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1、令某人惊讶的是_ 以而自豪_ 遇到麻烦_ 放弃(做)某事_ II 句型 1 -How do you study for a test? 你如何准备考试? - I study by working with friends. 我通过和朋友一起学习。by + doing 通过方式 2 What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 大声朗读练习发音怎么样?提建议的句子:What/ how about doing sth.? 造句:Why dont you do sth.?Why not do sth. ?Lets do sth. 造句:Sha

2、ll we/I do sth.?3 First of all, it wasn t easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to class. 首先,老师讲课时,我不容易听懂。划线部分同义句:_ wasnt easy for me. 扩展:同义句:I found _. *重点句型:Its .(for sb. ) to do sth. (对某人来说)做某事怎么样 4 Unless we deal with our problem, we can easily become unhappy. 我们很容易不开心,除非我们处理我们的问

3、题。 用if改写:5 I used to be afraid of speaking in front of a group. 我过去害怕在众人面前讲话。一般疑问句:易混淆词组:1)used to be/do 过去 2)be used to do = be used for doing 被用来. 3)be/get used to (doing) 习惯于(做) 6 It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot. 于梅好像变化很大。Yu Mei seems quite _ _ the past. 7 She also told me that even though

4、 my father was no longer with us, he was watching me and would always take pride in everything good I do. 她也告诉我,即使父亲不再和我们在一起了,他还在重视着我并会为我做的每一件好事而自豪。文案大全 改为直接引语并用同义词组替换:注意:人称、时态的变化。She also said to me, “Even though _ father _ with us _ _ , he _ watching _ and _ always be _ _ everything _ do.” 练习 基础知识

5、 1 根据句意填入适当的词。1) He is very _, because he likes talking and laughing. 2) My father _ to be a teacher, but now he is a writer. 3) He has _ a lot. Because he is different from the past. 4) I am not afraid of the _. I dare to go out. 5) I often send and receive _ on the Internet. 2 词形填空 1) Most of us l

6、earn English by _(study) our textbooks. 2) Reading aloud can improve our _(speak) skills. 3) I am free now. What about _(go) out for a walk? 4) A good dictionary is _ (help) to your English-studying. 5) Hearing they will see a moving, the students all got _ (excite). 6) Dont speak too _(quick), we c

7、ant catch you. 3完成句子:1)该睡觉了。s time to . 2)我对画画感兴趣。I drawing. 3)我非常喜欢咖啡,但我一点也不喜欢茶。I like coffee , but I like tea . 4)她通过制作抽认卡来学习英语。She learns English 5)我过去常常和奶奶聊天。 my grandmother. 中考链接 1)-_do you improve your listening?-I improve my listening _watching English movies. A. What, by B. How, by C. Where,

8、 on D. When, on 2)Usually we get _about something and end up _ in Chinese. A. exciting, speaking B. exciting, speak C. excited, speaking D. excited, speak 3)Hes been learning English _five years. A. in B. ago C. for D. since 4)-Im worried, Jim. I dont know how_ writing. -Dont worry! Why not _ a pen

9、pal? A. learn, to find B. learn, find C. to learn, find D. to learn, to find 5)If you _ him tomorrow, ask him if he _ to our party next week. A. see, comes B. will see, comes C. will see, will come D. see, will come 文案大全 6) He _ up early. But now he doesnt get up early. A. is used get B. used to get

10、 C. was used to get D. used getting 7) He usually spends much time _ his lessons. A. doing B. to do C. does D. did 2 完成句子 1) 我用电子邮件收发信件。I use e-mails _ _ _ _ letters. 2) 这声音听起来像铁轨发出的歌唱。It _ _ the singing of rails. 3) 步行回家得花我好长时间。It _ me a long time _ _ home. 4) 当他听到这消息时,任不住笑了起来。When he heard the new

11、s, he _ _ _. 3 同义句转换 1)He was a teacher in the past, but now he isnt. He _ _ _ a teacher. 2)It seemed that she has changed a lot She _ to _ _ a lot. UNITS 3-4 穿耳洞_ 对某人严厉_ 熬夜_ 碍事_ 全神贯注,专心于_ 担心,关心_ 假装做某事_ 与相处_ 提出 想出_ 出版,出来_ II 句型 1 I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. 我认为应该允许十六岁的孩子开车。

12、改为主动语态:I think we should _ sixteen-year-olds _ _. 2 They talk instead of doing homework. 他们不做作业,而是说话。They _ _ homework, but they talk. 用instead of 翻译:昨天我们没打篮球,而是游泳了。3 We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often. 应该允许我们有时间更多地做那样的事情。“花时间做事情”常用句型:It takes sb. time to do 并用spend

13、改写:4 What would you do if you had a million dollars?如果你有一百万,你会用它做什么?虚拟语气句型:从句用过去时,主句用过去将来时。1)如果我有时间,我就会去散步。2)假如我是你的话,我就穿衬衫戴领带。文案大全 5 What if everyone else brings a present?要是其他人都带了礼物该怎么办?What if ? 如果 怎么办?6 You like talking to one or two rather than to a group. 你喜欢跟一两个人说话,而不喜欢跟一群人说话。rather than 还可以用在

14、prefer to do 后面,后接动词不定式(to要省略)翻译:我宁愿看书也不愿去购物。7 You would rather stay at home and read a book than go to a party. 你宁愿呆在家里,也不愿去参加晚会。1)用prefer doing to doing句型改写:2)用prefer to do rather than句型改写:1 完成句子 1)学生不应该穿耳眼。Students shouldnt _ _ _ _. 2)大声朗读对学英语很有好处。Reading aloud is _ _ _ English. 3)我们不同意他的说法。We di

15、dnt _ _ what he said. 4)你查明了是谁把窗户打碎了吗?Have you _ _ who broke the windows? 5)如果你中了五百万的彩票,你会做什么?What would you do if you _ _ _ _ in the lottery?6)如果我是你的话,我会很紧张的。If I _ you, I _ be _ _. 7)你能想出其它办法解决这个问题吗?Can you _ _ _ other ways to solve the question? 8)我宁愿去上海也不去海南。I _ _ _ to Shanghai _ _ to Hainan. 9)

16、他说与那个女孩相处很容易。He said that it was very easy to _ _ _ the girl. 2 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1) Mr Brown will go fishing if it (not rain) tomorrow. 2) I think he (be) back in a week. 3) - your uncle (return) the video tapes to Mr Fox? -No. Theyre still in his bedroom. 4) By the end of last term, they (work) there f

17、or ten years. 5) Mr. Wang (read) a newspaper in the office at this time yesterday. 中考链接 1 单项选择 文案大全 1) _ should not be allowed to go out at night. A. Twelve-years-old B. Twelve-year-olds C. Twelve year old D. Twelve years olds 2) - He went to see the man who was in hospital yesterday. - _. A. So did

18、 we B. So we did C. We did so D. Did so we 3)_ present our vacations are too short. A. At B. On C. From D. For 4) If he _ here, that would be good. A. is B. was C. were D. has been 5)The man _ came to see you is my brother. A. who B. whose C. which D. whom 6)I dont know _ he lives. A. what B. when C

19、. where D. which 7) I dont know _. A. what to do it B. how to do it C. what to do D. to do what 8)He is too tired _ any longer. A. not to walk B. to walk C. walking D. not walking 9)He is afraid to speak in _ public. A. the B a C. an D. / 10) Dont worry. You _ plenty of time to decide. A will B have

20、 given C will be given D are giving 2 句型转换 1)Parents should allow their children to play basketball on Sundays.(改为被动语态) Children _ _ _ _ play basketball on Sundays. 2)her hair was cut last Sunday.(改为同义句) She _ her hair _ last Sunday. 3)The math problem is so difficult that we cant work it out. (改为简单

21、句) The math problem is _ difficult _ us _ work it out. UNITS 5-6 属于_ 形成;组成;构成_ 用完;用光;耗尽_ 关掉_ 展览;陈列_ 对某人(很)合适_ 老实说;说实在的_ 对有害_ 与保持距离_ 意见一致_ 1 It must belong to Carla. 它一定属于Carla. 同义句:It must _ _. 文案大全 2 Its crucial that I study for it because it makes up 30% of the final exam. 我复习准备这次考试很重要,因为它占期末考试成绩的

22、30% 本句含有主语从句,请把它放在句首改写:_ is crucial because . 3 There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood. 一定有什么东西光顾我们的左邻右舍。Something must _ _ the homes in our neighborhood. 提示: there be sth. doing = Sth. be doing . 例如:There is a boy playing outside. = A boy is playing outside. 4 I listened to

23、one called Heart Strings. 我听了一首名为心弦的歌曲。called Heart Strings.过去分词短语做定语。过去分词短语作定语,可以在前面加上关系代词,分词前加上be, 即可构成含有定语从句的复合句。请尝试把本句改为复合句:I listened to one _ _ called Heart Strings. 注:这样便于理解为什么用过去分词:表示被动含义。拓展:请分析这两句话:它们的意思一样吗?1) Do you know the boy ( who is) calling Tom? 2) Do you know the boy (who is) called

24、 Tom?5 Whatever you do, dont miss the exhibition. 无论你干什么,都不要错过这次展览。whatever you do = _ _ _ you do 6 I like groups that wear really cool clothes. 我喜欢穿的很酷的组合。本句含有定语从句,关系代词that做从句的主语。请思考:为什么wear不加-s ?I基础知识 1 用情态动词must, may , might, could, cant填空 1) The dictionary _ be mine. It has my name on it. 2) The

25、 CD _ belong to Tony because he likes listening to pop music. 3) The hair band _ be Bobs. After all, he is boy!2 选择正确单词填空。during, appointment, anxious, attempt, might, too many, symphony, crucial 1) The prisoners _ to escape, but failed. 2) I have an _ at 3 p.m. 3) There are extra trains to the seaside _ the summer. 4) Im very _ about my sons health. 5) There would be _ people in the _ hall. 6) Getting this contract is _ to the future of our company. 7) If you have any idea where it

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