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1、大连中考英语真题2003年大连市中考英语试题100分钟。共70分)本试卷分A卷(毕业考试)和B卷(升学考试)两部分。共200分。考试时间A卷(100分)I .语言基础知识运用(本题分A B、C三部分,共35小题;每小题2分,A.单项填空(30分)从A B、C D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。sent her friend a postcard a birthday prese nt.A.on B. as C. for D. of2.If you set your mind to do it, everythi ng is .A. possible B. hard C. difficu

2、lt D. impossible3.-How are you going to improve this term-Work harder tha n last term.A. ourselves B. myself C. himself D. yourself4.We were very excited to see many places of interest in Beiji ng.A. bori ng B. same C. differe nt D. bright5.-Would you please carry the big box for meA. No problem. B.

3、 What a pity ! C. Not at all. D. Drank you.6.She the factory on the ct)met and told me she worked there.A. thought of B. looked for C. pointed to D. got off7.-Do you know-At 8:00 .A. who to talk with B. when to have a meetingC. what to do next D. where to go swimming8.Eating and doing more sport are

4、 good ways to keep SARSaway fromus.A. early B. quickly C. healthily D. hardly,sir-Size 41,1 thi nk.A. What size do you n eed B. What can I do for youC. How do you like this shirt D. Whats the matter with you10. We want to play basketball after school. Would you like to usA. invite B. play C. get D.

5、joinan air ticket from Dalia n to Guan gzhou is about 1,800 yua n.A. price B. money C. pay D. use13.-Hello! Is that Mr John speak ing- . He isnt here at the mome nt.A. Im sorry B. Excuse me C. Bad luck D. Hold on, please14.More and more foreig ners want to their compa nies in Dalia n.A. clea n up B.

6、 look up C. pick up D. ope n up15.I enjoy lear ning En glish it takes me a lot of time.A.uni ess B. though C. because D forB.动词填空(20分)用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。16.The USA (attack) Iraq( 伊拉克)in March, 21,03.17.My brother likes En glish very much, and he (practice ) ladi ng everymorni ng.18.The old car (produce

7、) in Germa ny in the 1960s.19.Young people usually (prefer) pop music to traditi onal one.20.After two hours discussi on, the man ager decided (end) the meet ing.21.Qin gdao is one of the best plates tot (surf) in Chin a.(become) muchmere beautiful.23.The door of the classroom must (lock) after scho

8、ol.24.Mrs Gree n (hang) some beautiful lights to decorate the Christmas treenow.25.Linda (cha nge) a lot si nee she en tered Harvard Uni versity.C.短语填空(20分)用下列所给短语的适当形式填空,每个短语只能用一次。Be busy with ,think about,as usual ,at the beginning of,makea decision , as long as , so far , so that , get back26. Yo

9、ud better this maths problemcarefully.27.Sometimes we sing an En glish song our En glish class.28.Now all I have is yours, what you. like, you may take it.29.The policema n asked my aunt to her lost watch.30.The farmers the harvest in the field good at div ing, and he can stay un der the wate

10、r 2 hours.32.We have learnt at least 1,700 En glish words .33.My uncle to give up smok ing last Tuesday.35. Dad worked saved late last night, but ho still got up early thisn,语言交际(本题共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)根据对话内容选出可填入空白处的最佳选项,有两项为多余选项。A: Good afternoon. What can I do for youB:_36A: Weve got many wash ing mac

11、h ines here . 37in mattermorni ng.B: Is it made in Chi naA: 38 Its the newest one.B: Would you show me how to use itA: Sure. 39 Put than in. and then it like this.B: Mmm, not bad . 40A: 1,200 yua n.B: Well, even though it is a bit expensive. Ill lake it.阅读理解(本题共7小题;第4145题各2分,第46、47题各5分,共20分)You said

12、 in your letter that the cost of livi ng in the country was higher tha n inthe city. I quite agree with you My husba nd and I lived in the middle of a city twoyears ago. Whenmyhusband stopped working, we movedto a new house in a small village, but our costs are higher now.Ihave to do my shopp ing in

13、 small shops . The food there is more expe nsive tha n incity supermarkets, because it costs more to travel by bus. Wealso have to pay more for the men who come to mend the TV set or the wash ing mach ine, because they have to come further.But it does not cost as much to enjoy what is beautiful and

14、quiet in the coun try.Many people-spend a lot of time and money driving into the country to enjoy thesimple( 简朴的)things of life. Yet we can enjoy them just by going out of the front door. It costs more to live here than it did in the city, but now life is really worth livi ng.A.根据短文内容,判断正误、正确的划 ” V,

15、错误的划X。 (10分)41 . The writer is a woma n.42.The writer lived in the country three years ago.43.Food in city supermarkets is cheaper tha n in the country shops.44.The people in the city spe nd less enjoying the simple things of life.45.The writer thi nks its worth livi ng in the coun try.B.(10根据所读短文,写

16、出你最欣赏的两个句子, 然后仿照这两个句子结构创设情境造句。分)46.欣赏句: 造句: 47.欣赏句: 造句: B卷(100分)I,语言基础知识运用(本题共20小题;每小题1分,共20分)从A、B、C D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.-Could you read the En glish on the medici ne bottle for me-OK, let me try.A. in structi ons B, docume nts C. pictures D. meanings2.-How do you like this book-Its the best the

17、 detective no vels, I think.A. betwee n B. among C. with D. in sidepatie nts are quite to the nu rses for their special care.A. enjoyable B. helpful C con fide nt D. grateful4.Such a large house with a garde n is my favourite, but I cant it.A. spe nd B. cost C pay D. afford5.-Why not slay for a few

18、more minutespare nts will be worriedA., All right B Take your time C. Its getting late D. Thats a good ideame, how can I get to Dalia n Science Museum-Well, Bus 801 will take you there A. probably B. directly C. mostly D. slowly7.-Why are you late-The thick preve nted me from drivi ng here on tune.A

19、. cloud B. dark C rain D. fog8.Victor is such a careful boy that he always checks his homework carefullyto there isnt any mistake.A make sure B. find out C. think of D. go over9.-Could you tell me she is look ing for-Her cous in, Susa n.A that B. whose C. who D which10.May ,2003.his A few headmaster

20、s from New Zealand paid a visit to our school A. by the end of B. at the end of C. at the back of D. in the end11-Have you ever heard of Zhang Jia n-Yeah, he just appeared on TV last night and told us aboutexperie nces.A. amaz ing B. usual C. active D. serious12.-Tha nk you for your delicious food.A

21、. Id love to D. Glad you like it C. Help yourself D Welcome to my home13.-Do you remember our pleasa nt journey to Xia n-Of course. I remember everyth ing it happe ned yesterday.A. as soon as B. eve n though C. rather tha n D. as if14.Most of us won dered if Wang Nan could Zhang Yining in the final

22、match.A. beat B. win C. hit D. fail15.We had a that the one who lost the game must sing a song.A. rule B. goal C. way D. no tice16.The questi on is very easy, a child can an swer ir.A. rather B. still C. even D, yet17.He was lucky because he wasnt hurt in the accide nt.A badly B hardly C. stro ngly

23、D. quickly18.My mother and I are in the way of speak B. .same D. closedyou cant an swer this questi on, we have to ask some one else for help.A.Although B. While C. Whether D. Si nee20.-Will you be able to take the journey with usA. Let me try B. Well done C. Im afraid not D. I would rath

24、er notII 完形填空(本题共20小题;每小题1分,共20分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。The other day I was talk ing to a stra nger on the bus, he said he had a good friendin Chicago. He won dered if I 21 him. For a minu te, I thought he might have a 22 But1 could tell from Ins expressi on( 表情)he was not- He was 23 .

25、I felt like say ingthat was funny to 24 I could possibly have ever met his friend in such a large city.But, 25 , I just smiled and told him Chicago was very 26 I thought he would stopto talk about something else. But I was 27 He was silent for a few minutes, and then he 28 to tell me all about his f

26、riend.His frien ds main 29 in life seemed to be 30 He was an excelle nt tennis player. Heeven 31_his own tennis court( 场地).I said I knew 32 people like that, includingmy brother, a doctor in Califor nia. 33 he asked me where my brother lived inCalifornia. When I said Sacrame nto, he said that was a

27、coin cide nee ( 巧合)34 hisfriend spent the summer there last year, living next door to a 35 with a tennis court.I said that was really a coin cide nee because my n extdoor 36 had gone to Sacrame ntolast summer and lived in the house 37 my brothers. For a moment, we looked at each other, but said 38Is

28、 your friend s name Roland Kirkwood I asked. He 39 and said, Yes. Your brother is Or Key Hun ter It was my 40 to laugh. Yes, I replied.21.A. liked B. saw C. kn ew D. found22.A. joke B. brother C. letter D. story23.A. right B. tall C. excited D. serious24A. think B. say C decide D. tell25A. suddenly

29、B luckily C. instead D. well26A. far B. crowded C. noisy D. big27.A. wrong B. surprised C. sorry D. in terested28.A. stopped B. bega n C. seemed D. failed29.A. idea B in terest C. problem D. i nven tio n30.A. frien dship B. swim ming C. tennis D. bus in ess31.A. had B. bought C. sold D. chose32.A. m

30、ore B. si ngle C. few D. several33.A. But B. The n C. Yet D. While34.A. as if B. when C. so that D. because35.A. player B. friend C. bus in essma n D. doctor36.A. n eighbour B. woma n C. teacher D. stra nger37.A. away from B. far from C. n ext to D. towards38.A. goodbye B. sorry C. nothing D. someth

31、i ng39.A. laughed B. stood C. cried D hurried40.A. pleasure B. turn C. hope D wayIII.阅读理解(本题共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中,选择最佳选项。ADads height has always made him seem so solid( 可依靠的);at 185cm, hes more thanjust a bit tall. When1 was little, standing on his feet while he walked around the kitche n, he seemed like the tallest man alive.Dads biggest hobby is music. He plays the pia no, guitar and other in strume nts( 乐器).It was like magic that he could play so many in strume nts with such tale nt( 才能).On the other h

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