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1、高中英语完形填空常见介词动词总结高中英语完形填空常见介词动词总结 高中阶段最为活跃的同源动词短语 独自一人在黑暗中走,那个男孩吹口哨给自己打气。 二、同源介词、副词动词短语 不同的动词可以和同一介词或副词构成短语来表达不同的含义,高考非常重视对这样的短语进行考查,考查的重点是以热点介词和副词为的动词短语。 我很高兴你亲自来这里处理这个问题。 三、词形相似的动词短语 一些动词短语词形相像,让人眼花缭乱,难以区分。高考试题经常对此设题考查考生的鉴别能力。解题时应仔细辨认,不能急于求成。 多词动词短语多由三个单词构成,因词数多、构词巧而备受高考命题者的重视。常见的多词动词短语有: 1词形相近的动词之

2、间辨义。如 lie, lay; hanged, hung; rise, arise, raise; sit, seat等。 (1)rise, arise 和raise rise 升起,是不及物动词,其过去式是rose, 过去分词是risen; arise (问题等)出现,是不及物动词,其过去式与过去分词是arose, arisen; raise举起,是及物动词,是规则动词。 (2)sit与seat sit表示“坐”这一动作; seat表示“就座”时要用be seated 或seat oneself。 2意义相近的动词之间辨义。如borrow, lend; speak, say, talk; h

3、ope, wish等。 3动词与其他词形相近、意义相似的词的辨义。如:advise, advice; cost, worth; pass, past等。 4意义不同, 但容易混淆的动词的意义。如:explain, say; discover, invent, uncover等。 1.bring 与take相反 bring sb. sth. = bring sth. to sb. 拿来,带来,送来 bring about vt. 引起,突现,造成 bring back 归还,带回来 bring in 引进、引来、吸收 bring back to life (health) 使复生,使恢复健康 b

4、ring on 使前进 bring down 1. 降低 2. 使倒下 bring out 显示出来,表现出来,讲清楚;出版;生产;提出 bring up 提出; 抚育大,教养 2.break break away 突然逃掉或离开;断绝往来;改掉(习惯);破除(旧做法) break away from 脱离 break the rule 违反规定 break down (身体)垮了;(谈话)中断;(机器)坏了;压倒,克服 break forth 突然(迸出) break in 突然进入,非法进入;插嘴,打岔 break into 破门而入;突然,一下子;打扰,打断 break out 爆发;突

5、然(大声地)vt .break off vt. 打断,折断; 中断,断绝(关系) break through 突破,打通 break up 分散,折散;分解;腐蚀 3.burn 燃烧,烧毁;烧着;晒黑 burn away vi. 熊熊燃烧;烧掉,烧完 burn ones fingers 吃亏 burn the midnight oil 开夜车 burn down 把烧成平地、烧光 The bedclothes catch fire and the whole house may be burnt down . burn . to the ground 烧毁, 把烧平 In the countr

6、y the revolutionaries set fire to the nobles castles and burnt them to the ground . ( SIIL 87 ) 4.matter vi. 有关系,有严重性,要紧 没关系 n. Whats the matter? 怎么啦? It doesnt matter. It doesnt matter doing sth. It doesnt matter that = It doesnt make difference that No matter what(how) 不管怎么 It is no matter that 没关

7、系 check off 核对无误; 下班 check over 检查一遍 as a matter of fact 事实上,不瞒你说 check in 报到,签到,到达 check on 查清楚,检查 check through 查看,校阅 check with 和核对;和相符 check 支票, (饭馆)账单, 方案 burst forth 突然出现(发生); 5.check check sth. 检查,调查,核对; 阻止,遏制 Whats the matter with ? check out 把检查一遍,清点登记; 结账后离开(旅馆) check up (on) 检查,调查,核对 n. m

8、ake a check of 核对,检查 keep (hold) in check 控制住 6.burst burst through 冲破;爆裂;炸破;胀破 (vi.) burst into tears (laughter, leaf, blossom) 突然(进入某种状态或发生某种情况) burst with 装得满满的,装得快要裂开了;非常,之极 突然起来 burst out laughing (crying ) burst into song (sweat) be bursting to do sth. 急于做;迫切想做 7.appear vi. link-v. = seem 似乎,

9、显得 appear to do sth. appear + adj. appear + sth. look about 四周打量 It appear that. 四处寻找 look ahead 预测未来 appear + done 8.look link-v look + adj. (过去分词,名词,介词短语,)看起来, look about for look like 看起来像 look as if 看起来好像 look well 看起来不错 look sb. up and down 上下打量某人 look at 看,望, 看待 look after 照看,照管,照顾,负责处理 look b

10、ack on 回顾,回想 look down upon (on) 看不起,蔑视 look for 找寻,自找(麻烦), look forward to 盼望,希望;预计会有 look in 作短时间的访晤(参观), look in on 拜望,顺便来看望 look on 旁观,在旁边看 look out 查找,找出;当心,注意 look over 翻阅,审读;复习 look into 调查,了解,研究 look on as 把看作 look out for 当心,提防;找寻,注意; look round 审视,到处看看;回头望 look up and down 上下打量 look throug

11、h 翻阅,查看;读一遍 look to 照顾,注意,负责 look up 查出,了解;看望,拜访 9.mind 当心,注意 mind + 名词 mind + that 介意,在乎(主要用于疑问句和否定句) mind + if mind doing sth. mind that mind + 名词 Would you mind doing sth ? 劳驾,可否请你? never mind 没关系,不要紧 Would you mind if I did sth. ? 我可以(做)吗? = Do you mind if I do sth. ? =Can /May I do sth. ? chang

12、e ones mi 改变主意 keep in mind 记住 make up ones mind that keep ones mind on 聚精会神干 make up ones mind to do sth. 决定做 sb. 叫(喊)某人, 给某人打电话 call sb. + 名词 sb. + adj. 说是, 认为 call attention to 引起对的注意 call away 叫走了 call for 要求、号召、约请 call names 骂(人) call back 回电话;叫回去 call in 招集、招来,找来;请来;收回 call on (upon) s

13、b. = call at sbs house 拜望,去会(某人) call on (upon) sb. to do sth. 叫(请)某人作某事;号召;要求;呼吁 call at ( a place ) 访问(某地) call on 拜访、访问 call out to sb. = shout at sb. 向某人吼(叫喊) call up 给某人打电话; 叫起床 n pay (make) a call on sb. 访问某人 =pay a visit to sb. give sb. a call = male a calltosb. 给打电话 11.pick pick sth. 债,检, 拾;

14、 挑选 pick a hole in sth. 挑毛病,找出破绽 pick off 摘下来 on call 随叫随到, 随时可用 have a bone to pick 又意见要提 pick and choose 挑剔, 仔细挑选 pick on 选择, 挑选; 招惹, 找岔 pick out 挑选出, 选好; 认出, 看清楚 pick ones way 仔细前进, 小心往前走 pick up 拾起, 拿起; (偶然)买到; 得到, 染上; (非正规地)学会; (取)某物, 接(某人)上车; , 收拾; 继续(讲故事, 谈话等) 收听到; (身体)恢复健康; (情况)好转 12.think s

15、b. think 想,思考 think that 想,认为,以为 I dont think he is good student.(注意否定的转移) think sb.(sth.) + adj. What do you think she would feel ?(do you think 是插入语) think sb. (sth.) + 名词 think + it + adj. / 名词 + doing sth. think sb.(sth.) to be think that 想到,预料 think + it + adj. / 名词 + to do sth. think + it + ad

16、j. / 名词 + that think to do sth. 打算做; 想到,预料 think about 想, 考虑 think back (to) 回忆 think aloud = (out / loud ) 把想的事情说出来 think highly(well, much) of 赞扬 think ofas 以为,认为 think over 仔细考虑 link-v. go + adj. 变为 think little (badly, nothing) of 认为不好(评价不高) think of 想到,想起 think out 想出 13.go vi. 去;离开;走 What do y

17、ou think about (of)? 对觉得怎么样? go fishing (hunting, shooting, cycling, swimming, walking, drinking, shopping) 去干某事 be going to 准备或打算做某事 go after 追(捕),追求 go ahead 开始做;进行;往前走;用吧 go along 和一道去,和一样干 go away 走开、离开、逃跑 go bad (食物)变坏、坏掉 go about 到处走动;vt. 着手干 go all out to do sth. 全力以赴做 go around(round) 到处走;流传

18、,传开 go back to 可追溯到 go beyond 超出,超越 go against 违背,违反;对不利 go by 过去,经过;根据行事,从来看 go down (太阳等)下落,(船)下沉;下降,下跌;传下去 go down on ones knees 跪下,屈膝 go into 调查;了解,研究,讨论 go on 发生,进行,进展 go Dutch 各付各的钱,打平伙 go off 离开, 走开 go on to do sth. 接着做 go out 出去,出guo;熄灭 go in for 从事(某种职业或工作),有某种爱好 go on doing sth. = go on wi

19、th sth. 继续做 go over 研究,检查,审阅;复习,讲解,排演;查看 go through 审阅,检查,讨论;查看,翻找,搜寻;看一遍,做一遍;经理,经过;通过,成功 【辨析】 go to bed 上床睡觉(未睡着) go to pieces 破碎 go to work 干起来 go to sleep 睡着 go together 相配,和谐 go with 相配;和交朋友 sb. find sth. sb. find sb. (sth.) + n. sb. find sb. (sth.) + 介词短语 sb. find that go to the dogs 变得不可救药,情况变

20、得糟糕极了 go up 上涨,涨价;上升,增长;(楼房)盖起来 go up to 向走过来 发现 sb. find sb. (sth.) + adj. 14.find 找到 sb. find sth. sb. find sb. sth. sb. find sb. (sth.) + 现在分词 sb. find sb. (sth.) + adv. sb. find sb. (sth.) + to be sb. feel + sdj. feel as if 感到仿佛似的(多用虚拟语气) feel ones way 摸索着走(干) sb. feel + p.p. sb. feel sb. (sth.)

21、 + 过去分词 sb. feel sb. (sth.) + do sth. sb. find sb. (sth.) + 过去分词 find out 了解,打听清楚 15.feel 感觉,感到 sb. feel sth. sb. feel that sb. feel sb. (sth.) + 现在分词 sth. feel + adj. 感觉起来 16.set vi. 下沉,下落 feel ilke (doing) sth. 想(做某事);愿意 set sth. set sb. sth. 放置,确定(时间),规定(任务);出(题);布置(作业) 使做,使处于状态 set sb. to do sth

22、. set sb. doing sth. set sb. + 介词短语 set about (doing) sth. 着手(开始)做 set an example set sb. an example 树立榜样 set fire to 对放火,使着火 set off vi. 动身,出发 set . free 释放(某人) set ones heart(mind) on 一心想做 set out vi. 出发,动身;打算(开始,准备)作 set out to do sth. 打算(开始,准备)作 set out + 名词 距离,详述 link.v. 保持,继续 set up 竖起来,建立,成立;

23、自称 17.keep keep sth. 保持,保留,留下,保留 keep + adj. / adv. keep + 介词短语 keep sb. (sth.) + 分词 keep a diary 记日记 keep sb. (sth.) + adj. / adv. keep sb. (sth.) + 介词短语 keep a close watch on 密切注视 keep a record 作记录 keep an eye on 瞧着点, 照看 keep on doing sth. 老是不断做 keep from 阻止做 keep fit 保持健康 keep on ( doing sth. ) 继

24、续(做某事) keep in mind 记住 keep up 保持,继续(做) like + doing sth. keep doing sth. 老是做 keep body and soul together 维持生命 keep back 忍住, 留下 keep in touch with 与保持联系 keep ones word 守信 keep up with 跟上 喜欢 keep silence 保持安静,保持沉默 like + 名词 like + to do sth. like sb.(sth.) + 形容词 like sb. to do sth. 愿意,希望,想要 w

25、ould(should) like +名词 would like to do sth. = would love to do sth. would like sb. to do sth. would like sb. + 分词 do as one likes 爱怎么样,就怎么样 How do you like + 名词 你觉得怎么样 if you like 如果你愿意 prep. 像 (引起短语做表语,状语,定语) You are just like what I expected. look like 看起来像 I dont like the book like that. 想要 feel

26、like + 名词 feel like doing sth. What is like ? = What doeslook like ? 是样子? 19.control sb. control sth. 控制 n. 控制 have (hold) control over (of) sb. (sth.) 控制着 (be) beyond control 无法控制,控制不了 in control (of) 控制着,处于统治地位 out of control 被失去控制,无法控制 under control (被)控制住 20.develop develop 该词虽然用法简单,但在不同的句子有不同的意

27、义,故收入。并以例句说明。 Boys develop physically later than girls. 发育SIII(A) P50 They developed a strong system of society. 建立 SIII(A) P14 At work he developed a kind of material strong enough to hold things together. 发现, 搞成 China is one of the developing countries while the U.S.A is a developed country. 发展着的,

28、 发达的 He has developed an interest in science. 形成,养成 He developed the photographs which he had taken. 冲洗(胶卷) We must develop the natural resources of our country. 开发, 建设 gain (take) control of 取得了对控制 lose control of 失去对的控制 seize control of 夺取对的控制 i would like you to change this blouse , or else give

29、me my money back ._高中英语完形填空常见介词动词总结。 I developed a cold this week. (开始)生病 21.give v give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. 给 give advice 提建议 give a sign 给手势 give a smile (shout, talk, blow, knock, push) (表示一个动作) give away 送给人,分发 give back 还给;恢复(健康等) give sb. a hand (with) 帮忙(做) give ones regards to 向某人问好 give

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