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1、B. They will have no money left.C. She may not find her size later.4. Where will the man stay when studying abroad?A. In a host family. B. In an apartment. C. In a dormitory.5. What are the woman and the man doing?A. They are visiting another town.B. They are waiting for someone.C. They are talking

2、about an accident.第二节(共15小题;每小題1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟阅读各个小题;听完后,每个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What does the mother want David to do?A. To get the bottle on the top of the shelf.B. To get the cover off the bottle.C. To pick

3、up some clothes.7. Why was Davids father out?A. Because he was working.B. Because he went out to take his umbrella.C. Because he went to the cleaners.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What is the possible relationship between the man and the woman?A. Teacher and student. B. Close friends. C. Doctor and patient.9.

4、Why is it hard for the woman to reduce some weight?A. Because her husband is feeding her.B. Because she is still working.C. Because she has no time for physical exercise.10. What does Jessicas husband think of her?A. She is too fat. B. She works too hard. C. She could change her job.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题

5、。11. What do people usually agree on?A. Rich children have more resources and advantages.B. Many rich children are qualified to do many jobs.C. Rich children are born without pressure.12. Why is Tony sad?A. People think he was born lucky.B. People think he is too proud.C. He has few advantages.13. W

6、hat does Tony think of himself?A. Hes too nervous to speak before the hostess.B. Hes competitive and promising.C. Hes confident, satisfied and proud.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. Why does the woman want to sell her house?A. Shes tired of living there.B. She wants to live in a quiet country.C. She has retired

7、 and is short of money.15. How much does the woman want for her house?A. $ 15,000. B. $ 50,000. C. $ 150,000.16. What does the man think about buying the house?A. He cant afford the house.B. He must discuss with his wife.C. He isnt satisfied with the house.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What can we learn fro

8、m the text?A. Many young people arc out of work in Australia.B. Its easy for young people to find jobs in Australia.C. Young people dont have to work in Australia.18. What will happen to a person with good final examination results in Australia?A. He or she can find a good job more easily.B. He or s

9、he cant continue with his or her education.C. It is difficult for him or her to find a job.19. Why hasnt Brain found a job so far?A. There are fewer jobs in Australia.B. He didnt do well at school.C. He asked for too much money.20. How do Brains parents feel now?A. Happy. B. Worried. C. Frightened.第

10、二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分) 第一节 单项填空(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. With natural resources becoming fewer and fewer, how to make use of energy, such as sunlight and wind, has become our top priority.A. primary B. alternative C. instant D. unique22. During the presid

11、ential campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly vowed to tear up the agreement of “The Paris Climate Accord”, he said was hurting American workers.A. which B. what C. where D. when23. Once again, terrorists have used vehicles to deadly attacks - this time in Spain.A. hold out B. bring out C. carry out D. p

12、ick out24. Personally, its his thrill for success in the beginning that resulted in his final failure. You bet. Just as we all know, .A. No pains, no gains B. Readiness is allC. Pride goes before a fall D. Every little makes a mickle25. Good, better, best. Never let it . Till good is better and bett

13、er best.A. sink B. submit C. ripen D. rest26. If we lose love and self-respect for each other, this is we finally die.A. what B. how C. when D. where27. No one I know any reliable way to prevent the crushing pain but some books say to try stretching exercising and warm baths.A. looked back on B. cam

14、e up with C. stood up for D. split off from28. But for the survival instinct that nearly all creatures have, more species from the earth.A. could disappear B. might have disappearedC. should disappear D. will have disappeared29. Only in you to go on living -just one day in the year, softly, quietly,

15、 as I have always lived near you.A. do I wish B. I wish C. have I wished D. I have wished30. Typhoon Hato brought powerful winds and flooding to the region of southeast China and several deaths on the storm in August, 2017.A. were blamed B. would be blamed C. had been blamed D. have been blamed31. L

16、ife affords no higher pleasure than that of overcoming difficulties, from one step of success to another.A. to pass B. having passed C. passed D. passing32. Wuxi is now a modem city with many attractions, most of approached within 30 minutes by public transport from the city centre.A. that B. them C

17、. which D. whom33. white symbolizes purity and innocence, it is used in many important situations.A. While B. Once C. Since D. Though34. As is known to us all, British Summer Time is one hour Greenwich Mean Time.A. in advance of B. in terms of C. in contrast to D. in relation to35. says that school

18、years are the best time of ones life is probably an adult - one whos forgotten the hard work of being at school.A. Whatever B. Whichever C. Whomever D. Whoever第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Most people need to hear those three little words” - I love yo

19、u. Once in a while, they hear them just in time.I met Connie on the day when she was 36 to the hospice ward (病房), where I worked as a volunteer. Her husband, Bill, stood 37 nearby as she was 38 from the gurney (轮床) to the hospital bed. 38 Connie was in the final stages of her fight against cancer, s

20、he was optimistic and cheerful. I finished 40 her name on all the hospital supplies she would be using.Connie was a romantic. As we became 41 , she expressed how 42 it was to be married 32 years to a carpenter who often called her “a silly woman”. “Id give anything if hed say I love you, but its jus

21、t not in his 43 .” she sighed.Bill visited Connie every day. One day, over coffee in the cafeteria, I got him on the 44 of women and how we need 45 in our lives; how we love to get sentimental (富有情感的) cards and love letters.“Do you tell Connie you love her?” I asked, and he looked at me 46 I was cra

22、zy.“I dont have to.” he said, “She knows I do!”“Im sure she knows,” I said, reaching over and touching his 47 hands, “but she needs to hear it, Bill, she needs to hear what she has 48 to you all these years.”Two days later I walked down the hospice ward at noon. There stood Bill, leaning up against

23、the 49 in the hallway, 50 at the floor. I already knew from the head nurse that Connie had died at 11 A.M. When Bill saw me, he 51 himself to come into my arms for a long time. His face was wet with tears and he was 52 . Finally, he leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath.“I have to say

24、something,” he said. “I have to say how 53 I feel about telling her.” He stopped to blow his nose. “This morning I told her how much I loved her . and loved being married to her. You 54 have seen her smile!I went into the room to say my own good bye to Connie. There, on the bedside table, was a larg

25、e Valentine card from Bill. You know, the sentimental kind that 55 , “To my wonderful wife. I love you.”36. A. objected B. determined C. forced D. admitted37. A. numbly B. casually C. impatiently D. nervously38. A. transferred B. transformed C. prevented D. protected39. A. As B. Since C. Though D. B

26、ecause40. A. sculpturing B. marking C. announcing D. signing41. A. acquainted B. consistent C. arbitrary D. considerate42. A. crazy B. delighted C. satisfied D. upset43. A. character B. talent C. nature D. virtue44. A. target B. subject C. point D. object45. A. sympathy B. warmth C. comfort D. roman

27、ce46. A. even if B. as though C. if only D. in case47. A. rough B. smooth C. delicate D. clumsy48. A. appealed B. taken C. meant D. submitted49. A. window B. wall C. bed D. table50. A. glancing B. staring C. weeping D. praying51. A. involved B. occupied C. allowed D. devoted52. A. trembling B. mourn

28、ing C. regretting D. aching53. A. sorry B. confused C. doubtful D. relieved54. A. would B. should C. could D. might55. A. writes B. explains C. conveys D. underlines第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AJoining you for two days in Vienna, Kristina and Ian will share their expert tips during a private Q & A period and reveal their talents in a private performance at the wonderful Palais Liechtenstein. From Budapest to Nuremberg via the green beauty of the Wachau Valley, this is a wonderful opportunity to explore the culture of this splend

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