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1、仁爱初中英语八年级下册精品教案U6T3P1教学资料范本仁爱初中英语八年级下册精品教案U6T3(P1)编 辑:_时 间:_Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic3 Bicycle riding is good exercise .教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本话题围绕自行车而展开。主要内容包括:孩子们由一次交通事故展开讨论,引出语法项目“条件状语从句”和话题“骑自行车”。通过图片展示自行车交通事故,引出避免交通事故的一些建议,不遵守交通规则可能带来的危害及制定合理的骑行规则。最后为了拓展学生的视野,学习环青海湖自行车赛和环法自行车赛。通过学习本话题,可以增强学生的安全意识,激

2、励学生热爱自行车运动,倡导“绿色出行,低碳出行”的理念。本话题建议用5个课时来完成:第一课时:Section A1a,1b,1c,1d,2第二课时:Section A3a,3b, Section B1a,1b,2a,2b第三课时:Section B3a,3b, Section C1a,1b,1c第四课时:Section C2,3, Section D2第五课时:Section DGrammar and Functions,1,Project 第一课时(Section A1a,1b,1c,1d,2)教学设计思路:本课主要学习条件状语从句,评价别人的观点。首先让学生谈论喜欢的运动,引发兴趣,逐步过

3、渡到自行车运动的话题。然后通过比较中国和德国的一组图片,教学部分新词汇,引出条件状语从句,为学生听1a对话完成1b扫除障碍。听后再读,完成1c 。为了培养学生辩证地看问题,让学生讨论骑自行车的优缺点,完成1d 。接着让学生读1a对话找出并处理重难点。随后做2完成听力训练。最后总结归纳,完成本课时。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握新词汇 passenger, crazy,anywhere,pollution,advantage,disagree, disagree with,rider(2)学习if引导的条件状语从句2. Skill aims:

4、(1)能够对别人的观点进行评价。(2)能够听懂含有条件状语从句的句子。(3)能够积极表达自己的观点。3. Emotional aims:积极参与小组活动,多角度分析看待同一事物。4. Culture awareness:一个国家的交通状况也是文化的一种体现。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: (1)学习if引导的条件状语从句。 (2)表达同意与不同意。2. Difficult points: 正确运用条件状语从句中主句与从句的时态。. Learning strategies1. 联系时间状语从句来学习条件状语从句。2. 学会先

5、听懂文章的大意然后完成任务。3. 虚心听取别人的意见,但也要勇于开口表达自己的观点。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/图片/录音机V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(3mins):Getting students ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Group work)Greeting the class and let the Ss make a survey. T: Good morning, everybody!T: Do you like s

6、ports?T:Now , lets work in groups to make a survey. Find out your partners favorite sports.T: Have you finished yet ?T: Group One first .Make a survey.Ss: Good morning, Mr.Ss: Yes.Ss:Yes.Group 1:In our group , xxx likes ., xxx likes. ,.Group 2:In our group , xxx likes . , .通过小组活动,谈论学生最喜欢的运动来激发学生的兴趣,

7、为导入新课作准备。Remark:在小组汇报时,老师要把学生们最喜欢的运动板书在黑板上。Stage 2(10mins):Pre-listening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1( Class activity )Show some pictures to lead to the new lesson and teach some new words.T: From your survey , I know you have different favorite sports. Doing sports is good

8、 for our health. If you only study without play, you will be a dull boy.”T: Why do you like cycling ?T: Look , there are three pictures about Beijing. Look at them, think about and speak out your idea. T:I agree with you . You can see all kinds of cars anywhere. When you are walking on the street ,

9、you should be careful. Some of the drivers are really crazy, they drive very fast. Do you think so ?T:Look at these pictures. They are in Germany. What can you see ?T: Good, you got it. Look, the sky looks different. One is blue and the other is gray. Why?T: Absolutely right ! Cars can carry more pa

10、ssengers, but they also cause air pollution. If the government doesnt control the number of cars in Beijing, the environment there will be worse.Learn some new words.S1: Yes.S1:Because it makes me strong.S2: In the 1980s, most people rode bicycles, but now people drive cars. Ss: Yes.S3: People drive

11、 cars before, but now people ride bikes.Ss: Because people drive different vehicles.解决部分新词汇,导入新语法,写作准备。Remark:老师在表述时,要处理新词汇,并稍加解释新语法项目。Stage3(4mins): While-listeningStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Individual work)Let the Ss listen to 1a and do 1b.T: Just now, we learned the ne

12、w words and grammar, next we will listen to the dialog. While listening try to finish 1b. T: Are you ready, class?T: Can we check the answers now ?T: Great! Who would like to try ?T: Do you agree?Listen to 1a and do 1b.Ss: Ready.Ss: Yes.S1: T,F,F,T,FSs: Yes.培养学生的听力技能,完成1b。Remark:在听1a之前,老师让学生阅读1b的句子,

13、让学生养成带着问题听的习惯。Stage 4(18mins): Post listeningStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Individual work)Let the Ss read 1a and finish 1c.T: Now, Our country is encouraging us to save energy and protect our environment. Riding bicycles have many advantages. In the dialog, the kids mention

14、ed some of them. Please read 1a quickly and find them out after reading the dialog.T: Have you found the advantages ?T: Any volunteers ?Read 1a and finish 1c.Ss: Yes .S1:Cycling can.S2: Cycling doesnt .S3:Its easy.S4:Cycling can make us strong.培养学生快速阅读,获取信息的能力,完成1c。2(Group work)Let the Ss discuss in

15、 groups to find out the advantages and disadvantages of riding bikes.T: Well done . You have found out the advantages mentioned in the dialog. In fact, there are many advantages of riding bikes. Maybe some of you will disagree with me. Everything has two sides. Riding bikes has disadvantages, too. I

16、 will give you some minutes to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of riding bikes in groups. If you disagree with your group members, you should express your own ideas. During the discussion, try to use the adverbial clause of condition. Is everyone clear?T: Great! Go ahead!T: Now, time to sha

17、re opinions. Which group is willing to share your opinions with us.Find out the advantages and disadvantages of riding bikes.Ss: Clear .Group 3:Bikes cover less place .We can ride them on small country roads . .Group 4:.Group 1:.培养学生的思辨能力。鼓励学生勇于表达自己的观点,要多维度地看待同一事物。完成1d。 3(Group work)Let the Ss read

18、1a again and find out the useful expressions.T: Up to now, you have got the main idea of the dialog. Next , please read 1a again and work in groups to find out the useful expressions and difficult points .T: Now, let me see your findings. Which group first ?Read 1a again and find out the useful expr

19、essions.Group 4:get /be used to sth .get/be used to doing sth.Group 2:be afraid of afraid of doing afraid to do sth.让学生合作自学,找出重点、难点。Remark:1.在学生讨论时,老师要四处走动,为学生提供帮助。要求每个组要记录本组的观点,并且还要与全班分享他们的观点。2.至于词句,老师只解释学生不能解决的问题。Stage 5(5mins):Finishing 2StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning

20、 purpose1(Individual work)Let the Ss listen to 2 and fill in the blanks.T:As we all know , China is known as “the Kingdom of Bikes”. Now , more and more people ride bikes in China . Do you want to know the reason ?T: Then please listen to a passage. After listening, you will get the reason. Are you

21、ready?T: Have you got the answers?T: All right. Lets check. Hands up, please. En, xxx, you please.Listen to the passage and finish 2.Ss: Yes.Ss: Ready.Ss: Yes.S1: work, pleasure.S2: .S3: 培养学生的边听边记的能力。完成2。Remark:在播放听力材料之前,让学生先阅读2中的句子,明确目标。在填空时要运用速记方法。Stage 6(5mins): Summarizing and assigning HMKStepT

22、eacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Encourage the Ss to summarize the key points T:Now, Its time to summarize what you have learned today. Boys and girls, I need some volunteers! T: Right ! Could you please make a sentence with the new grammar ?T: Of course. No pains, no

23、 gains. T: Any useful expressions?Summarize what they have learned today.S1: We learned the adverbial clause of condition . S1: If I study hard , I will get a higher mark in the exam. S2: get used to, be afraid of, .S3: . 培养学生归纳总结的能力。2 (Class activity)Assign the HMK.T: For todays HMK, First, Id like

24、 you to search some information about traffic rules. You should take some notes. Second, you should make five sentences with the new grammar .Finish the HMK.适当的家庭作业有助于巩固课堂所学的知识。Remark:在归纳环节允许学生用汉语表达有关语法的专用术语。VI. Blackboard design第一课时(Section A-1a,1b,1c,1d,2)Words and expressions Grammar anywhere The adverbial clause of condition(条件状语从句)crazy If. , . passenger If people obey the traffic rules, .pollution Evaluation( 评价). I think so/I dont think so .get/be used to . I agree with you/ I disagree with afraid of .

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