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1、关于时尚的英语对话爆款doc关于时尚的英语对话 学习英语是一场朝流,而我们平时与人对话时话题和内容,女生来说,还是时尚逛街类的居多。下面就由我为大家带来几则关于时尚英语口语对话,希望大家能有所收获。 :丝绸 At the Silk and Satin Shop 在绸布店 A:u want to buy some Chinese silk and satin,dont you? 您想买些中国绸缎,是吗? B: it made of pure Chinese silk? 它是纯粹中国丝织的吗? A:Its velvety and the colour is brilliant. 它柔软光滑而且颜色

2、鲜艳。 B:Is the colour fast? 不褪色吗? A:You can only wash it in lukewarm water. 您只能在温水中洗。 B:Whats the width? 门幅多少? A:Its two feet and four inches wide. 宽二英尺四英寸。 B:I want to make a Chinese fashion coat. How many feet should I buy? 我要做一件中式上衣,应买多少? A:Let me take a measurement and calculate. 让我量一量,计算一下。 B:Sev

3、en feet will be enough. 七英尺就足够了。 A:By the way,what is the brand? 顺便问一下,是什么牌子? B:It is well received the world over. 它在世界各地很受欢迎。 A:How much would that come to? 总共要多少钱? B:There is the satin suitable for making cushion covers there. 那里有适宜做垫套的缎子。 A:I think the pink one is quite good. 我看那粉红色的很好。 B:Ask th

4、e shop assistant to cut a pair for us. 要店员给我们剪一对。 :时尚达人 大嘴: Do you know Catherine Baba? 你知道Catherine Baba吗? 脸盆: I had never heard of that. 从没听说过这个名字。 大嘴: She is a famous stylist. 她是巴黎很出名的设计师。 脸盆: Really?A great power? 是吗?影响力很大吗? 大嘴: The collocations and styles of models are wholly designed by her ,i

5、snt she so influential ? 整个时装秀的所有搭配和模特造型全部由她设计,难道影响力还不算大吗? 脸盆: In China,there are no designers with so strong power. 在中国,没有造型师能有这样的影响力啊。 大嘴: Her accessories are not fewer than five and she prefers furs and colourful overcoats . 她身上的配饰从来不低于5件。她喜欢皮草和很颜色艳丽的外套。 脸盆: You know that her taste is distinctive

6、 from others . 看图片可以知道她的着装品味非常与众不同的。 大嘴: Catherine makes bold attempts on makeup,which can not be accepted by all females . Catherine在妆容上亦很大胆尝试,这种化妆并不是所有女性都可以接受。 脸盆: She impressed me so well.I often catch the most frontier elements from her . 她给我的第一印象很棒,在她的身上总能找到最前沿的时尚元素。 :Comfortable Teahouse 清新茶馆

7、Dialouge 1 A:Do you like tea? A:你喜欢喝茶吗? B:Yes, but I dont know much about it. B:是的,但我对茶所知不多。 A:Tea does good to peoples health. There are many kinds of tea.Say,black tea, green tea,scented tea, brick tea, milk tea,jas- mine tea, chrysanthemum tea and so on. A:茶对人体健康有益,种类很多,有红茶,绿茶,花茶,砖茶,奶茶,茉莉花茶,菊花茶等。

8、 B:My favourite is Jasmine tea. I like its aroma. B:我喜欢茉莉花茶,我喜欢它的香味。 A:Yeah,but scented tea is now in fashion. A:是的,但现在的时尚是喝花茶。 Dialouge 2 A:Good moming,sir.This way,please. A:早上好,先生。请这边来。 B:Thank you.Its nice here. B:谢谢你。这里很好。 A:Im so glad you like it. What would you like? We serve tea, milk and co

9、ffee, cakes and cold drinks. Please look at the menu for moming drinks. A:很高兴您喜欢这儿。您想要点什么?我们供应茶、牛奶、咖啡、蛋糕和冷饮。请看一下早上的饮料单。 B:III try a cup of tea without sugar. How about you, Emma? B:我想要一杯不加糖的茶。你呢,爱玛? C:Id like to have coffee with lemon and custard pudding. C:我想喝柠檬咖啡和吃些格司布丁。 A:Anything else? Weve the

10、sirloin steak today,I suggest that you try them? A:还有别的吗?我们今天有腰条牛排,我建议你们尝尝。 B:All right, Lets try them. B:好吧,我们尝尝。 Dialouge 3 A:What would you like to drink? A:你想要喝点什么? B:I feel like a cup of black tea. B:我想要一杯红茶。 A:Wouldnt you like somethins to eat? A:你不想来点儿吃的吗? B:Yes,ld like a portion of that stra

11、wberry tart. B:好,我想要一份草莓饼。 A:Right.III see if I can catch the waitresss eye. A:好的,我试试叫服务员过来。 Dialouge 4 A:Do you object to drinking black tea, Mr.Zhang? A:张先生,你不喜欢喝红茶吗? B:Yes,that is why I never drink it. B:是的,所以我永不喝它的。 A:Do you drink green tea,then? A:那么你喝绿茶吗? B:Very seldom, because tea has tannin

12、which may be harmful to ones health. B:很少的,因为茶里有单宁酸,对人的健康是有害的。 A:But if the tea is good and well prepared,it will do much good. A:但是好的茶叶,泡得又好,是很有益处的呢。 B:What is it good for? B:有什么益处? A:Not only can it appease ones thirst,but it can also refresh one when tired. A:茶不但能够止渴,又能使疲惫的人提起精神来。 B:Thats true,but it must not be allowed to stand long. B:那是对的,但是不可以让它搁得太久。 A:Why is it so? A:为什么呢? B:Because if you drink a kind of tea which has been prepared for some time before,it will do you harm. B:因为如果你喝一种放得太久的茶,是没有好处的。下一页更多精彩“关于时尚的英语口语对话”

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