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1、商务英语文化国际商务文化题库 答题说明:请阅读以下表述并判断表述是否正确,若表述正确,请在正确的表述前括号中标示T;若表述错误,请在正确的表述前括号中标示F。1.(T ) The terms of intercultural communication and international communication can be used interchangeably.2.( T ) Stereotypes, like culture itself, are learned in a variety of ways. They are the products of limited, laz

2、y and misguided perceptions.3.( F ) Verbal communication is not as clarified and efficient as other ways of communication, . written communication.4.(F ) We put the index finger and mid-figure apart with palm against the receiver to mean “OK,” which was first used by Winston Churchill.5.( T ) Person

3、al territory can be large or small, which is much related to certain elements such as place, sex, age and character.6.( T ) Where the power distance is large, the society believes that there should be a well-defined order of inequality in which everyone has a rightful place.7.( F ) Asian, Latin Amer

4、ican, and West African nations are societies high in individualism but low in collectivism.8.( T) In high masculinity societies, people tend to believe that matters of material comfort, social privilege, etc. are related to ability. 9.(T ) For some multinational firms, they can alleviate culture sho

5、ck by selecting employees for overseas assignments who possess certain personal and professional qualifications.10.( F ) Nonverbal greetings include shaking hands, kissing, bowing and making introductions. 答题说明:请阅读以下表述并判断表述是否正确,若表述正确,请在正确的表述前括号中标示T;若表述错误,请在正确的表述前括号中标示F。1.( F ) With the integration o

6、f language into the fabric of culture, confusion and dysfunction would reign and the culture would fail.2. ( T ) Language is a means to express and exchange thoughts, concepts, knowledge and information as well as to transmit experience and so on.3. ( T ) Personal territory can be large or small, wh

7、ich is much related to certain elements such as place, sex, age and character.4. ( T ) Where uncertainty avoidance is low, the society is comfortable with a low degree of certainty and is open to the unknown.5. (T ) In high-context communication, the listener is already “contexted” and so does not n

8、eed to be given much background information.6. (T ) In U.S., a businessman who is invited for dinner to the private home of a business contact is expected to write a thank-you note shortly after the event.7. ( F ) American negotiators tend to be competitive in their approach to negotiation, beginnin

9、g with a realistic offer.8. ( F ) It is not advisable to make a high offer at the beginning of negotiation.9. (T ) The effective management principle and method for a local corporation might not achieve expected result if employees come from different countries in international corporation. 10. ( F

10、) Nonverbal greetings include shaking hands, kissing, bowing and making introductions. 答题说明:请阅读以下表述并判断表述是否正确,若表述正确,请在正确的表述前括号中标示T;若表述错误,请在正确的表述前括号中标示F。1.( T ) Stereotypes, like culture itself, are learned in a variety of ways. They are the products of limited, lazy and misguided perceptions.2.(T ) L

11、anguage and culture are closely related, reflecting, influencing and shaping each other.3.(F ) Eye looking sideways can show ones coldness and superciliousness. It is impolite to move your head side to side while you are communicating with people, . in India or Pakistan. 4.( F ) Postures send same m

12、essages to all people, . when you stand in an upright position, you impress others as being energetic.5.( T ) Individualists prefer self-sufficiency while collectivists give more recognition to their interdependent roles and obligations to the group.6. ( F ) Large power distance countries such as th

13、e United States, Austria, Finland, and Denmark hold that inequality in society should be minimized. 7.( T ) German businessmen have serious principles about interpersonal relationship and they focus on personal credit.8.(T ) Control of the schedule often leads to control of the negotiating agenda. 9

14、.( F ) The goal at a cocktail party is to meet as many people as possible. Everyone expects to get into deep discussions.10.( F ) Culture offers ways of identifying with the organization and creates a “you-feeling.” 答题说明:请阅读以下表述并判断表述是否正确,若表述正确,请在正确的表述前括号中标示T;若表述错误,请在正确的表述前括号中标示F。1.(T )Culture is all

15、 mens medium; there is no aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by culture.2.( F ) Verbal communication is not as clarified and efficient as other ways of communication, . written communication. 3.(T ) A simple eye gesture might be interpreted in a diversity of meanings across culture

16、s.4.( F ) How closely people position themselves to one another during a discussion or talk cannot communicate what type of relationship exists between them.5.(F ) Where individualism id high, the society emphasizes the role of the group.6.(T ) In high-context communication the listener is already “

17、contexted” and so does to need to be given much background information. 7.( F ) Some businesspersons maintain that American humor is helpful to export and appreciate. 8.( T ) Taboos often are rooted in the beliefs of the people of a specific region or culture and are passed down from generation to g

18、eneration.9.(F ) Japanese negotiators tend to put more emphasis on the literal meanings of words used in negotiation and less emphasis on the relationships established before negotiating begins. 10.( T ) Culture serves to create a general consensus on fundamental issues and facilitates decision-maki

19、ng during crises. 答案: 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. F 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. T6. T 7. F 8. F 9. T 10. F 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T6. F 7. T 8. T 9. F 10. F 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F6. T 7. F 8. T 9. F 10. T答题说明:请将以下表述与表中的概念对应,并将选项写在表述前的括号中, 每个选项只能使用一次。A. uncertainty avoidance B. nonve

20、rbal communication C. personal territory D. taboos E. culture F. low-context culture G. verbal communication H. customs I intercommunication J. memo 1.( E ) The total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down

21、 through generations in an identifiable group of people.2.( G ) It is carried out either in oral or in written form with the use of words.3.( C ) It refers to the space that people have for their own activities.4.( I ) The communication between people from different cultures when a member of one cul

22、ture produces a message for consumption by a member of another culture.5.( A ) The degree to which the society is willing to accept and deal with ambiguity and uncertainty.6.( J ) It is a hard-copy document, used for communicating inside an organization, usually short.7.( B ) The process by which no

23、nverbal behaviors are used, either singly or in combination with verbal behaviors, in the exchange and interpretation of messages in a given situation or context. 8.( F ) It refers to groups of cultures that value individual orientation and overt communication codes and maintains a heterogeneous nor

24、mative structure with low cultural demand characteristics.9.( D ) Practices or verbal expressions considered by a society or culture as improper or unacceptable.10.( H ) They are behaviors generally expected in specific situations and are established, socially acceptable ways of behaving in given ci

25、rcumstances.答题说明:请将以下表述与表中的概念对应,并将选项写在表述前的括号中, 每个选项只能使用一次。A. personal territory B. kinesics C. high-context culture D. communication E. superstitions F. proxemics G. intercommunication H. teamwork I. negotiation J. individualism 1.( D ) A process by which information is exchanged between individuals

26、 through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior, or the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing or behavior.2.( G ) The communication between people from different cultures when a member of one culture produces a message for consumption by a member of a

27、nother culture.3.( B ) The nonverbal behavior related to the movement of the body or part of the body.4. ( J ) The degree to which individual decision-making and action is accepted and encouraged by the society.5.( A ) It refers to the space that people have for their own activities.6.( F ) The stud

28、y of peoples perception and use of space.7.( C ) It refers to groups of cultures that value group identity orientation and covert communication codes and maintains a homogeneous normative structure with low cultural demand characteristics.8.( E ) Beliefs that are inconsistent with the known laws of

29、science or what society considers to be true and rational. 9.( I ) A discussion between two or more disputants who are trying to work out a solution to their problem.10.( H ) The cooperation among employees and employers.答题说明:请将以下表述与表中的概念对应,并将选项写在表述前的括号中, 每个选项只能使用一次。A. individualism B. memo C. corpo

30、rate culture D. intercommunication E. uncertainty avoidance F. proxemics G. communication H. culture shock I. personal territory J. etiquette1.( G ) A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior, or the exchange of thoughts, me

31、ssages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing or behavior.2. ( B ) It is a hard-copy document, used for communicating inside an organization, usually short.3.( D ) The communication between people from different cultures when a member of one culture produces a message for consumption by a m

32、ember of another culture.4.( I ) It refers to the space that people have for their own activities.5.( E ) The degree to which the society is willing to accept and deal with ambiguity and uncertainty.6.( A ) The degree to which individual decision-making and action is accepted and encouraged by the society.7.( H ) This term expresses the lack of direction, the feeling of not knowing what to do or

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