when you are finally in college?Why should you get good night of sleep on your first night at college?What are the authors sugges

18、tions to you for the first week of your college days?How will the next few days be?4) Writing style and Summary3. 问题与应用(能力要求)1) Listening and speaking2) Reading comprehension3) Analyzing the sentences patterns4) Writing ability and writing structure5) Summary 6) Grammar (三)思考与实践Content Questions (Pa

19、ir work)Points for Discussions (Group work)Text OrganizationLanguage Sense EnhancementLanguage Focus: Vocabulary; Usage, Structure; clauses, translationHome Reading (Text B) and ExercisesSelf-assessment listeningListing and Speaking: Home Listening, Speaking Tasks, Pair work(四)教学方法与手段课堂讲授,课堂讨论,多媒体,网

20、络学习,自主学习Unit 2(一)目的与要求Students are expected to 1. understand the main idea of text A and B, learn to know about the musicians high spirits of pursuing perfect;2. master the key worlds and expressions and sentences patterns;3. grasp the different pronunciation of voweleand long vowel e:;4. learn how

21、to use Nouns properly;5. appreciate the friendships between musicians.(二)教学内容1. 主要内容Text A The Opera Signer1) Warm-up Activities ( Matching and Conversation)2) Text A 3)Background information (Pedro Pablo Sacristan, History of Opera) 4) language Points 5) Suggested Questions 6) Additional Materials

22、7)After class reading :Text B Play a Violin with Three String2. 基本概念和知识点1) Key words (violin, bass, saxophone, cello, flute, dulcimer)2) Language Pointsa. matter: (Its no laughing matter. How did matters stand?)b. What made him most unusual, though, was the fact that whenever he needed to communicat

23、e he did it by singing opera.这个句子包含一个由what 引导的从句做句子的主语和一个由that 引导的复合句做fact 的同位语。c. clear: (He cleared this throat and began singing.)d. It wouldnt be unfair to say that almost everyone considered William Warbler a massive pain in the neck.这是双重否定表肯定的句子。3) Questions answeringWhat made William Warbler

24、different from others?Did anyone know what Williams job was?What clothes did William usually wear?What was the rumor about?Why did William sing while communicating with others?4) Writing style and Summary3问题与应用(能力要求)1)Listening and speaking2)Reading comprehensions3)Analyzing the sentences patterns4)

25、Writing ability and writing structure5)Summary(三)思考与实践Content Questions (Pair work)Points for Discussions ( Group work)Text OrganizationLanguage Sense EnhancementLanguage Focus: Vocabulary; Usage, Structure; clauses, translationHome Reading ( Text B) and ExercisesSelf-assessment listeningListing and

26、 Speaking: Home Listening, Speaking Tasks, Pair work(四)教学方法与手段课堂讲授,课堂讨论,多媒体,网络学习,自主学习Unit 3(一)目的与要求Students are expected to 1. understand the main idea of text A and B, learn to know about the fashion tendency;2. master the key worlds and expressions and sentences patterns( It isthat);3. grasp the d

27、ifferent pronunciation of voweleand long vowel ei;4. learn how to use Verb (I) properly;5. appreciate the history development of Chinese cheongsam.(二) 教学内容1. 主要内容Text A Fashion Forest1)Warm-up Activities ( Matching and Conversation)2)Text A 3) language Points4) Suggested Questions5) Additional Mater

28、ials 6)After class reading :Text B Learn to Love with Curly Hair2. 基本概念和知识点1) Key words (suit, shirt and bow tie, Chinese tunic suit, cheongsam, evening dress, T-shirt and jeans)2) Language Pointsa. Come by: (She came by the house.)b. Once upon a time, there was a forest where all the animals lived

29、happily together.这是一个复合句,主句为there was a forest, 后面由where引导的是定语从句,修饰a forest.c. fit: (The clothes fit me well)d. Snag ( I snagged my sweater on the wire fence)e. Even the raccoon, thanks to his brightly colored socks, slipped from one of the river rocks and almost drowned.插入语,前后用逗号隔开,去掉不影响句子的完整性。3) Q

30、uestions answeringHow did the raccoon get a pair of socks?Why didnt the raccoon want to take off the socks?Why did some other animals start to wear clothes and other things?Did the animals benefit from the fashion fever?What was the prescription given by Doctor Bear?4) Writing style and Summary3.问题与

31、应用(能力要求)1) Listening and speaking2) Reading comprehensions3) Analyzing the sentences patterns4) Writing ability and writing structure5) Summary(三)思考与实践Content Questions (Pair work)Points for Discussions ( Group work)Text OrganizationLanguage Sense EnhancementLanguage Focus: Vocabulary; Usage, Structure; clauses, translationHome Reading ( Text B) and ExercisesSelf-assessment listeningListing and Speaking: Home Listening, Speaking Tasks, Pair work(四)教学方法与手段课堂讲授,课堂讨论,多媒体,网络学习,自主学习Unit 4 Arts(一)目的与要求Students are expected to 1. understand the main idea of text A and B, learn to t

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