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1、3. Whos quiet? ( Mrs. Star ) 4. Whos hungry? ( Mr. Star ) 5. Whos loud? ( Suzy ) 6. Whos funny? ( Grandpa ) 7. Whos tried? ( Aunt May ) 8. Whos thirsty? ( Grandma ) 9. Whos clever? ( Stella ) 14. Listen and check. yellow, brown, purple, grey, white, blue, purple, brown. 篇二:剑桥国际少儿英语KB4 Unit 4 文本 Unit

2、 4 After school club (课外兴趣小组) What did you do yesterday afternoon at the After school club, kids? Well, first we helped Mr. Alex and I learned the chairs and then we carried them into the hall. And what did you do, Stella? I played chess with Meera and then we all started 2 to think about our school

3、 show. Yes, Mr. Burke wanted us to do a musical. We had to sing. And we danced!Mrs. Star: Did you dance, Simon? Well, I didnt dance, but I hopped, skipped and jumped to the music and Meera and Stella laughed a lot. Well, Simon, you were funny, Mr. Burke watched us dancing and listened to us singing,

4、 but then he stopped us! So what now? Mr. Burke doesnt want us to do a musical this year. Its great! I dont have to sing and dance!3. Listen and say the names. 1. They carried the chairs. ( Simon and Alex.) 2. They laughed. ( Stella and Meera.) 3. He wanted them to do a musical. ( Mr. Burke.) 4. The

5、y played chess. ( Stella and Meera.) 5. They danced. ( Stella and Meera.) 3 6. He jumped. ( Simon.) 7. They cleaned the chairs. ( Simon and Alex.) 8. He listened to the children singing. ( Mr. Burke.) 5. Listen and say a, b or c. 1. It started to snow. b 2. They hopped and skipped. c 3. He climbed a

6、nd sailed every weekend. a 4. The children always laughed a lot. c 5. He lived in the countryside. a 6. They needed hats and scarves. b 7. She helped children. c 8. He pointed and shouted. b 9. They kicked and bounced a ball. c 10. They played badminton inside. a 11. He skated on the lake. b 12. He

7、loved sport. a 9. Listen and check. Narrator: Its Saturday morning and the children are going to Alexs new flat. Lenny: Which floor does Alex live on? I think he lives on the fifteenth floor. 4 Wow, the fifteenth floor. Thats exciting!Meera: Yeah, he says he can see the city from his bedroom window.

8、 Oh, no! The lift isnt working. Thats OK. There are some stairs. We can walk up. Lenny, we have to walk up to the fifteenth floor! Thats no problem. Lenny and I love climbing. Come on, Lenny. Lets see who gets there first! Yeah! First floor, second floor, third floor, fourth floor, fifteenth floor I

9、m so tired. Alex: Hello. Whats the matter?Everyone else: But its only the fifth floor! Yeah, but we went up to the fifteenth because Stella thinks you live there! Well, its good you didnt want to see my uncle. He lives on the 5 twentieth floor!16. Do they rhyme? Listen and say yes or no. 1. cloud -

10、kite 2. door - floor 3. flower - shower 4. ball - dog 5. father - mother 6. word - bird 7. duck - truck 8. chairs - stairs 9. arm - farm 10. nine - give 11. night - kite 12. big - beach Yes: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 No: 1, 4, 5, 10, 12 篇三:剑桥国际少儿英语KB4 Unit 1 文本 Unit 1 Back to school (回到学校) Simon and Alex

11、 are in their Act class. They are making bowls and they cant stop. Theyre busy. Oooh. My bowls terrible! Alex is careful and slow. His bowls good. Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson. Stellas very happy because she loves Maths and thinks its easy. Lenny doesnt thinks Maths is easy. He thinks

12、its difficult. I cant do this Maths problem. Its difficult. Come on, Lenny. You can do it. Its easy. 6 Its 73-72. What an exciting game! Meeras got the ball and shes running with it. Meeras quick. The boys slow. Girl: This is really boring. I dont like basketball. 3. Listen and match. 1. Be careful

13、with those glasses, Sally!Im being careful. 2. What was the film like?It was really boring. 3. Whats 397 and 79?Oh, I dont know. Thats difficult. 4. What was the football match like?It was really exciting!5. Come on, Mary. Dont be slow. Im not slow. 6. Whats 2 and 2?Thats easy. Its 4. 7. Can I talk

14、to you?No, sorry. Im busy. 8. The bus is coming. Be quick!9. The weathers terrible!Oh, no! Look at our food. 7 ( 1- e, 2 - a,3 - f,4 - c,5 - h,6 - g,7 - d,8 - b, 9 - i ) Hey! The school shows really exciting, Dad. Yes, it is and its good to see your teachers. Who are they all? Well, the man whos tal

15、king to Mum is my Maths teacher. Hes called Mr. Newton. Right. Is the man whos singing your Music teacher? Its a new club where we can do lots of exciting things on Thursday afternoons And can you guess who my Art teacher is? Ooh, Simon, thats difficult. Is it the woman whos playing the guitar? Very

16、 funny, Dad. No, thats Mrs. Robinson, our English teacher. Our Art teachers over there. Hes the one whos carrying the lorry. Is his name Mr. Strong? Ha ha ha. 8 No, Dad. His names Mr. Turner. 16. Can you hear /f/ ? Say yes or no. 1. laugh (yes)2. love (no)3. weather (no)4. scarf (yes) 5. fat (no)6.

17、that (no)7. bath (no)8. fair (yes)9. there (no) 10. very (no) 11. live (no)12. leaf (yes)13. above (no) 14. father (yes)15. shop (no)16. after (yes) 篇四:剑桥国际少儿英语KB4 Unit 5 文本 Unit 5 Exploring our world (探索我们的世界) 5. Listen and answer the questions. 1. When did Davids class go to a museum?2. What did t

18、hey do first?3. What did they make?4. When did they go to the museum shop?5. Who did David get a toy polar bear for?6. Where did they go in the afternoon?7. Who did David take a photograph of?8. What time did they catch the bus?8. Listen and check. ALEX: Hi, Simon. Did you finish your homework yeste

19、rday?SIMON: Yeah, I wrote about Shackleton. Who did you write about?9 Jacques Cousteau. He was a French explorer. Shackletons adventures were more difficult than Cousteaus, but I think Cousteau is more famous. Really. What did he do? He sailed in his ship, the Calypso, and explored sea life. But Sha

20、ckletons life was more exciting. Why was Cousteau famous? Because he helped us to understand our world. He made 120 TV programmes and films and he was one of the first people to tell us to be more careful with the sea. Yeah, thats true. We have to look after our world. STELLA: Huh, our homework was

21、more boring than theirs. LENNY: Yes, but ours was easier than theirs, so I had time to watch TV after I finished mine. 9. Listen and say sport, school, story or truck. 1 speak, 2 thirsty, 3 basketball, 4 trousers, 5 forest, 6 spider, 7 country, 8 scarf, 9 hospital, 10 ask, 11 tree, 12 10 stomach, 13

22、 desk, 14 moustache, 15 train, 16 breakfast 篇五:剑桥国际少儿英语KB4 Unit 8 文本 Unit 8 Lets party! (开派对啦) NARRATOR: Its Simons birthday. The grown ups are making food for his party. MR STAR: Angelina, can you take a bowl of salad to the table, please? MRS STAR: Yes. Can you pass me a bowl of cold pasta, too, p

23、lease? GRANDMA: What do you want me to do? Er, could you put these cheese sandwiches on the table please, Mum?GRANDPA: Wheres the lemonade, son? There are some bottles in that box next to the door. MRS STAR: Whod like a cup of tea? Oooh, no, thank you. But I am thirsty. I need a glass of lemonade!GR

24、ANDMA: Do you want a cheese sandwich, too? Oh, no, thank you. I dont like party food. Bruce made some nice vegetables soup yesterday. I can have some of that later. GRANDMA: Hmm. Vegetable soup. Oh, no, dear. We had it for dinner last night. We finished it all 11 when you were out with your friends.

25、 It was lovely. Now, would you like a cheese sandwich? Oooohhhyes, please. 1. A bowl of salad. 2. A bowl of vegetable soup. 3. A box of bottles. 4. A cup of tea. 5. A bowl of pasta. 6. A glass of lemonade. 7. A cheese sandwich. 8. A bottle of lemonade. And here we are at the Star House Birthday Race

26、. The explorers first at the moment. Hes jumping best. The clowns jumping the most quickly, but not the most carefully. Oh, hes got problems. I think hes falling. Oh, dear! Hes going down! And the pirate and the robot are both trying to get third place. Ooh, this is very exciting. And the doctors ju

27、mping the worst, but shes laughing the most. The artist is jumping the most slowly, but shes doing very well. 12 Er, she isnt jumping, Dad. Shes walking. Hmm! Shes doing very well. She has got the shortest legs. 1. Hes jumping the most quickly. 2. Hes the pirate. 3. Hes the clown. 4. Shes jumping the worst. 5. Hes jumping the best. 6

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