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1、 酒店格调奢华,服务细腻,彰显豪华高雅气派;房地产超然景致堪赞欢,让您尽享尊贵生活的从容;金融业和其它文化产业扬帆奋进,同心协力,打造帝豪传奇! (1)房地产业(Real Estate Industry) 东莞市碧湖花园房地产有限公司 Dongguan Avon Park Real Estate Co., LTD (2)酒店业(Hotel Industry) I帝豪国际酒店管理有限公司 Royal International Hotel Management Co., LTD II帝豪花园酒店(五星) Royal Garden Hotel(Five-star) III帝豪假日酒店(五星) Ro

2、yal Holiday Hotel(Five-star) (3)金融业(Financial Industry) I东莞市永正信用担保有限公司 Dongguan Yongzheng Credit Guarantee Co., LTD II东莞市恒光实业投资有限公司 Dongguan Hengguang Industrial Investment Co., LTD III东莞市裕华实业投资有限公司 Dongguan Yuhua Industrial Investment Co., LTD (4)其它产业(Other industry) I东莞市常安物业管理有限公司 Dongguan Changan

3、 Property Management Co., LTD II东莞市永正创意产业园有限公司 Dongguan Yongzheng Creative Industry Park Co., LTD III东莞市永正贸易有限公司 Dongguan Yongzheng Trade Co., LTD五、集团文化篇(Group Culture): 孟子曰:“仁者爱人,有礼者敬人。爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之。”六、集团前景篇(Group Forecast): A 厚积薄发,描绘帝豪壮阔蓝图! “路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”。立足今日成就,点燃新的希望,放飞新的梦想;展望未来,勇往直前,奋发图强

4、,最终得以“啄石成玉”。 B 大鹏一日乘风起, 扶摇直上九万里十年拼搏,Ten years suffering, Ten years hard working,Ten years trying for the best, Build Royal Groups brand, Establish Royal Groups century-old heritage! A 人才荟萃,凝心聚力! Assemble talent, agglomerate mental efforts!这里,汇聚了真才实干之精英;Here, bring together the elite who real works h

5、ard; Here, gather the unity and struggle for power; Here,agglomerate the determination of innovation and development. Recalling, Royal previous eventful years, command denounced side; thinking, today success, full of pride; expecting, future glory, walk with majestic steps. C 帝豪集团简介 Royal Group Prof

6、ile 帝豪集团是一家集金融、酒店、地产、文化产业为一体的综合性投资集团公司,形成了产地开发、高星级酒店管理、金融投资、文化产业等四大产业优势互补的经营格局,实力雄厚,经营稳健。帝豪集团汲取岭南文化,吸纳世界先进管理精华,致力于经济效益和社会效益建设,践行和谐发展。 Royal Group is a comprehensive investment company , include finance, hotel, estate and cultural industry.It is formed the business structure by complementary advantag

7、es of the four industries: estate development, high-star hotel management, financial investment and cultural industry. Royal Group owns powerful strength and steady operation. It derives Lingnan culture, attracts the essence of advanced management in the world, commits to build economic benefit and

8、social benefit, practices accord development. (16P) Multi-industry, leading the trend Hotels luxury style and exquisite service demonstrate sumptuousness and elegance; Real estates scene is worthy of being praised, to make you enjoy the quiet dignity of life; financial and other cultural industries

9、sail and work together, to create Royals legend!(1)房地产业(Real Estate Industry) 细腻的线条,优雅的结构,帝豪建造的不仅是建筑,更是现代的生活方式! Exquisite lines, elegant structure, what Royal builds is not only buildings, but also modern way of life! 东莞市碧湖花园房地产有限公司 大宅藏天下,碧湖蕴万灵! Mansion stores the world, Avon raises all creatures.碧湖

10、花园座落于常平镇松柏塘村,毗领东莞火车站,汽车站,交通便利:远离工业区,空气清新,环境优雅。整体规划用地面积373,503平方米,总建筑面积371500平方米:一期规划120000平方米,居住户数3700户,建筑密度21.4,绿化率80。以千水湖为中心,建别墅,多层,小高层住宅,由矮至高依次分布。拥有常平完善周全的物业管理,智能煤气防漏、烟雾警报,红外线防盗系统等。三大豪华住客会所,强调全方位多功能和完善的硬体设备,满足业主多姿多彩的生活。15个主题园林景区投射出优雅和尊贵气息。Avon Park is located in Xiongbaitang village, Changping to

11、wn, near Dongguan railway station,and bus station. Its Traffic is very convenient . It is far away from industrial areas. So the air is fresh and the environment is beautiful . The whole planning Land area is 373,503 and the total construction area is 371,500 : the first planning is 120,000 with 370

12、0 households, 21.4% building density and 80% green rate. It centers on the Qianshui Lake , builds villas and multi-layer, high-rise residential with the distribution from low to high.Avon Park has Changpings complete and comprehensive property management, intelligent gas leak, smoke alarms, infrared

13、 security system and so on. The three deluxe clubhouses, emphasize all-round multi-functional and complete hardware and meets ownerscolorful life. 15 garden scenic spot themes cast the breath of elegance and dignity.(2)酒店业(Hotel Industry)品味生活,相约帝豪!奢华舒适的尊贵享受,关怀备至的贴心服务,热情真诚的灿烂微笑,彰显尊贵生活的从容!时尚与优雅,别致与细腻,

14、浪漫与感动,尽在你与帝豪酒店的美丽邂逅。Taste life, meet in Royal! Luxurious and comfortable enjoyment, caring and personalized service, warm and sincere bright smile, demonstrate distinguished life of quiet! Fashion and elegant, chic and delicate, romantic and touching, all in your beautiful encounter with Royal Hotel

15、.I帝豪国际酒店管理有限公司 帝豪国际酒店管理有限公司在引进国际酒店先进管理经验的同时,注重将其与中国国情相结合,形成了一套科学的、先进的、规范完整的酒店管理模式,同时培养聚集了一大批高素质、掌握现代管理经验和技能的国内外酒店管理及工程技术人才,让酒店的管理和服务始终保持着国际先进水准。通过对市场进行细致的可行性论证,根据项目的定位和市场的需要,并结合酒店营运的实用性,为酒店设计提供具有创意的酒店设计概念,从而合理地控制项目的经营设计成本,减少风险,避免建设施工的重复改造,提高项目的效益最大化!Royal International Hotel Management Corporation L

16、imited pays attention to combine Chinas national conditions with the advanced management experience of international hotel, and forms a scientific, advanced, complete hotel management model.It also brings up talents who gather high quality,modern management experience and skills,to make the hotel ma

17、nagement and service maintain the international advanced level.Through markets detailed feasibility study, based on projects location and the needs of market, combined with the practicality of hotel operation,to provide creative design concept for hotel, so reasonably control the cost of projects op

18、eration, and reduce risk to avoid repeat transformation of building construction, improve the effectiveness of the project to maximize!II帝豪花园酒店(五星) Royal Garden Hotel(Five-star) 在这里 清风拂面,芳香满怀,物我两忘! 只有舒适、典雅与豪华,唯独没有庸俗与喧哗!Here Breeze was blowing, aroma full, forget all things and myself! Here Only comf

19、ort, elegance and luxury, just not vulgar and noisy!帝豪花园酒店属帝豪企业集团旗下企业,是大朗镇唯一集商务及休闲为一体的五星级商务酒店。酒店位于东莞经济、科技中心松山湖高科技开发区,紧邻莞深、常虎高速以及京九铁路、广深快速新干线,距深圳机场仅30分钟车程。酒店是珠三角地区配套设施最完善的五星级酒店之一。酒店布局严格遵循回归自然,融入现代的建筑理念,山水交映,小桥、流水、绿树、飞瀑、亭台、轩榭共同构建出山水、人物自然融合的独特的人文景观;室内装饰充分体现出生命、自然、阳光、现代的主题,是现代都市人追求品味生活的 世外桃源。中国广东省东莞市大朗镇

20、美景中路769号 邮政编码: 523788 No769 Meijing Road,Dalang.Dongguan,Guangdong 523788,P.R.C.电话Tel:+86-769-8312 2222 传真Fax:+86-769-8313 8228 E-mail:royal Website:Royal Garden Hotel belongs to Royal Group, is the only five-star business hotel in DALANG town, with business service and entertainment as its core. Th

21、e hotel located in Songshan Lake high-tech developing area which is the economy and technology center of Dongguan city. Its near Guangzhou-Shenzhen express way ,Changhu expressway , Jingjiu railway and Guangzhou-Shenzhen rapid newline. Just 30 minutes from Shenzhen airport. Royal Garden Hotel is the

22、 most perfect five-star hotel with comprehensive facilities in Pearl River Delta region . The design of the hotel following the idea of Return to nature, integrate to modern” the theme of “ life, nature, sunshine, modern”, pursuing the integration of “ landscape, figure and Architecture”, brought in

23、 the element of ancient Chinese garden and melted into modern architecture which presents the soul of Lingnan Garden as well as the confidence and easinessof business time in 21century. Address: No.769 Meijing Road, Dalang, Dongguan,Guangdong Postcode:523788 Tel:+86-769-8312 2222 Fax:+86-769-8313822

24、8 E-mail: III帝豪假日酒店(五星)每一处建筑都精心设计,彰显豪华舒适的尊贵享受;每一份服务都发乎内心,带来不同凡响的品质感受;每一个细节都触动你心,重温耐人寻味的温馨片段;细腻服务,全新感受,点点滴滴足以让您回味悠长! Every building is meticulously designed, demonstrates Luxurious and comfortable enjoyment; Every service is made by heart,brings extraordinary quality of experience; Every detail touch

25、es your heart, warm review interesting fragments; Exquisite service, new feelings,dribs and drabs enough to let you aftertaste!帝豪假日酒店以国际五星级酒店标准概念建造,地处中国家具出口第一镇的大岭山镇,毗邻镇行政中心,周边是繁华的商业和购物区。地理位置优越,交通十分便利发达。紧靠107国道,莞深高速、常虎高速、龙大高速均设有出入口。东莞帝豪假日酒店拥有351间豪华客房以及套房,餐饮娱乐设施一应俱全。多种规格宴会厅,可同时筵开百席。地址: 中国广东东莞市大岭山镇广发路1

26、号 邮码: 523820电话: 86-769-85788888 传真: 86-769-85781234 邮箱: sm 网址:Royal Holiday Hotel is built with the concept of international five-star hotel standard. It is located in Dalingshan town, which is the NO. 1 furniture export town in China, adjacent to the administrative center, near the commercial and s

27、hopping center. The location is superior and the transportation is convenient: adjoining 107 national highway and the entrance of Dongguan-Shenzhen expressway ,Changhu expressway and Longda expressway. Royal Holiday Hotel has comprehensive facilities including 351 luxurious guest rooms and suites, r

28、estaurant and entertainment, and different grade Ballroom.No.1 Guangfa Road, Dalingshan , Dongguan, Guangdong Province, China523820 TEL:86-769-85788888 fax:86-769-85781234 E-mail: sm Website:(3)金融业(Financial Industry) 共赢天下财富 Win the worlds wealth together. 为企业间接融资搭桥,为其直接融资铺路! To indirect bridge fina

29、ncing for enterprises,and paving the way for direct financing!东莞市永正信用担保有限公司实力雄厚,制度完善,组织机构健全,内部管理严密,是一家专业从事多项担保并提供经济信息咨询服务的信用担保机构。公司秉承“安全、稳健、诚信、创新”的原则针对各类客户情况,提供各项针对性的理财咨询、法律服务,为客户量身定做各种融资方案,设计各类担保计划等一系列个性化的配套服务,充分利用资源互补,实行多元化综合经营,为客户提供良好的信用环境。 Dongguan Yongzheng Credit Guarantee Co., LTD has strong strength, complet

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