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学年人教版英语七上练习卷Unit 6 Do you like bananas.docx

1、学年人教版英语七上练习卷Unit 6 Do you like bananas2020-2021学年Unit 6 Do you like bananas?一、单项选择 1.Look! Some breadhere and some strawberriesthere.A are; areB are; isC is; areD is; is2.My friend Li Lei likes salad, but I dont like _ at all.A itB themC itsD they3.Some _ are flying kites near the river.A childB boy

2、C boysD childs4.Dont _ it any more. Just do what you should do.A to thinkB think ofC think aboutD thinking5.Sandra is a _ volleyball player(运动员), and she eats _ every day.A good; goodB good; wellC well; goodD well; well6.I like _. Do you like _?A orange, themB oranges, themC oranges, itD oranges, th

3、ey7.People in America eat much.A bananasB onionsC beefD hamburger8.I have somein my QQ zone(空间). Do you like them?A foodsB photosC eggsD chickens9.Bill and Bob _ like bananas.A doesB dontC notD does10.Thats too expensive, Ill _.A think about itB think of itC think up itD think it about二、完形填空 Mrs Jon

4、es: Which meal do we need most, breakfast, lunch or1?Tony: Dinner.Mrs Jones: Dinner is the big meal of the day. But I dont2we need it most.Tony: Is lunch the meal we want most?Mrs Jones: No,3is the meal we need most. But why?Kate: It is a long time from night to morning. We have no4.Mrs Jones: Right

5、! If we dont have breakfast, we dont feel5. But what makes a good breakfast?James: I think we can6milk, bread, noodles or porridge.7are good for breakfast.Mrs Jones: Thats right. We can eat some vegetables and fruits8the morning, too. They make us healthy.David: I9coca cola a lot. Can I have that in

6、 the morning?Mrs Jones: Youd better not. Water is good for you.Danny: Mum says we can not eat too many things after10.Mrs Jones: Great, Danny. It may make you sick. After sports you need water and a rest first, not lots of food.据此回答以下10题。11.A fruitsB foodC dinnerD bread12.A likeB knowC thinkD have13

7、.A breakfastB lunchC dinnerD food14.A waterB foodC vegetablesD bread15.A goodB greatC wellD fun16.A takeB makeC haveD like17.A YouB TheyC WeD It18.A forB inC onD at19.A eatB bringC likeD have20.A schoolB lunchC sportsD breakfast三、阅读理解 Jane is a school girl.She is twelve.She studies at a middle schoo

8、l.She is in Grade Seven.She is a good girl. Jane gets up at seven in the morning.Then she has her breakfast.For breakfast she has eggs and a cup of milk.She doesnt have tea for breakfast.After breakfast Jane goes to school.At twelve she comes home from school.She has lunch with her mother.For lunch

9、she has hamburgers and salad.She likes salad, but she doesnt like hamburgers.At seven she has supper with her father and mother.They have chicken and vegetables.Her father likes chicken, but Jane doesnt.据此回答以下5题。21.Jane is a school girl in a _.A primary schoolB middle schoolC universityD college22.J

10、ane has _ for breakfast.A eggs and a cup of milkB eggs and teaC tea and milkD vegetables23.Jane comes home_.A in the morningB at noonC at nightD in the evening24.Jane likes to eat_ for lunch.A hamburgersB milkC saladD eggs25.Jane has dinner with_.A her motherB her parentC her fatherD her parents 答案解

11、析1.【答案】C【解析】bread,面包,不可数名词,be动词用is。strawberries为可数名词的复数形式,be动词用are。故选C。句意:看!一些面包在这儿,一些草莓在那儿。2.【答案】A【解析】salad是可数和不可数兼用的词,这里作“沙拉”解释是不可数名词,后面用人称代词的宾格it来代替前面的salad。故选A项。“notat all”表示“一点也不,根本不”。them,人称代词的宾格复数;its,物主代词;they人称代词主格,均不符合题意,故排除B、C、D三项。选择A项。句意:我的朋友李磊喜欢沙拉,但是我一点都不喜欢。3.【答案】C【解析】some,一些,后面跟可数名词的复数

12、形式或者不可数名词。child,可数名词单数;boy,可数名词单数。故排除A、B两项, child复数形式为children,故D项错误。boy是以元音字母加y结尾的名词,变成复数形式时直接加s,即boys。句意:一些男孩在河边放风筝。4.【答案】C【解析】think,想;think about意为“考虑”;think of表示“认为;打算;想到”。这句是祈使句,用动词原形,排除A、D两项。句意:不要再考虑了,只要做你应该做的。根据句意,可知这里用think about。5.【答案】B【解析】good,形容词,意为“好的”,常用于修饰名词。well,副词,常用于修饰动词或形容词。第一空,作定语

13、修饰player,用good;第二空,动词eat,后加副词。eat well,固定短语,意为“吃得好”。句意:桑德拉是个名优秀的排球运动员,她每天都吃得很好。6.【答案】B【解析】orange作为“橘子”解释时,是可数名词。作为“橙汁”解释时是不可数名词。like后面接宾格,故排除D项。若前面为可数名词oranges,则用them做代词,故排除C项。若前面作不可数名词orange,则用it作代词,故排除A项。故选择B项。句意:我喜欢橘子,你喜欢吗?7.【答案】C【解析】much表示许多,用来修饰不可数名词,排除A、B、D项。beef,意为“牛肉”,是不可数名词,故选C项。句意:美国人吃许多牛肉

14、。8.【答案】B【解析】some,一些,后接可数名词复数或不可数名词。food、chicken是可数和不可数兼用的名词,这里泛指“食物”及“鸡肉”,用作不可数名词,排除A、D。photos照片;eggs鸡蛋。由in my QQ zone(在我的QQ空间里)可知鸡蛋排除。故选择B项。句意:在我的QQ空间里有一些照片,你喜欢它们吗?9.【答案】B【解析】一般现在时中,主语是Bill and Bob,是两个人,为复数形式,表示否定时,谓语动词like前加助动词dont,故选B。句意:比尔和鲍勃不喜欢香蕉。10.【答案】A【解析】think about,意为“考虑”,多用来指“考虑某事情或对某事进行思

15、考”;think of意为“想起;认为”;think up想出、设计出、发明。句意:那个太贵了,我要考虑考虑。考虑,用think about,排除B、C两项。think about是动词加介词构成的短语,宾语无论是代词还是名词,都放在介词后,故选A。11.【答案】C【解析】meal,餐。给定选项中只有C项dinner,属于三餐之一,意为“晚餐”。 A. fruits,水果;B. food,食物;D. bread面包,均不符合题意。句意:我们最需要哪一餐,早餐、午餐还是晚餐?12.【答案】C【解析】A. like,喜欢;B. know,知道;C. think想,认为;D. have有,吃,喝。这

16、里用 I think句型表达自己的意见,意为“我觉得”。表示否定时,在think前加dont。句意:晚餐是一天之中最大的一餐,但是我觉得不是我们最需要的一餐。13.【答案】A【解析】由Tony: Is lunch the meal we want most?Mrs Jones: No可知,午餐不是最重要的,排除B项。由Mrs Jones: Dinner is the big meal of the day. But I dont think we need it most可知,晚餐不是最重要的,排除C项。D. food,食物,不符合题意,排除。故选择A项。句意:早餐是我们最需要的一餐。14.【

17、答案】B【解析】A. water,水;B. food,食物;C. vegetables,蔬菜;D. bread,面包。根据短文意思,从晚上到早上,很长一段时间,我们什么食物都没有吃。这里表示任何食物,用food。15.【答案】C【解析】feel,意为“感觉”。feel good,感觉心情好;feel great,感觉很好;feel well,感觉身体好;feel fun,感觉有趣。根据句意:如果我们不吃早餐,我们会感觉身体不舒服。这里表示身体好,即feel well。16.【答案】C【解析】句意:我觉得,我们可以喝牛奶、吃面包、面条或者粥。这里表示“吃、喝”,用have。A. take,拿、取

18、、买;B. make,制作;D. like,喜欢,均不符合题意。17.【答案】B【解析】这里指代前文中提到的milk, bread, noodles or porridge,用they指代。A. You,你、你们;C. We,我们;D. It,它,均不符合题意。句意:它们对早餐来说都是很好的。18.【答案】B【解析】在早上,用介词in。in the morning,固定短语,意为“在早晨”。A. for,对来说、为了;C. on,在上面;D. at,在,均不符合题意。句意:早上,我们也可以吃一些蔬菜和水果。19.【答案】C【解析】A. eat,吃;B. bring,带来;C. like,喜欢;

19、D. have,有、吃、喝。这里用like来谈论对食物的喜恶。句意:我非常喜欢可口可乐。我能早上喝吗?20.【答案】C【解析】由下文After sports you need water and a rest first, not lots of food.可知,运动过后不能吃太多的食物,应该先喝水,并且休息一下。句意:妈妈说,运动过后不能吃太多的食物。21.【答案】B【解析】由She studies at a middle school.可知,她在一所中学学习。22.【答案】A【解析】由For breakfast she has eggs and a cup of milk.可知,她早餐吃鸡

20、蛋和一杯牛奶。23.【答案】B【解析】由At twelve she comes home from school.可知,他12点从学校回家。12点,即中午。故选择B项。24.【答案】C【解析】由For lunch she has hamburgers and salad. She likes salad, but she doesnt like hamburgers.可知,她午饭吃汉堡和沙拉,她喜欢沙拉,不喜欢汉堡。所以可以推断,她喜欢沙拉作午餐。25.【答案】D【解析】由At seven she has supper with her father and mother.可知,她跟她的父母亲

21、一起吃晚餐,故选择D项。doesnt like sports.可知他吃的太多且不喜欢运动,故题意是错误的。(2)题意:Tom早餐吃鸡蛋、面包和牛奶。由He has a big breakfast every morning. He has four eggs, some bread and milk.可知,他早餐吃四个鸡蛋、一些面包和牛奶。故本题正确。(3)题意:Tom喜欢汉堡包。由He likes ice cream, Coke, hamburgers and dessert.可知,他喜欢汉堡。故本题是正确的。(4)题意:Tom吃很多水果和蔬菜。根据短文意思,Tom三餐中没有蔬菜和水果,因此本题错误。(5)题意:Tom吃太多的食物,他不健康。由He is a nice boy, but he eats too much 和Too much food is not good for Tom. And he is not healthy.可知,他吃太多的食物,而且大多数食物都对他不益,因此他不健康,故本题正确。

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