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1、关于KPI (Key Performance Indicator)的知识第一部分:KPI(Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia);Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is an industry jargon term for a type of Measure of Performance.KPIs are commonly used by an organization to evaluate its success or the success of a particular activity in which it is enga

2、ged. Sometimes success is defined in terms of making progress toward strategic goals, but often, success is simply the repeated achievement of some level of operational goal (zero defects, 10/10 customer satisfaction etc.). Accordingly, choosing the right KPIs is reliant upon having a good understan

3、ding of what is important to the organization. What is important often depends on the department measuring the performance - the KPIs useful to a Finance Team will be quite different to the KPIs assigned to the sales force, for example. Because of the need to develop a good understanding of what is

4、important, performance indicator selection is often closely associated with the use of various techniques to assess the present state of the business, and its key activities. These assessments often lead to the identification of potential improvements; and as a consequence, performance indicators ar

5、e routinely associated with performance improvement initiatives. A very common method for choosing KPIs is to apply a management framework such as the Balanced Scorecard.Categorization of indicatorsKey Performance Indicators define a set of values used to measure against. These raw sets of values, w

6、hich are fed to systems in charge of summarizing the information, are called indicators. Indicators identifiable as possible candidates for KPIs can be summarized into the following sub-categories: Quantitative indicators which can be presented as a number. Practical indicators that interface with e

7、xisting company processes. Directional indicators specifying whether an organization is getting better or not. Actionable indicators are sufficiently in an organizations control to effect change. Financial indicators used in performance measurement and when looking at an operating indexKey Performan

8、ce Indicators, in practical terms and for strategic development, are objectives to be targeted that will add the most value to the business.These are also referred to as Key Success Indicators.Some Important AspectsKey performance indicators (KPIs) are ways to periodically assess the performances of

9、 organizations, business units, and their division, departments and employees. Accordingly, KPIs are most commonly defined in a way that is understandable, meaningful, and measurable. They are rarely defined in such a way such that their fulfillment would be hampered by factors seen as non-controlla

10、ble by the organizations or individuals responsible. Such KPIs are usually ignored by organizations.In order to be evaluated, KPIs are linked to target values, so that the value of the measure can be assessed as meeting expectations or not.Identifying Indicators of OrganizationPerformance indicators

11、 differ from business drivers & aims (or goals). A school might consider the failure rate of its students as a Key Performance Indicator which might help the school understand its position in the educational community, whereas a business might consider the percentage of income from returning custome

12、rs as a potential KPI.The key stages in identifying KPIs are: Having a pre-defined business process (BP). Having requirements for the BPs. Having a quantitative/qualitative measurement of the results and comparison with set goals. Investigating variances and tweaking processes or resources to achiev

13、e short-term goals.A KPI can follow the SMART criteria. This means the measure has a Specific purpose for the business, it is Measurable to really get a value of the KPI, the defined norms have to be Achievable, the improvement of a KPI has to be Relevant to the success of the organization, and fina

14、lly it must be Time phased, which means the value or outcomes are shown for a predefined and relevant period.KPI ExamplesMarketingSome examples are:1. New customers acquired2. Demographic analysis of individuals (potential customers) applying to become customers, and the levels of approval, rejectio

15、ns, and pending numbers.3. Status of existing customers4. Customer attrition5. Turnover (ie, Revenue) generated by segments of the customer population.6. Outstanding balances held by segments of customers and terms of payment.7. Collection of bad debts within customer relationships.8. Profitability

16、of customers by demographic segments and segmentation of customers by profitability.Many of these customer KPIs are developed and managed with customer relationship management (CRM) software.Faster availability of data is a competitive issue for most organizations. For example, businesses which have

17、 higher operational/credit risk (involving for example credit cards or wealth management) may want weekly or even daily availability of KPI analysis, facilitated by appropriate IT systems and tools.ProblemsIn practice, overseeing Key Performance Indicators can prove expensive or difficult for organi

18、zations. Indicators such as staff morale may be impossible to quantify.Another serious issue in practice is that once a measure is created, it becomes difficult to adjust to changing needs as historical comparisons will be lost. Conversely, measures are often of dubious relevance, because history do

19、es exist.Furthermore, since businesses with similar backgrounds are often used as a benchmark for such measures, measures based only on in-house practices make it difficult for an organization to compare with these outside benchmarks.Measures are also used as a rough guide rather than a precise benc

20、hmark.第二部分:KPI (From IBIS)BackgroundThe term KPI has become one of the most over-used and little understood terms in business development and management. In theory it provides a series of measures against which internal managers and external investors can judge the business and how it is likely to p

21、erform over the medium and long term. Regrettably it has become confused with metrics if we can measure it, it is a KPI. Against the growing background of noise created by a welter of such KPI concepts, the true value of the core KPI becomes lost.The KPI when properly developed should be provide all

22、 staff with clear goals and objectives, coupled with an understanding of how they relate to the overall success of the organisation. Published internally and continually referred to, they will also strengthen shared values and create common goals.What are the key components of a KPI?The KPI should b

23、e seen as:Only Key when it is of fundamental importance in gaining competitive advantage and is a make or break component in the success or failure of the enterprise. For example, the level of labour turnover is an important operating ratio, but rarely one that is a make or break element in the succ

24、ess and failure of the organisation. Many are able to operate on well below benchmark levels and still return satisfactory or above satisfactory results.Only relating to Performance when it can be clearly measured, quantified and easily influenced by the organisation. For example, weather influences

25、 many tourist related operations but the organisation cannot influence the weather. Sales growth may be an important performance criteria but targets must be set that can be measured.Only an Indicator if it provides leading information on future performance. A considerable amount of data within the

26、organisation only has value for historical purposes for example debtor and creditor length. By contrast rates of new product development provide excellent leading edge information.Obviously KPIs cannot operate in a vacuum. One cannot establish a KPI without a clear understanding of what is possible

27、so we have to be able to set upper and lower limits of the KPI in reference to the market and how the competition is performing (or in the absence of competition, a comparable measurement from a number of similar organisations). This means that an understanding of benchmarks is essential to make KPI

28、s useful (and specific to the organisation), as they put the level of current performance in context both for start ups and established enterprises though they are more important for the latter. Benchmarks also help in checking what other successful organisations see as crucial in building and maint

29、aining competitive advantage, as they are central to any type of competitive analysis. Start with what you need to measure and monitorDifferent organisations need to monitor different aspects of their environment. For example, the airline industry has a complex set of issues many of which (but not a

30、ll) are different from the dairy farmer. Ibis has created a number of separate business monitoring modules for medium sized companies which we believe cover the majority of requirements for the development and maintenance of their organisation, that are part of a bottom up planning system based arou

31、nd knowledge centres. 第三部分:500强名企的KPI绩效管理案例500强名企的KPI绩效管理操作手册部分内容四、 绩效指标的主要形式与内容 (一) 关键绩效指标(KPI) 即用来衡量某一职位工作人员工作绩效表现的具体量化指标,是对工作完成效果的最直接衡量方式。关键绩效指标来自于对企业总体战略目标的分解,反映最能有效影响企业价值创造的关键驱动因素。设立关键绩效指标的价值在于:使经营管理者将精力集中在对绩效有最大驱动力的经营行动上,及时诊断生产经营活动中的问题并采取提高绩效水平的改进措施。 KPI指标并不一定能直接用于或适合所有岗位的人员考核,但因为KPI指标能在相当程度上反

32、映组织的经营重点和阶段性方向,所以成为绩效考核的基础。关于KPI指标的具体提取与分解方法在第三部分中予以详细说明。 (二)工作目标与过程设定 即由上级领导与员工共同商议确定员工在考核期内应完成的主要工作及其效果,并在考核期结束时由上级领导根据期初所定目标是否实现,为员工绩效打分的绩效管理方式。它是一种对工作职责范围内的一些相对长期性、过程性、辅助性、难以量化的主要工作任务完成情况的考核方法。 (三)KPI与工作目标的关系 KPI与工作目标在绩效管理系统中互相配合、互为补充。 1. 共同点在于: 都是依据目标职位的工作职责和工作性质而设定,反映由公司战略目标分解得出的关键价值驱动因素,并且只反映目标职位的最主要经营活动效果,而非全部工作。 2. 不同点在于: KPI可以用计算公式计算出员工经营活动的量化结果,侧重考察员工对经营成果有直接控制力的工作,它考察的是当期绩效和最终经营成果;工作目标是由上级领导以打分的形式,定性评价员工完成不易量化的主要工作情况,侧重考察员工对经营成果无直接控制力的工作,它考察的是长期性工作和工作的过程

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