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1、雅思阅读必备同义词替换 雅思阅读必备同义词替换Cambridge4 TEST11. ignore=pay no attention=not pay any attention=take no notice=not take any notice忽略,无视 v.2. encounter=face=confront=meet遇见,遭遇v.3. mistaken view=misconception错误的观点n.4. easy to reach=accessible容易达到的adj.5. change=modify(modification) 改变v.6. destruction=destroy=l

2、oss毁坏n.7. investigate=make inquiries=enquiries=go into=probe=look into 调查v.8. where=geographical location 表地点 9. important=vital=essential=crucial重要的adj.10. reason=cause=factor=origins=root=stimulus=impetus原因n.11. protect=guard=safeguard=shield=conservation保护v.12. newspapers, television=media媒体n.13.

3、 where to live=habitat居住地n.14. get warmer=global warming变暖n.15. contribute to=play a part有助于v.16. survive=continuing existence幸存,活下来v. 17. curriculum=course=syllabus课程n.18. link to=be connected with=be linked with把和相联系v.19. underdeveloped=degenerated=rudimentary不发达的adj.20. poor=bad=badly=not very go

4、od=no good at something=weak贫穷的,可怜的adj.21. exceptional=good=excellent=outstanding=brilliant=impressive=admirable超常的,例外的adj.22. mating=courtship交配.23. follow=track=tail=shadow=hound=stalk=stalker跟随,跟踪v.24. good vision ability=vision is obviously more useful好的视力 25. best=well=greatest=finest=ideal=top

5、=number one =ultimate=optimum=definitive=unsurpassed=record-breaking极好的adj.26. surprised=amazed=astonished=astounded=be taken aback=startled感到惊讶的adj.27. volunteer=subject实验研究对象n.28. similar=resemble=like=alike相似的adj.29. blind=cannot see瞎的adj.Cambridge4 TEST21. initiative=on your own/by yourself=inde

6、pendently=on your own initiative=under your own steam=to be the person who starts something=plan=law主动的,自发的adj. 主动权n.2. increase=go up=rise=grow=climb=gain=escalate=pick up=widen=be on the increase=intensify=expand=build up上升,增加v.3. teach=educate=train=coach=instruct=bring up教学v.4. more than one lan

7、guage=bilingual=sbs second language多种语言n.5. determine=establish=identify=pinpoint=diagnose 决定v.6. young people=teenager=youth=in your teens=adolescent=minor年轻人n.7. community=all the people in a particular area, city, country etc.群体,团体,社区n.8. traditional=old-fashioned=outdated=outmoded=unfashionable传

8、统的adj.9. fail=failure=not succeed=unsuccessful=vain=fruitless=unproductive=be a failure=go wrong=not work=do no good=fall through失败v. 10. endanger=to put someone or something in danger of being hurt=damaged=destroyed危及,使危险v. 11. diverse=varied=variety=wide-ranging=mixed各种各样的adj. 12. inevitable=certa

9、in to happen and impossible to avoid不可避免的adj. 13. differ from=unusual与不同v.14. reluctant=unwilling=not willing=drag your feet=be loath to do something=conservative勉强的adj.15. consult=ask somebodys advice=seek advice=get/obtain advice资询v.16. alternative=another=other=different=new=else=variation=varian

10、t另一个 17. therapist=someone who has been trained to give a particular form of treatment for physical or mental illness临床医学家n.18. retrain=taking courses再教育v.19. salary=pay=wage=income=earnings=fee工资,收入n.20. long-term=chronic=long-running=long-standing=lasting=lifelong=prolonged=lingering=enduring=abid

11、ing=incurable长期的adj.21. complaint=complain=make a complaint=protest=object=complain抱怨n.22. illness=disease=virus=bug=infection疾病 n.23. connection=relationship=link=correlation联系 n.24. beneficial=be good for you/ do somebody good=wholesome=nutritious=nourishing=healthful有益的 adj.25. insight=comprehens

12、ion=understanding理解,见解 n.26. physical=relating to the body=bodily身体的 adj.27. hazard=risk=danger=threat障碍,危险n.28. accompany=with=together=along with=come wit陪伴,伴随 29. mental=relating to the health or state of someones mind精神上的,心理的 adj.30. possible=possibility=can=potential=there is a chance/possibili

13、ty可能的adj.31. reduction=decrease=drop=fall=cut 减少 n.32. class=type=kind=sort=style=category=variety种类n.33. rehearsal=practice=training=run-through=exercise排练,演习 n.34. peer=your peers are the people who are the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, social class etc同伴 n.35. defensive=used

14、or intended to protect someone or something against attack 防御n.36. strategy=way=method=approach=technique=system=tactics 方法,功略n.37. assist=help=aid=with the aid of帮助 v.38. specific=give (somebody) more details=expand on=enlarge on=go into more=greater detail=be more specific=be more explicit=elabora

15、te特定的adj.39. substance=a particular type of solid, liquid, or gas 物质 n.40. surroundings=environment=circumstance 环境 n.41. engage=give somebody a job=employ=take on=appoint=recruit=sign up雇佣 v.42. combine=mix=stir=beat=blend=whisk=dilute联合v.43. survival=the state of continuing to live or exist幸存n.Cam

16、bridge4 TEST31. quotation= a sentence or phrase from a book, speech etc which you repeat in a speech or piece of writing because it is interesting or amusing 引言n.2. exemplify= example=case=instance=to be a very typical example of something=to give an example of something 例证 v.3. explain=tell=say wha

17、t/why/where etc=show=demonstrate=go through=throw/shed light on=set out解释v.4. outline= to describe something in a general way, giving the main points but not the details概述 v.5. purpose=aim=point=idea=objective=object=goal= target=end目的 n.6. encourage=persuade=persuasion=get somebody to do something=

18、influence=encourage=talk somebody into=put somebody up to鼓励 v.7. loan= an amount of money that you borrow from a bank etc. 贷款 n.8. poverty= being poor贫穷n.9. crime= illegal activities in general犯罪 n.10. reject=to refuse to accept, believe in, or agree with something 拒绝 v.11. employ=give somebody a jo

19、b=take on=engage= appoint=recruit=sign up雇佣 v.12. courier=a person or company that is paid to take packages somewhere快递员 n.13. storage=keep=store=keep something in storage=preserve 存储n.14. facility=rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose 设备n. 15. ambitious=ambition=p

20、ower-hungry/power-mad=competitive= determined to be successful, rich, powerful etc.有志向的,雄心壮志的 adj.16. effort=to try very hard to do something= attempt=campaign=drive努力 n.17. feature= a part of something that you notice because it seems important, interesting, or typical;a part of the land, especiall

21、y a part that you can see: a part of someones face, such as their eyes, nose etc特点 n.18. planet= the world=earth/Earth=the globe 地球 n.19. unpredictable=cant say/tell=unforeseeable=it remains to be seen 无法预测的 adj.20. machinery=machines, especially large ones= a system or set of processes for doing so

22、mething=machine=device=robot=appliance=mechanism 机械 n.21. ultimate=someones ultimate aim is their main and most important aim, that they hope to achieve in the future= final最终的,根本的 adj.22. atmosphere= the feeling that an event or place gives you= the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth气氛; 大气n.

23、23. occur=happen=take place=there is=come about=come up=turn up=arise=strike发生v.24. expand= get bigger=grow=swell up=stretch扩张,扩大v.25. form= type= way something is/appears=shape形式 n.26. emerge=appear=become visible=come into view/come into sight=come out=reappear 出现 v.27. emit= to send out gas, heat

24、, light, sound etc 发出,放射 n.28. situation= circumstances=position=case=plight情况,状况 n.29. self-conscious=worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what other people think of you自觉的 n.30. generate= to make someone have a particular feeling= form=produce=create 产生 v.31. various=there are sever

25、al different types of that thing=different=a variety of something=differing=varying=an assortment of something=assorted=a mix of something=a mixture of something各种各样的 adj.32. convenient= a thing or way of doing something that is easy and quick; a time or arrangement that is convenient 方便的 adj.33. ob

26、jective=impartial=neutral=not take sides=unbiased=disinterested客观的 adj.34. enquiry=investigate=make inquiries/enquiries=go into=probe=look into=solve=be under investigation 调查 35. observe=notice=can see/can tell=see=spot=detect=note become aware/conscious=catch somebodys eye=perceive观察 v.36. comment

27、=remark=thing to say=point=statement= announcement=declaration=observation评论37. include=consist of=comprise=be composed of= be made up of包含,包括 v.38. focus on=deals only with=concentrate专注于 v.39. affect=have an effect=have an impact=take effect= make a difference=impact影响 v.40. gained from=come from=

28、be based on=originate= go back to=have its origins in=have its roots in=derive from/be derived from=develop from/evolve from产生于. V.41. concern=worry=stress=anxiety=strain= a feeling of worry about something important关心,担心n.Cambridge4 TEST41. official=formal=authorized=on (the) record官方的,正式的 adj.2. a

29、thletic=physically strong and good at sport=fit=be in shape=be in good condition运动的 adj.3. intensive=involving a lot of activity, effort, or careful attention in a short period of time=rapid=crash course密集的,加强的 adj.4. burst=a short sudden effort or increase in activity=burst of anger/enthusiasm/temp

30、er etc 爆炸,突发 5. recognize=know=identify=pick out=tell认出,承认v.6. inadequate=not enough=too little=few=scarce=insufficient=be in short supply=lack of something=be short 不足的 adj.7. develop=come from=be based on=originate=go back to=have its origins in=have its roots in=derive from=be derived from=be fou

31、nded on=grow out of=develop from=evolve from发展,生长 v.8. enable=make something possible=allow=permit=pave the way for=clear the way for使能够 v.9. predict=anticipate=forecast=foretell=prediction=projected=guess in advance预测 v.10. specialist=someone who knows a lot about a particular subject, or is very s

32、killed at it=expert专家 n.11. theoretical=relating to the study of ideas, especially scientific ideas, rather than with practical uses of the ideas or practical experience理论的 adj.12. basic=fundamental=essential=central=underlying=simple=crude=primitive=rudimentary=unsophisticated=low-tech基本的 adj.13. nature=plants/animals etc=somebodys character=qualities of something=type自然 n.14. aim=purpose=point=idea=objective=object=go

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