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1、 笔试部分(共85分)三、选用恰当的时态, 用括号内动词的正确形式填空:(10分)Dear Xiao Pang: How are you? I _ (16. go) to tell you about my holiday. I _ (17. go) to visit my family in Chengdu. They _ (18. be) very happy to see me. I _ (19. eat) a lot of good food, talked with my parents and my friends and _ (20. go) to watch a footbal

2、l match with my brother. I _ (21. be) very busy and I really enjoyed myself. I _ (22. not want) to come back, but of course I _ (23. have) to leave because I started work again on Monday. Now I _ (24. study) very hard at the TVU to prepare for may examinations. When I get my degree, I _ (25. get) a

3、better job. Why dont you study at the TVU? Shall I send you some information about it? Sincerely yours, Wang Hong四、句型转换: (12分)(一)按照示例, 写出下列各句的否定形式(在可能的地方用紧缩式),再就句中划线部分 提问,写出特殊疑问句:Example: Xiao Lis mother lived in Shanghai ten years ago. Xiao Lis mother didnt live in Shanghai ten years ago. When did

4、Xiao Lis mother live in Shanghai?26. Tom is learning Chinese in Beijing.27. Jane goes to school every day by bike.28. Mr. Smith visited the Summer Palace two or three times.(二)用连词将下列两个简单句连接起来(不要用and )29. We should learn from Mr. Li. He has rich experience in teaching English.30. Ann left in 1980. La

5、ter she studied French at a college.31. Lao Zhao is over fifty years old. He studied English very hard.五、选择题, 选择正确答案(25分)32. Henry plays _ piano, but his brother prefers to play football. a. a b. the c. / 33. John is _ university student now. a. an b. a c. the 34. Its _ walk from my home to the farm

6、. a. ten minutes b. ten minutes c. ten minutess35. This is a _ book. a. two-hundred-page b. two-hundreds-page c. two-hundreds-pages36.She has lost _ pen. Will you lend her _? a. her, your b. hers, yours c. her, yours37. I like my nieces, but my husband doesnt like _ a. him b. her c. them38. _ beauti

7、ful flowers they are!a. What b. What a c. How39. _ look at the others!a. Dont b. Cant c. Mustnt 40. The train arrives at 10:00, _? a. isnt it b. wont it c. doesnt it41. 327 is _a. three hundreds and twenty-sevenb. three hundred and twenty-sevenc. three hundreds twenty-seven42. _ everybody is here, l

8、ets begin. a. Since b. When c. Before43. If I _ him, I _ him about it. a. will meet, will tell b. meet, will tell c. will meet, tell44. The time is 8:40. It is _. a. forty to eight b. eight to forty c. twenty to nine45. What _ on Sundays? your father usually does does your father usually do does you

9、r father usually 46. Mary was _ late for classes until she lost her watch. a. always b. often c. never47. What day is today? a. Today is July 1st b. Its a fine day. c. Today is Saturday.48. My parents gave me a present _ my birthday. a. on b. in c. at49. I met her _ my way home yesterday. a. on b. i

10、n c. from50. This is the key _ my car. a. of b. on c. to 51. Did the teacher go _ town _ her husband yesterday? a. for, with b. to, with c. to, for52. Xiao Wangs mother is _ than his father. a. two years young b. younger two years c. two years younger53. Xian is one of _ in the world. a. oldest citi

11、es b. the oldest city c. the oldest cities54. My brother is _ than I . a. much tall b. much taller c. much more taller55. My elder sister worked in a hospital ten years ago, a. I did so. b. So I did c. So did I 56. it seldom snows in Kunming, _? a. does it b. doesnt it C. isnt it 六、完形填空(14分) Tom and

12、 Peter are waiting 57 their friend Jim 58 the bus station. They do not know 59 time hell arrive. If he catches the forty-five, he should arrive 60 seven fifteen. But if he catches the five forty-five, he 61 here by eight fifteen. If he misses both buses, theres a 62 bus still, at seven forty-five. B

13、ut if he catches the seven forty-five, he wont arrive 63 eleven forty-five. Thats very late if they want to catch the last train to Tom and Peters flat. Peter thinks hell arrive at seven fifteen, 64 he missed the bus 65 he came in June, 66 if he drank 67 last night, hell be late. He drinks every nig

14、ht, 68 its not 69 that hes 70 late.57. a. to b. with c. for58. a. at b. in c. on 59. a. which b. that c. what60. a. by b. at c. for61. a. would be b. will be c. is62. a. late b. later c. latest63. a. until b. by c. through64. a. and b. but c. while65. a. before b. after c. when66. a. and b. but c. f

15、or67. a. far too b. too much c. too many68. a. therefore b. thus c. so69. a. surprised b. surprising c. surprise70. a. never b. very c. always七、阅读下列句子, 然后按顺序将句子排成一个完整的对话, 并将句前的字母填写在方框内相应的位置,第一个句子已经给出。 (10分) Im not feeling too well. Ive got a sore throat and a terrible cough. Good morning, doctor. (7

16、1) Aaaah. d. I see. Well, let me give you an examination. First, lets have a look at your throat. Open your mouth and say “Ah-”.e. Yes, I know doctor. Its a terrible habit. But I cant help it.f. Yes, I do.g. Ummby the way, do you smoke?h. Well, for the next few days you mustnt smoke at all. Actually

17、, youd better try to give up smoking! And you must drink a lot of water too. Heres your prescription. Have a good rest. If you dont fell better, come back again.i. Thank you for your advice, doctor. Good-bye!j. You know, smoking is bad for you, especially when youve got a cough.k. Good morning. Now,

18、 what can I do for you?八、阅读短文, 并根据短文内容为短文后各题选择一个最佳答案。 (14分) New York , London, Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different kinds of museums, plays and films. You can also buy things from all over the world. Bu

19、t there are serious problems in big cities tool It is expensive to live there, and there are too many people in some places of big cities. Every year many people move to the cities to find jobs, to study at good schools and to receive good medical care. But sometimes these people cannot find work or

20、 a good place to live in. Also it is hard to keep the cities safe and clean. Some people enjoy living in big cities, others do not. Before people move to a big city, they should think about the problems of living there. 82. New York, London, Paris and other big cities are _. a. beautiful places to l

21、ive in b. exciting place to play in c. exciting places to live in83. In big cities people can _. go to different kinds of museums and see all kinds of plays and filmsb. buy thing from all over the world.c. a and b 84. There are _ in big cities too. a. serious problems b. few people c. many shops85.

22、Which of the following is true? All people like to live in big cities.b. Big cities are not clean and safe enough.c. People can always have many chances to find work to do.86. In this passage the writer thinks it is right for people _. a. to move to big cities b. not to move to big cities d. not to

23、move to big cities before they think over the problems of living there87. This passage doesnt tell us that _. Paris is an exciting place for people to live in b. big cities are very dirtyc. Usually people can get better medical care there88. Which of the following would be the best title for this pa

24、ssage?a. Big Cities. b. Interesting things in Big Cities c. New York, London and Paris. 英语(1)模拟试题答案及评分标准 听力部分(共15分) 一、A听对话, 并选出对话中出现的词汇:(3分,每题1分) 1. c 2. b 3. b(5分,每题1分) 4. b 5. c 6. a 7. a 8. c(7分,每题1分) 9. F 10. F 11. T 12. T 13. F 14. T 15. F (10分,每空1分) 16. am going 17. went 18. were 19. ate 20. w

25、ent 21. was 22. didnt want 23. had 24. am studying 25. will get(12分,每题2分) (一)26. Tom isnt learning Chinese in Beijing. What is Tom learning in Beijing? 27. Jane doesnt go to school every day by bike. How does Jane go to school every day? 28. Mr. Smith didnt visit the Summer Palace two or three times

26、. How many times did Mr. Smith visit the Summer Palace? (二)29. We should learn from Mr. Li because he has rich experience in teaching English. (We should learn from Mr. Li, for he has rich experience in teaching English.) 30. After Ann left in 1980, she studied French at a college. 31. Although/Thou

27、gh Lao Zhao is over fifty years old, he studies English very hard. (Lao Zhao is over fifty years old, but he studies English very hard.)五、选择题 (25分,每题1分) 32. b 33. b 34. b 35. a 36. c 37. c 38. a 39. a 40. c 41. b 42. a 43. b 44. c 45. b 46. c 47. c 48. a 49. a 50.c 51. b 52. c 53. c 54. b 55. c 56. A六、完形填空 (14分,每空1分) 57. c 58. a 59. c 60. a 61. b 62. b 63. a 64. b 65. c 66. a 67. b 68. c 69. b 70. C七、阅读下列句子,然后按顺序排成完整对话,并将句前的字母填写在方框内相应的位置,第一个句子已经给出 (10分,每句1分) 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 b k a d c g f j e h i八、阅读理解(14分,每题2分) 82 c 83 c 84 a 85 b

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