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1、听力短对话解题实用技巧听力短对话解题实用技巧 作者: 日期: 听力短对话四级考试听力短对话部分为单项选择题,共有8段对话,针对每段对话都会有一个问题提出。对话采取的是男女对话、一问一答的形式,考查考生对衣、食、住、行等日常生活或考试、学习等校园生活有关的对话的理解,需要考生在短时间内听懂关键信息并快速做出反应。就短对话而言,其难度主要体现在其句长和用词方面,很多考生因句子太长而难以记住所有细节,或者因听到不认识的生词而自乱阵脚,漏听了更重要了信息,造成了不必要的失分。然而,无论什么类型的考试,都会遵循一定的命题规律。在短对话的考试中,考生们只要能熟悉考试中经常涉及的各场景(如日常生活、饮食健康

2、、环境气候等)和提问模式(如推理提问、归纳提问、观点提问等),并能抓住每段对话的关键句,即题眼(如建议句、转折句、虚拟句等),同时再结合说话者语音、语调语速的变化,便能在短时间内迅速找出正确答案。二、 命题规律 A 题眼句式 纵观历年大学英语四级考试真题,听力短对话命题的题眼有以下五种类型的句式:I建议句 在四级考试中,各种对话场景中都有可能征询或者提出建议的情况,因此建议句是四级听力中比较频繁出现的句型之一,经常作为提问的对象成为整个对话的关键句。 比较常见的建议句有:How about/What about?Shall I/we?Would you/Would you like to?Wo

3、uldntbe better/wiser?Lets.You/He/Shed better.You should.Id like you to. 例如2005年12月第1题: 1. A) See a doctor. B) Stay in bed for a few days. C) Get treatment in a better hospital. D) Make a phone call to the doctor. 录音原文: W: Carol told us on the phone not to worry about her. Her left leg doesnt hurt as

4、 much as itdid yesterday. M: Shed better have it examined by a doctor anyway. And I will call her about it this evening. Q: What does the man think Carol should do?答案解析:答案A。此题的题眼是“建议句”Shed better by a doctor (让医生做检查),据此判断他建议她看医生,故答案为A。 反问句、反意疑问句 在听力对话中,反问句和反意疑问句往往从表面上看是疑问句,而实际上说话者是在强调某种肯定或否定的答案,也就是明

5、知故问。只要抓住此种句型“明知故问”的特点就能顺利解题。例如2005年6月第3题:3. (A) Save time by using a computer.(B) Buy her own computer (C) Borrow Marthas computer.(D) Stay home and complete her paper 录音原文:W: I am going to Marthas house. I have a paper to complete. And I need to use her computer.M: Why dont you buy one yourself? Th

6、ink how much time you could save.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?答案解析:答案B。此题的题眼是“反问句”Why dont you buy one yourself。本题通过“why dont”引出说话者的建议“自己买一台”,建议的内容就是正确答案。虚拟句虚拟语气是四级考试中的一个难点,当其在听力对话中出现时,更对考生的综合应变能力是一个不小的挑战。但是,如果抓住虚拟句在日常对话中出现的几个主要类别,以及各类别句式所表达的含义,这个难关其实也不难攻克。在听力对话中,虚拟句经常会出现在wish后的宾语从句中(经常

7、会省略连词that)表达说话者的不可能实现的愿望;或者出现在if条件状语从句中,表示与事实相反的假设;亦或者出现在一些表示要求、建议、命令、提议等语气的句子中。例如2007年12月第13题:13.(A) Teaching her son by herself. (B) Having confidence in her son. (C) Asking the teacher for extra help.(D) Telling her son not to worry. 录音原文:W: What would you do if you were in my place? M: If Paul w

8、ere my son, Id just not worry, now that his teacher is giving him extra help and he is working hard himself. Hes sure to do well in the next exam. Q: Whats the mans suggestion to the woman?答案解析:答案B。此题的题眼是“虚拟句”If Paul were my son, Id just not worry,并在后文补充说明因为他有老师的额外帮助和孩子自己很努力,下次考试一定会考好等信息,隐含了男士建议女士对儿

9、子应充满信心的含义,故选B。A、C、D三项与原文不符。转折句 转折句式总是会引起说话者态度的转变,以及整个话题重心的转移,所以转折句中的内容通常都会成为考点。对于这类考题,抓住句中表转折意味的词或词组就成为破题的关键了。只要能准确理解转折词后句子内容,要选出正确答案就变得非常容易了。 比较常见的转折词和词组有: but, yet, however, actually, otherwise, instead in fact, as a matter of fact, to tell you the truth例如2008年12月第18题:18.(A)He is confident he will

10、 get the job. (B)His chance of getting the job is slim. (C)It isnt easy to find a qualified sales manager. (D)The interview didnt go as well as he expected.录音原文:W: You had a job interview yesterday, didnt you? How did it go? M: Not too bad, I guess. There were about 20 candidates competing for the s

11、ales managers job. And finally it was down to three of us, but the other two seemed better qualified. Q: What does the man imply?答案解析:答案B。此题的题眼是“转折句”but the other two seemed better qualified,从此句中可以看出最后面试的三者中男士认为其它两人比自己更有资格,所以获得这个工作的机会不大。同意句、否定句 同意句和否定句通常表达了说话者的总体态度,所以通过对同意句或否定句的把握,往往可以揣测出两位对话者所要表达的含

12、义的异同,通过比较选出正确答案。 同意句比较常见的表达方式有: I agree with you. I think/guess so. So do I / Me too.Certainly/Absolutely/Sure.Good idea./Why not?That sounds great/nice.否定句比较常见的表达方式有: I dont think so.No, thanks.tooto NeithernorIt doesnt matter. Im afraid I cant.I doubt it.I didnt mean to Theres no need to would rat

13、her 例如2005年1月第4题:4. (A) They will be replaced by on-line education sooner or later. (B) They will attract fewer kids as on-line education expands. (C) They will continue to exist along with on-line education. (D) They will limit their teaching to certain subjects only.录音原文:M: What do you think of th

14、e prospects for online education? Is it going to replace the traditional school?W: I doubt it. Schools are here to stay, because there are much more than just book learning. Even though more and more kids are going online, I believe fewer of them will quit school altogether.Q: What does the woman th

15、ink of the conventional schools?答案解析:答案C。此题的题眼是“否定句”I doubt it. 从此句中可以看出这位女士对前面网络教育取代传统教育的看法持否定态度。同时,她在后面又补充说明没有多少孩子会退学。综合这两句,此题答案应选C。. 祈使句 在听力对话中,祈使句往往用来表达请求、责备、关心、警告、命令、建议等意义,其句型也比较简单,通常是省略主语,以谓语动词开头 ,或者以Dont,Lets等作为句子的开头。 例如2008年6月第13题:13.(A) A tragic accident. (B) A sad occasion. (C) Smiths unus

16、ual life story. (D) Smiths sleeping problem 录音原文:W: Did you hear Jay Smith died in his sleep last night? M: Yes, its very sad. Please let everybody know that whoever wants to may attend the funeral. Q: What are the speakers talking about?答案解析:答案B。此题的题眼是Its very sad,和“祈使句” Please let everybody know t

17、hat whoever wants to may attend the funeral, 对话双方谈到史密斯先生在熟睡状态去世一事,并希望所有愿意参加葬礼的人都去,结合四个供选答案考虑,选项B比较符合问题。B. 设问模式 通过对历年大学英语四级考试真题的研究分析,听力短对话的提问模式有以下六种类型:I. 推理提问 这类问题需要对对话中关键信息进行综合后作出判断性推理。四级听力短对话中常用的推理性设问句式有:What will the man most probably do?What are the speakers probably going to do? What can be infe

18、rred from the conversation? What does the man imply?What does the man mean ?例如2007年12月第14题:14. (A) Have a short break. (B) Take two weeks off. (C) Continue her work outdoors. (D) Go on vacation with the man. 录音原文:M: You had your hands full and have been overworked during the last two weeks. I think

19、you really need to go out and get some fresh air and sunshine. W: You are right. Thats just what I am thinking about. Q: What is the woman most probably going to do?答案解析: 综合关键信息overworked(加班), need to get fresh air(需要吸收新鲜空气)可以推出女士将“做短暂休息”,故A项正确。II. 观点提问 这类问题需要对谈话中说话者对某一争议性话题的观点进行总体性上的把握。四级考试中常见的这类提问

20、有:How does the man feel about ?How did the two speakers find ?What does the man/woman think of?例如2008年6月第16题:16. (A) Extremely tedious. (B) Hard to understand. (C) Lacking a good plot. (D) Not worth seeing twice. 录音原文:W: Have you seen the movie The Departed? The plot was so complicated that I really

21、 got lost. M: Yeah, I felt the same. But after I saw it a second time, I could put all the pieces together. Q: How did the two speakers find the movie?答案解析:从complicated和I felt the same两处可以看出,对话双方都认为该部电影情节复杂,不容易看懂。选项B Hard to understand与此内容相符。故选B。III. 归纳提问 此类问题需要从对话中归纳概括出说话者试图表达的中心思想。四级对话中常见的归纳提问句型有:

22、What can we learn from the conversation? What are the speakers talking about?What do we learn about this woman? What is the man trying to say to the woman? 例如2007年12月第18题:18.(A) Most of the mans friends are athletes. (B) Few people share the womans opinion. (C) The man doesnt look like a sportsman.

23、(D) The woman doubts the mans athletic ability. 录音原文:W: To tell the truth, Tony. It never occurred to me that you are an athlete. M: Oh, really? Most people who meet me including some friends of mine dont think so either. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?答案解析:对话中女士对男士说他不像是运动员。男士说大部分他认识的人,包括

24、他的一些朋友也都这样认为。因此可以将两位对话的内容归纳为他不像运动员,故选C项。IV. 身份提问 这类提问需要通过对对话中细节的把握或者对对话场景的判断推测说话者的身份或者人物之间的关系,常见的提问句型有:Who is the man?Who is the woman talking to?What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? 例如2005年6月第7题:7. (A) Teacher and student.(B) Doctor and patient. .(C) Manager and office worker

25、.(D) Travel agent and customer 录音原文:W: Mr. Watson, I wonder whether its possible for me to take a vacation early next month.M: Did you fill out a request form?Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?答案解析:此题考察的是人物之间的关系,对话主要是前者向后者请假,只要能抓住语气和关键词就可以判断两者之间是上级和下属的关系。故答案选C。. 数字信息提问 这类

26、问题涉及的话题比较广泛,如时间,年份,价格,人数等,需要抓住对话出现的数字信息,做好记录并作好筛选或计算的工作。四级中常见的此类提问句型有:How many persons .?How many dozens of . does . want?How much does .cost?How old is .?How long does it take . to .?What time? 例如2001年6月第7题:7. (A) 5:15(B) 5:10(C) 4:30(D) 5:00 录音原文:M: I wonder if Sue will be here by 5 oclock.W: Her

27、husband said she left home at 4:30. She should be here at 5:10, and 5:15at the latest.Q: What time did Sue leave home?答案解析:此题只要抓住男士所说的三个时间中的第一个时间4:30,并把握数字之前的关键词组leave home,就可轻易选出答案。故答案选C。. 场景提问:此类提问需要通过细节判断对话发生的地点或场合,四级中常见的问句有:Where does this conversation most probably take place?Where does this co

28、nversation most likely occur?Where are the man and woman? 例如2007年12月第12题:12.(A) At he airport.(B) In a restaurant.(C) In a booking office.(D) At the hotel reception 录音原文:W: We dont think to have a reservation for you, sir. Im sorry. M: But my secretary said she had reserved a room for me here. I pho

29、ned her from the airport this morning just before I got on board the plane. Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?答案解析:从女士提及预订(reservation)和男士提及上飞机前秘书已为他预订了房间(reserved a room)这些信息推断,男士应是出差,刚到达目的地,在寻找旅馆预定的房间,故选D项。 三、 语境类型通过对历年大学英语四级考试真题的听力短对话进行的分析研究得知,对话的语言环境主要涉及如下七种类型:I日常生活此类语言环境主要

30、包括家庭、银行、邮局、购物等方面的话题。此类场景中比较常见的表达方式有: grocery杂货店 department store百货公司 supermarket超市 sales tax 销售税 check/cash 支票/现金 discount 折扣bargain with讨价还价 on sale 减价try on试穿/戴 post/send/mail寄airmail航空信email电子邮件 parcel/package包裹 postage邮资 telegram电报 deposit存 withdraw取 open an account 开户savings account存款账户 interes

31、t rate利率 exchange兑换 loan 贷款 credit card信用卡例如2006年12月第11题:11. A) Plan his budget carefully. B) Give her more information. C) Ask someone else for advice. D) Buy a gift for his girlfriend. 录音原文: M: Christmas is around the corner. And Im looking for a gift for my girlfriend. Any suggestions ?W: Well you have to tell me

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