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1、我渴了。m thirsty. 闻着真香。It smells good. It smells nice. 我在节食。m on a diet. m on a diet. (我在节食呢。Hows it going so far? (现在感觉怎么样?看上去真好吃!This looks great! *看到食物,说“好像很好吃”。This looks good!This looks delicious!My mouth is watering. (我都要流口水了!This smells great! *用于闻着味道,说“很香”时。看上去都好吃。They all look good. They all l

2、ook so delicious, dont they?They both look great. *以上两个例句是就3个以上的东西或饭菜所说。这一句只限于说2个东西或饭菜。我可以吃这个吗?Can I eat this?Is this edible?你不能吃这个。You cant eat that. Its inedible. 这个好吃吗?Is this delicious?Does this taste good?好吃。s good. How is it? (怎么样?s good. (很好吃。) Good. s delicious. Delicious!Yum-yum! *比较随便的说法。U

3、mm!Mmm!Yummy! *女性和孩子们常用。不好吃。s not good. It doesnt taste good. 味道很怪。This tastes strange. This tastes funny. *funny “怪的,奇妙的”。This tastes weird. *weird “不可思议的,奇怪的”。我什么都能吃。I eat anything. I can eat anything. 别吃太多。Dont overeat. t eat too much. t eat so much. 他真能吃。Hes a big eater. 我什么都不想吃。I dont feel like

4、 eating anything. *fell like ing “产生想要(饮食等)的感觉”。我是海量。I drink like a fish. 我酒量小。I get drunk easily. 我酒量还可以。I can hold my own. *hold my own表示“一般”、“比赛等中不输”、“不亚于任何人”。I can hold my liquor. I can drink a lot. (我能喝很多酒。m a strong drinker. (我的酒量大。吃蛋糕会发胖。Cake is fattening. *fatten 有“使人胖”的意思。你喝咖啡吗?Would you li

5、ke some coffee? (你喝咖啡吗?Not now, thanks. (现在不喝,谢谢。请把盐递给我。Please pass me the salt. *pass 在饭桌上“传递,递过来”。Could I have the salt, please?Salt, please? *较随便的说法。Could you hand me the salt, please?这是大酱汤。s called misoshiru. This is misoshiru. This is called misoshiru. 寿司怎么吃呀?How do you eat sushi?你得蘸酱油。You dip

6、it in soy sauce. *dip 表示“浸泡或涂抹液体”。Place the sushi in some soy sauce. 你会用筷子吗?Can you use chopsticks? *筷子是chopsticks。这是什么鱼?What kind of fish is this? (这是什么鱼?) Oh, thats tuna. (啊,那是金枪鱼。真辣!s spicy. s hot. 真咸。s salty. 真甜。s sweet. 真脆。s crispy. 真粘。s slimy. 这咖啡不够热。This coffee is not hot enough. This coffee

7、is lukewarm. 面包没烤透。This bread is soggy. *soggy “面包等没有烤透的”状态。这土豆片变味了。These potato chips are stale. *stale也可用来表示面包等“不新鲜”、“走味”、“有霉味的”。These potato chips are soft. 这牛奶酸了。This milk is sour. This milk is sour. (这牛奶酸了。ll buy more today. (今天我再买点吧。这咖啡太苦了。This coffee tastes bitter. This coffee is bitter. 这肉太老

8、。This meat is tough. This meat is tender. (这肉挺嫩。味很重。This has a strong flavor. This has a weak flavor. (味道淡。太咸了。s too salty. 太油腻。s too greasy. s too oily. 太烫了。s too hot. *语气上是“太烫了”。s too cold. (太凉了。我的嘴都麻了。My mouth is burning. *吃了辣椒或芥末等辛辣的东西时。burn除了“燃烧”、“烧焦”以外,还有“嘴和舌头都麻木了”的意思。My mouth is on fire. 你也来点

9、儿吗?Would you like some? *把自己吃的东西向别人推荐时。 (你也来点儿吗?Yes, please. (好吧。)*拒绝时用 No, thank you. Im fine. (不,谢谢,我不要),是比较有礼貌的说法。Do you want some? *比较直接的说法。我想再要一点葡萄酒。d like some more wine. 我的叉子掉了。I dropped my fork. 再要一杯咖啡。d like another cup of coffee. 真好吃。That was good. *除了食品、饮料之外,还表示事情顺利。That was delicious. 我吃

10、饱了。m very full. I couldnt eat another bite. (再也吃不下了。ve had enough. (我已经吃得够多了。m very hungry. (我很饿。食物不够了。There isnt enough (food)。t enough food. (食物不够了。ll make more. (我再做点儿。再喝一杯吗?Would you like another drink? (再喝一杯吗?No, I think Ive had enough. (不,我喝得够多的了。您喝什么样的咖啡?How do you like your coffee? *这样询问是表示“咖啡里要加糖和牛奶吗?”。喝清咖啡时,回答是Black will be fine. 只放糖时Just sugar, please. 只放牛奶是Just cream, please. (您喝什么样的咖啡?With cream and sugar, please. (放牛奶和糖的。How do you want you coffee?【长春藤英语分享】

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