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1、人教版初二英语下全册教案(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)UNIT15 What do people eat?Teaching aims and demands 本单元的中心话题是饮食文化与家庭生活。围绕这一中心项目,让学生通过问答、对话、阅读、讨论、表演等各种活动熟悉并掌握有关食品的一些词汇及五种基本句型。其中五种基本句型是本单元的语言训练重点和难点。Lesson 57Teaching aims and demands:1 kitchen,cupboard,salt,sugar,pepper,oil,wine,beer,fork,spoon,chopsticks,carrt,

2、cabbage,pea,tomato, soup, cheese, butter So do we.Oh, we dont. Would you like to Bring some real objects like pepper, salt, sugar, tomatoes, carrots, beer, wine etc. to class. Students are interested in tasting these objects. ( learning the new words by watching, tasting) Show a photo of a kitchen.

3、There is a nice cupboard in it. Its closed. Ask Whats in the cupboard? Then open the cupboard and show the students the things in it. Then ask Whats in your cupboard at the new words fork, spoon. Then ask Do you usually your table at and answer In pairs, get the students to look at the colour pictur

4、e on page i. Have them ask and answer questions as in the model. Step4 Presentation Present this dialogue:(1) Teacher: I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables for supper.A boy: Oh, I dont. I eat a lot of fish.Teacher: So do I. Explain that I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables means I often eat fruit and

5、vegetables. So do I means I eat a lot of fish, too. Practise the following dialogues with students. (2) Teacher: Does your mother cook meals for your family every day? Student A: Yes, she does. She cooks nice food for me and dad. Teacher: So does my mum. (3) Teacher: I always read English for about

6、t. I always read English before I students understand the dialogues, get them to talk about their daily life like this in pairs.Step5 Competition Divide students into two teams. Tell them My foreign friends will come to dinner this weekend. Mr Smith comes from America. Mrs Potter comes from England.

7、 Susan comes from France. Mary comes from Japan, Dave comes from Canada. Miss White comes from Australia. Would you like to check the answers as a class. In pairs, talk about the pictures during break.Lesson58Important Points1 认知目标:通过学习本课,学生应理解并学会正确运用以下单词和句型:Italy, India, Italian, Indian, Moscow, ev

8、en, taste, enjoy, pizza, It seems that. Do you think? Yes, I think so. No, I dont think so. Yes, I agree. No, I dont really agree. I really dont agree.2 能力目标:通过阅读课教学,培养学生的略读能力、对课文细节的理解能力及在情境中猜词的能力。3 情感目标:进一步学习了解不同国家的饮食文化差异,给学生灌输“吃出健康”的饮食理念;了解中国饮食在世界上的影响培养学生的爱国情操。Teaching ProceduresStep1.Warming-up(A

9、 guessing-game)Get the students to talk about their favourite food in pairs.Step3.Pre-readThen Teacher asks “How do you like ?Are they Chinese food? Are they the most popular food in China? What do you think is the most popular food in China? What about in the world? What do you usually groups of fo

10、ur, then ; bullfrog from France; dumplings from China; the world?The students scan the passage for the answer.Careful-reading:1)What kind of food do Indians like?2) Do we Chinese people eat fish in the same way as Japanese?3) Do English people usually eat fish and chips just at the road “ mean in th

11、is passage?(try to explain it in English)4) How do we know that American fast food is the most popular in the world?5) Whats Chinese food like? Why is Chinese food popular in the world? The students read the passage slowly and carefullly for information.Encourage the student to guess the new words “

12、even” and “taste” in the context.Read with the tape. Help students with their intonation and pronunciation.Retell this passage.Step 5 Presentation“I often tell you to get up early and that some of you get up late and a come to school without breakfast. I really worry about their t really agree with

13、me. What do you think of that?”“Do you know Chinese people like to eat a lot of food at supper? I really dont agree with this kind of behavior. What about you?” Help students understand the difference between” I dont really agree “ and “ I really dont agree.” ( “ I dont really agree” means that you

14、just disagree a little bit but are open to s point of view and you may change your opinion; t agree” means that you strongly disagree with the other person and nothing will change your mind.)Step6 Ask and answer Can you find any food from other countries in Chinain Wenzhou? Are they famous? Do you l

15、ike them? Why &why not? Why is fast food so popular in the world? In America? In China? Is it good for groups and then make a list of about Chinese food in different places like in the north of China, in the south of China, in the west of China, in the east of China, learn different eating customs i

16、n China. Write a composition about Chinese food.(SBPage5 Part4)2.” Do you like Western fast food?是选择饺子,还是选择“巨无霸”,看中西快餐谁领风骚?” Interview your friends or your foreign teachers and then write a composition about their opinions. 3. Write a composition about your eating experience at a western fast food o

17、r at a Chinese fast food.lesson59Teaching aims and demands1 认知目标:通过学习本课,学生应理解并学会正确运用以下句型:eitherorneithernormake sb. do sth. Five kinds of simple sentences2 能力目标:通过warming-up阶段question bombardment培养学生在无法预先准备的真实情况下运用英语快速反应的能力;通过学习五种基本句型,提高学生运用所学语言进行创造性描写的能力;通过阅读与讨论,引导学生联系实际,发散思维,提高语言综合能力;组织学生进行辩论,培养思维

18、的流畅性、变通性和独特性。3 情感目标:培养学生学习与协作的能力,引导学生观察生活,热爱劳动,关注家庭,体恤父母。Teaching ProceduresStep1 Warming-upStep2 Study SB Page3,Part1. Let students read through the sentences in the first box carefully. Ask them if they can discover the common feature in the sentences. Point out that all the sentences contain a no

19、un or pronoun denoting a doer(subject) and a verb(predicate). Do with the rest of the sentences in the same way.(不过分强调句子成分和结构的分析,把重点放在理解句子的意义上。) Step3 Presentation Ask the students to say something about their family life by using the sentences they discussed just now. Get one or two to demonstrate

20、their passages. The others try to comment their family life. Use the information from the students to present the following two sentence structures:eitheror neithernor.Step4 Read and discuss Ask Who does the Han Meis family? Get them to quickly skan the first passage for the answer. Discuss the thre

21、e questions on Page3 in pairs. Show the picture of the Indian girls family and let the students predict ask them to read the second passage carefully and find the right idea.(1) Play the tape and should do part of the dont need to do family when you grow up. What will your family life be like? What

22、will your wife the next day.Lesson 60Teaching aims and demands认知目标:学习something English, take a seat, be famous for , Im Show a picture( the table? Then show the whole picture and check the answers.(Revise the food items in this unit)Step3 Presentation (1)Ann is inviting a Chinese girl Chen to dinner

23、. Suppose youre Ann, your partner is Chen. Make up a short dialogue and act.(2) Now Chen arrives, Ann is serving they meet. Predict what Chen will say when she sees Anns mother and what they will say to each other during dinner.Step3 Read and act (1) Ask What are they to the tape and find out the an

24、swers. (2)Have the students listen and repeat.Step4 Presentation Show a menu with something EnglishAmericanItalianJapaneseFrench on it. Ask Where do we usually you go into a restaurant?(a waiter and a waitress) What will a waiterwaitress do after that?Step5 Read and act Ask What will Linda and Paul

25、and find out the answer. Listen to the tape and repeat. Tell the students some differences between an American restaurant and an English one. Then ask them to say something about table manners. Step6 Listening SB Page4, Part2.Step7 HomeworkDesign an English newspaper in four. The topic will be eithe

26、r Food & Health or Family Life. You can show your own opinions or find out some information about that from Internet, magazines, TV etc.Unit 16 What a good, kind girl!About the teaching materialThe topic of Unit 16 is “Asking and showing the way”, and the functional item is asking permission and tal

27、king about possibility with modal verbs “can” and “may”. Cognizance: 1. The Ss can use the following words: kind, lady, library, cross, reach, corner, church, caf, fix, lab, suddenly, use the following expressions: Turn left right at thecrossing. Go on until you reach. You cant miss it. on ones way

28、to, first of all , be get lost, wait forAbilities and skills: 1. The Ss can give instructions to some places in the street or according to a map.2. The Ss can use different expressions to ask the way.3. The Ss can ask permission and talk about possibility with “can” and “may”Feeling and attitudes: 1

29、. The Ss can realize that they learn English for their real life, not only for the English class and exams.2. Give the Ss the feeling that they are the centre in English learning activities so that they will try to be active and creative in class.Lesson 61Step one RevisionAsk and answerPut the signs

30、 of some public places on some Ss desks. The Ss ask and answer the positions of them: beside, behind, next to, between and, in front ofStep two Presentationa) Word shopShow the Ss a list of the things Im going to do tomorrow.Get the Ss to tell the places I shall go to do these things. Show the pictu

31、res of caf, video, shop and church.b) Ask and answerShow the map of L61 on the screen.Ask the Ss the way to the places above, and until you reach” “ Turn right at the second crossing.” Step three Practice The Ss ask and answer the way to other places on the map in pairs. The Ss ask and answer the wa

32、y on another map.Step four Discussion The Ss discuss in groups of 46 to find out the shortest(best) way foe me to do all the 5 things above.Step five Guessing gameShow the map of our local place. Each student tells the way to a place, and others guess where -gapGive two maps to each pair (As is completed and Bs is uncompleted). The Ss ask and answer the way on the map and compl

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