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1、山东三年模拟典型百题经典解析人教版山东三年模拟典型百题经典解析1.The exchange program between the UK and China may affect various schools _from kindergarten to high school.A. spreading B. locating C. ranging D. including 【解析】本题属于动词辨析。Range :vary between limits. (在一定范围内变化,从一极限到另一极限)Price ranging free 7 yuan to 11 yuan. 2.Some stude

2、nts remember much knowledge but cant recognize ways to use it in new_.A. conditions B. cases C. backgrounds D .situations 【解析】本题考查名词辨析。Condition与in 连用时有两种义项:1)Uthe state of general health, fitness, or readiness for use健康状况;适用情况,如:This car is in very good condition.2) Pstate of affairs; circumstances

3、情况;状况。如:firemen having to operate in very difficult conditions. 须在极困难情况下工作的消防队员。Under existing conditions在现有的情况下Case与in 搭配时,主要有两个义项:1)an example of a particular situation, problem etc事例,实例,如:In some cases, it is necessary to operate.在有些情况下,动手术是必要的。It was a case of stupidity, not dishonesty.那是愚蠢,而不是不

4、诚实。2)(通常用单数)circumstances or special conditions relating to a person or thing.与某人或某事物有关的环境或特殊情况。:I cannot make an exception in your case.我不能为你破例。C项意思为背景;D项situations=set of circumstances of state of affairs , esp at a certain time意思是状况,处境,局面形势。如:The company is in a poor financial situation. eg is lo

5、sing money. 请体会:1) Your question brings a CASE about how to learn English well. 2)In your SITUATION, I would say that reading a lot is one of the best ways to learn a foreign language under the CONDITION that you are not living in a English speaking country.3.With an electronic typewriter ,we can ge

6、t evenly typed characters regardless of the pressure _we strike the keys.A. that B. with which C. that D. by that 【解析】本题考查定语从句。根据句意先行词the pressure作with的宾语,用which来代替the pressure故选B。4._medical examination will help us find our health problems as early as possible.A. Regular B. Normal C. Common D. Ordi

7、nary【解析】本题考查形容词。Regular 意思是coming, happening, or dong again and again at even intervals(定期的有规律的)5.-Go and get Lily to write for the wall newspaper.-Why _?couldnt I do better?A. I B. her C. she D. me 【解析】本题考查代词,口语中往往用宾格来代替主格,例如-Tom, go and get me some water.-Why me , Lucy is free now.【解析】:人称代词的宾格在句子中

8、作宾语或介词宾语,但在口语中也能作主语补语,第一人称在省略句中,还可以作主语,例如: I saw her with them, at least, I thought it was her. 我看到她和他们在一起,至少我认为是她。(her做宾 语,them做介词宾语,her作主语补语) A. - Who broke the vase?-谁打碎了花瓶? B. - Me.-我。(me作主语补语= Its me.) 在上面两例句中,her和me分别作主语补语。现代英语中多用宾格,在正式文体中这里应为she和I。6.- Why not play the music we listened to to

9、yesterday?-Because it _old times.A. call on B. calls for C. calls in D. calls up;【解析】本题考查动词短语,call up的意思使人回想起。call on 意为拜访某人;号召某人做 什么;calls for意为要求意思为demand,另有迎接等词义;calls in意为请进来。7.Internet is a great tool if we know how to use it ,but it shouldnt be a replacement for _life.B. oringinal B.real C.nat

10、ural D.actual 【解析】本题考查形容词。Real 的意思是existing in fact , not imagined or supposed .real life是现实生活的意思。8.I have to leave school, because my family cant afford to _the school fees.A. pay B. pay for C.spend D.cost 【解析】本题考查动词。Cost的主语一般是物。Spend的意思是花费。pay 的意思是支付。afford to pay the school fees 的意思是支付得起。(以下为潍坊20

11、07.12质量检测题)9. Mr. Lins comments were very difficult to follow because they were _related to the topic under discussion.A. specifically B. precisely C.loosely D.typically【解析】specifically意为专门地;明确地 ; B. precisely精确地 C.loosely,不精确地,不严密地。 D.typically典型地,具有代表性地。本句的意思是:林先生的评论不好明白,因为它与正在讨论的话题联系不紧密,10.Mom pr

12、omised to buy me a nice gift for my bithday,_beyond my imagination.A. which B.that C.something D.the one【解析】本题考查代词。逗号后面的部分不是句子,不能用AB两项。此处是泛指,不能用the one。本句子的意思是:某样我想象不到的礼物。11.News came that liouxun,astudent from Nanjing ,_from thousand of candidiates and become a torchbearer.A. made out B.stood out C

13、.picked out C.sent out 【解析】本题考查动词短语。stood out的意思是:显著,突出。在本题中翻译为:从好几千选手中脱颖而出,成为一名火炬手。pick out的意思是挑选出。12.This beer isnt bad;Im beginning to _a tastefor it.A. acquire B.achieve C.obtain D.attain【解析】本题考查动词。Acquire的意思是13.The school is trying its best to make more accommodation _for increasing studens.A.

14、available B.approachable C.affordable D.accessible【解析】本题考查形容词。Approachable意思是可以接近的;可以进入的。Affordable的意思是出得起金钱或时间的;accessible的意思是有权利使用或能够使用的。Available的意思是:(of objects)that can be obtained. e.g The book you ordered is not available.14.-You wont go to Kathys wedding party ,will you?-Yes,_invited.A. even

15、 if B.if C.unless【解析】本题考查连词。本句子是状语从句的省略。表示条件,“如果我被邀请的话。”15.I had decided to give it up ,but on _second thoughts,I decided to try _third time.A.不填;a(三思后,晚些时候做出决定) B.不填;the C.the;the D.the;a 【解析】本题考查冠词。On second thoughts 是习语,意思是:三思后,晚些时候做出决定。序数词的前面加上不定冠词,表示再一,又一。 A third time 表示再一次,又一次。16._person

16、 like him wont be satisfied with _little progess that he has made.A. The; a B.The ;/ C.A; / D.A; the【解析】本题考查冠词。第一个空是泛指,用不定冠词;第二个空是特指,用定冠词。17.Thank you for giving up your coffee break to help.I know you always need_after three classes.A. that B. one C. it D. this 【解析】本题考查代词。表示泛指.用one来替代可数名词的单数。E.g Do

17、 you have a pen? -Yes .I have a red one. 而it用来替代同一事物。one来替代同一类事物。18.-It was fine yesterday.-_.And very day for fishing,isnt it?A.So it was B.So it is C.So was it D.So is it【解析】本题考查so的用法。 So+主语+助动词,表示对上述说法的同意;而So+助动词+主语则表示上一种情况也适用于下一种。本句子的意思是:昨天天气不错,今天天气也不错。19.-Is that the small company you often ref

18、er to?-Right,just the one _you know I used to work for years.A.that B.which D.where 【解析】本题考查定语从句。先行词the one在从句中做地点状语,用连接副词where。20.I was late this morning because my alarm oclock failed to_.A.go off B.go out C.go away D.go without 辨析:go out 作熄灭讲;go away离开; go without后接宾语,意为没有什么也行或在没有什么的情况下进行。go

19、 off此处之意为: to ring or sound loudly,作响,发出巨响.21._your budget, keep a careful record of each dollars you spend every day.A. Follow B. To follow C. Following D. Followed 【解析】本题考查非谓语动词。根据句子意思:为了和开支预算相符合,表示目的,要用动词不定式。(以下为泰安市2007年10月份期中试题)22.Sit on the edge of _bed _minute before putting your feet on the f

20、loor.A. /;a B. /the;the C.the;the D./;the D.the;a【解析】本题考查冠词。第一个空是说话双方都知道的事物,用定冠词。第二个空是习惯用语。E.g :Just a minute.23.Our psychology professor is a man of Italian_.A. beginning B.source C.origin D.kind 解析: beginning开端 ;source水等的源头 C.origin 意为:parents and conditions of early life出身;血统 。kind 为种类24.The gove

21、rnment is trying to do something to_ better understanding between the two countries.A. raise B.promote C.appeal D.arise【解析】本题考查动词。Promote的意思是促进;推进。(help the progress of) e.g promote the good feelings between the two countries 25.Millions of people gave freely_the starving peoples appeal.A. in charge

22、 of case of response to favour of 【解析】本题考查介词短语,in charge of的意思是:负责; in case of的意思是:万一;以防; in response to的意思是:相应;做出反应(react to;answer)。 in favour of的意思是:赞成;支持。26.-How is she getting along with her workmates?-Quite well. She is very_ to other peoples feelings.A. Active B.simple C.sensib

23、le D.sensitive Sensible:reasonable and practical; having or showing good sense 明智的;有见识的 sensitive :(1)quick to show or feel the effect of something对敏感;感觉灵敏的 ,如sensitive to cold/pain(2)showing delicate feelings or sympathetic understanding 感情或判断细腻的;同情理解的。本句意为:她与工友相处和谐,因为她体谅别人的感受。27.His grandfather wa

24、s among the first to settle in _is now a famous holiday center.A. what B.which C.where D.that 【解析】本题考查名词性从句。_is now a famous holiday center.部分作in的介词宾语从句,而宾语从句中又缺少主语,要用what ,means:a place that/which28.I would have gone fishing yesterday,but it _all day.A. had been raining B.was raining C.should rain

25、D.has rained 【解析】本题考查时态,从but it _all day.来看,是说昨天一直在下雨,过去正在进行的动作,要用过去进行时态。 29.David arrived at the meeting_at ten oclock,as it was scheduled,not a minute early or late.A. flexibly B.temporarily C.approximately D.punctually【解析】本题考查副词。根据not a minute early or late.可以推出是:按时。准时。Flexibly:灵活的 B.temporarily:

26、暂时地;临时的 C.approximately;大约地30.Why did you take a taxi_you could come here by bus?A. while B.unless C.when D.until【解析】本题考查连词when的一词多义。此处When相当于since .How can I help them to understand when they wont listen to me?其余的选项没有这个用法。31._in a wellknown university is what everybody wishes for.A. Educated B.Bein

27、g educated C.To educate D.Educating【解析】本题考查非谓语动词。根据句子意思:_in a wellknown university在句中作主语,排除Educated,根据语态,应用被动语态,排除C.To educate D.Educating 32.Get involved in sports or other activities you enjoy_you can meet people who like what you like.A. what B.when C.that D.where 【解析】本题考查定语从句。先行词other activities

28、在定语从句中作you can meet people抽象的地点状语,用关系副词。33.-Wake up, Tom. Time to rise.-I_ asleep while I was reading.A. should have fallen B. must have fallen C. could fall D. must fall【解析】本题考查情态动词表示猜测。对发生在过去的事情进行可能性极大的猜测,用must have done。34. A healthy life is frequently thought to be_ with the open countryside and

29、 homegrown food.A. associated B. bound C. related D. tied【解析】本题考查形容词短语。 be associated with be bound up with be related to be tied up with 均表示和-有联系的意思。35.Mr.Jones didnt _during the flood,but she was very fightened.A. give away B.give out C.give way D.give off【解析】本题考查动词短语。give away的意思是:赠送;泄露。 give out

30、 的意思是分发;发出。 C.give way 的意思是:撤退;退缩; give off的意思是;释放;发出。(以下为宁阳二中质量检测二)36. Reality is not the way you wish things to be,nor the way they appear to be,_the way they actually are.A. as B. or C .but D. and 【解析】本题考查连词。根据句子含义,构成了not- but结构,nor the way they appear to be的出现,增加了题目的迷惑性。37._the silence for the p

31、auses,we could hear each others breathing and could almost hear our own heartbeats.A. In B. For C. Under D. Between 【解析】本题考查介词短语。In silence 习惯用语,意思是:沉默地;无声地(silently)38.Polar bears live mostly on_ sea ice, which they use as _platform for hunting seals.A. a;a B.a;the C./;a D.the;/ 【解析】本题考查冠词。on_ sea ice处是不可数名词,表示泛指,不加冠词;as_platform处表示数量,相当于one。39.Its hard for him p

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