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1、小学英语新外研版一起四年级上册M2课时备课小学英语新外研版(一起)四年级上册潍坊市实验小学课时备课教案 第一课时年级Grade 4学科English主备人赵国丽课题Module 2 Unit 1 I helped my mum.教材分析生词:yesterday, clean, finish, wash, dirty句型:I cleaned my room. I washed my trousers. I helped my mum.重点:动词的过去式。学情分析Target language : Yesterday, I cleaned my room. I washed my trousers

2、. Then I helped my mum.New words : yesterday, clean, finish, wash, dirty.Chant : She painted a picture.教学目标德育目标教学目标:学习规则的动词过去式;用所学的动词过去式来表述自己在过去时间所做的事情。准备点读笔、教学光盘教学过程:I. Greetings.II. Lead inHello, boys and girls. How are you today? You are fine, but I am tired today. Why? Because I did a lot of wor

3、k yesterday. I cleaned my room and I washed my trousers. Do you know the word “washed”?老师边说边做动作,让学生猜测。讲授单词washed,I washed my trousers, do you know what did the pig wash?将受单词shirt skirtII. Presentation.Show Slide 1, 讲解动词的过去式,指出ed在单词中的发音,练习朗读。Show Slide 2,小组合作,用刚才的动词过去式造句,看谁说的句子多。Show Slide 3,Do you k

4、now what did Daming do yesterday?让我们看CD-ROM来了解一下。处理课文。III. Consolidation.Let us read the text in roles and show.Let us retell the text. Cleaned finished helped were washed 板书设计Module 2 Unit 1 I helped my mum.clean-cleaned finish-finished wash-washed help-helpsdirty yesterday作业设计Homework.Retell the t

5、ext教学反思把贯穿课文的动词板书的黑板上,用简单的单词作为引导,帮助学生复述课文,复习单词。潍坊市实验小学课时备课教案 第二课时年级Grade 4学科English主备人赵国丽课题Module 2 Unit 1 I helped my mum. (2)教材分析Target language : Yesterday, I cleaned my room. I washed my trousers. Then I helped my mum.New words : yesterday, clean, finish, wash, dirty.Chant : She painted a pictur

6、e.学情分析四年级的学生有了一定英语的学习基础,能较好的接受新时态的学习。教学目标德育目标Teaching aims:1. Review the text of Unit 1.2. Do exercise to consolidate the drills.3. Do activity book.准备点读笔、教学光盘Teaching steps:I. Revision.Read the text of Unit 1.Review the past tense of verbs: cleaned, finished, washed, were, helped, was.Recite the te

7、xt with the key words. cleaned, finished, washed, were, helped, was.II. PractiseExercise 3 He helped his mum.He washed his trousers.He finished his homework.He cleaned her room.We had a good time.板书设计Module 2 Unit 1 I helped my mum. (2)clean-cleaned finish-finished wash-washed help-helpsdirty yester

8、day作业设计课文背诵。教学反思Ed 的发音是一个小难点,知识性讲解是必要的,在课文之外,补充ED的规则过去式的单词。潍坊市实验小学课时备课教案 第三课时年级Grade 4学科English主备人赵国丽课题Module 2 Unit 2 Amy painted a picture.教材分析生词:cooked, helped, phoned, watched, painted句型:Amy painted a picture.重点:动词的过去式加ed。学情分析资源整合,复习M1学习过的单词的过去式。教学目标德育目标教学目标:记忆和区分动词原形和动词过去式的用法。准备点读笔、教学光盘Teaching

9、 steps:I. Free talk.Good morning, boys and girls. Lets begin our everyday English. What did you have for breakfast today?Do you know what did the pig have yesterday?Let us listen and answer教授单词cooked cook noodlesRead together.II. Presentation.1. What did Amys family do yesterday? Now lets see Module

10、 2 Unit 2. Amy painted a picture.Read the titile. Explain “painted”. Now lets watch the CD. Finish the exercise after watching.Check the answer.2.Listen to tape again and repeat. Attention to the verbs.III. Group work1. Read the text correctly, fluently and loudly. Two groups show your reading.2. Fi

11、nd the past form of the verbs.Write the words and the meanings on the paper. Teacher explains:Cook + ed = cooked tHelp + ed = helped tPhone + d = phoned d提醒学生,该单词与其他单词的不同。Watch + ed = watched tPaint + ed = painted id3.Let us chant to review the text 4play a game: Guess what did I do yesterday?板书设计Bl

12、ackboard: Module 2 Unit2 Amy painted a picture. Mr Smart Cook + ed = cooked t Tom Help + ed = helped t Ms Smart Phone + d = phoned d Sam Watch + ed = watched t Amy Paint + ed = painted id作业设计Homework:What did you do last weekend?教学反思学生喜欢贴近生活的话题讨论。What did you do last weekend?学生在表达句子时常常混淆动词原形和动词过去式,需

13、要老师的提醒。潍坊市实验小学课时备课教案 第四课时年级Grade 4学科English主备人赵国丽课题Module 2 Unit 2 Amy painted a picture.教材分析生词:cooked, helped, phoned, watched, painted句型:Amy painted a picture.重点:动词的过去式。学情分析资源整合,复习M1学习过的单词的过去式。教学目标德育目标教学目标:学习规则的动词过去式;用所学的动词过去式来表述自己以及家人在过去时间所做的事情。准备点读笔、教学光盘Teaching steps:一 Presentation.1. What did

14、Amys family do yesterday? Now lets see Module 2 Unit 2. Amy painted a picture.Read the titile. Explain “painted”. Now lets watch the CD. Finish the exercise after watching.Check the answer.2.Listen to tape again and repeat. Attention to the verbs.III. Group work3. Read the text correctly, fluently a

15、nd loudly. Two groups perform reading.III. Lets chant. Show the picture. Lets talk about the picture. Show the sentences as they talking.Read the sentences, then chant.IV What did you do last Sunday?板书设计Blackboard: Module 2 Unit2 Amy painted a picture. Mr Smart Cook + ed = cooked t Tom Help + ed = h

16、elped t Ms Smart Phone + d = phoned d Sam Watch + ed = watched t Amy Paint + ed = painted idLast Sunday, I cleaned my room and I watched TV.教学反思:通过反复训练,学生们基本掌握了动词过去式,默写准确率提高了,须继续努力。第五课时Module 2 Unit 2 Amy painted a picture.I. Listen and match. (听音连线) cooked noodles helped Dad phoned Grandma watched TV painted a pictureII. Find the past form of the verbs from the text. (从课文中找出动词过去式)动词原形 动词过去式_ _ _ _ _ _第六课时模块检测和配套练习册检测题和配套练习册的讲解和纠错。

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