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1、北航大学英语1在线作业作业名称:北航大学英语1在线作业11、We will have to pay them a large _ of money for their service(20 分)AsizeBsetCamountDseries2、Id appreciate it if you could tell me how_the machine.(20 分)AoperateBto operateCoperatingDoperated3、Im sorry to tell you that the materials you wanted are_(20 分)Ataken offBput up

2、Csold outDgot off4、It is obvious that these small businesses are _need of technical support(20 分)AinBonCwith Dto5、_I am concerned,it is important to get a job first(20 分)AAs long asBAs well asCAs soon asDAs far as作业名称:北航大学英语1在线作业21、Id appreciate it if you could tell me how_the machine.(10 分)Aoperate

3、Bto operateCoperatingDoperated2、Im sorry to tell you that the materials you wanted are_(10 分)Ataken offBput upCsold outDgot off3、It is obvious that these small businesses are _need of technical support(10 分)AinBonCwith Dto4、_I am concerned,it is important to get a job first(10 分)AAs long asBAs well

4、asCAs soon asDAs far as5、The report gives a _ pictureof the companys future development.(10 分)A A. central BB. clean C C. clear DD. comfortable6、The company hasbeen producing this model of machine tool _ 2008.(10 分)A A. since BB. after CC. for DD. before7、Please _your report carefully before you han

5、d it in to me.(10 分)A A. turn to BB. bring about CC. go over DD. put up8、Even in smallcompanies, computers are a(n)_tool.(10 分)AA. natural B B. essentialC C. careful D D. impossible9、We were excitedto learn that the last months sales_by 30%.(10 分)A A. had increased B B. increaseC C. are increasing D

6、 D. have increased10、_yourname and job title, the business card should also include your telephone numberand address.(10 分)A A. As far as B B. In addition toC C. In spite of D D. As a result of北航大学英语1在线作业31、By the end of this year,they _ a newprogram in Europe(10 分)A A) had started BB) start C C) ar

7、estartingD D) will have started2、Language learning is a slow process,which _ a lot ofeffort,timeand patience(10 分)A A) requiresBB) 1eaves C C) paysD D) offers3、More than 100 people died _theearthquake in that area(10 分)A A) in ease of BB) as a result of C C) in addition toD D) on the basis of4、Mike

8、has already put forward hissuggestion _a production plan should be completed next week(10 分)A A) whomB B) what C C) whichD D) that5、I am writing to apply for the _ of Sales Manageradvertised in last Fridays China Daily(10 分)A A) business BB) trade C C) positionD D) operation6、To _ the truth,I really

9、 didnt knowanything about yesterdays meeting(10 分)A A) do BB) tellC C) putD D) take7、Your sales methods will depend thecustomers with whom you deal(10 分)A A) with BB) on C C) inD D) for8、We support the view that poormanagement will _business failure(10 分)A A) break up BB) take in C D) put offD C) 1ead to9、In recent years,there have been over 30 foreign companies _ businessin this city(10 分)A A) doing BB) do C C) to doD D) done10、It is easy to get the software weneed _the market is small(10 分)A A) as if BB) so that C C) althoughD D) until

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